D00989• - City Clerk - Finance Dept. _ - Dept. Accounting (Civic Center) _ - Engineer (HGA) - Contractor _ - Project Manager (CPMn . 1► ► �. ���1 CITY OF SAINT PAUL - OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER for CONTRACT CHANGE AGREEMENT NO. CP4.01-06 • ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER Whereas, additions which proved to be necessary to the Improvement described as Saint Paul Civic Center Expansion CP-4 Buildin$ Conetruction la�own as Contract L Project t3o.015117 M.A. Mortenson, is composed of the following: I. Provide caissons in the vicinity of the US West runnel and sewer tunnel per Contractor Proposal J14.24 Reason: Tunnels in zone of influence for footings. Total $86,610 $86,610 ORDERED, That the City of Saint Paul, through its Mayor, approves the foregoing additions made in accordance with the specifications in the sum of $ 86 610.00 said amount to be added to the lump sum considerarion named in the contract, Imown as contract L-_ 930-90300-0898-00000 Civic Center Expansion Fund. AS � Attorney Committee and which amount is to be financed from: 7— 3/ 19 � M.A. Mortenson acto 19 '�'i'�� f/u�i 19— �� �����l�i-°� ��� ead of Department of Finance O8'�'/9� 7 D 19� ��.��'^"'"' Administrative Assistant tQ the Mayoc �Ul�1 i9Q�. � ar�nice�t 111�y:� .-: E/COUNCIL OATE IN TED � � 7 � y � GREEN SHEE `'. CONTACf4Ep50N8PHOPIE INRIAUDATE � � INITIAVDATE m DEPARfMENi DIRECTOR F1 CRY CAU�JC�IL� C � . ��aM �n�-S aC �' S`"�E� ASSIGN IiY A7TOflNEY ��RY CLERK S7 HE ON CAUNpL AGENDA HY (DA7E) pOVTINGFOp UDGET D�P.ECTOR � FIN. & MG7. SERVICES OIR. �RDER MAYOfl (OA ASS5TAN1] � _ C, TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP AU. LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) 3 - ACTION REWESTED: r r t L'1n'�vic���r $ �s '� Co,-��r`d�� -4 '�ler�r�h �o(� l�iJiL C4c1�E.l �S�tX�( RECOMMENDqTiONS: Approve (A1 or qeiect (R� pERSONAL SERVICE CONTpACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLIOWING pUEST10NS: _ PLANNING COMMISSION pVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �� Ha5 thi5 pBrsO�tm BVBf WOfked u11dBf 3 COntr2�t fIN th13 tlep3rtTent? _ CIB CAMMITTEE � `i1C (J:a V�S � O✓� YES NO _ STAFF _-TQ- Z. Has this personffirtn ever been a ciry employee? YES NO _ olSiqlCT CoURT _ 3- Does this person/firm po5sess a skill not normally possessed by any curtent city employee? SUPPORTS WFiICH COUNCIL 0&IECTIVE? YES NO Explain all yes anawers on separate sheet antl attech to graen sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPqqT NffY (Who. Whflt, When. Where, Why): S � � a+ REC����� JU4 3 } 1996 A EY ANTAGES IF APPROVEU: DISAOVANTAGESIGAPPROVED: RECE9VE� AUG 01 1996 AUG - 61996 r �����s ���?�� C1TY CLERK DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED. t �� TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSAC710N $ �� � t �' COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIfBGSOURCECan�il� � S�IC.CT?x ACi1V17YNUMBER�����' ����� FINANCIAL INFORMATION (EXPLAIN� ) � /y i � I Z! V5� • • PROJECT: Saint Paul Civic Center Expa�sio� Project Saint Paul, Minnesota CONTRACTOR M.A. Mortenson PO Box 710 MinneaQolis, MN 5544� Original ContractAmount: PO # 015117 $33,973,0OO.OD PO # 385,700.00 CO No. Deduct C4.01-01 C4.01-02 C4.01-03 C4.01-04 C4.01-05 C4.01-06 Subtotal �.. 34,475.00 751,969.00 29,684.00 10,193.00 24,598.00 86,619.00 $337.529.00 DATE ISSUED: CONTRACT NO.: CONTRACT TITLE: CONTRACT DATE: 23 July 1996 CP-4.01 Building Construction Multiscope 18 January 1996 Net Amoant of Contract inciuding this Change Order: $34,696,229.00 � CPM 1 . . �'✓�� : ` �✓ � ��/1Z ��� �� z,���- �, �4/r�, �� �.��8,3�-g.� a,��8, �- p,'2: C� o���y ,�� �� a. a5 �y d �Y� c-� a,a � � ____a ---� g �y �' / 23cf Z 3 u� 9, �5 � Z'� � _ �----- ---�--- �oo, �� l .s � -- - V/ � / � � fE7�. _ _ �� �� �/���k` r�oY'� - � � � 5 3 m �' =' �3 �00 - ._ � _.._. _, . ._ . . s • _. _ _ _ � �v@�. __ _ r _ . _ ... G � �?���✓.. r�.a� _ - �' �'!', 5 j g ` � Gd3�'�-,e.�t � 5 __ _ . ;- - - - _: - - . � �_ _ - _ - -- _ sr RECEtVE� �'a5-� � ���Q � JUN 11 E--.= _ _� ! The Construction Organization June 10, 199b Ms. Susan Jones CPMI:c/o St. Paul Civic Center 143 West 4th Street St. Paul, MN SS102-1299 BUILDING DIVISVON Minneapolis Office 700 Meadow Lane North P.O. Box 770 (55440-0710) Minneapolis, Minnesota 55422-4899 7etephone: 1612) 522-2700 Facsimile: (612) 52D-3430 RE: St. Paul Civic Center Expansion CP-4 Building Construction RFP 424: (Revised) Caissons @ Vicinity of U.S. West Tunnel Deaz Susan: . We are submitting a cost proposal for the changes in work defined by Request For Proposal 4.24 dated 17 April 1996. We aze requesting a Change Order to increase our Contract Amount by Eighty-Six Thousand Six Hundred Ten Dollars ($86,610.00) to perform the subject modificafion as identified in RFP 4.24. Please note that this revised proposal includes Ames' repricing for the pite cap excavation which was previously missed i� Cheir original proposal. Mortenson reserves the right to submit a proposal for additional costs and time related to the impact of this change on unchanged work or the effect of this change in combination with other changes. Should you have any questions or comments, please contact me. . Sincerely, �1 � �y.� Todd Schilling, Assistant Project Manager cc: File: RFP 4.24 � Minneapolis•Seattle •Denver•Colorado Springs•Mifwaukee•Grand Rapids•San Diego•San Francisco•Honolulu•Los Angeles � C� RECEIV�� JUN 11 �" It is requested the completion date be () extended, () decreased, iX) unchanged by calendar days. The adjusted completion date will be N/A Contractor Proposal fVo.: CP 4.24 Date: June 7, 199fi Project: ST. PAUL CiVIC CENTER CP.4 Contract No.: 4.0'i A change +n the scope of the work is requested as indicated below: 2. Description ofi the change: (Refer to drawings, specifications, addenda, if applicabfe). Reference RFP No.: 4.24 ; FO NO.: Title: Caissons C� Vicinitv of U.S. West Tunnel 3. Basis of payment: (Check one) (X) Firm price for performing this change is S 86,610 Adequate supporting details and information (lncreased) lDeduct) must be attached to aflow Owner to evaivate, S) Time and material per contract, but not to exceed S () Actual cost at completion of work S FOR CPMIUSE 2. Action Recommended: (Check one) ( y Change will not be made. Explain: �a�� CPMI Job No.: 3225 () Proceed on the following basis: () As indicated a6ove, change and basis of payment is acceptable. (} Change is acceptabte, basis of payment is not acceptable. i) Basis of payment shall be 5 ( � The following modification is recommended: {) Change in comp4etion date is accepted. () Change is acceptable with no change in price. i) Change is acceptable with no change in completion date. ( } Other Reasonfor Change: () Design Change () Client Request () Field Condition () Suggested by Contractor 1) Design Omission or Other lexplain) 3, is this a part of the original contract scope? 4. is Contractor's Estimate attached? 5. A/E consulted. Prepared by: S1YES ONO OYES ONO 1)YES i)NO Approved by IHGA) . Approved by Date: Date• Approved by: (Owner) Date: CPMI inc., Go Saint Paul Givic Center, I.A. O'Shaughnessy Plaza, 743 West Fourth Street, Saint Paul, MN 55'102-7299 cc: Chris Hansen Mike Pederson Dick Zehring 3225- • 6/10/96 St. Paul Civic Center Expansion .�,,,, �� Summary Change Proposal �� ��� ST. PAUL C1VIC CENTER IXPANSiON SAINTPAUL, MN 55702 PIi 612f293A1S4 FiLY 612243-9557 Descrip6on: CP 424 Tdle: Caissons Mortenson Labor. (See attached) Mortenson Material: (See attached) Mortenson Equipmeni (See attached) Flssociated Costs (Change Proposal) of U.S. West Tunnel $ Amount $ 6.800 $ 6,317 $ - $ - General Conditions: S - (Mortenson Work) SUBTOTAL M. A. Mortenson $ 13,118 SUBCONTRACTORSNENDORS t. ATLAS $ • 2. AMBASSADOR $ 3. SOWLES S 4. AMES S 5. $ 6. $ 47,450 4,473 4,026 1Q948 SUBTOTAL SubNend $ 66,897 SUBTOTALFee • SUBTOTAL Ta�c M. A. Mortenson Company Fee: SubconiradorsNendors fee 5%: M. A. Mortenson Wofic 15°!0: Total Materiai 8 Equipment $ M. A. Mortenson Material & Equipment Tax: $ 3,345 $ 1,968 $ 5,312 6,753 7°h $ 473 $ 473 SUBTOTAL:M.A.MOrtenson+SubNend+Fee+Tax $ 85,799 Builders Risk GCL Insurance Costs Payment & Perfoimance Sond SUBTOTAL I�urance S Bonds 0.0007 ($.71JThousand) 0.0038 ($3.77/Thousand) 0.0050 ($4.95937Thousand) $ 62 $ 323 $ 426 $ 81'I TOTAL CHANGE PROPOSAL $ 86,670 Page 1 � • � @ J • 2 � � a M Q N b o � h � Z h � q j a N C N � b 5 4 NI � � � a � U 'U O � Z � � U � � �� ;� 0 � m a� o �� � g n N Q �a m F M N � � W � Z A� � � m � o'? ao � �a� ` � o�<o U w o N N N � c� 0 � W w a ? o 0 0 ° o o ° o N o 0 0 0 0 � N W Z O U LL � F- T rn � N t N t m � � N � � ry O� � N �- M Q U K W W N � O Z h � p o 0 0 0 0 p] W O O O O O O Qj r �"' Z O N H 1� w Q 1A tA W � O< R m � n W � V' N l�0 N� g oQ � � �N � 0 L 3 � ❑ W O Z LL � � Z j � m Z � � Q ry � � J a � � C � Q � � � J � in O Q O � m R] m � J 0 F�- li � fn � f? N � @ a MaYI '�.%'"t� • ST. PAUL CMC CENTER EXPANSION 300 EAGLE STREET JOB ID: 951042 SAINTPAUL, MN �5102 PK� 612/Z93-9l54 FAX� 672Q93-955� C.P. No. CP 424 Reference: Date: 6r//96 • • Material Quanfity Unit Unft Cost Total Measure CONCRETE MATERIAI (deduct) -5.6 CY 54.00 302.40 CONCRETE MATERIAL 96 CY 54 5184.00 WIRE TIES 6'-0" 350 EA 3.03 1060.50 1/4" PENCIt ROD 250 LF 0.13 32.50 4X4 POSTS t44 LF 0.58 83.52 3/4" PLYWOOD 8 SHEETS 28 224.00 FORMWORK (dedud) -153.6 SF 0.87 -133.63 LUMBER HARDWARE (10°10 MATI) 1 LS 30.75 LUMBER WASTE (10% MATL) l LS 30.75 SYMON PANS 1 LS 10726 107.26 �.�0 0.00 0.00 �.0� Subtotal 631725 Page 1 i�� �� • AD`DITIONA-L-INPORMATION �i Contractor Proposal No CP 4.24 Date: May 9 1996 Project: ST PAUL CIVIC CENTER CP.4 Contract No.: 4.01 7. Description of the change: {Refer to drawings, specifications, addenda, if applicable). Reference REP No.: 4.24 : FO NO.: Ti21e: Caissons Co� vici�itv of U S West Tunnel The following information is being presented to assist you in your evaluation of the pricing of the afore mentioned Contractor Proposal. Please Contact us if you have any further questions. The following items are cost issues considered in the pricing of CP 4.24: 1. Shoring of tunnefs prior to drilling and placing of the caisson concrete to full height of the caisson. 2. lfse of Symon Pan Fosming System for concrete caps and grade beams. 3. Spoil removal due to drilling of caissons. 4. One faborer guarding and inspecting tunnel integrity duri�g caisson drilling process. 5. Deduct included in labor hours and material pricing work sheets for the exclusion of the � column footings and strip footings at U.S. West Tunnel Vicinity. • MAY. -29' 161WE�) 1.'s 14 �. - -r. ATLAS FOUNUATION Cd TEL:4?8 di�d P.f101 �qgq � ATLAS F'4UNDATIaN CO. - Fnrmesly Atles Pi1e Orivmg Co_, l968-1988 - BoX 1f7 Rogess. MN 55374 (612] aZB-226! Fax: (bi2j 428-4754 DATE_ Map 29, I996 FACSIMILE TxAHBMISSIQPi — Please Aeliver this Proposal To: NAM$; $eather Jensen COMPANY: �J . MAM FA% N0, 293-9557 BE: FROM: Dave Peterson ST. PAUL CIVIC CENTER CP-4 Following is a breakdovn of pricing £or the I3 Caissons tf�at were added persuant to RFP k_24, as pou requested: 1. Mohtlization, set up, etc . .... ................ $1,200.OQ 2. Labor $nd Equipment, 13 days @$2,800_00 ....._.$36,400_00 3_ Concrete Fill (zn�ludes 15% waste) 110 Cubic Yards @ $76.00 ................. $7,7b0.00 4. Drillx Teeth, 13 sha£ts R$70,00 ............... $910.00 5. Supervision & Misc. ,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, „ �1,240.00 TOTAL .... ......................... $G7,450.00 You wi11 aoCe that the ariginal Contract £or 6 Caissons was $21,900.00 or $3,650.00 per Caisson, The addition of 23 Caissons at $3,650_60 equals $47,450.00. SITOUId ppu have any questinns please cuntact me coavenience. TF THIS TRANSMISSION IS NOT CLEAR, PLEASE CALL SENDER TMMEDIATELy! G�.! F A. r' � a /v'� �j rr...w�'+.� ��:�niiri+� .. DS/01/96 • :1ffiBASSADr�R STEEL ��i�ili�i01 �� ' � � �. �� ❑ � � {� � � ��� �'� ��� �, 5,��� �01.�_c �Cm CC�) c� C�. Ca � O HIl Nenh SeCOn6 Strnat • MiMaapol�=. MN 55<05 •�6i2y 33S-192y • F+.Y. (5i?� 33R �b07 PROPOSAL R1:(jLiEST 1�:33 F.ia 61273&7h07 TQ� M.A. MORTENSON 300 EacL£ sm ST. PAUL, MN 55102 ATTN: T�OD SBTLLSNG DATL' 9-3�-96 .fOB NIJMBLR. z595033 Rj;:ST. PAUL CIVZC CENTER LOCA t��N: ST_ PAUL, MN ChiANGE PPOP4SAL Nt7. 18 THISCHANGE� anD $4,1BQ-OQ PF�[1S TAk a ;�� • � R. F. P. 4.24 ` J� CAAN6E COLUMN AND WALL FOOTINGS TN SECTOR "A 'FO CRZSSONS At3D ��L� tr � �J CAPS DVE TQ LOCATION OF U.S. WEST TUNNEL AND SEWER TUNNEL. AIID 7-9 TONS aF REINFOFZCING SARS ..................�•-••-.---.-&3,690.0 Apb 10 HOQRS F�R REIIETAILING AT $SQ.QQ/PER HA_________________5 500_Q4_ $4,180.00 - 3 � <� � �(, N?3 � s.r- �..� -.� �...�,,,�,� e-.. �"�s/�h � Z:S� Pr+ IvOTE: PLEASE CONFlit 1?2fS PRQPOSP..I_ BY StGNINCi QN�' C'iJPY AND J2El'UI2NlNG lT 70 QU2 OFrICF_. Ati nCKNOWLEDG£O COPY WILL Ae �ETLiRhiED TO YOU FOR 1'Ot,R F[LES. ACC6PTEv: BY': • Ai1TliOR1ZGO Stf;NATURC _ _-_ - r;�ri��: DATL-: AMBASSADOR STEEL NIIN2vEAPOLiS SALES OFFiCE aY a�„�.. � C=-X�.. TAOMAS T CAEGARYS � � j'ri SALES REPRESSNTATIVE DATE: �' 3a 96 TRUE riAPP1NESS DEPCNOJ tSPON A PERSD1vA� RELt�YtONSh�P w�t �a cpp . ',o _, __._._ . _ MRY UJ� "� 91�32Pf� E1Gd725�24 ���Q��� • ! �'� BID rxorasar. Page 1 of 1 BidDatc. �3" " 2 9— 9� BidTime: �`���'/k- Project: St� Paui Civic Center Pzoject T.ocation: St. Paul Nlinnesot3 � P.1i1 LN. Sowies Compar,y 2813 L;ryarri Avenue Soutt� Minneapotis, MN 55COE-2;24 Minneapolis 672-872-4&56 612-872-682Q(FAX) 8llir g 4 06-�a8-c36i 4 06-24$-9330 (FAX) Spokane sas-sz2•srzi 504921-5984 (FAX) Gencerai Contractor: M.A. Mortenson Comnanv Address: � /� �-(,�_ PhaneNumher: 293-9I54 Fax Niunber: . Sidders Name: Offzce: Minneapolis (7 Biliings CI Spakane 243-9557 � 1Vute: Tlzzs proposal is For 3abor only pius equipment(s)hooi(s) necessacy for the instailation/erection o£ Yhe tabuIated work below_ ��p _ �' �� �R.equg�rt for chang� oraer �Add� j �2�. �G g, C7 ���� y� �T� ❑ zz�z ❑ 0 ❑ s� d-/t,(� • • JUhI �E 'S5 15��5 FP, AMEa EUP.NS�JILLE E12 43S 7142 TO �939557 AMES C4NST�tUCTION, INC. raa2o cocnv2x xaan s BTJ12I35VII.LE MII3NFS01'A 55306 (612} 435-7106 • F.4X 435-7142 June 6, 199b M.A. Mortenson Company 300 Eagte Stzeet Saint Paal, Mutnesota 55102 Attention: Todd SchillinQ Subject: RF� 4.24 - Caissons at t�e vicuuty of the US West tunnel Saint Paul Civic Center Ea�pansion - CP-4 Mortenson Joh # 951042 Mr. ScTvlling: F.�1/62 "�N 1 Q� � ��A��� A.s discus5ed, we have revised our estimate of the changes made by the referenced document. • RFP � 24 �dds pile caps as wel] as caisson spoiI removal as an addition to our scope of work. Our earlier estimate picked up only the caissan spoil removal. Please see the attached tabulation showing the footing escavatiozz, both for the original docum�ents as well as that revised by RFF 4.24_ The bottam of that tabulation shows a total of ihe additional costs as a result of t]azs change. As you can sc°�, that totaI is $10,948,00. As discussed, we are assuming that the repair done last Saturday wi11 satisfy the sanitary sewer options discussed xn R�P 4.24 at grid 12lRI. We appreciate your willingness fo discuss this issue sance this modification is aiready being incorporated i.nto the project. Should there be any questions, please give me a Ca11. • SincereZy, Mlc Moeller Project Mana�er, '°a Fq�� Opnom�,�ry Fm� Ok'k'iCFS IN: DENVk.'R. COIARe1D0 • PHOENIX, ARI7.ONA • SA[.T LAKE CX'.CY�. U"i'e1H ,.•- , JUN 96 'S6 19=35 FR AMES BU�NSUILLE 512 435 7142 TO 2'339557 P.52i�2 ��� RFP 4 24 - Caissons in the vicinity of the US West Tunnei 6�6�96 �:o� p� . Civic Center Expansion CR-4 Saint Paul, M�. Genera{ Contrac4or - M.A.Martenson Ames Construcvon, tne- - Michaei Moetter �� ��„� � : _�,_y'�,�f=.'?, � 1_ Additiortal Faoting Excavation '�� �'� ° �`� ; Assumptions: L Assume 1:1 SEope plus 2' oversize As Per RFP#4.24 cP"`S `� E L E V A T 1 O F! Totai w�z � ,��Z � j 1/15�oY1 Gaisson Can (,�i antiDimension Thick T•p•C• om Existina C�ii �x�avation o E�� R'1/t2 1 `6 17 6 75-0 69.0 75.0 6.0 96 '�� � 88 R?Ji 2 1 6 17 6 75-0 69.0 75.0 6.0 96 �] 8 8 2.68.4 7 5 t7.5 3 75.0 72_0 75.0 3.0 2.64/6.36 7 • 6 77 • 6 69.3 63.3 75.0 11.7 � 3Q7 , G�� g�i z.��a.a 1 s as_s a es.a ss.s �s.a s.7 ��s' � 76c�{ =i `��°Y Total 5 830 � 3�Gy / � ��g, � Uriginal Documents ,� �. . ELEVATION TOtaI ��"�- F !i q Pad an i pimension Th:dc T_D_C. BnBem ��y�i Gut Excava#ion � £ laX l7xt�+7 R?!12 Y 4 4 1.5 75.0 73.5 75.0 i.5 5 � RZ/12 1 4 4 7.5 75.0 73.5 75.0 1.5 s /ax21 x6 ``�7 � 2.6fB.a 1 3.8 1S 1 75_0 74.0 75.0 1.Q 7 2.64/B.3S 2 3.5 3_5 1.5 69.3 67.8 75.0 �.2 1i5 ��z�O2�x6xlA'�"�1 c �U�; 2.7/8.32 f 3.S 3.5 1.5 69.3 67.$ 75.0 72 58 O S 3p 6 2.71$.36-B.29 1 2.$ 22 f 89.3 68.3 75.0 6.7 110 2.7/6.4 1 3.S 74 7 69.3 68.3 75-0 6.7 89 � x 7Dx �J ' �� �a Tofal 8 388 +% �� Summary of Additional Foating Excavation f� Ps Revised per RFP 4.24 83Q cy 1 As per OriginaF DocumQnts 388 cy � Difference in Excavation 442 cy ��% f i s ; 2. CaiSSOn $pail �� EIEVATtON Tota! , ��pt�t.��° � uantt Dimension Bot of �ao �� �� 5���£2{LG� 9_ $qj�rt� Heiaht Excavation ! � „ R�/i2 2 36 "Dia 59.0 43.0 2�.0 14 E��'" R21i 2 2 36 " Dia 69.0 43A 26.0 14 � p: U ��� 2-6/8.4 2 36 "Dia 72_0 43.0 29.tl 75 ��uY�' 2.64/B2.9 1 36 " Dia 69.3 43.0 26.3 7 2.S4B.36 2 36 " Qia 63,3 43.0 20.3 11 2.7lB.4 4 $6 ' Dia 66,3 43 0 23 3 24 Total 13 84 Summary of Additionai Costs Additiortat Foofing EXCavatfon aa2 C�' � $2Q.00 = $8,84U Additiot�al Caisson $ppil Removal 84 CY � $25.00 - $2,Z98 Total $tU,948 :KM TfJTRL Pr�GE. �2 :xx: � _.�� ,R I.�_..�F.1 � \ .•�� � w � \<� � \— Y' .'��:' f � '%� �=J �' �� � . �ri . � � �� � .' ��%� � ��� � � �� � /�° W� ' ' �� i � : - � ..q /' ��._3+- ..,x ' -t. � : ,� � r ' � � �` � ��,...�'`� � F' ----_`�`�, F.-;- .� n. x �c .,., s :� a� �= 3 � - '� i �:� t � r � . � � : � �.v' �-: i* 3 e �" - � r > .: f � � l �`<� c ?�' "�, Y �� i/� p � f � ��. v j \ ��_ _ - " _ �` �, } J � J � `":!'� � ..�\... .. ..