257916 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLBRK 25�791� � CITY OF ST. PAUL F,OE NCIL NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RES LUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTEDiY RpgeI' M• COAW� COMMISSIONE DATF WHERFAS� the final costs for the installation of Curbing at the intersection of Gr�nd Ave., and Smith Ave., Comptr�ller's Contract L-7485, have been determined� and WHEREAS� upan fiaal �llocation of funds from which the above improvement was tc be paid, it was found that the amount origina].ly set up for its financing is insufficient to meet the fin�l. costs and that an additional amount of $1285.47 will be required, therefore be it� RESOLVED, that the amount of $1285.47 be applied from the Public Works Pro3ect Contingency Fund to finance the additional cost of the above i�nprovement. c-.o515 , I�O�M. �� � C� D ' /asst. r =; , � ' �'� . 72 � i APR 4 19 19- C O U N C I L M E N A d o p t e d b y t h e C o u n c 1 Yeas Naye APR ? 19�� Butler Zr�l� pp e 19� Levine �n Favor i�f�r�itir-- Sprafka (� yor A gainat Tedesco Mr. Vice President Meredith pUBUSH�D APR 151912 � DUTLICAT<TO lRINRR ` ��1��� CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi< <�� �•� ` OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F��E NO COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM r�s�e�r Rog�r M. Co�wa� COMMISSI NER. ^ATE . WH�E�4S� the final coats for the installation of Cs�rbiag at the intsrseatioa ot QrAnd Ave.� and Smith Ave.� Comptroller's Contract L�►7485� have been d�t�x�mined� and W 'Hr:RFd►S� upon final allacation oi' funda Yrom which the above improv�ment rraa to b� paid, it ras iound that th� amcunt originally eet up for ite finanaing ir inaufficient to meet the Final co�t+� and that an additional amount of �128$.�� r►ill be required� therefore be it� � R�SOLVEll, that the �mount of �1285.47 b� applied from th� �'ublic '�orka Pro��ct Contiagtncy �nd to finance the additional cost oY the above improvement. c-0515 APR 4 1912 COUNCII.MEN Adopted by the Co»ncil 19_ Yeas Nays Butler � APP�oa�PR 7 19T2 19� Levine Tn Favor aR,.�._�elt Sprafka � Mayor A gainat Tedeaco ,.. ���M �lir. lfice President Meredith ��