02-693ORIGINAL rmsenced Referred To Committee Date 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 FURTHER RESOLVED, that this resotution shall take effect and be in force on the first pay period 8 following its passage and approval. Requested by Department o£ Office of Human Reso �,: '�// �'�- C " G-u,/�z—� Form Agproved by City Attorney � �`-,� Date )( ' �$ � Council File # �,'�, - ( Green S6eet # 200076 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �3 An Administrative Resolution changing the rate of pay for the class rifled Water Quality Supervisor in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation RESOLVED, that the rate of pay for the classification of Water Quality Supervisor be changed from the rate set forth in Grade 022 to Grade 025, ofBargaining Unit 09, Saint Paul Supervisors Organization Salary Schedule in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation, and be it � Adopted by Council: Date � Z� Adoption Certified by Council Secret r� ^t., lTc7 ) M1' DEPARTMENT/OFF(CF/COUNCIL: DATE INITIATED `/ Human Resources 5/31/02 GREEN SHEET No.: 200076 0 � ' `q3 CONTACf PERSON & PHONE: II�Il77ni/DA7E Il�R7ALDA7E ShCi13 WilllamS 266-6520 1 DEPARTMENf DOL _ ` � Sy`"`-- a c��c«�ca John Shockley 266-6482 ,�civso xcarnrrowaer cirrc�uc NUMBERFOR MUSTBEOPICOUNCII,AGENDA BY(DA'L� 8ocr[nvG �cw.s�cvnm t�wnr�cw.sacwwccr� oitnEa 3MAYOR(ORASSfJ TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES_1 (CLIP ALL I.00ATTONS FOR SIGNATURE) wcrlox �teQVSSrEn: Appmvat of the Resoluuon changing the rate of pay for the classi5ed Water Quality Supervisor titte for Saint Paul Regional Water Services from Grade 22 to Grade 25 of the Saint Paul Supervisors Organization, Bazgaining Unit 09, Salary Schedule. RECObA4ENDATfONS: Approve (A) orRejeU (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACI'SM[ISf ANSWER7HE FOLLOWING QUESTfONS: l. Hasihispasodfumevawohedwdcaeontrae[fori}usdepazm�m2 PLHNNINGCOMIvIISSION Yc No CIBCOMHIII7EE 2. Assthispasodfumeverbemaaryevryloyee+ CIVII,SERVICECOM[.955ION Ya No 3. DoesthispersodFumpossessaskillootno`mallYPosessedb�'mSamrntciry�ployee� Yes No 4. Is this pvsodfum a targetedveodM Yes No Esplaie all yes answers on ttpan4 sheet end attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUA'ITY (Kfio, What, Wheq Where, Why): This action is based on a study of the e�cisting Water Quality Supervisor position prompted by the Saint Paul Regional Water Services. This study included an evaluation using the City's QES job evaluation system. The General Manager identified increased responsibilities which aze performed by this position. This position is also required to maintain a Water Supply Certification as mandated by the State of Minnesota. wnvarrTacES ►F nrrxovEn: Approval of this resolution will allow for equitable compensation for this position and aide the Saint Paul Regional Water Services in meeting the State water certification requ'uements. DISADVANT�AGESIFAPPROVED:NOIIE. � �`��� . �•�: �� ����� � zooz ' °� t°€s� �� � nisauv.uvzaces iF xoz nrrxovsn: Appropriaie compensation will not be established. Water Supply Certification standards may not be met. �(°�'1r ���(� �i ��� -,� ..-,�. �_T--- TOTALAMOIJNTOFTRANSACfION: �1H�I.H2 UI-WBe�y // COST/REVENUE BUDGETED: Yes � i L d� - G2��'.�j''"'^"_,� FUNDING SOURCE: ACTIVITY NUMBER: FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAII� G:�Shared�C7assiflCLASS\Consultan[-WilliamsLSLeila's Clast Work1D Schuler-w Qual Supvr StudyBeRes\W Qual Supvr GmsLeetwpd � ��, OfF10E OF kIUMAN RFSOURCES oa- c.q3 ' Ka[6erine L. Megazry, Intuim Director CTTY OF SAINT PAUL Raudy Kelly, Mayor TO: FROM: DATE: RE: 400 City Hall Annex 25 West Fourtf� Street SaintPaul, Minnesota 55102-1634 Bernie Bullert, General Manager Saint Paui Regional Water Services Sheila Wiiliams, HR Consultant Office of Human Resources March 7, 2002 Twenty Day Notice Telephone: 651-266-6500 Jobline:: 651-266fi502 Facsimile. 65 ] -292J656 It has been determined that the classification of Water Quality Supervisor should be assigned to a new salary grade, grade 25 instead of gade 22, based on the recent job study. Pursuant to City of Saint Paul, Civi] Service Rule 3. (C) this memorandum is to inform you that the following change, in grade from 22 to grade 25, is being made to the Water Quality Supervisor titie. Please consider this change in salary grade assigned and contact me if there are any questions or concerns at 266-6520. If there aze no questions or concems, please sign below and return to me. SPSO will be informed via a copy of this memorandum. I have received this memorandum and wish to waive the time remaining on this Twenty-Day Public Notice. Name Date cc: L Helga Kess]er OFF7CE OF HUMAN RESOURCES 7ohn Hamilton, D'uutor CTTY OF SAIlV'f PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor aoo c�ry r�u n�e: 25 West Fourth Street Saint Panl, Minnesom 55102-1634 TO: Bemie Bullert, General Manager Saint Paul Regional Water Services FROM: Sheila Williams, HI2 Consultant Office of Human Resources DATE: Febmary 26, 2002 RE: CLASSIFICATION STUDY RESULT O�- 693 Telephone: 612Q66-6500 7'DDlITY: 612-266-6507 Jobline: 612-266-6502 Facsimile: 672-292-7656 We have completed our study of the Water Quality Supervisor position held by David Schuler. We have reviewed relevant job information, interviewed the incumbent and immediate supervisor, and compazed the position with related classes and positions. This study indicates that the position is working at the 25 grade within Water Quality Supervisor classification. Should you choose to implement this action, you will need to initiate a requisition and send it through the required process. If you choose not to implement this, you can undertake other measures to keep the position at the current level. The process can be simple or involved depending upon the needs of a particular study. It may involve any one or a combination of the following: restructuring the duties of the studied position to reassign higher-level duties to other positions, modifying existing processes and procedures, or studying an entire unit - its structure, functions, and operations - for the possibility of a reorganization. It is the adopted policy of the City to compensate or pay employees only after all authorization from City Council has been received, if necessary, and/or all required documentation has been completed and approved by the department and Human Resources. Awazding back pay or compensating employees retroactively to a date prior to all approval and authorization being completed, such as the origjnal deternunation date by Human Resources, is not an option, even in the instance of inaction by a department. If you have any questions or need assistance in this matter, please call me at 266-6520. Cc: Steve Schneider G.\Uun�$wiltiam\ClassnResuhs�DSchnler WQSlipvr Smdy.wpd oa -�g 3 CLASS STUDIED: INCUMBENT: S1'UDIED BY: DATE STUDIED: CLASSIFICATION ST'UDY REPORT Water Quality Supervisor David Schuler Sheila VJiliiams February 6, 2002 PERSONS CONTACTED: APPROVAL OF % � �y _ -2� >_. 1� '(Signature) David Schuler, Incumbent Bernie Bullert, General Manager, SPRWS AND COMPENSATION MANAGER: Background A job profile was submitted by the incumbent of this single incumbent position title requesting a review of the current duties to determine the appropriate compensation for the classification. According to classification files, the position was last studied in 1984. This position is in the water quality laboratory at the McCarron WaterTreatment Plant of the Saint Paul Regional Water Services (SPRWS/RWS). A review of the scope and level of responsibilities will be conducted to deternune the appropriate salary gzade and related compensation. Studv Comnonents Review of job profile Interview with incumbent Interview with supervisor Comparison to class specifica6ons Comparison to other positions QES evaluation and analysis Recommendation oa -6q� .Tob Description As Water Quality Supervisor, this position is expected to plan, coordinate, monitor and implement the water quality measures for current and ongoing water production activities for the entire Saint Paul Regional Water Services. Laboratory testing, water treatment planning, quality conuoi, operations and reseazch activities aze conducted by staff. This posiaon impacts laboratory testing, water treatment, quality control and operations at the McCarron Treatment Plant. Water is supplied to Saint Paul and surrounding communities. Identified changes in responsibility include the management of: watershed control systems; planning and design of conuol options; process engineering; and chemical inventory and feed systems. The specific responsibilities of this posirion include: Supervises the implementation and operation of watershed control treatments throughout the production system to include chemical systems. Oversight of instrument calibration, treatment mixing and computerized statistical process control. 2. Manages, maintains and reports data for operator/laboratory, analysis, problem solving, modeling and information creation. Manages and supervises the water guality staff. I.eads, trains and directs production staff in the performance of quality related duties. 4. Evaluates and designs treatment systems for water supply and production. Administers chemical, research, safe water and project production contracts. 6. Conducts and manages research activities. Communicates intemally and extemal to SPRWS. Implements processes, procedures, regulations impacting water quality. Maintains the Laboratory Information Management System designed to uack, record and report laboratory and SCADA activities. Generally, the current duties assigned to this position reflect the typical range of functions assignedtotheWaterQualitySupervisortitle. WaterQualityeffortsazeaccomplishedbythe coordinated efforts of Distribution, Producuon, Engineering and Information Services divisions/unit of RWS. Q.E.S. comparison shows different ratings for: Aazards and Stress, Contacts, Personnel Authority and Units Supervised factors. b�-693 Comparison to Class Specifications Water Oualitv Su ervisor Establishes and directs the water treatment program. 2. Monitors quality of treated water and directs changes in quality control procedures. Ensures quality and compliance with the requirements of regulatory agencies. 4. Directs and supervises laboratory staff regazding laboratory procedures and work schedule; instructs staff in the use and interpretation of laboratory test results. 5. Directs and supervises plant operators in the proper amounts and schedules for chemical treatment. Prepares specifications for and proposals to acquire treatment chemicals laboratory equipment and materials. 7. Directs and participates in research on materials and methods for more efficient and effective chemical treatment of water. 8. Provides technical expertise and advice to other divisions within the department. 9. Represents the Water utility on water quality and operations issues to the Minnesota Department of Health, other federal, state and local agencies and the media. Typical duties assigned to this title remain the responsibility of this position. In addition, there is responsibility for coordinating the water quality efforts occurring at the watershed locations of the SPRWS production system. The position supervises treatment control and chemical measurements, manages related data, manages the application of current and future regulations and acts as part of the central management team for SPRWS. Comnarison to Other Positions Water Quality Supervisor is the ride responsible for managing the water quality laboratory located at the McCarron Water Plant. Titles that report direcdy to this position include the W ater Quality Specialists (I through IIn, Laboratory Technician and Water I.aboratory Aide. Water Quality Specialists perForm the most of the ongoing professional work in areas of research, problem solving, planning and monitoring of water quality efforts. O �-- �`l3 In addition, technicians in the plant are trained and/or directed by the position under review. Titlesinclude: WaterTreatmentPlantOperator,ChemicalFeedSystemRepairer,Watershed Supervisor I and Water Utility Worker I. Positions that have similar and related types of management,planning,developmentand/orprofessionalresponsibilityinclude: WaterPlant Production Supervisor, Civil Engineer IV and Division Manager. Water Plant Production Supervisor These positions aze expected to supervise labor and technician work in water production maintenance and operations. They monitor the daily activities of the treatment plant and pumping stations, supervise operations and maintenance staff. They ensure that pumping, calibration, chemical feed, filtration, maintenance and water cleaning activities aze performed. Coordinarion of employee schedules, repairs, maintenance, equipment installation/maintenance and building upgrades occurs. A Water Plant Production Supervisor is distinguished from a Water Quality Supervisor by the expectation to supervise staff versus management of a section. Further, the position being studied has responsibilities that go beyond the immediate laboratory being supervised to include presentations, a management team role, representation of the utility to external organizations, planning and development. Q.E.S. factors that differ aze: Knowiedge Required, Effect of Actions, Mental Effort, Impact on Policies and Procedures, Consequence of Enor, Surroundings, Personnel Authority and Units Supervised. Civil EnQineer IV Positions in this title typically act as an assistant to a division head in the utility to manage broad functions, projects or activiues of the area. They aze expected to develop plans, execute directives and coordinate activities. Typical duties duties performed included: Assists in the administration of engineering work in a major division of the Water Utility. 2. Supervises the designs, pians, specifications and esUmates of costs of the VJater Utility Distribution, Production and Engineering units. 3. Assigns and supervises the work of engineers, technicians, draftspersons and other assigned personnel. 4. Supervises the work of main and water connection crews and treatment, pumping and water resource crews on all maintenance, consiruction, repair and emergency work. 5. Consults with other City departments, utility companies, state agencies, consulung engineers, architects and others who may be involved in Water Utility matters. O�.- `q3 6. Assigns and supervises the prepazation of plans and specifications for contract work. 7. Assigns and supervises the inspection of contract work to see that such work is in accordance with plans and specifications. 8. Makes reports and recommendations. Duties 2,3,4,5 and 8 aze similar to expectations for the studied position. The position being reviewed supervises water quality plans that aze executed by the laboratory staff; work is assigned to laboratory, watershed and plant staff (watershed and plant staff may be via the immediate supervisor); monitors the upgrades of systems for treatment processing and testing; consults within the City or externally to ensure standards and quality are maintained; and prepazes reports on change, status and future activities. Q.E.S. factors which differ between Civil Engineer and the current Water Quality Supervisor ratings are: Effect of Actions, Mental Effort, Impact on Policies and Procedures, Contacts, Personnel Authority and Units Supervised. Division Manaeer - Water Utility As manager of one of the key funcUOns within SPRWS, these posiUOns perform managerial work in providing overall administrative direction, organization, planning and evaluation for a division of the utility. Currently, there aze four division manager positions assigned to the Production, Distribution, Engineering and Business divisions. Typical duties include: Participates in and directs the development, implementation and ongoing execution of a variety of Water Utility programs. 2. Directs the daily operations of a major Water Utility division, including deternuning and authorizing emergency procedures to assure a safe and continuous supply of treated water; and oversees land matters, the issuance of pernuts and special projects. Prepares a general operating budget for a major Water Utility division; allocates all resources within the division. 4. Plans and directs on-the job work, skill and safety training within the division. 5. Prepazes specifications for materials and equipment to operate the division. 6. Oversees employee development, pianning, staffing and related activities for a division of the Water Utility; participates in all personnel activities and decisions within the division. Oi - Vq3 Prepares reports and recommendations to the General Manager for short term and long range improvements of service and operating condiUons of the division; maintains appropriate maps and records for the division. Positions under this title have more responsibility for the long term pianning and costing initiatives required to manage a division. Division managers in Production and Distribution have more significant labor management issues; Engineering has significant issues concerning both technical and labor. The water quality laboratory consistently has the most complicated and crucial technical issues since failures can impact the general public in the Saint Paul regional area. Comparison of the Q.E.S. factors indicates differences in: Mental Effort, Amount of Discretion, Consequence of Error, Hazards and Stress, Surroundings, Personnel Authority and Units Supervised. CONCLUSION As Water Quality Supervisor, this position must manage a quality assurance and quality control program for the drinking water of the Saint Paul Region. This position is distinguished from any other manager titles within SPRWS or the City by the unique role it is assigned. Comparison of the scope and level of responsibility indicates the position is similar to the Civil Engineer N classificaUon and should be compensated similarly. O. E. S. Evaluation and Anal� The QES analysis supports grade 25 being asigned to the Water Quality Supervisor classification. Recommendation It is recommended that the position remain in the Water Quality Supervisor classification with an upgrade to grade 25 in the Saint Paul Supervisors Organization bazgaining unit (9). The CiTy of Saint Paul Job Classification O�.-6q3 Proposed Titie of Class: WATER OUALITY SUPERVISOR CODE: 621A BU: 09 Effective: DESCRIPTION OF WORK General 5tatement of Duties: Performs responsible supervisory and lvghly-sldlled professional work in plazmiug, coordinating, and implementing laboratory testing, water treatrnent, quality control, operations and research at the Water Treahnent Plant; and performs related duties as assigned. Suoervision Received: Works under the administrative supervision of a division manager. Suoemsion Exercised: Exercises general and technical supervision over laboratory operations and maintenance personnel. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all the duties performed by all positions in this class. Establishes and directs the water treatrnent program. Monitors quality ofueaxed water and directs changes in quality control procedures. Ensures quality and compliance with the requirements oF regulatory agencies. Directs and supervises laboratory staff regarding ]aboratory procedures and work schedule; instructs staff in the use and interpretation of laboratory test results. Directs and supervises plant operators in the proper amounts and schedules for chemical treatment. Acts as Assistant Production Plant Manager. Assists in the administration work in the Production Division. Directs the Production Plant in the absence of the Production Division Manager. Prepares specifications for and proposals to acquire treatment chemicals, laboratory equipment and materials. Directs and participates in research on materials and methods for more efficient and effective chemical treatment of water. Provides technical �pertise and advice to other divisions within the department. Represents the Water iJtility on water qualiry and operations issues to the Minnesota Department of Health, other federal, state, and local agencies and the media. KNOWLEDGE, SHILLS, ABILTTIES, AND COMPETENCIES WATER QUALTTY SUPERVISOR Page 1 Proposed Title of Class: WATER OUALITY SUPERVISOR CODE: 621A Bu: 09 ��. � Effective: Thorough lrnowledge of chemical laboratory analysis, water quality assurance and quality wntrol. Considerable }mowledge of water treatrnent plant operations, processes and procedures. Considerable Imowledge of related federal, state and local laws, rules and regulations. Considerable l�owledge of new concepts, technology and innovations in water treatment and quality control. Thorough sldll in the use of water testing equipment in a laboratory. Thorough ability to determine the nature and source of contaminations. Considerable ability to supervise and evaluate the capabiliries of laboratory and operations personnel. Considerable ability to make expeditious decisions for corrective action. Considerable ability to conduct research, analysis, and studies on water treatrnent. Considenble abiliry to develop and implement policies and procedures. Considerable ability to communicate effectively both orally and in writing. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Bachelor's degree in chemistry, biology, microbiology, or environmental engineering and six years of experience, at least three years of which must have been as a Water Quality Specialist III. Must have a valid Minnesota Class D driver's license or equivalent out-of-state driver's license with no restrictions or revocations for moving violations within the two-year period prior to the date of appoinhnent. Must have a Mimiesota Class A Water Supply Operator Certificate within three years of appoinhnent. (No substitution for education.) WAT'ER QUALIT'I' SUPERVISOR Page 2 The City of Saint Paul Job Classification Oa• ``13 Title of Class: Water Oualitv Suoervisor s 4 � � ���� OFWORK ��'�iav��� CODE: 621A BU: 09 Effective: OS/26/1999 General Statement of Duties: Performs responsible supervisory and highly-skilled professional work in planning, coordinating, and implemenring laboratory testing, water treahnent, quality wntrol, operations, and research at the Water Treatrnent Plant; and performs related duties as assigned. Suoervision Received: Works under the administrative supervision of a division manager. Sunervision Exercised: Exercises general and technical supervision over laboratory and operations personnel. TYPICAL DUTIES The listed examples may not include all the duties performed by all positions in this class. Establishes and directs the water treatment program. Monitors quality of treated water and directs changes in quality control procedures. Ensures quality and compliance with the requuements of regulatory agencies. Directs and supervises laboratory staff regarding laboratory procedures and work schedule; instructs staff in the use and interpretation of laboratory test results. Directs and supervises plant operators in the proper amounts and schedules for chemical treatrnent. Prepazes specifications for and proposals to acquire treatrnent chemicals, laboratory equipment and materials. Directs and participates in research on materials and methods for more efficient and effective chemical treatrnent of water. Provides technical expertise and advice to other divisions within the department. Represents the Water Utility on water quality and operations issues to the Minnesota Department of Health, other federal, state, and local agencies, and the media. KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, ABILITIES, AND Thorough laiowledge of chemical laboratory analysis, water quality assurance, and quality control. Considerable lmowledge of water treatment plant operations, processes, and procedures. Considerable laiowledge of related federal, state, and local laws, rules and regulations. Considerable lmowledge of new concepts, technology, and innovations in water treatment and quality controi. Thorough skill in the use of water testing equipment in a laboratory. Thorough ability to determine the nature and source of contanvnations. Water Quality Supervisor Page 1 Title of Class: Water Oualitv Suoervisor CODE: 621A Bu: 09 oY6q3 Effective: OS/26/1999 Considerable ability to supervise and evaluate the capabilities of laboratory and operations personnel. Considerable ability to make eacpedirious decisions for conective action. Considerable ability to conduct research, analysis, and sludies on water treahnent. Considerable ability to develop and implement policies and procedures. Considerable ability to communicate effectively both orally and in writing. 1�IINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Bachelor's degree in chemistry, biology, microbiology, or environmental engineering and siz years of experience, at least three years of which must haue been as a Water Quality Specialist III. Must have a Minnesota Class B Water Supply Operator Certificate within rivo years of appointment. (No substitution for education.) Water Ouality Supervisor Page 2