257967 �e�c�if,.�To etrr c�ertK ���ll�� ,.- CITY OF ST. PAUL �u"�'� NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK , f �. COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESEI�TfD BY � G�, COMNf1551 ONE �%� ATe i WHEREAS, THE Western Regional Conference of the American Association of Zoological Parks and Aquariimms is being held at Tucson, Arizona, from April 16 through 19, 1972; and WHEREAS, A list of Como Zoo "Surplus" and "Want" animals is oa file in the office of the Citq/Countq Purchasing Agent, with the values being established by the Commnissioner of Parks and Recreation and Public Buildings; now, therefore, be it,� RESOLVED, that Carlo A. Pyhaluoto, Como Zoo Foreman, be hereby suthorized to attend the conference of the American Association of Zoological Parks and Aquariums at Tucson, Arizona, and to negotiate for the sale of said animals at a price of not less than the value indicated an the "Surplus" list, and to aegotiate for the purchase of animals on the "Want" list. The lists are as follows: SURPLUS ANIMALS 1.1 Spotted Leopards, adult male and female, Asiatic, about seven years old, aot breeding for us -- $900/pr. or $450 each 1.0 Clouded Leopard, adult male, about 8 years old -- $1,500 1.0 Lesser (red) Panda, trade for female -- $1,500 WANT LIST 1.1 Snaw Leopards, Panthera uucia l.l Ch�ese Leopards, long hair 2 Harbor Seals 4 Humboldt or Magellan Penguin� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Naya Butler Caxlson Approve� 19— Levine T*+ Favor Meredith Sprafka Mayor Tedesco A8'Ainst Mr. President, McCarty M �� (' � �r:tion C� �1 ft:;st, �c�k�� �� ;, � i1Rt6INAL TO CITY CL6RK �5���� r CITY OF ST. PAUL �LE Nc�� NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK . COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMI6115510NER DATE Parks Dept. , Animal Surplus & Want List, page 2 4 Manchurian blue-eared pheasants 0.2 Adult Ostrich hens now therefore, be it FURTHER RESOLVID, That final confirmation of any sale or purchase of animals must be made through the City of St. Paul Purchasing Department. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counei� AP R 5 197?9_ Yeas Nays � 1972 Butler e�--R �arlse��-�`°--�'-�-uti`-�-z. p 19— Levine Favor Mere�_ Sprafka '� Mayor Tedesco ASainst �su,� � � .�..'�,�'� Mr. Vice President Merediti� pUBLISHEO APR 15 197Z ��