02-694. � �R1G11�A�. Presented by Referred To RESOLUTION CITY OF SAfNT PAUL, MINNESOTA Council File # Q� . �Oqy Green Sheef # 200078 1�} Committee Date 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 An Administrative Resolution to establish the rate of pay for the new classification titled "Health Education-Administrative Assistant". RE30LVED, that the rate of pay for the class of Health Education-Administrative Assistant be established at the rate set forth in the Grade 015, of the Collective Bargaining Unit #06, Professional Employees Association, Salary Schedule and be it; FLJRTE�R RESOLVED, that this resolution shail take effect and be in force on the first pay period foilowing its passage and approval. Requested by Department oE Office of Humau Resource _ By: d G ����-- Form Approved by City Attomey � Adopted by CouncIl: Date `—( t�d Ap� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By . BY � a . � /'t, Date �3 _ JS ' for Class Wmk�f Iealth Educauan-Adrtun � ��s5"�. DEPARTMENTlOFF1CFlCOUNCII.: DATS II�ITSATED � Human Resources 5/30/02 GREEN SHEET No.: 200078 � 1 „�9� CONTACI PERSON & PHONE: L'IITfAIlDATE INSTTALDATE 7ohnShockley,266-6482���, i�e,am�tarnm acmco�rcu. nssictvID xcarwrmxrrer � cmcc�uc Mi1ST BE ON COUNCII, AGENDA BY (DATL� �� ROUTPIG �qNCfAI,y'ERYDIX FINANC41LS�tV/pCCiG ORDE6 3MhYDAIDRASSi.) TOTAL#OFSIGNATUREPAGES_1 (CLIPALLLOCATIONSFORSIGNATURE) acriox x�uESrsn: Approvat of resolution to establish the rate of pay for a new classification titled "�3ealth Education- Administrative Assistant" in Grade 015, of the Collective Bargaining Unit �I06, Professional Employees Association, Salary Schedule. RECOA�NDATlONS: APP�uve (A) aRelat (R) PERSONAI.SERVICE CONTRACLSMUSf ANSR'ERSFIEFOLSAWING QUESfIONS: 1. Hnihiapasan/5�enrnrwocked�mdaawnVactforthYi depucoa�t7 PI.ANNIbTGCOM�.IISSION Ya No _CIDCOMIvIITl'Efi 2. Elast6ispersoNfumever&madtymryloyeeT QVII.SERVICECAMI„IISSION Yc No — s. naestEispersudr Ya No 4. SstSispnsodFumatazgetedvendof.� Yes Ne — E�we,u sheet and attach to green sheet IPTITIATING PROBLEM, ISSiTE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, What, When, Where, Why): At the request of the Public IIealth Director, the Oflice of Human Resources was asked to study a position that is cunently allocated to the Health Educator II class. The scope of the position had siil8ed from health education to providing leadership, budget administration, development of goals and objectives, overall planning and coordination for the unit that is providing health education services to all programs and medical clinics at the 7uenemann Building. The position has also been assigned duties as an administrative assistant to the Health Administration Manager in providing grants management and grant development service� aiid in overseeing personai service � ��tt�t$. � y Q�� ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED ' The equitable compensation wiU be estab3ished far this new classification. �� � s� � 2D6� DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: , ' None. Funding has been provided by the County. There would be a salary increase of $139.81 biweekly �annually the cost would be $3,649.04. _ ------- °�� ° ' � DISADYANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: Equitable compensation will be nat be established for this new classification. TOTALAMOi3NTOFTRANSACfION: $139.HL�IWCC�CI}7 COST/ltEVENOEBUDGETED YeS $3,b49.04/annually FUNDING SOURCE: ACTIVITY NUMSER: I�'INANC7AL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) c:vsn���nci.nss�c�,�-snaweyva��s c�� w«kw�nt �e�;�-�,v� �...Pa � ��.-t�gy CLASSIFTCATION STUDY REPORT Class Studied: Incumbent: Date Studied: Health Educator II Peggy Torgerson December 28, 20Q1 Studied By: Karen Sanchez Persons Contacted: Incumbent and Immediate Supervisor APPROVAL OF'PHE Z .TION AND COMPEI3SATION PRACTICE LEADER: Z�� (/" Background In 7anuary 2001, the position began working half time as assistant to the Iiealth Administration Manager. Consequently, the work of the position has shifted from health education to health education and administration. The position now managesthe Maternal Child Health Special Projects Grant for Saint Pau] ($1.6 million), manages all personal service contracts for the Juenemann Building, Public Health Center at 555 Cedar, and performs other administrative assistant duties as assigned by the Health Administration Manager. Study Components Review of the}ob profile Interview with the incumbent and immediate supervisor Comparison with related classes and positions QES analysis Position Description 1. Performs and supervises the health education unit at the Juenemann Building. Performs health education services and supervises the day-to-day operations of the unit including preparing and administering the budget; developing unit goals, objectives, and work plan; overall planning and coordination; and providing health education services to all programs and medical clinics at the Juenemann Building. 2. Acts as administrative assistant to the Health Administration Manager, which includes the following: a. Mana�Zes the St. Paul Matemal Child Health Special Proj.ects Grant - administers a$1.6 million grant; provides technica] assistance to subgrantees/contractors, namely, HealthStart, Inc., Face to Page 1 of 3 o�.-��y Face Health and Counseling Service, and West Side Community Health Services; canducts annual site visits to subcontractors' locations; completes annual progress report and financial statement; develops grant specifications and application packets for subcontractors, establishing funding levels, monitoring quarterly financial statements, compiling applications, and submitting the City of Saint Paul application to the MN Dept. of Iiealth b. Mana¢es all personal service contracts at the Juenemann Bldg - administers 25-30 different contractswithvatuesrangingfrom$5,000-$300,040;writescontractspecificarionsand monitorsthe approval process; develops and maintains a system for monitoring contracts. c. Secures new grants or sources of funding for the above programs. 3. Provides agency-wideheatth education services such as developing brochures, dat�forms, patient satisfaction survey tools, etc. for individual clinical programs; assists in creating display for national conferences; collects and monitors data on various programs; provides support for a11 health programs at the 7uenemann Public Health Center, as needed, including one-on-one client education, community health education, and individual program patient recruiting. Provides technical expertise to the other staff and serves as community resource for health information on a variety of health topics. Comparison The position in question is allocated to the Health Educator II class in Grade 13 of the Professional Standard Ranges. The position was compared with the other health-related classes in Grades 13 to 16 of the Professional Standard Ranges. Based upon the comparisons, the posirion is most comparable to the Health Analyst class in Grade I S of the Professional Standard Ranges. The comparisons are as follows - The position in questaon has more responsibility than the Health Educator II ciass in Grade 13 ofthe Professional Standard Ranges. None of the Health Educator II positions supervise a unit and provide administrative assistance at the agency-wide level as does the position in quesrion. Some Health Educator II positions may supervise assigned staff, which is not the same level of responsibility as supervising a unit and perfomung additional responsibilities such as budgeting, problem solving, overall planning and coordination. The position in question has more responsibility than the Nutritionist II class in Grade 14 of the Professionai Standard Ranges. Although a Nuuitionist II position may supervise assigned staff, or may even supervise a unit or a small section of the nutrition program, the manager of nutrition is the position ultimately responsible for the program. This manager has technical expertise in nutrition. Whereas, the position in question reports to an administration manager, which position does not require technicaI expertise in health education. Consequently, the posirion in question acts as the technical expert in health education at the Juenemann Building. The position also provides agency- Page 2 of 3 0�-�9y wide admuristrative assistance which the Nutririonist II positions do not provide. The position in quesuon also has more responsibility than the other health-related classes in Grade 14 of the Professional Standazd Ranges such as the Nurse Practitioner-OB GYN, Public Heahh Nurse, and Social Worker. Although the positions in these classes, including the position in question, perform skilled or responsihle professional work, none have the additionai responsibility of supervising a unit and providing agency-wide administrative assistance. They may aci as lead workers and technical supervisors, which is not the same level ofresponsibility as a formai supervisor of a unit as does the position in question. The position provides agency-wide administrative assistance which the positions in these classes do not provide. The position in question is comparable to the Health Analyst class in Grade 15 of the Professional Standard Ranges. Although this title has not been used and the posipon is now vacant, the position in question compazes favorably with this class particularly in the grant writing and management responsibility. The responsibilities of the positon has shifted so that fifty percent of the work of the position is now involved with grant writing and management. Also, as administrative assistance to the Aealth Administration Manager, the position may be assigned work in planning, research, and studies similar to the Health Analyst duties. The position in question is not comparable to the Medical Records Administrator class. This position was recently studied and a recommendation was made that the Medical Records Administrator class be upgraded from Crrade 10 to 16 of the Professional Standard Rangers. Both the Medical Records Administrator position and the position in question perform skilled or responsible professional work, supervise a unit, and provide agency-wide administrative assistance. However, the Medical Records Administrator supervises two units - Vital Records and Medical Records, city and county-wide. Whereas, the position in question supervises the Fieahh Education at the Juenemann Building, but not the health education unit/function at theRamsey County Government Center WestBuilding. The recommended one-grade difference between the Medical Records Administrator (Grade 16) and the position in question (Grade 15) reflects the difference in the scope of responsibility between the two positions. QE5 Analysis The evaluation supports assigning the position in Crrade I S of the Professional Standard Ranges. Recommendation I recommend that a new class should be created in the Aealth Educator class series. The series currently consists of the Heahh Educator I& II. A third level should be added for a supervisory position. The new class may be titled Health Educator III, or a similaz title. Page 3 of 3 Proposed Tide of Class: HEALTH EDUCATION-ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT DESCRIP'I'ION OF WORK CODE: 229B BU: 06 Effective: 'v}'��y Genetal Statemem of Duties: Performs highly responsible work planning, coordinating, and directing the health education unit and providing highly s]dlled administrative assistance to ihe health a�t,++;*+;c+*afion manager or deparhnent director, and performs other related duties as assigned. Supervision Received: Works under the general supervision of the health adminisUation manager or department c3irector. Supervision Exercised: Exercises close to general and technical supervision over the heaith education staff. TI'PICAL DUTSES PERFORMED The listed e�camples may not include all the duties perfomied by all positi�s in flus class. Supervises the opentions and staff of the health education unit including administration, budgeting, overall planning and cflordination, establislvng unit goals and ob,}ectives, and developing and implemenring policies and procedures. Assigns, trains, evaluates, and supervises the work of the heaith education staff. Provides health education services including needs assessment, planning and implementing health education programs and activities, organizrng and coordinating health education meetings and conferences, and providing health education services to individuals, groups, and communities. Writes grants for, and manages ma}or health education programs. Provides agency-wide administrative assistance in such azeas as cont�act adttrinistration, grant writing and management, special proj ects management, special studies and reports and developing proposalslrecommendations. Acts as a subject matter eac�ert to the other Public Eiealth staff and outside agencies; provides in-service training; and acts as a community resource on a wide variety of health topics. K230WLEDGE, SKII.LS, ABILITIES, AND COMPETENCIES Considerable Irnowledge of the theories, principles, best practices, techniques, and methods of public health education, Considerable knowlege of grant writing and coatract administration process and procedures. Considerable knowledge of community agencies and resources. Working skill itt the use of applicable soRware packages. Considerable ability to plan, organize, and supervise the work of others. Considerable ability to plan, implement, and evaluate heaith education progtazns, special projects, studies, and reports. Considerable ability to collect, compile, analyze, and present data pertaining to health e3ucation planniag. Considerable ability to facilitate groups and teams. HEALTH EDUCATION ADMINISTRAINE ASSISTANT Page 1 Proposed Tide ofClass: HEALTH EDUCATION-ADMIIdISTRATIVE ASSISTANT CODE: 229B BU: 06 1 Effective: 03� Considerable ability to communicate effectively, both orally and in writing, and to make formal reports and presentations. Considerab]e ability to interact effectively with a wide variety of individuals, groups, and organizations. MInA4UM QUALIFICATTONS Bachelor's degree in community healih education or a related field and four years of responsible experience in Pj��B, implememing, and managing heakh education programs and activities including contract administratian, grant writing, and staff supervision. HEALTH EDUCATION ADIviI13ISTRATIVE ASSISTANT PaBe 2 5 �? % � CTI'Y OF SAINT PAUL RandyXe3ly, Mayor TO: FROM: DATE: RE: Rob Fuiton, Director Public Heaith Depamnent OFFICE OF HUMAN RESOURCES —_ 3 C� 0�'� y Katherine L Megmry. Intenm Di recio: g ��Z �'_ 400CiryHallAnn� Telephone: 651-2666500 25WenFour7hStreet Jobbne•: 651-166-Q502 Sm�rtPax�Minnuota 55101-1634 Farcrmile: 651-29L7656 7ohn H. Shockley, Classification and Compensation Manager Office of Human Resources May 2, 2002 Twenty Day Notice Pursuant to Ciry of Saint Paul, Civil Service Rule 3. (C) this memorandum is to inform you that the classification of Health Education-Administrative Assistant is being created. A resolution will be processed to establish the rate of pay in Grade 015 of the Professional Standazd Ranges, bazgaining unit 06 Salary Schedule. JSltf Attachments c vS1w«RC�m�ncLnsscomwu�t•sh«tlqvom�x cros woawdm Eauc.mo-ndmm.wcdemapd An Affumative Action Equal Opporiunity ADA Employer a��EaF�.�o��ES b�-�9`I KmherineL Megarry, InterimDirector CTTY OF SAINT PAUL RandyKelly,Moyar �OOCiryHa7lMnes Telephone: 65l-2666500 25WenFourthStreet Joblixe:: 651-26G6502 SairttPaubMinnesota 55102-1634 Fascimi(e: 651-292-7656 May 2, 2002 Charles E. Bethel, Business Representative Professional Employees Association, Inc. 360 Robert Street North, Suite 424 Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101 Re: Twenty Day Notice Dear Mr. Bethel: Pursuant to City of Saint Paul, Civil Service Rule 3. (C) this memorandum is to inform you that the classification of Health Education-Administrative Assistant is being created. A resolution wiil be processed to establish the rate of pay in Gsade O15 of the Professional Standard Ranges, bargaining unit 06 Salary Schedule. Sincerely, Jahn Fi. Shockley Classification and Compensation Manager Office of Human Resources JHS/tf Attachments c:�sa��c�•snata�yvon�: o.� wo�wwm cm,amn-�„mc�,..oya An Affimiative Action Equal Opporhwity ADA Empioyer , . ORIGiNAI. Presented Referred To RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Council File # � . �y Green Sheet # 200078 ��} Committee Date 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 An Administrative Resolurion to establish the rate of pay for the new classification titled "Health Education-Administrarive Assistant". RESOLVED, that the rate of pay for the class of Heaith Education-Administrative Assistant be established at the rate set forth in the Grade 015, of the Collective Bargaining Unit #06, Professional Employees Association, Salary Schedule and be it; FURTHER RESOLVED, that this resolution shall take effect and be in force on the first pay period 8 following its passage and approval. Requested by Depaztment of. Office of Human Resowce By__y��vU.K G �� Form Approved by City Attomey � Adopted by Council: Date �( t�e AP1 Adoption Certified by Council Secretary �,: By: � � . � � � Y � for Class Wo:k�ElealtLEduatiun-Adrtun � C��. � DEPARTMENT/OFFICF/COUNCII,: DATE INTfIATED GREEN SHEET NO.: ZOOO7H Human Resources 5/30/02 O Z-�q�{ CONTACf PERSON & PHONE: Il�IITfAi/DAiE Il�IlIIA7lDATE 7ohn Shockley, 266-6482��. ,n�e,�x,�rr� <c�rrc«m,cn. ASSIGI'1SD 2CI[YwTNANEY � CRYCLERK MUST BE ON COUNCII, AGENDA BY (DATL� ���� �� PpIqNCLV,SEttVDOt flNANC1AI.SERV/ACCIG ORDER 3MAYOR(ORASSL) TOTAL tt OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLiP ALL LOCATTONS FOR SIGNATURE) acizox �uESrEn: Approval of resolution to establish the rate of pay for a new classification titled "Health Education- Administrative Assistant" in Grade 015, of tUe Collective Bargaining Unit #06, Professional Employees Association, Salary Schedule. RECOI.MdEPIDATiONS: Appcwe (A) �Rej«t (R) PERSONAL SHRVICE CONTRACTSMUSf ANSWSR 7HE FOLIAWING QUESITONS: L FiasthispeaodfvmevcwolkedwdcaamLae[fathisdepmhemt? PLANNINGCOMb45SION Y�+ No — Cffi CAMI.97TEE 2. Iim tha Pcxa�/Ltm everbem a dry mployee? CIVII,SERVICECOMI.�fISSION Yea No 3. Ibesthispersodfum Possess askilt mtnmmell}'P� q' �Y �� ll�Y �P�%a� Yo No 4. Is Uils pesoNG� e ta�gatedva�da? Yc No — r.�.m,nr�.,o.��+�xn•••� s6eet and attach to green sheet I1vITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUIVITY (Who, What, When, Where, Why): At the request of the Public Health Director, the Office of Human Resources was asked to study a position that is cunently allocated to the Health Educator II class. The scope of the position had shifted from health education to providing leadership, budget admnristration, development of goals and objectives, overall planning and coordination for the unit that is providing health education services to all programs and medicai clinics at the Juenemann Building. The position has also been assigned duties as an administrative assistant to the Health Administration Manager in providing gants management and grant development service�anii in overseeing personal service contracts. �,. 88��g{ ADVANTAGES7FAPPROVED ' The equitable compensation will be established for this new classification. ��� ���62 �= DISADVANfAGES I£ APPROVED: , ' None. Funding has been provided by the County. There would be a salar}� increase of $139.81 biweekly �annuaily the cost would be $3,649.04. -- ------ �"° DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: Equitable compensation wili be not be established for this new classification. ror,wnMOUrrroFrRaivsacnox: $139.81/biweekly COST/REVENiTEBUDGETED: Yes $3,649.04/annually FUNDING SOURCE: ACTIVITY NIIMBER: FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIl� G:VShared�ClassiflCLASS\ConsuksN-S6o�IeyUdm's Class WakBieaNh Education-Admin Asstgs.u'pd aa-c�g4 CLASSIFICATION STUDY REPORT �J. Z - Z�� AND COMPENSATION PRACTICE LEADER: Background Class Studied: Incumbent: Date Studied: Health Educator II Peggy Torgerson December 28, 2001 Studied By: Karen Saochez Persons Contacted: Incumbent and Immediate Supervisor APPROVAL OF THE In January 2001, the position began working half time as assistant to the Health Administration Manager. Consequently, the work of the position has shifted from health education to health education and administration. The position now managesthe Matemal Child Health Special Projects Grant for Saint Paul ($1.6 million), manages all personal service contracts for the Juenemann Building, Public Health Center at 555 Cedar, and performs other administrative assistant duties as assigned by the Health Administration Manager. Study Components Review ofthe job profile Interview with the incumbent and immediate supervisor Comparison with related classes and positions QES analysis Position Description 1. Performs and supervises the health education unit at the Juenemann Building. Performs health education services and supervises the day-to-day operations of the unit including preparing and administering the budget; developing unit goals, objectives, and work plan; overall planning and coordination; and providing health education services to all programs and medical clinics at the 7uenemann Building. 2. Acts as administrative assistant to the Health Administration Manager, which includes the following: a. Mana�es the St. Paul Maternal Child Health Special Projects Cnant. - administers a$1.6 million grant; provides technical assistance to subgrantees/contractors, namely, HealthStart, Inc., Face to Page 1 of 3 o�.-�,y Face Health and Counseling Service, and West Side Community Health Services; conducts annuai site visits to subcontractors' locations; completes annual progress report and financial statement; develops grant specifications and application packets for subcontractors, establishing funding levels, monitoring quarterly financial statements, compiling applications, and submitting the City of Saint Paul application to the MN Dept. of Health. b. Mana eg s all personal service contracts at the Juenemann Bldg - administers 25-30 different contracts with values ranging from $5,000-$300,000; writes contract specifications and monitors the approval process; develops and maintains a system for monitoring conuacts. c. Secures new grants or sources of funding for the above programs. 3. Provides agency-wide health education services such as developing brochures, dat� forms, patient satisfaction survey tools, etc. for individual clinical programs; assists in creating display for narional conferences; collects and monitors data on various programs; provides support for all health programs at the 7uenemann Public Health Center, as needed, including one-on-one client education, community health education, and individual program patient recruiting. Provides technical expertise to the other staff and serves as community resource for health information on a variety of health topics. Comparison The position in question is allocated to the Health Educator II class in Grade 13 of the Professional Standard Ranges. The position was compared with the other health-related classes in Grades 13 to 16 of the Professional Standud Ranges. Based upon the comparisons, the position is most compazable to the Health Analyst class in Grade 15 of the Professional Standard Ranges. The comparisons aze as follows - The position in question has more responsibility than the Health Educator II class in Grade 13 of the Professional Standard Ranges. None ofthe Health Educator II positions supervise a unit and provide administrative assistance at the agency-wide level as does the position in quesrion. Some Health Educator II positions may supervise assigned staff, which is not the same level of responsibility as supervising a unit and performing additional responsibilities such as budgeting, problem solving, overall planning and coordination. The position in question has more responsibility than the Nutritionist II class in Crrade 14 of the Professional Standazd Ranges. Atthough a Nutritionist II position may supervise assigned staff, or may even supervise a unit or a small section of the nutrition prograzn, the manager of nutrition is the position ultimately responsible for the progam. This manager has technical expertise in nutrition. Whereas, the position in quesrion reports to an administrarion manager, which position does not require technical expertise in health education. Consequently, the position in question acts as the technical expert in health education at the Juenemann Building. The position also provides agency- Page 2 of 3 0�-�•9`I wide administrative assistance which the Nutritionist II positions do not provide. The position in questian also has more responsibility than the other health-related classes in Grade 14 of the Professional Standard Ranges such as the Nurse Practitioner-OB GYN, Public Health Nurse, and Social Worker. Although the positions in these classes, including the position in question, perform skilled or responsible professional work, none have the additional responsibility of supervising a unit and providing agency-wide admisustrative assistance. They may act as lead workers and technicai supervisors, which is not the same level ofresponsibility as a formal supervisor of a unit as does the position in question. The position provides agency-wide administrative assistance which the positions in these classes do not provide. The position in question is comparable to the Health Analyst class in Grade 15 ofthe Professionai Standazd Ranges. Although this title has not been used and the position is now vacant, the position in question compares favorably with this ciass particularly in the grant writing and management responsibi3ity. The responsibilities of the positon has shifted so that fifty percent of the work of the position is now involved with grant writing and management. Also, as administrative assistance to the Health Administration Manager, the position may be assigned work in planning, research, and studies similar to the Health Analyst duties. The position in question is not comparable to the Medical Records Administrator class. This position was recently studied and a recommendation was made that the Medical Records Administrator class be upgraded from Crrade 10 to 16 of the Professional Standard Rangers. Both the Medical Records Administrator position and the position in question perform skilled or responsible professional work, supervise a unit, and provide agency-wide administrative assistance. FIowever, the Medical Records Administrator supervises two units - Vital Records and Medical Records, city and county-wide. Whereas, the position in question supervises the Health Education at the 7uenemann Building, but not the health education unitJfunction at theRamsey County Govemment Center WestBuild'mg. The recommended one-grade difference between the Medical Records Adminisuator (Grade 16) and the position in question (Grade 15) reflects the difference in the scope of responsibility between the two positions. QES Analysis The evaluation supports assigning the position in Grade 15 of the Professional Standard Ranges. Recommendation I recommend that a new class should be created in the Health Educator class series. The series currently consists of the Health Educator I& II. A third level should be added for a supervisory position. The new class may be titled Health Educator III, or a similar title. Page 3 of 3 Proposed Title of Class: IiEALTH EDUCATION-ADMIIdISTRATNE ASSISTANT DESCRIpITON OF WORK CODE: 229B BU: 06 Effective: ��''`ay General Statement of Duties: Performs Irighly responsible work planning, coordinating, and directing the health education unit and providing Irighly sldlled administiative assistance to the health a inicfrafipn II13D3�CL Or �3t�Oe11L d17CCt07� and performs other related duties as assigned. Su�ervision Received' Works under the general supervision of the health administration manager or department director. S�ervision Exercised: Exercises close to genera] and technical supervision over the heahh education staff. TYPICAL DUT�S PERFORMED The listed e�mples may not include all the duties perfomied by all positions in tlris class. Supervises the operations and staff of the health education unii including administration, budgeting, overall planning and coordination, establislung unit goals and objectives, and developing and implementing policies and procedures. Assigns, trains, evaluates, and supervises the work of the heaith education staff. Provides health education services including nceds assessment, planning and implementing health education programs and activities, organizing and coordinating healih education meetings and conferences, and providing health education services to individuals, groups, and communities. Writes grants for, and manages major health education programs. Provides agency-wide administrative assistance in such azeas as contract administrarion, grant writing and management, special projects management, speciai studies and reports and developiag proposals/recommendations. Acts as a subject mauer eapert to the other Public Heakh staff and outside agencies; provides in-service training; and acts as a community resowce on a wide variety of health topics. KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, ABII,ITIES, AND COMPETENCIES Considerable lrnowledge of the theories, principles, best practices, techniques, and methods of public health education. Considerable lmowlege of gant writing and contract a�n»fion process and procedures. Considerable laiowledge of community ageacies and resources. Working skill in the use of applicable software packages. Considerable ability to plan, organize, and supervise the work of others. Considerable ability to p1an, unplement, and evaluate health educarion progtams, special projects, studies, and reports. Considerable ability to collect, compile, analyze, and present data pertaining to health education planning. Considerable ability to faci}itate groups and teams. HEALTH EDUCATION-ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Page 1 Proposed Title of Class: HEALTH EDUCATION-ADMINISTRATIVE ASSI3TAI�T CODE: 229B BU: �6 Effective: 0�- �+ Considerable ability to communicate effectively, both orally and in writing, and to make fotmat reports and presentations. Considerabie ability w interact effectively with a wide variety of individuals, groups, and organi7ations. D�IIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Bachelor's degree m community heahh educarion or a related field and four years of responsible experience in planning, implementing, and managing health education programs and acavities including contract administration, grant writing, and staff supervision. HEALTH EDUCATION-ADMiNISTRATIVE ASSISTANT PaBe 2 S a? � � CITY OF SAINT PAUL RandyKe(ly, Mayor TO: FROM: DATE: RE: Rob Fulton, Director Public Health Department O£fTCE OF HUMAN RESOURCES Kctherine L Megarry. Tnterim IhYector t00CityHaIIMnec 25 WestFounh Street SointPmtl,Minnesom SSIOLl634 _. ; � 5 Q.l.-(.9�{ � ��? . _ Telephone: 651-266-6500 Jobbne:: 651-2666502 Fascimile; 651-29L7636 7ohn H. Shockley, Classification and Compensation Manager Office of Human Resources May 2, 2002 Twenty Day Notice Pursuant to City of Saint Paul, Civil Service Rule 3. (C) this memorandum is to inform you that the classification ofHealth Education-Administrative Assistant is being created. A resolution will be processed to establish the rate of pay in Grade O15 of the Professional Standazd Ranges, hazgaining unit 06 Salary Schedule. JS/tf Attachments c:�sn��mciw�ncenss�cm�wmn-snom�s'aown a� wonwwm em�onm-nmm� a,n.a�yc.�ea An Affirmative Action Fqual Opportunity ADA Employer OFFICE OF HUMAt� RESOURCES ba-�9`'� KatherineL Mega,ry, Interim Director CITY OF SAII�IT PAUL RandyKelly, Mayor f00CityHallAnnec Telephone: 651-266-6500 25WestFOUnhSdeet JobBne:: Q51-2666502 SaintPm�Minnesota 55102-1634 Farcimile: 65I-29Y7Q56 May 2, 2002 Charles E. Bethel, Business Representative Professional Employees Association, Inc. 360 Robert Street North, Suite 424 Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101 Re: Twenty Day Notice Deaz Mr. Bethel: Pursuant to City of Saint Paul, Civil Service Rule 3. (C) this memorandum is to inform you that the classification of Heatth Education-Administrative Assistant is being created. A resolution will be processed to establish the rate of pay in Grade O15 of the Professional Standard Ranges, bargaining unit 06 Salary Schedule. Sincerely, 7ohn H. Shockley Classification and Compensation Manager Office of Human Resources 7HS/tf Attachments ��smo���ct.nssc�.w�+n-snxt�r�otes cm. woavtwm �-� n.e�n..oya An Affumative Action Equal Oppommity ADA Employer