257212 OrlYinal to Cif7 Clerk • I ` � � ORT3INANCE ` COUNCIL FILE NO���7 �- �� PRESENTED BY `�`'�'�°`"� ORDINANCE NO�,L��1 L— An ordinarice approving the pro�ect of acquir3.ng easements in the City of Saint Paul to open, widen, �.nd extend Burns Avenue and Suburban Avenue from White Bear Avenue to Ruth Street, City Pro�ect P-4�+95R. THE COUNCII, OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES O�AIN: Section l. T'hat the Coimnissierner of Publie Works, having reported to the Corun.cil that easeinents for street and highway purposes on, aver, and across the following deseribed lands: All those parts of Lot 26, Block 20, Scenic FLills No. 5, Lot 2, Block l, Clapp-Thaanssen Battle Creek West, and of the S2 of the SW� of Sec. 35, T.29N., R.22�., lying within an 80 £oot wide s�r3.p of land, the center line of wh3.ch is described as follows: Beginnin� at the point of intersection of the east line of the NW�, of Sec. 2, T.28N., 8.22W., with a line 10 feet south of and para11e1 �o the 1Vorth line of said Section 2; thence westerly along said last described parallel line a cli�tance of 980.8 feet to a point; thence �IWl:y along a eurve to the r3.ght tangent to last described line having a radius o� 300 feet and a central angle of 50 degrees, a d3.stance of 261.80 feet; thence 1Qf�ly a1on� a strai�ht line �azag�.n.t to said aurve, a dis��.nee of 190.16 feet; � --,. ___ . thence,l'OWl.y alemg a curve -�o the left tan�ent to the last described line having a radj.us of 300 feet and a central angle of 50 degrees, a distance of 261.80 feet; thenee westerly a1on� a straight line tange�i,t to sa3.d curve 350 feet distant north of and parallel to the south line of Sec. 35, T.291Y., R.22W. to the west line of' the ST� o� Sec. 35, T.2qN., R.22W., and there termina�ing, excep� exist3ng streets; also that part of the South 2 of th� Southwest ,-�� of Section 35, T.29N., R.22W., triangu].ar in shape, lying northea�terly of the heretofore described 80 ft. wide strip of lanc3., south of the south line of Stzburban Avenue being a line 320 feet north o£ and para11e1 with the south line of said Section 35, and northwesterly of a lin� described as �'ollows; Beginn3.ng at a point on .the said south line of Suburban Avenue 240 feet distant west of the northwest corner of Block 20, Scenic Hi11s No. 5; thence ecruth- westerly along a straight l.ine at an an�:].e o� 55°40t with aaid south line of Suburban Avenue to the r�ortheasterly line of the said heretof'ore descr3.bed 8t) f`t. wide strip of�3and, and there termi.nating; also easements in the land necessary for slopes, cuts, and fills includ3ng right of re�moval of lateral support f�om sub�ect lands or remainder thereof occasioned by excavations thereof or Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Counci� Butler Carlson Tn Favor Levine Meredith Sprafka A gainst Tedesco Mr. President (McCarty) Approved• Atteat: � Citq Clerk yor �� Form approved CorporatioM Counsel By J �� OrijInsl to City Clerk � . ' � � ORI� INANCE ' COUNCIL FILE NO_��� , ���J PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO �� � -2- constrtxction of slopes in the �rading and pavin� of Burns Avenue and Suburban Avenue f'rom White Bear Avenue to Ru,th Stree�, are required for opening, widening and extending Burns Avenue and Suburban Avenue from White Bear Avenue to Ruth Street, City Pro�ect P-o495R; that the estimated cost of the acquisition of said easements is $1g,000.00, and that the Comptroller has certified to the Council the manner in which the f4txlds may be mad.e available; that the Council hereby approves the pro�ect for the acquisition of the said easements for the aforesa3.d purpose and directs that the same be acquired for such ptarpose by the Com¢r�i�tee on I,ands consisting of the Mayor, the Purchasing Agent, C�nimi.ssioner of Public Works, and the Comnnissioner of Finance, if the same can be acquired by purchase at a rea.sonable price, and it sha11 so report to the Council the cost �hereof, provided, however, that in case the Car�i.ttee on Lands �annot procure any or a11 of said easements at a rea.sonable price, then it sha11 so report to the Council, and i.n that event, the Council hereby orders and directs tha� cond�mnation proceedings be instituted pursuant to law to secure sa3d easements. Sec�ion 2. 7.'hat th3.s ordinance sha11 take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and ai�ter its passage, approval and publication. MAR 1 1972 Yeas Councilmen Nays Fasaed by the Council T]..L'�R�1Gf�� �. -->z-�-=-� J� � Levine Tn Favor Mere�dith Sprafka � Ag�inat , � M�►R 61972 Mr. President (McCart ) Approved. At C' Clerk ayor � �� ' , Form approved Corporation Counsel By � , �U�HED �IAR � � ���� , ` �1TY q O'� tia$ �g; �( ��8 •_-•:'�"'^c � � .M. � RICHARD A. SCHNARR C I T Y O F S A I N T P A U L GARY R. NORSTREM Chief Engineer DepuTy Commissioner Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 234 City Hail & Cou� House 55102 ROGER M. CONWAY Commissioner January 13, 1972 TO THE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF TNE CITY COUNCIL: Re: Acquisition of real estate and easements for (City Project P-o495R) Burns Avenue- White Bear Avenue to Ruth Street. For the purpose of opening, widening and extending Burns Avenue between White Bear Avenue and Ruth Street, City Project P-o4g5R, the Department of Public Works require the acquisition of the lands and easements described as follows: Al1 those parts of Lot 26, Block 20, Scenic Hills No. 5, Lot 2, Block 1 , Clapp-Thomssen Battle Creek West, and of the S� of the SW� of Sec. 35, T.29N, R.22W, lying within an 80 foot wide strip of land, the centerline of which is described as follows: Beginning at the point of intersection of the East line of the NW� of Sec. 2, T.28N. , R.22W. , with a tine 10 feet South of and parallel to the North line of said Section 2; thence Westerly along said last described parallel line a distance of 980.8 feet to a point; thence NWIy along a curve to the right tangent to last described tine having a radius of 300 feet and a central angle of 50 degrees , a distance of 261 .80 feet; thence NWIy along a straight line tangent to said curve, a distance of 19Q, 16 feet; thence NWIy along a curve to the left tangent to the last described line having a radius of 300 feet and a central angle of 50 degrees, a distance of 261 .80 feet; thence Westerly along a straight line tangent to said curve 350 feet distant North of and parallel to the South line of Sec. 35, T.29N. , R.22W. , to the West line of the SW� of Sec. 35, T.29N. , R.22W. , and there terminating, except existing streets; also that part of the South � of the Southwest � of Section 35, T.2gN. , R.22W. , triangular in shape, lying Northeasterly of the heretofore described 80 foot wide strip of land, South of the South line of Suburban Avenue being a line 320 feet North of and parallel with the South line of said Section 35, and North- westerly of a line described as follows: Beginning at a point on the said South tine of Suburban Avenue 200 feet distant West of the Northwest corner of Block 20, Scenic Hills No. 5, thence Southwesterly along a straight line at an angle of 55° 00' with said South line of Suburban Avenue to the Northeasterly line of the said heretofore described 80 foot wide strip of land, and there terminating; also ease- ments in the land necessary for slopes, cuts, and fills including right of removal of lateral support from subject lands or remainder thereof occasioned by excavations thereof or construction of slopes in the grading and paving of Burns Avenue from White Bear Avenue to Ruth Street. •. 55 ' t - � -2- � -� � I �.; . . � Funds for the above acquisition were approved in the 197) Municipal State Aid, Fund No. 64-216-07 in the amount of $21 ,000.00. It is requested that the Council take the necessary action to authorize . the acquisition and easement of above said lands for said improvements on Burns Avenue between White Bea� Avenue and Ruth Street. Very truly yours, --�----- _ � �� - - Roger . Conway Commissioner of Public Works � RMC/RJH/JAH/jh Financing: PIR Fund to be reimbursed by 1971 Municipal State Aid, Fund No. 64-216-07 cc: Richard J. Hawkins � , C i y omp t ro 1 1 e �9,y,.,,`� Ori�lnal to Ci4y Clerk � � ` ' ORDINANCE ����.�� COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY �'� � ORDINANCE NO An ordinaa�ee approving the �►r��e�� of aaquiring re�1. e�statt a� easemel'1ts in the �ity o�' Se�ia� Pa�t]. to ap�, widen asd extend 8urms Av�nus and ��rl��.n Av+snue f�an �hi.te Beex Ave��� �a �uth Street, �i�y Pro�eat �-44�8. T� C��JN�Z� 4F � �TT�[ ��' SAIDIT PA� �D4�8 ARDl�INs �eetion l. T'�at the �a�i��imn�r of �lic Works, havi�; repc>rt�d to the �o�cil tha►t the r�ak7. estate desaribed a�st Al1 tho�e parts of Lc�t �6, Bloc1� 20, S�enia Hills �o. g, I�t �, Bl�ck l, Cla.pp-Th�ssen �attle t�reek T�est, and �f the 8� of the �� of Se�. 35, T.��., �.22W., ]�rimg wi�hin an 8� foot t,ride stri� of la,nd, tlte eent�er lin� oP xlaicsh is d�seri� as follmrra: Be�i�aning at the point of' i�atersectioa o�' the ea�t lise �� t]ae I�� �f :ec. �, T.281�., �.�2bi., with a lin� 10 �eat aamth of and �aaallei to the �rth line ot' said �ec�ion �; �hence westerly along �eaid laat desari��d. pars�].lel lime a aLista�ce of980.8��e� to a pc�i.mt; thenee �lfPly elons a c�uwe t� th� righ� taaagent tm iss� �.es�ri'be�. line`�`having � radivs of 3�0 fieaet a�l a cee�atrai angl.e of �0 de�rees, a �.i�t,a�ae�of �1.84 f�et; thaeaae P� alo� a straight line taaagent to said c�arve, a di�t�►�e of 19f).16 feet; ��aenc� �Wly alo�g a eurve to the lef't te�ngent �m thea�`aast ��scrib� line ha..ving a radius of 34�J feet and a c�ntrai angle of 54 de��as, a diatance of 261.84 f��; thende westerly alor�g a etra�� line tan��t to said ��rve 35� t'eet diata�►t north o�' and pa�rallel to th� �c>u�h line df' �s�. 3�s T.2�., 8.�F1., tc the xast lin� of the SiT� of �ec. 35, T.�g�i.,r�.�T., ax� tl�ere tsrsina,t3ag except exiating atreeta; also that part o�' �h� �uth � of th� Southrrest � af �ection 35 s T.��N., l�.a�l., triang�l�r in ��aFe, lyin6 northeasterly af the heretot'ore described 8� Y`t. r3.de atri of lanal., s�th oi the sauth li�tte of �tbwr�a�n Av�e being a line 32� feet orth of axtd parall�l rrith tha south 13.n� of aaid Se�tios 35, �� nm�wes ly oP a lins describei a,s fflllmwa. B�gir�ii�g at a point on the said south li.�ae of 3t�.bvr�►�a Avesne 2C� feet distant west 0f' the nortl�est eorser of ��tl.e>ek �0, Saenie �3.11s l�o. g; �hence so�thY�es�erly along a straight line at angle af 55°t�3' wit� said eouth line of �uburba�n AvenuR to the xortheaaterly�e o� the �aid heretmPore d�scri'b�d 8� i`t. xig� strip of lan�d, and ther� t�rm' ting; also sase�emts in the la�d n�eessary for slopes, eut�, �nd fills incl iiag right o�' rea�c�val o� l�i�sral support f�v� aub�eet lands or r�raind�r the eof occaaianed '�y �xc�.�atimns there�f or Qonstrt�timxi of alapes in t�e gr ing arad p�ving of �raa Avem�e and �sburba.n Avea�ae f'rom i�'hite Bear Avenue t j �uth 8treet, is required ior the c�p�nin8, xidening ancl exte8d.ir� Btarns Av�m�.e �id Subt�rba� Aveaue f'ra� White �3ear Aven� to l�,ith S�r�et, �ity Fro���t P-E�114�8; tlaat the eatima�ed. cost o�' th� acquis3tian �f said real �atate a�d ease� ta is $15,0�.�, a,nd that ths Cc�p�raller ha� aertified to ths �o�neil the ma�►ner � xhieh th� #1�ad8 a�y be �ade av�,3la�b1�; that tlu COU�ci1. h�rel�y approve� the pro�eet for the �aq�ai�it3oa of the �a.id rea.l estate �nc� �se�m�ts for th� �a�resaid p�arp�sd anat �iireata t�t the saae be aaq�aired fior �uu�h p�os� l�y �he C ttee on La�cl.s coaaictix� of tbe M�yor, th�e Pur�asi�g ABent, ec�issioa�r mf'�li� W�rks, au� th� Ce�i.ssic►�er o� Finane�, ii' the same can '�e acq�ired by gwr�a�e at a r�asonable priee, ana� . t �l Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Butler Caxlson Tn Favor Levine Meredith Sprafka Against Tedesco Mr. President (McCarty) Approved• Attest: � City Clerk M or �� Form approved Corporation Counsel By Orlainal to C�y Cler� � � ` ` OR�]� INANCE . c��—��«. � COUNCIL FILE NO ��� � +��'��' PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO- -2- i� sha11 so repc�rt to the �unail the eost thereof, provided, hm+rev�r, �hat 3a csse the Ga�itf�ee o� �da eana�t pra>a�re � or a�.3. af saei� lan�1. a�d ee.s�me�rts at a ree�sonable p�ricae� �hsr� it smal.l sm r�port t.o the �owacil� aa�dl. in th� �va�a�, the eo�rsail hers'�y �rer� a� �.irec�s that sor�e�aatian pro��e�iags be 3�sir�,t�te�! �er the prmvisior�� o� ths �ii��r E�xter to seaure said r�a►l. e��ate aru� eaa:�nts. �ee�ion 2. T�►t �hig ardinaac� s�a�Lt take eff�at at� 'be is �mrcee t�i.rtg (3�) daya t�� a�t a�f't�r its �ssage' ap�rcrva,]. aad. gnblica�ios. Yea.s Councilmen Nays Passed by the Councii Butler Carlson Levine In Favor Meredith Sprafka Against Tedesco Mr. President (McCarty) Approved• Attest: � City Clerk M yor �� Form approved Corporation Counsel By I st ` /� . � 2nd � � . Laid over to 3rd and app � —Adopted � 3/� �- Yeas �ys Yeas Nays � ' � �� Butler .��� ;.i _, �? � � Carlson Carlson �'-�`J � n �-~�; '� j�,� Levine ,�'� y h�'�''`' \Levine 6 Meredith �4vleredith /� Sprafka � Sprafka Tedesco �— � � Mr. President McCariy Mr. President McCarty O