257909 Orlsinst to City Clerk , � i � ORDINANCE . � t �5��i���� s.� - ' �� COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED ��'`� ` ORDINANCE NO. v An o inance amendi.ng Ordinance No. 7607, entitled: "An ordinance fixing the duties and responsibilities and the minimum qualifications for the various classes of positions in the Classi.fied Service of the City, " approved February 13, 1935, as amended. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 7607, approved February 13, 1g35, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by inserting i.n their proper alphabetical order the following titles, and specifications for Economic Planner I Economic Planner Ii Economic Planner III Economic Planner IV Evaluation Coordinator I Evaluation Coordi.nator II Evaluation Coordinator III Evaluation Coordinator IV Information Systems Specialist ,-�: Neighborhood Worker Personnel Technician--Model Cities Physical Planner I � -""' Physical Planner 7S Physical Planner III Physical Planner IV Public Information Technician -1- Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Councii Butler Carlson ' Levine ; In Favor Meredith Against Sprafka Tedesco _ '`- Mr. President (McCarty) Approved• Attest: � City Clerk Rayor . �� Form approved Corporation Counsel By �► OriQinal to City Clerk ' " � - . � fORDINANCE �5'�9��9 , �., � ' ' COUNCIL FILE NO : PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. /✓ o _ Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage, approval, and publication. . � i. '�. . .' ...__. � .,is.. APR 18 1972 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Butler � In Favor Levine '�j Meredith (� / Sprafka � Against Tedesco Mr. President arty) p R 18 197.2 Attest•_ .� y Clerk yar �� Form approved Corporation Counael By PUBLISHEA APR 2 21972 , T � t Tit1e of class: �COiJOP�,IG P.i.�ANi��R I �Dut9_es and responsibilities: ,;' Under supervision, �:o be �raYnECt in �,nd to �exfor� professiona,l wor4c J7in preparin� plans rel�,i,ecl to manpocrer and ecot�omic �rojectss primariZy thos� concerned c�:'��;h be�'c��ii�o employn��nt oppori;unities; and to pez•form related r.�ork as assignzd. I�acamples of worlc perforraed. In the ca.paci�y or �, trainee..- To assist economic plannet�s in idcn-ciiyin; the econo�ic needs of the I�oclel TdeighborNood. Ta assist in �he collection G.nc. recorc�in� of data and �he con;pila,tion of sta�;istics reUard3.ng Ts7odel. Pdei�;hborY�oeci. �c:ono:r:�ic problems such as unemploymen'c and utld.er cz�plc��me�z�. To a�sist in the prepa-ra�;ion of' cl�arts and �r�.x�h�. To assis�C in preparation of plans for �rainin� prc�raras. To e.ssist with the developmer.f; of. informa�cionn�l pro�rains r•el.ated to ecanom�.c development projec�;s. To assist the planners in prepaxing �.�Sp1ic�,�ions for fun�.s. To learn to per�'orra the dutie� nf �Lhe h�.oh�r 3.�vel ecot�omic planners. �Mini.muni qua]_ific�.tions: � CoZlege �;ra�dua�ion in ecanomics, Uus�.ness9 public a.dr�inist.ra.�ion, educ�,tion, or soci.al s�ience: (�io subs�;itution :ior educa�i.on. ) � ' T � � ' � , � � �5�9���� Ti�Cle of class: �CQ�T��'gIC �1����3�`�� �z DuL-ies and responsibili�ies: Under supervision, to �erfor�n� �t�ofessioF�al u:ork ir� prepar7n� plans x°ela�in; �co iche c�evelo�r�ent of oppo:�turii�ies fo:c' EL1p�.0yIri�I1L and the econcmic devel�pziier.t• o�' vhe ��;�ael Tyei�hborhGO�.; and to perform xel�.ted wort: �.s assi�;L3ec�. Examples of wor.k per.�'o��d: To make stuc�ies 'co ic�entify f;��� er.ona�ic �e�ds of' �he Niad�l 1GeYghborhood. To callcct and reco-rc� d�.ta a:xcl ca�r�pi_le s�a�,istic:; re�ardin� Ydodel. Neighbarhood ecarornic n�e�.s :uct� �s er�ploymeil�: op�ortuniti�s. To prepare ch�r�;s, �raphs, and other iniorma{;iana7. ma�erial. To assist �n t'ne planning of -�ra.inin� caurses and sim:�Zar z:�anp�t�rer pro,jec�s. To learn �o pFrfor•zn �he c�uties o:� higil�-r _tevel cconomic p1_atlners. t�ini.mum qi.alifications: College gradLtati�n an�. t�.ro yea�^s' experi�rice as an �cono�nic PZanner I or equivalen�. �T�10 substitu�ion for educ�,'c�on.j � T • � , � � 25�9��� � �,: , Title of class �CONOT�I:�C PLAi�P1F�'i SII Duties and responsibilities: Under supervision, to �ex�'or�m sup�r�riscr;= ���ofess�oi�al. tro�°t� in prepar ing pl�ns rela-�in�; to �;�ie devel_opi;-.�,�� of epportu:nii;�.es �`or employment and the econor�iic deve}.op�.::iai; of the I�`ocl�1 r�eir,?h�osY�ood9 and to pe�for�n re�.ated woriti as ��si�re�.. �xamples of vror� ger�'��mc�.: To assign, directy rev:iec�r, Sll�t'Y'`�1.SP. a.r:d -��•a?r. profcssio:i�w1. economic planr�ers, �Cecbniciatis a.rd a.ides. To conduet field surv�ys rEla.'c-�n� to rna.n�oz�er ncec�s. To coZlec� da.ts r�latin;; i;� employ�en#; oppo��uni�ies, pr�?71.ems involving ur.der�eir�ployin�nt aY�id unei�splo�rnen'c. To do researeh worlc and to cornpile statis�cics in connectie�n with economic surveys. To prepare plans f'o.r ecanomic }�rojeci;s. To meet with .repaesen�atives oi op�ra.i,in7 agercies involved in manpo�rer projects. To assist the pl�.ns and ope.rations direc'cor in prepa.rin�, n��;otia•tira�, and ilnpleinentin� contrac�s for cconcxiic and n�anpoi:�er p-�ojects. Minimum qualifications: Colle�e graduation anci two yea.rs' exper�ience �s a.n �conomic Plafin�� II or equivalent. (P�o suY�sticu�;ion io-r e�.uea�ion, � � � . � � G5�9�'��� Title of cla,ss: ECO}IOMIC PLAI�Ti`T�fZ IV Duties and responsiE�ilities: Uncler diree�ion, �o perforr: clirfieul� anci highly r�spon�ibl_� supervisory pro�'�ssional woy°k in prep�?xing econor.�ic plu.7s relating to tYie c1�.-el.opmc�r_t of op�o�f;unities ior er,ip:!.oy�.��i2t and �he econoraiL �.Lv�ei.opmerat oi th� P-�od�l P1ei�hbo-r'nood; �,nd to pe�form relaLec� c�orF~ as wss7 gned. Examples of wax� p�rio�°�ea: To �ia�*e cY�arge of 'che economic pla�lning section os ��;h� r•'IodLl Cities. To ar�anize a.tid cotiduct surve}rg re�arc�it.0 ecot�ornic conditcions in th� D4ode1 Cities area. To determin� sources of d�.{;a, derre:Lop da•�a colZect:4_n�; sys�erns, conduc� research ar�d eva,luace �h� result;s of studies and surveys relating i;o ecot�cmic condi�ions. Tc coorc�inat;c «ork with 'cl�� P�:odel T�Tci;hborhood PT�.tlnin�; Council econom7 c planniri� core and o�her nei�lzborhood rr�a�po�rer :proble�;�s. To coordi.n�te projeci;s to reduce un�mrloyrr�en� and uncle:r employment. To organize projec�s �o provi�.e t-r.aini�Zr� oppo.rtutzities. To work wit.ti the direcicor in keepin� ini�01'Y:1e�� cr, �'ut�dxn� sources, and to pr��a-re applica�ions ior !'u?�c1s :firom �'nc:eral, Si:a'cn and priva�e agenc:ies. Ta assess employnl�n�; opportu�lities ��.i���in �h� P�iode� Cities proe�ar�. To supervise �he prepa.r��ion oi manpo�rei an<1 ecotlor�lic pl.a.ns in t11e P�odel Cii:ies p.ro�,-ra.n,. To supet�vise the prepa�ation and ne�o'cia�ion oz con�L-s�zc�: �.ocuments for econo�tic �.nd ma�gower projeci:s. To serve as a Model Cities repr�sentati.�re to th� a.rea CAMFS covu�ii;Lee. Minimum qu�.lifications: Calle�e graduation and tcro years' expericnce as an Ecojzc��:.ic Planner i.TY or equivalent. (No subs�if;uticn for educatian.) ,� v � . ' � � G5lg���� Title of class: EVALUATION COORDINATOR I � Duties and responsibilities: Under supervision, to be trained in and to�per�orm proi'ession�l work in acquiring, publishing, storin�, and issuing informr�tion �ox the Model CitieS planning cores; and to peri'orm re7.a�ed work as assigned. Examples of work.perf'ormed: In the capacity of a trainee-- To assi.st the evaluation coordin.a,tors in the acquisition arid issuin� of information. To a.ssist in standardizing data coding. To assist in pr2parin� reports concerned with addi�ions, deletions, and cYia.nges in the data sy:,tem. To assist in resea,rch n�ces;�ary for �he evaluai;ion of pro�ec�s. To assist in explaining da�ta to coopera�ing grnups �,nd the Model Nei�hborhood Pluein3.ng Council. Minimum quali�'ications: College graduation in 6usiness, economic�, public administration, education, or social seience. (No subs�i�CUtion sor education. ) � � � � � . ,c5�9� .��� S 1.lrZ� af Cic'.�:iu: EV'ALUATIOTd CCORDINATOR TI , Duti�s �,nd responsibilitiies: Under sugervision, 'co p�r�orr� gro�'essiona,�. worE, in acquiring, publishing, storing, and issuir.� ini"or�ation for the Mode1 Cities ccres; 'and to perform rela�ed U�ork ,�� a,sF;i�;ned. Examples af work performed: To assis-c in developin� a d�,ta. acquisi��;ion plan, To as�ist in s�andardizing coelin� of' d��ta. To assisi; in instruc�cin; partic�patin� a�encies in. cocumentit�; da�a aceo-rding to �xistin� standards. To assist in �reparin� r�po�°ts s'aowing additions, deletini;s, and changes of data in the s;rStc�. To assis� in administerino palicies and pr.oce�'ures. To as;�i.st in matcing r�porf,s a,ncl r�co�:racnc�af.ic�i�s. Ta assis� in trainin� s�afi i_n survey and r�search n�ethods. To do necess�.ry resea.rch For e�;�aluatian o.f prajec�s. To assi�t it� explainin� data �o cooperatin� groups. Minimum qualifica.tions: College graauativn and �cwo yesz�s' e:�perie:�ce a.s an Evaluation. Coordina.tor I or equiva�en��. (No subs�i��?tion i'or educ�.'cion. � � � , � � �5�9����. `.�itl� o� cl.ass: L'VALUl1TIGli COORD:C;�r'1TOl� IIT Duties arld responsibilities: Under supervision, to pe:rso.rn; st��e�c•�.�iso��y professicnal �or�. in acquirinb, pu'�lishing, stora_�z�;, and i.ssuin� inform��ion for L-he Model Ci�ies Cores; a.nd to pcs��'c�3°m �°clai;ed wort� as �.ssi�;t:ed. Examples oi° tiTOT'k �@1•fn�ir���: To assi�;n, supe:rvise a.n� �tt�ait� :.mpl.oyees er.;ag�d iti p-rofessional work concernec? wif;h 'che acq�i�i�tion ac�d i:suinF; of �.a.ta. Te super�rise t��e st�,ncl�.rdiza�ioti of �the da�c.�. codinry. To instruct p€�.r'cicipsf;ii�; a�encwes in dccurs,enti�� �.ai;a according to ex3si:in� s�:andarc�s. To inf'orni u.sers of availaole ca.a�a. To adminis��r da�;a. a.ccess conzrol. T.o ma.ke or �s�ist in making necess�.rJr icports to Fe�eral, Sta�e anc� l�cal agenci.es. P�tini�v.�u qua.lif ica�L7 ans: Call�ge gr�duation a.na �i�ro years' ex�e�•iFrACe a.s an t�•Jalu�.��ion Coardinator II or Equivalent. (No sut�sti.tL?t;ion �'ox education. ) � . � ��� �� . �,5 ! � , Title of cla.ss: L'VP,��t4Tl��id COv�":DII1A'.�0� I`I Duties ar_d xesponsibrlit.:ie.s: Under clirec�:ion, co b� °�°�spo�?..ible i"or a,cqu�rin��, w�ab�.ishin?, S�Oi 1.Y1�y ELi1C� 1SSLll.�t�� 1.T!i'O_:•i�'�:.l;lOi1 :��OY' GI'lE: j?I.t3.i1t1iP1tn.� cores O:� the T7ode�_ Ci�ies pro��am.. a.n��. fo perf"orm �°el�i,��d c�oric a� assigned. Examples o�' �aork perforr��ed: To deveiop a da.ta, acquisi�cic,cl �lai1. To dEtermin� t'r:e da.t�, to �<e r.cllec�;ed. �o sta.�ada��aize f;he co�i�1� of d.a,�a, To aia�ect ancl i°eviesT i,he c:o:•�. cf ��l��e caordinata��s et^.,;a;ec� in data acquisition �.nd issuinu. To tra?n sta�'f in su���ve�f inetl�oc_s. To ��ork t-rith I�iodel N�i.�,��'co;^Y:coG. :�-17�znin;, Council in e;��1c3,1:?1t1� 8.11C7 evalu�.Lir�� C�.3��3 O'�i �i'Qt_;i'c!'lu. To di�ect L`ne researc:h ilcces�.a.r;s� io� tY��e ev4luati.on of p��rjects. To prepare repor�cs ror �'edeic,.i, �c.�,te, a.ncl lc�cal a�encies an i:he activities of' t;he i5ociei Cif:i�s. To supervise the Iniorma.tion Sy�s�,cn�s Sp�cia,lis�c. Minimum qual?�'ications: College graduation and ���;o �rea.rs' experi�nce as a.n ;�va].ua.tion Con�dinator III o.r equiva.lent. (No substii�u�ion ior education. ) � .. � � � �� f�,�{:; Title of class: INFORN��IT1:OlV' SYa'I'IsP='IS SPPCI�1?�:CST Duties and responsibi]_ities: Under supervision, i;o desigll, revise, a}1d uai�7Lain -i,h� farn?s ar_�? data collection tools necessary :Cor Liae T:oc�e;P. Ci'ca_es iniorri�ation sys�em; and to per.iorm reiatec� woric �.s assi;tiecz. Ex�riples of wortc performefl: To wortc trith opera.ting agencies to cla.-r:�fy it�i'orm�.tiona� n�ecis. To design forms for use in coll�ci;in�; da�i,a.. Ta send out farms for gathering inf'oxroa�ioLi. To maint�.in Ci�y Demonstration A�ency i�lfoYr.��ation i i_le. To provide Housing and Urba.n Developu�en�L ���if;li :�cqui-red pro�ress repa•rt.s. To be respo:�sible for meetin� tir:ie dear3.�.ines ii1 processi�l? rLpo�ts from agencies to Afode� Gities and f:�ora Diode7. Cit•ies �o �'ur.din� organizations. To cl�.rify informa�;iona� n�ec�s be��c�;eeiz I�ode1 Ci_�:ie; oYi'ice and L-he l�iodel Nei�hborhood Planni�i� Council and hetiacen •t;he o-lfi.ce and the operating agencies. To assis�; wi'ch th� prepa.ra.tion o:f �he rou�i.ne i;ao�ii;n�s� .r��,o��GS for Modei Cities. To provide planners T+�ith p�•oper cia�,a �co ena'oZe tt�em to de�vrrainc if existinr� pro��ets are accomplis�lin� o�i�at tl�e;✓ a.re in-cen�cd to accomplish and to pro;ject progra�a rec�lzirEmeiz��s for ci�e f'o11.aToin; �rear. Minimum qualifications: High school graduation and six yea.rs' cLerica7_ exp�,ience at lca�st th�ee years of which m�zs�: have been as a Clerti TIT or eqLiva.lent. Must have had at leas�c one ye�r's e�.perience in i:he ana.iysis, research, and' evaZuatiot� of da�ta for the I'^�del Ci�Lies pro�ram, �� .. � . 25�9���� Title of class: NETGHBCj�cI:00ll ��OR�CI:R Dut3.es and responsibilit�.es: Under suz�ervisir�n, to p�rforr�i routiue informational work incidental ico the services provided b,y ��,he Moc1el Cities proora.m; and to perform related work as assibned. Exa�ples a� work per�`ormecl: To info.rm area residents ai r�ociel Cities plans and pro�rams. To escplain i,he available services oi �he pro�ec�t:s to az�ea residen�s. To assist resiaent-s in o�►taining services. .To m�intain rPC�r�:s of pErtinen� inforr�a�ion. To assist in p�epaxing reporf;s and notices. To assist in disicributing mate�ials to area �°esidpn�s. To attend publ�.c �eetin�s when assiuned, To assist in compiling da�a. To report to �Iode1 Cities admiriistration tne idet�s, complain�s, a,nd reco�aendations o.f resident�. Minimum qua7.ifi.cations: Abilit�f to rea� and writ;e �ngl.ish. Must be at lea:� ei�ht�en years af age. p�ust be resident of �i1e Pdadel NeighbQrhood. l/ Ti�1e of. class: PERwONP1�L TECI�aICIf�PT -- �ODEL CTTTrS Duties and responsiUilities: Under supervision, ta �.ss:�st thc Civil Scrviee �uxeau i�. providin,? personnel services to the Depar�;met3t of T�iodel. Cil:ies ar.c� other City Depa-rtmen�s; to act �.s aiinority recruit:r; a*.?�. to perfoxm related ti•rcrk as assigned. Examples of urork perfo�rucd: To ac�: a,s a liaison t�ri�h the P�iodel Ci�cies Dega,rtmenr in m�.�;tes•s concernin� rules, p-rocec�ures, recruitm�nt, anci se].�ctiar�. To ass3.st in incerpr��in� rules and procedures. To coordina�e the p:rocessin� of Civil Service forr::s and the prepa,rttt;i.on of pa,yrolls. To assist itz recrui��ing n�embers of minorif;y �rottps for city em�l.o;�rrlei3�. To meet wl�h Model Citiies staff inembers a.s a :c�presen�ative of tl�e Civi1 Service Lureau -re�;ardiil� speei�,l probl�ms or need�. To assist in prepa.-ring, aclniinisterin�, and scorin� exatnina�i:io7s. To p�epare reports. To maintain recoxds. Minimt,im qualifica�ions: Tcso years oi co1.}.e�e or �rac?uat�on from a iwo yea.r accre�ti�ed I3�.zsin�ss Sc'nool and four years' supervisor•y or a.cZniinistra�ive el:perience ai� le�,st one y�ar of whfch must r�.ve been in a i:oclel Ci�ics ar�aainistra�f:ive Fosition dea,ling wi�h pe�sonnel probl�rns sach a� classi�icaticn, recruii;mellt, selectior� a.nd records r�anagenient. / '?i � 25�q���� Title or class: FI-IYSTC�I�L PL�AIINF;R I Duties and responsibili�ies: Under supervision, to be t:rained i« ai�,�1 �co per�a-orr� professional work in preparing pi�ysica,l plans rel��,�ec� �o �a�•'r>s, housinry, housin� relocation, �ransporca�;;ion and put�l�.c facilities and services sucn as streets, sewers, cur'�s �nd liohtin�; and �o pe.rform t�ela�ed work as assY�ne�. Examples of worl: perfornied: :Cn i;h� capaci�;y of a �raitzee-- To assisL- prof�ssional pl?ysir_al planners in identif�,ting t'y� physical needs of �G'ne Model TJeighborhoocl. To assist in �he collection an�3 rECO�d.;_ng of da.ta ana the compilation of statistics regardin� R.od�]. P�Tci�hbar�occ� physical nee�3s such as housin� design, densi�cy, and loca,tic�ri. To assist in �he preparafcion of rr:aps, cl�ari,s, g?�r�p«ics, e:�hibit designs, and pe.rspective d�•�.�ain�s. To assist in the design and la�rau� of �;ransporta�ion pl.�.ns and of housit�g, park, and pu�lic f'acility developmet�t, and imp�o-ver:��n't. To learn and to perfo�n the du�ties of hi�;'ner 1eti*eJ_ I'hysical Pl.anners. b�inimuur.� qualifications: Colle�e gra.duation in business, public a.dn�inisf;ra.�Lion, ed�.zca.fi,ior., social science; or physical science. (1`da slz'osf.i�CU�tion �'or educa.tion, j � � - , � � ` � - �+� ��y;�� Tit1� of' class: iIi`YSICA:L P7'.,fu�1i4'E:[Z T!: Duties and responsibilities: Undcr supervision, to per:iorm pro:Cessional �:or;: ir. p-repa,riiz� physical plans re�ated to pa.rl:s, housi.i�.�, kiottsi.�,� r�loca�i.o;�, transportation and public facili�ies an�. ��r�r�ices stiac�l as stree�s, secaers, eurl�s ancl ligt��cin�;; a.nc? �co per�'orm relat,ecl �rork as assi�neri. Examples of work perfor�ned: To make studies to icl.�ntify ��he ph;�sica,l r:��ecis of ����e tiodel Nei�hr�orhood. To collect a.nd recarci �.a�t�. and com�px.].e s�ai;istics r��a�rd7 n? ty�odel RTeighborhood physical ne�c2s s�,�ch as hovsita; c�esi�;ns aez�si�y and locatian. To prepare r�aps, charts, �-ra�hs, �r��.p�iics, .�xhibi�C �.esi�r.s and perspec�;ive drawin�s. Ta assis� in �tY�e desi�n �.nd layeu'c o�' trans�cr-=�a�ti�n pl�.ns �}�ad of housing, park at1�. ��blic i'acilities d:�velopmen'� ar.c�. 2m.�xav�r;�ent. To assist in pt�ep�,rit�� platls for housin; r�loc,w-�io�� inc3.ud.in� reloca�ior_ r�sources, and sacial se��viccs Yo_^ both housing and f'urnishin�;s. Ta r�,ssist in ttie devzl_opr;�euti of` archii;ect21�C�ll,y �ound st�.nd�rds �o be meic by eontrac�ors F�ri�o b?d on tiodel r?ei�hao-rh�od hausing. To learn ancl to perx"orm the dut;ies of highe?• Z�vel P'nys�cal Flanners. Mlni.mum qualifica,�ions: College �ra�u�.'tioti in u�rt�an pla.nn�.n�, a_:rc12i��cGure, tandsc�.pe architecture, or en.�ineer�.n�;; or co�.l.�E;e �;_��ae�.uat;icn anc� �;�vo fears' experience a,s a Physical Pl�.iiner I or equivalen�. (No substitution �Por educa'cion. ) / � , � � ' - �5���'�� Title of class: PI�lYSICAL FZf�1F3� r:CS Duties and responsib3.1?�ies: Under sup�rvision, to perform sup�•rvisory profession.al vroi°k in prep�..ring physical plans -rela�;;ed to pa.�k�s, hauvin�, housin� reloca�ion, transpor�ta.tion and pu�alic facili.ries and se-rvices such as stree�CS, sewe�s� C115^�)S a�d 3_iUi�'�i�g; and to �erfor�i relat�d workc as assigned. Exanaples o�' trork p�r:formed: To assi.�n, direct, revietr, super✓is� anc7. �;xain professional physi�al planners and tec'nni.ci�ns ancl �ic3.�s. To conc�uct field surveys. To coll�ct dat�, regardin� land use, popula�cion distxib�a�ian, and physical condi�ions. To do researeh ��ork anc� to c�r�pil� statzsti�s in cannec�ion with studies and surveys. To design and lay cut scc�ions o� �th� I�:o�c1 Ci�i�s for YeC'_evelopmetl�. To design and lay ou� tz•anspoNf;ation �lans �,nd pl.ans for 1;I�ie develop�uenf� ana ix�proven�crrt of hausit��, pa.l Ecs and pul�lic facilif;ies. To develop arc�ii�ec�uNa7.1;� sou�id. s�and�..rc?s �o be ra�i. by contrac�ors who bid on NTodel Tdei�hborhood ho�:sin'�. To mee� wi�h public and quasi-puE�lic a�etacies �o �?�ve,].op plans �'or the c�nstruction, ��,nagemen�c anc�. iinancin� c��' housin;. To �.ssist i;l�.e plannin� and op�ra.'cions di:��ec�;or in p�epa,rind, tiegotia�:ing and i��pl���e�ztin� contr�.cts for P�:ode1 Ci�ies Y�,ousing, housing relocation a�i�. oi;l��r ph;�s7.cal p?�ojcc�s. Mini.mum qualifscatio�s: College �raduation a.nd �c;�ro years' experience 2,s a Fi�ysical� Planner II or equivalen�. �I�o substi�ution for education.) �. r , �: , �y/ . ♦ . . � . . 2 ! '�'� 9� Title oF class. 1�iYSTCAI, ?'i.�P�1VE�t IV Duties and responsi.bili�c3.�s: Under direction9 to perform d.i:Cfi.cul� �L�d hi�hly responsible supervi.sory p�o��'essianal ��ro��1K: 1`."t p�-ep�rin; pr�fsical plarss related to pa�rE�s, housing, ��ousirig relocatiio�z, tra.nspo�t��.tion and public f'a.cili.f:ies and ser•v3.ces such as s��eets, se�rers 9 curbs and li�htin�; to a;suine �1�� r�caniris�Lrative a.nd o-r�;�vr_izai:,ional responsibility involved �.n the ph�psicaZ plannin� lor tYie P�I�del Ci�Cies; and to perform related c-ro-^l� as assigned. Examples of work perfbrrned: To Y:av� charge of the physical planning sec�ion of the P�2ade1 Cities. To or��nize and conduct f;.�ld surveys ancl to collec� data -regarding land uses, po.pulation distrib�ztion and physical condi�cic�ns. To cZe•�ermine sourc�s af c�a.�ap dev�Zop rla��a, callecting systems, conduct res�a,reYi and evalu4�JE� the results of studies ancl surveys. To supervis� the clesi�n ana Za�.r oui; af plans for �he redevelopxseni; for tY:e l�qodel �?ei�;tibar'nGOU.. To direc{; th� pr�para�ion af plazls tor Y?ousi�z� relocatiors. To direct the preparation or i.rarspo�r�,a�ti.on plat�s �'or �:t�e Irodel Citie.� a.rea and tco present such progx�a.L�s i:o the pa•a�er au�thorxties fo� fundin�. To can�'er �rith public and quasi-put�lic �agencies Lo develop p:Lans for cons�ruccion mana�;em�n�: �.Yid �'in�,nci��g of housiizg a,nd other physical facili��:ies. To develop �.rchitect�:rally sound standar.c?.s to be m��c by cont�^t�e{;ors who bid on Mode1 Ci{;ies hous�_n�. To assist tlie pl�.nnin�, anc? opera.�ions c3iree�ar �n preparind, negotiatin� and imp?eu�en'cin� contrac-ts fvr P�Sod,e1 Cities housin�, housing relacation and. o�her pil�sicr�l. grojects. Minimum qu�.lifications: Colle�e �radua�ion and two years` e}cperi�nce as a T'kiys3.caZ Planner TII or equivalen�. (No su�stitution �or eciuc��ion. ; / G �, � y A i � , ' � � 25�y���� 7'1'tZrC O� C�.H,SS: FJBT IC TN�OP,t��4ATI0i� `I'�C��iTICZr�3 Duti�s and �esponsibili�ies: Uncler s�gervision, �o be re�pot+.si.ble for cle�;e7.�>�ing �.nc� cc���dir.atin� a pub�.ic �nfo:rmation sysi,em re�.t�tisi; to fl��� ��,ct;ivities oi th� Mcdel Cicics pro�;ramg arid to perio���� .rclai;ecl raortc as assi�n�d. Exaznples cf wor� perfb3�med: To se�.ne�, prepare, ancl �lis�-ribu'�e a.:::�ocma'ci�n.al rr:a�Cerials. T� ���pare news �el�ascs and r�.c�io atZd i:elevision cop;�. To �Src�p�-re volunte�r rec:ruit:rseri� m�,�er3.als;tzch as p�mphl�ts and ��roeht�ras. To prep�ire exh�.�its, �ostt.�s, :;yidesy �.uc�io-�risua2 r�:ai:El•?�ls. To t�rork wi�h citiz�n coi�uni-c�ees to �et inio�°matio�a c�ut t� �cYie �oz�rnuniicy. ^10 tafte p�.ctiures for publicii;y p�r�oses. T� maintain r;iorbue �or P�?cde:� Cit;ies office publici�y section. Ninimun� eivali�'ic�ti�ns: Hi�h school gxddua-�icri an� orae yea.r`s e.tpe�•ience oi� one �{�a.r of' pos�- hi�h school tr�.ini�zg in. the ��.r�par.a�i.en a�nd cli_s�ributiort of publici�;y ma.�ei iass and neE�s .rei�ases. [ � March 3�, 1972 Mr. �7oP�.� I��,3c1er, Dir�:ctux c��' Personnel, City Civi1 ���xv�ice B�.ireau. �?e� rir. ��'%lc. (:l_j.;;/ (,`�.{)tal'IGIa. TC7{.�.�3.�,`r ty%�.'V'C-? �'Y.x S�'. iif?c'3.C�.1.71;'�; 1'.f -?;i'i_P, y0�_�.0��*�I�,� �2'C�7.riE1i1 Cr: C. i'. ;?57�0; - .�m�end:�n�; t�r�.. 7�07 t�Y znsertin�� in their ;,a°e7?cx a.1;���abet3..ca:1. n�^c�:�r t3zc� ti�1.;1e� z�.r!c� s�?ecificz�.t:�.ons i'�r i:he f.ol�.awi�a;;: i;.conomic Plannex� I-1S-I�:I-IV '�'valuaticm Coorc�.inator I-I�-I�I-�1' Information System� S}�ecirr�llis� IJei�hborhood ��orizer I'ersonnel Technic5_an--T��od�l Citiew Pl�rsical Planner I-TI-III-N Public Infoxma.tian Technician Third Readin� on this ardinance w311 ?�e on April llth. 1-97�'• Very truly yours, City Cl�rk � I st � � ` � 2nd � L�id over +o 3rd and /app. � —Adopted � Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Butler Butler Carlson � � �.,��_. ��arhoR-�✓!�� ,�5► �9� �.;� � Levine � Levine Meredi+h � �' Meredith Sprafke prafka `, / � Tedesco edesco '�� Mr. President McCarty �r. President McCarFy O Merch 31, lgT2 Mr. John Ha,ider, n�x�ctor of Personnel, Cii;;y Civa.l Sex'v�ce Bureau. �'��' Sir; Ord�.n,�he City Cotmcil toda,Y' �ave Fi:rst R�adin� to the nce: . following . , ry „ Ti' ��{�tti .. a�.]faE'I1CZ1.I7,� r;rd� -� '�;r�,�,� 13 th� f:btl.ot=�.,-�n. J�50 bY insertin�; ��'�t;ex A'.�SO by insFyrtiri , n. G.���!1�11 J� - '�Te?_z>r?'_,o�.tzc�oc� T�larker� �r�un �° :i:n .,e�c. C, :�n Grade ��. � � - lxzforrn�,��on .�;�.��m� �c� , i.nc�er Clericr32 nir'r� '�Y 3.nsertin� �,, �P a.�.i�t; .Gconomic Fls��iner•a�' `� Gar�de ''1 �+ ���1� following: �valuation Coordinator �' Physical Planner I AI,StJ bY in,sertin « � xn �ee. G, in Grade 38 the following: -�cono.�ic P1an�er II Is aluat�on C�ordirt�tar II ALSO � ��yS2cs1 P1�an�r I?' Y insertin�; in Sec. � in Grade 1�1 -��� fQ�l�����: .�conc�c PZanrier III �'aluat3on Coordina,tor III Physical PZanner I�2 ALSO by insertin Economic p1� ��C' �' �n Grade �� ���, �. � the follota�n�: v�ral.uation Coordinator TV ��St3 � F�sical. Planner 1�T Y ins�r�U3.n� in 5��. 6 TechrA:�ci�n; � in Grade 26 -. ;�ublic In�'orma,tion ALSO BY INSERTING TN Sec. 6, :.n Gxad,� 3�. _ Perso Model Citfes, nnel Tee}iniciar�_,. Third Rea,ciirig of this ord.�narice wi]1, be on April u-�n. v��' t�Y 3+eurs, �p Cit � Y lerk