257899 25189�� c�a� � xo.............. PROPOSAL FOR YMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. T6eundereignedhereby propaeeethemakingof thefolYowingpublio�mpmvement by the City ot Saint Psul�vis,; reconstruct the sidewalk on both sides of Avon St. from Grand Ane. to Summit Ave. ................................................._................................._...........-----••-••-•..._....._.._.._...... and,bg_,doing.all other.work which is necessa and inciden�al . .. .. Y'X. „ ..to com�plete,said ....... ...._...... im�rovement. .....-•..................................._..........................................,........................._..--•-•.._.. .........---__........... Dsted this....�4�h:.......day of..............................March .....P............... .. ......., 19 .��. �,.� ....... ..R`. _ .................. �Counoilmsn..._._.. __ PRELIMINARY O1tDER. WHEREAB� A written proposal for the making of the foUowing improvement, vis.: ,,,_recon��ruct,tl��_sidewa�#„o�,bQ��._,���1�� Q�.,�yo�,.S�.,.from.,,C�rand Ave. to Summit Ave. ......................................................_ and by..doing„all..other work which is necessary,,,and,incidental to com�lete.said . _.............. _.......---.................___........ •--......__......................... _.improvement. . .---••....................___........_..............................._......................_..................._........__....._.._...._......._ ...-•--•........................____.•---._......._..........................._......_......_............._.....---.....-•-•--•--.............._....._ 6sving been preeented to the Counoil of the City of Saint Paul......................................................................._..._ t6erefore, be it � RE$OLVFD, That ths Commiesioner of Publia Worke be and ie hereby ordered snd direcEed: 1. To inveetigate the neceesity for, or desirability of,.the making of eaid improvement. 2. To inveetigate the nature, extent and eatimated coet of said improvement� and the total ooet thereof. 3. To furnieh a plan, profile or eketch of said improvemen� , 4. To state whether or ao�eaid improvement ie aekedl lfor on 4,he petitio� of three ar mor�ownere. 6. To report upon ail of �he foregoing mattea�s to the �mmieeioner of Finanoe. Adopted by the Counail.................................... .��..,�-�-••�-�r•--.. Y�►� Counc i Lman a��- ppR 3 1972 �aF-l-sea. ��'��.z�. �PProve�.........................._..-•=--•---....--••-•---._............_._._._ Levine � Meredith Sprafka Tedesco .........:.... ......._...._...._. ..w....� ._......_...._... Mr. President McCerty yQ�, �000 �.aY r�u�r APR +� 197� � -- �� �