257200 Osisisal to Cits Clerk � " � � � ORDINANCE ,��� , �������� COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO ��� �� 3 AN ORDINANCE GRANTING PERMISSION TO MR. ANTHONY'S INC. , 1345 ROSE AVENUE, ST, PAUL, MINNESOTA, TO CONSTRUCT, OPERATE AND MAINTAIN A RESTAURANT ENTRANCE CANOPY, ON APPROXIMATELY THE NORTH 17 FEET OF ROSE AVENUE FROM A POINT 168 FEET WEST OF THE WEST PROPERTY IINE OF CLARENCE STREET TO A POINT APPROXIMATELY 189 FEET WEST OF THE WEST PROPERTY LINE OF CLARENCE STREET. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1 . That permission and authority are hereby granted to Mr. Anthony's Inc. , 1345 Rose Avenue, St. Paul , Minnesota, to construct, operate and maintain a restaurant entrance canopy on approximately the north 17 feet of Rose Avenue, from a point 168 feet west of the west property line of Clarence Street to a point approximately 189 feet west of the west property line of Clarence Street. Section 2. That the Corranissioner of Public Works is hereby authorized to issue a permit to Mr. Anthony's Inc. , for the construct�ion, operation and maintenance of said canopy upon and subject to the following terms and conditions: a. That said permittee shall construct said improvements entirely at ' its own expense, to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Public Works and in accordance with plans and specifications prepared by Mr. Anthony's lnc. , certified by the signature of a registered professional engineer of the State of Minnesota, and said plans and specifications approved by the � Department of Public Works and identified as Public Works Project No. E-1124. °^" Such construction shall be made in strict compliance with the City of St. Paul Building Code and be authorized under a building permit issued by the Department of Parks, Recreation and Public Buildings; b. That said permittee shall pay the cost of publication of this ordinance and all subsequent ordinances and resolutions passed in relation to this ordinance; c. That the said permittee shall , within thirty (30) days after the passage of this ordinance, file a written acceptance thereof with the City Clerk; d. That said permittee shall obtain a permit from the Department of Public Works to construct bituminous curb and bituminous driveway and work incidental thereto; e. That said permittee shali properly protect all excavations made in the streets, sidewalks and boulevards both day and night so as to avoid all damage or injury to persons or property; shalt properly fill and tamp said streets, sidewalks, and boulevards to avoid settling; Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Counci� Butler Carlson Tn Favor Levine Meredith Sprafka Against Ted�co Mr. Preaident (McCarty) Approved: Attest: City Clerk May �� Forxn ap�roved Corpor�ion Counael By : _,____�.. o�.��.c�c,ci�t _ .��� ' , ORDINANCE ��,-, COUNCIL FILE NO � ����� PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO ��� �._,�t--� -3- , The coverage shall automatically be restored immediately after the oocnarence of any accident or loss from which liability may thereafter accrue and the City of St. Paul shall be notified 10 days in advance of the cancellation of the insura�ce coverage by the issuing insurance company; k. That said permittee shail pay the costs of administration, enginee�ing and inspect'ton incurred by the Department of Public Wo�ks because of this undertaking; said costs are estimated as a sum of $400.00 to be accounted for under Department of Public 4lorks Pro�ect Number E-1124; 1 . That said permittee shall furnish a bond to the City of Saint Paul in the sum of $5,000.00 conditioned to comply with all the terms of this ordinance and to indemnify said City from all costs, and expenses that may accr.ue occasioned by the making of the improve- ment or arising out of the same; m. That said permittee shali submit bond and insurance documents to the Office Engineer of the Department of Pubiic Works; �. That said permittee shall furnish the Department of Public Works all documents of record that are a part of the Contract or incidental to its execution including but not limited to addendums, "as built" plans and tracings; o, That said permittee shall , during the term of this permit, restore and repair ali property, whether public or private, damaged or which may be damaged due to the constraction, or maintenance of the said canopy provided for herein; p. The Council reserves the right to revoke tfiis permit when- ever in its opinion the public necessities or the public interest will be served by such revocation. y . That said permittee shall , if requested by the Bureau of Traffic of the Department of Public Works, post signs directing parallel parking only on that part of the North side of Rose Avenue abutting the permittee's improved property. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thi�ty (30) days from a�d after its passage, approval and publication. F EB 10 1912 Yeas Councilmen Nays Pasaed by the Council Butler � � �_. Levine � In Favor Meredith Sprafk� � Againat �. �$�^ �c�y> -�- _ FEB 11 1972 t �� _ .,� . � - .�..�,�..- ,, , ity Clerk , ; ! � Mayor �� �;+ j;' Form approved Corpor��fon Counael By ���; � . � PUEZLISN''`? �� , � �Q�� Dytlaat�ts Pdeqe . ., � = �- � ORDINAN`� E �5�2� ,.. � , :. cou�vc�� Fi� No PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. ��� 3�� A!1 ORD 1 NMiCE GRANTi M6 PERM 1 SS I OM TO MR. AN1'HtN1Y'S i NC. , 13�5 ROSE AY�NUE, ST. PAUL, MIMNESOTA, TO CONSTRt1CT, O�ERATf IWD MAtNTA1N A RESTAURANT EMTRANC� ClIf10PY, 01! ArPROXIMATELY THE NORTH 17 FE£T OF RQSE AYENUE FRW1 A f0lNT 168 FEET �ST OF THE idEST PROPERTY LlNE aF CIARENCE STREET TO A POINT APPROXIM�?'ELY 189 �ET YfST OF TIIE MEST PRO�ERTY l.INE OF CLARENCE STREET. Ti�1E COUNC 1 L OF THE C ITl' OF ST. PAUL 08ES ORDA I N: Sect ion 1. That per�a�t ss ion �d sEethor i ty ar� t�r�br g�aeited ta Mr. Mtha�y's inc., i;45 R4sa A�renne, St. Paul, Mirn�sota, to const�uct, ope�ate md wsintaTn a restat�rant entrancs canopy on approxi�stity the nerth 17 feet of Rosa Av�a�s. fr+aM a point 168 feet aest of the Mrest propertY liAe af Cla�ence Stroet to a poi�t approxi�nately 189 feet wsst of tha west prop�rty lt�e of C1areACe St�eet. Sectiaf 2. Tfiat the Caariasioner of Public Morks is h�rabY snthorized _ to issue a pennit to Mr. Anthoe�y's Inc. , for the con:trdction, cips�sttc�n and watntenance of ssid carwpy upon and sdbject to the foliowing tatws snd conditions: a. That said panritte� sh�ll co�struct said i�rova�ents e�tirei�► st its awn e�se, to the satisfsctio� af the C�is�iw�ar of P4biic Works and in accotdat� with piar�s and spetifications preps�ed by llr. Anthony's inc., certiftad by ths sigAatn�e of a �!sgist�red prafs�st+�al engln�er of the State of Minnes@ta, ae�d �aid pis�s and speciftcatTo�s approved by the Dspart�nent of h;�bf t6 Morks and ida�t i f iad as Publ ic Mb�s P%ject Nb. E-112k. Such constcuctioa shall be awda. in strict cewpiis�ce wtth the Cit�l of St. P�1 Bn i i d t ng Code! and be� ,ntho�i zrd ande� a bu i 1d i ng pe�i t f sa� !ryr ths Department of Parks, Recrs�tion se�d Pablic 8aildiregs; b. Thst said psn�ittas sball psy tha cost of pubiication of this ordiaancs and ali subseqaent ordtnances �d resolutions passed tn relatiort to tbis o�dtnance; c. That the said pe�ittae sha11 , Mithin thirty (30) days sftsr t!a passage of this vrdinance, fit• s wrltten accept�an�e thereof with the City Clerk; d. That said perm�ttes shaii obtain s penait fron� the Depart�snt of � P�blic Wbtks to construct bit�inavs curb aad bttva�inous drivevwy �nd w�ark incideatal thereto; e. That satd permi,tt� shall p�operly protect alt excav�tions made in tl� st nets, sidswaiks and boutovards both da�r and Aight sc as to avotd ail daMge o� inJury to persons o� property; shall properlr fill aad ta�p s�td streets, sidswalks, and boulevards to avold settlte�; Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Coun��� Butler Carlson Levine T� Favor Meredith ���r� Sprafka Tede�co Mr. President (McCarty) APProved: Attest: City Clerk �yor �� `.: Farrn s�proved Corpor�fical Couneel By 2�� , .��„�.._._.. _,_ ... ��� �5�2�� ' . ORDINANCE � , . � . . . . COUNCIL HLE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO- f`�� `3,� _3_ TM �ow�e shal l srterr�ttcai ty bs n�stor�d ia�rdistalr after ths � oe�w►aeae of a�y acc i dsa t or i oss f row �+i�i, 1 tab 11 i ty wnr thareaf�ar ��- acens a�d ths city of St. Psrfi sbsli be Aotif�sd 10 dsys ta adraa� of tIM ca�)latt� of tMe i�ra��a c�w�rals b't t1N is�i� i�wr�e ce�Ps�►: � i�. 7't�s# sa�� psn.tttw slNll ps�r ti� costs �# �t�istntiw�, �ngt�ee�i�y aAd i�sp�ctfo� t�c+rrnd by tb� 8�r�t of tiblic Msrks b�ca� of this w�ri�ci�y; satd aests an sstt�pt� u a siw Q!' g�0.00 to bs aocorat� for �nd�r D�ar�t of 1h�►l ia Morks 1'�►ojKt Mr�bsr E-11Z4; �. Tbs! sai� p�rmTttN shall f�ist� • i�o� �o t�s Citp �f sstAt rwt i� tl+� sa�a�i# �s,00p,oA Mrwitti� tb �o�pty �rita ilt t�s tsnis of this oMt�ia�ve asd �o tad�if�t sala Cit�► fr�r alt e�t:, aAd � tl�nst �► aK�c�s occasfoaw b�r d�s w�l�t�g af tl�s i�r+o�w- �t or ari s ing art of t� sawe; r. Th�t ss1� oe�stt�Us sbiit s�it be� a�d i�a�c� �ts t�► tl�e off t r�s Ew�i�ar ef tNe D�pa�t� o� h�+1 i c M�►Ic�s; �}. Th�t sai� p�r�itt�s sball frr�isb tl� 1wpa�rb�t of l�blis. MsHcs ai 1 �ts o# r�cor� d+st an a p�rt of � Contract or � tw�i�tal to iEs aoacitia� iNCluatag b�t �wt i i�tt�.t�s sdM�d�s, ��as wttt�� �ta�s s� t�aci�; � TINt sa i� �rstsi ttM sha!1, �i� th� �snr of t14 i s p�n�i t, nstor� asd npat r a11 pe�op�rtY, v�ati�r �w1►1 ic �r �ri�rats, ia�� of �ld� �► M dar�d �s �o tbe carqtt►�ratte�, o� �i�e+�i� of the said ��PY Pr�►id�d for I+��rsiA; swr �. Ths Cowictl n�s�e�ss tbs ri�t t� �e� ;Uls Ntsit �i+�- � tts aptafo� t�s �lic �sttiss or tlwr prblic tAtisnst wiil ba s�rwr b� s� r�swlNe�tt�. . Tl�at sat� �e�itR�a shs11, if nqwstsr Ir�r tbs �a�w of Traff�c of tha Os�artwa�t of �bltc 1�ks, pos� si�s ainetiu� p�rai isl prkt� +o�ir e� that p�rt of tt�s Ma�th sidit�of lbse 11�w aartt i� _� p.rat�t«��s iwpr��� pr�ep��ty. S�tti� 3• Thls o:di�ea sbsli tske �f1�t .aNd #�s Is foe�c� thirt�r �30) �s f� a�i aft�r its �assys�, a�pe+irrat +� pr�ifcatlon. Yeas Councilmen Nays Paseed by the Counc>> �EB 1 0 197� Butler � 6 7u Favor p�� d s�i„st � Mr.P�re�a�'d t� (McCarty) App�o�: FE8 11 197Z Attest: CitY Clerk . Mayar �� ':,` �orm s�roved Cor�or�ion Cowieel By _ � �,_� Saint Paul, Minnesota, Feb. 22, 1972 . A"` � � To tY� Honorable, the City Council� Saint Paul, Minnesota. Geatlemen: We, the undersigned, do hereby accept and agree to abide by all tYle terms and conditions of Couneil File No. 257200, being Ord.inanee No. 15033, adopted by the City Couneil on February 10, 1972. �`'` Mg. AlVT NY`•S, INa. � �. sy ' � � �2� .��.-��. \, _ �•x�, ,. � �2� :,s f. That said permittee shal ) notify the Traffic Bureau of the Depart- ment of Public Works if the construction of said canopy shall make necessary the closing of Rose Avenue or part thereof; all expenses tncurred by the Traffic Bur�au in furnishing, installing and removing of barricades, signs and other control devices, shaii be paid by the permittee; g. That said permittee, after the inception of said improvement , shail prosecute the same contlnuously, with diligence, and fully complete said work within a period of 60 calendar days to the satisfaction and approval of said Commissioner on or before August 1 , 1972; h. That said permittee shall notify the Construction Enai�.ar --r -� Department of Public Works wh�n thR ����«�____• C�nStf/lPt:w•• �'- • ��w . � ,M� �l��ll notify tih� Traffic P,ureau of the Depart- �. 'ihat �:�i� ('���'��tt�.- � shall mUke necessary en,cs incurred by th� merti� aS= �'u'�1 it ��'orl::� if t1�c:Q�nnartuthe�eoff a11��x�nbR barrier,d�'�,, signs tt» c�U`�irg o� i',c;so Avcnu n and rern�vinct �f Yr�,f�'ic f:'��reau in f�.:rni�hing, t�stallin� �r���ittee; Lnd c>et��r contrnl dcvices, shall be paic# by Lhe p• �rmittc�, afCer t�e inception °d fullyicomplete^saidhwark �. Th�t s�ia �� � , �-�ith dil�gence, a� roval of saia prvse�utie the su��:� c��tiinu�a�i� , wltllin .'� F� er iocl o� �� ca l e+'�����r a�YS to tli., sat i sf aet i on and apa �ni ss i a��er an ar' b�f°�e �ug�+st 1 ' 1972� er of the o�,� i ne � ction Eng � nrmittee sh�11 not�fY t�}e Constru fhe same said h. That .,ai�i n� .� t of Publ ic 1�lorks �.,�;r�� th� eonbeenCCO�Plececitto�ai low�fo a f inal Qep�rtr�..n Canstr�if�t i on Enc!i n�e' when �?rc�Jc=ct as i�s�ceC i c�n� frmittee st�a�� not Proc`:ed with canstruction unless �+�d i . That s�i� a ��m{?1i�d with the provisions �e��rtm�nt � f ermi�ct�^� •t:�t 1 li<:�ve �ut ly o� ,�int Paul , qnt� 1 �a�� ►� d::ted t n the C Y.y ���nification contained tid S�v:2r COfiatr�rctian, �fl�Ut'�T1r.� �t1d tRG�". , ,. «��ications s�or Stre�ti <� + af 4'at,1 i c 1��0, ks S;j ; . q��il l , i9a9, S�c�ic'� �ur�ber�d i .�!} ur fls{�af�thisiordinance�,5thc~��drasa�d ap�lic�s�le to cc��tii�,c�r's�s. �o" �Ui�f��er 1 .lY�F, as ar;�nded, shail be r ���t�c=;z c�f said s;�t�cific�t�ons, �� ere- ,. rd for the �o�•d "eontr�ct�r w tha�!gl� t4ie +•tc�rd "r.��r�i tL°e" tvas sL+b�t i tut_ . n ,�<rs in tih� ai'c�resaid S�cti�� �E�t�GndS5e4erdConstr4ctson�inn e�er Cl�c s�m.. ��`P �c i �i G�t io�s for Str� re�erence us ful ly { .4�, rts ��s+��ncicd , o` the Sp 1 i�r�e wi th t�,e C i�y c�� L p r�of of cor�p F 5aini �'��.�1 isnL���rflz�hereior`crbaktim.fn(� �r� �s the CorFar�tion r f���� t�.Yw�i��� C]S (.t �J`� ba. {n 3u�r„ �Q' ar,d t5� c'�:►� .,� 5�CtjO(1 shali pr�v i�'i r��� of th:: �.rur�_.a 1 d � �.nd t.{�4 �1c..«�+,en�s r�:au i r�.d by t � Cii:y ��i S�i�'� �',�i1 �f�Gris�;Lmission t� ti(y�v C�rForatt�n C�unsel , C.�i�i7r°i �� �ht. �i Sc���t f al.�� j • the 4g��s•��aid S�s.LsU� 1 .�t'} shal l , b� f i i�;=j i n th� �i f i c� o C the GGmptre�l i er of the C i tY ;al l tal<� cut and ����tti�� o�- _UCCC550P�i �n Interest s� �S iocated on � � ��'3d� 5ald �� � tt�i s rerr�i t �nd �:hi le the canop hat c.'tzrin4 tf1e^ �BCIOd Q¢ ��,�biic li�bility 1iiSllic:ii�.0 t �Gintain ' �; r;c,,.,pr�hcr.3i��v proCeeti��4 0¢ St. Paul , its �uid ric!,�-c�f-w.�Y - . t��ld h�rmless, �nd �efer.d C{�e City ��sses, jLdgr�Nntx, st�a! � 1 {y irc��=r�ni±v: dar�vges, elaims, � �i� X „ ,:;: ' �toy�es r"rc;a any und all nrisi;�q o�t �� �qcnt�, r.rfic..rs � �m, ti�fiatcver nat�re suits or e�:;p°-ris�� n� �cct�ur�t a� �I1 ci�ims of o �ration and re:�:av:�l oi � t�, �onstr�3�:io�, maintcna�ce, � shail be J•.��asited � at connc:ct�d E�rl t, . P, ceft i t�i ca�e of th i s i nsurance - th� s�'s� � St. , Paul befa:"E� the star'Y oi construction. 'fhe li�biiity Yf�t'ii i:I��-: G i tiy a{ � � , �n i r,st�rancc �C:iilputlY � 1 CG'SiSed to do �s�s i rsess ir�,u��,n r e s��a li b� i.:�uc.d bY , „ C e�,i ur n c r�ct al t e�;�Gnses inci�e;r►e.,i thei•eto „ �<..,�,� of ttin���:s�t� a�'c� t t�:�, � ��� on rener�u l . F e�o r e the in th.. �_� �,� , , ., th^ nc;mitiEe i�iii�liy , o� St. Paul a new s h�}� he p�i d F ro,..;,Ll r b� ^ s S��l l � 1 t depo s i t ��;i t h t h� C i t} �r.plr��tie�, sai�i �,e►�r,�ittfe st'�': �rrnittee �nd the City ., „ 1 u c.° a�y e>;p 3 r 3►�r� i nstir�,r;ce. �he �'v ' coverag�: . eerC i Y i e.4e.. to rcp be nar� �d as ,joint insuresi in �ry �n;ount t�o�C less t h�n t t��e f ol iow�ng � � i���us'�nce (irctu�lis�g �Lath) in an �mount o �c�di ly injut'� �ub'c�ct ta not le::•s tl�san $'GO�QOOwCOtI�`�of�one�p�i�o+a�ndfng �u O less bodi �y i�zjuri�:s �.a or ��� ilze ��.��� ltr�it far cach �:�r�on in a total ��n�u�� oF «a� •�-� � , nn� ac�ident. tti:3n "��p,_,.Q���O�...�`J on �ccau:�t of an} �. • d4:r��:�ge lnsuran�e in an �.:i1°�m`UCt1o���fCF�r Perty i� • F'rop..� ty � $�i0_�3�O.G0 fnr a} 1 c!amaaes to ot de..tt • ��y �;7���cc i Jen t. ,�c v � 1 � r� Feb. 22, 1972 Mx. A�ntYxony''�� Irsc., 13�� �O$@ �Y�..'s� St. Faul, Minn. C�n�lemen: 'ri�e encla�e a �apy a�' Ox�dinance No. 15433, �ar°an.t�.n� Y� Permis�sion �ea �anstru.et a canopy an yrntx� rest�r�tt; t�l.ao C. F, 257199 grantirt� �.nForma�. appraval of yaur requ�st ta canat�ruct �a.i.d �anaPYi alac� 'b4.11 �.n t� sum of �53.Z4 to c�v�er the cost o� �ubl3ca�ticm. We c�.7.1. �octir special r�ttenticm to Pa,r,�r�phe � and 1 �perta�inin� ta in:su.rance and th� �iling of a bond in t}a� emount spec3t'ied. �rde enclo�e an �cceptance o� the ternzs c�f` tla� ard.3narace �rh�.ch mu�t b� �'iled in thi� of�1�e' Rocam� 3$6 Ci�y Iial1, �ri.thin 34 d�ys. If not so tiled, the oxctinance becoa�e� vrsid. Y�ry' tzvly yo�urs, � Gity CZ+erk ��_ f. 7hat satd permittc� �hail natify the Traffic 9ureau of the D�p�rtW men4 of ��:l;ifc lkrrks if th� r��stractinn of s�1d canopy sh�ll ��ke n�c��s�ry the r.lo,in� of R�se Av�nt�� nr �art t�PreQ�; all exQen�es incurr�d bv *hP "f'rai"fic E�uresau in �'�.�r�aist*in�+, 9n�talttn� �nr! rwmc�vinq rf h�rric�de� , s�yr�s and otf,er control r�evi�ws , iha) l !�� naid hy th� permitt�e; g. T!�at sr+id n�rr+tftc�e, �ft+�r t!�e incention of s8id im�rr�rvernc:nL, s�ali prosecute: the s�mc� cc��rin+ao�rsly, wit`s ��il l ic�c��cc�, a�nd fui 1y conaplate said work within a �-�riG.� �� �,n r.,,�l��nc��r ;�.'Y;rs t� th� S�t��f�.t��aR �n�3 �a�nrov�l of s�id t>CN[IRI�$iSTfirlk�fl� :/?i +^y4` ,7f?�P"t�'°r;"! 'hr..Br1L1~t 1 � ����; h, T'�,�t �a��!�� r��r;°�itte�� sh�al ? �otlf�f t;-�cA a:�;,n�tr�+c:t6rdr� wnc�in.w��r af tt�e: �}epart+�e�+� a� Pu�� ic 4•�e�r!�s +N!��n Lh�a c�anstr;ictT��s �t�r�s <Znc� nottfy the sarne said Cons�r�ac� i ori �r�r,i nPc�r ;�rs�n r�ro Y�sct ha�3 br,�n c�mr�iee�� �c� nl iow for a finat inss:ti��:�f�n; i . Tl;�t �said tA�rrli Lter: �r,:�i i ncat �src>�e�d wi th Cc,,+�struc:tion unl�ss �nci unti 1 saE� ��rnsl LC�c� sh�l i have ful lv ccan,ri i�ac� wich t!�r ��rovia ians regardinc� inswr�oncr �nr� 3r;�±�r�nificati�n cr.�st�,in�.rt ir► Lh� City r.� Sa�r�t P�ul , De�art�s�t c�f Public �.�::r!>� "-w�c��PrAtiP�P� fc�r �>�r�at: �n�i '.rt��er:r t:onSt�'�Jtkior�� dat�d 11�ri1 l , ����', r?��.ttnn rt�a�F,c���d 1 .44 nf !��Ici s;a�ci�ic�ti�r.s, as amend�d, �a��l ic�t�l�: to contract��r�. F�+r *h�* �ur�ac�s�: of this c+rQirance, �!�e a�cares�id s�ction oy�' ssta �:�ae�cTfi��st6Ar�s, r��rr�taPr l .t►�p �r �mended, ghall tae read �s Cr��U�f'Y t��" �tP?CC� rB�rl�r(1!~fe��!�� W3E SU�!!�C�i°t3�t'ta �e�l' thE wrOf'ti ``GOt1Li'8CLQ1'�� Mf1i�1'C— ev�r �i-�e �,a��c• ���,r:�r°sr� F n tha 4�fnr�sa i cl Sr*ct ion 1 .44 t as �mendeci; sa�i d Sect ion 1 .�+4, as .�r.i�rnle�r!, nf th� k�erff3r,;atir�r�� �r�r Street �nd ��wQr �anstructic�n in th� ::t �:y caf r�int P���1 �, h�r�^hy f�cc�r�nc�r��e,d herain by refet'enG� as fui ly an� �s c�r��I�*�r.��y r�� i!` ;�et fc*�tl� hetrein ���rh�ttm. Prcaf cf c+�m�1 ian�Q with ;�rmvTslon^ c�� t:►� r��arc�>��*id s'�c*.ian s!��31 fye 3n such fori�j as tr�� Corpor�tinn Lraunse 1 of 4�+c: C i ty o f ��i n� c���� �n�y ;�o r�ct and ti�� dt�cumen ts r�sqa i red by t���: afores�icl 5ection 1 .a�4 s�h�t] , s�ft+�r surm�issian to t}:e Garpc�r�tian Couns�l , u� ri led is� �h� �fftca c+� th� Gcx��rtr�a�l�:r r�f the Gity of Sa�1nt 6'�i�t ; ,j , .i ti��v ,a i c� r��.�rr�i tt�e �ar su+�r.vs��c�rs in i r�t�rest stM�t! Z t�alc� out �nd maintain �:urin�; 'the p�s�tor� t+f �his n�rr�+tt an�' whilc; tF�� car�c►p�/ �s locateci on said right-�f-:d�y a c�nr»s�r�fv�ns3rr� �arotec�tiv� p��l ic 1 ialai i irv irrgurance that shat l fu14y tndc�raraYfv, �;c�1d harn�less. �r�d def�rnd tl��: Ci�,y c,f ;t. hzui , its agents! of�'t��rs �n�i ��plc,uecss �rc�nn any �n� al i dam�q�s, c��im,, ic►s�es, Judgments, suTts or cx�a�n��s on ��ccoctnt of all cl�ir�s c�`� st�i��tever n+���+r� �risin� nut of or cc�nn�ct�c! ti�atth th� cc�nstw��ction, m�tntpn�nce, operatic�rs �s�4� r��:�c;val �af the sald ��n�ap�y. +� c€�rtifl�z�Le c�f CF�is insurance �E��Z1 tac Ja�'m:,+ tecf �.�tEe thG City �f St. Pr�ul �a��c�r� �`:�: St�rt c��' cc�n�trc�cztGr�, °;#�ry � i�,;i� � itY• insi.�r:�^t�: shal ' be 1s�ucsd `�y r��ro tn5�r�rrcg cc�mn.�n� � iccng��� t�a s�o w.ss�:�ir��ss t�► ta�� �teCe af M i nn�ssc�ta �nd t"�� pr�rz t u� and �� 1 exn��sU, i�sc i ci�ent�3 4���r�:tc� zf:�,� l ��� pa i d �ro!nnt)�/ My t'�e ri�r°m i L t�e i n 1 t i�i 1 y as�d c,n rasa�w�a 1 . t3K:�c�rC thc3 Px�iratiar�, s�+ct ��a•mlttB� st�all d��si� �di�ti► t3��� �;it�s� �,f ft. ;';��? a nv,•, ce�-rific�,te fio rs�lac� anv ex�irinq i�isurancf:. at�� c►err;�ltC�:f: �nJ t9�� �`aty shai i be n�m�aJ e� jn1►�t lnsure�� in an $r;�aurat nc�t i�ss t!�an �hc; `aI i�arPnq ccaveraga. Bodily ln,Jury i�►s�tr�nc� �f!�cl�da'r�� d�att�� ir� �n �r��u�t of not less than S1Q�,4^�4.�� for a�ll dar�aq�as arising out of laodTly in�uri�s- La; or ��at!� af tane �a�rsm.n� art<J yu��ie�C tn the S:�rr.� ii�rq�� �ur ?�ch �erson d�4 � 4at�! �;nuunt �,{' �ot l�ss th�n $3t�n,0�0.�l3 r?n �ccount a� �r�y c�n�s �e�id�nt. Pra��rty dam��� insu�r�nCe i� an �m�unt of n.at less tP+an �����nn��r� fflr alt �am��e:s to or ci��truetion r�f aronerty tn �ny �ne accTdent. _2_ f. Th�t sa id �As-mi tLe:n sh�l l nc±t ify th� Tr�ff ic �ure�u c�f �he Denart- men*. �f Publ i� 4��c��-'�s if the cnnstruct'an nf ��i�! c�nsapg� sh�l l mak� n�r.,c>�-car�,� t�he CjO51P1!' r�f Ro,e A4���ue or �art th�reof; all exr�ense� incurr�d h�� the Traffic 3ur^au i� f�;rnE�h�rc�, inst:�l � 3n� and rea�r��.�in�? of b�rri�aries , sinn� an�l �rhnr r�ntr�l �i��,+.�;�s , sh�ll he ;�aid 5y thP p�rmi*f.eQ; t�. ��'Idt Se3�+� '•Eal'!?IItC�Py ,���f��' rf'tE.' Sf1C2�tlO!'! JF ;,":lC� !!T3l'r(11/G'.tS1P_Tl�� �iflld'3� 1 �rosec�ste the s�me cnrtinuc�cpsl�f, with dilic�encc�, and f��1tF; c�a�o;nl�t^� a�id ��ork with'sn .:s �eric�d c�� �n c�?endar d-�yc to the satisf�ctian and �pprc�v<:� of �-�PC+ C^�^�sr;i«i�ar^r rn or hefar� f�u�7u4t l , lQ�? , h. That s�i�! �Armit.tc^e �h311 notify the G:�nstrvcti�n Engineer of the Dep,�r*.�e�t �sf p��ht ,� +.lnrks whe�n th� v�n�te��u,�.t'scan st:�rts -�nd n7tify ��e �:;-�m� sa�d Cor��tr�.r,tlo� Enn'sr.^er �.thPn �roject t°�e bP��► c�°���?e*�-i ?�c ,11�?�.�r fc,r � ��r�l �nspe.�tior�; i . Th�R s���! �Qrr:itte� �h�all not� �r�c��d with c�rstr�.lctinn urles� �n� uratil said permittee sl�all h�ve f�r1 �R� cemnlo�d with the �rc��+'s�inr�s re�?�a-s�in� insur�n�:e ?nc1 in�l�m�if�c��ios� c:csntainPr� in �h� �i*y ,f �a��* P:aer� , �e;^�►tmer.* �f p!,lIT� 1 G; ��I{,C�,�, S�PiG N�i r�'1�BUt1� f�:" S�:r".'�' <�i'1�.'�. rL'WR',V' rC.'`i'r f a-19��'U;`4!^� (�c?!£'C� J!:^rit 1 , 1Q5Q, Sectio� �u�;t+c�rec� l .��d� �f �a�id �-��c;f'vc��ion�, �< <�mende�t, r1 n != � �,r, s .,, t afnr �,' ,���plic�hle t+� �c t�ac�t..�r�. , �r th� �+ �rR,. ,� of ,�+' ., �r�1;r�nc�, �*� � � ,. , es�.r�t <prt Infl Of Sz1'(.� SC)t'f�"f 1�c��9t7�1c. � f1UP'^.E?£'i' � .4l: � �: :'f'?E'.!lCjf �� !�kll� � �'T�' Y'R'c!C{ �e ��`O!]3� �f1P �+rc�rd ��pE".°iTtit��P�� S°13S �4�f?^;tl�".,ltP.� fiD" ��1� 1Ntli'!� °iCCP'kCc'3CtC?t'�� !�'�tf'1'E`— �:��e� the �,�rse a�pears i� t!�;� �f�res�id Section 1 .44, ,�s umer�cd; uaid �r-.ct's�r � .�,fl� :15 c�-f^!',F1C�E_t�� (l� �'c�l.? S1�!'.�IfIG�]tlClrl� fv� �'`!'I'P•f`� �:!?C� C'?itt'6' CO''1��1'W°G1''!(f*; il? the C i ty of �a i r;t !'�a�] �s herehy i ncornQr��Xec� !��a-r in hy refer^nc� �s �+.,e ',,. a;,c' ,:, ,-�-�����5��!��)y t��s if se* fc�rth �er�y� v�r!-��tam. °rn�F t�¢ _c?rnp4i.,nr�� ,-i�h r:t:'�-i1�1S3:7f°1S f?F ��-�C t���1Ce'Sc�t'i� �Z,'�'d't,a:�!P'? 54Sya � 4.,�r� �ry svr:`fl fL�t"'T! c�S t�-e,r^. r='i°(���r::�EC"cl Cc�.�n�c 1 c�f th� �i r,� r�f Sa i n� Pav 1 m�y �!i rer t and th� cl��u�°�:n fi� r�:;:�e�'re�! h•, �.L.r t1.f7r�ktlu'� JQ�r��� � .�� �h�� � y ��rf�r ��.�7J�f�iB�� �Q' ��� ��r�t�wat�R,�n ..�:��rj�� � b� �alc�� in t`�e r,fficr� �f xtiQ C�m�,�:rt,l1�-�s� r�f rh� City .^� S�pnr !�,��� a ; . 7h�* saic! n=^�r-mirtn,^ nr r+.l�c�^srnrs iro int�re^st uh,�;ll *Jk� o4st and (T':.�1C;.`.;!>!°3 �Ut'ir^ 9''Tt� r?*'r'4t^?t� n'� ��'4!`" l�C:E'r^Ir ?I^� ?-J�F� �!"' t�'::? P3�?ClC>}� IS �t�f'3�!'tj (')R �a�c! rink�t-c�f-L�ay ,� �^csMnrehen� i,r^ p`�-c,t��teue �sat�l i°° 1 iahi t ity �nsur,:anc� rE,��t :3h�11 �i!1 ?•,� in�em�i��;, k��l�� h��rm3�s� , =�r?�! c±rfer.�± �he Cit°;• .�f St. P�a��? , i !, c'�.C!�Tll�$ y 1�f f jCi.'.1"e �t"�� f?�TlCS�(7;°t.`.r,�`.;.. f,�.,f.... _.'«;'1`>� �"' . . � � C�."ifT1��Cfi.�S v�'a=.�{M� .. efi�� � R . � . C � �C?55;'!_: f .��'..�('�l�(1n.�±�y S1.71�� OC' 4',>C!3f*�P9°:�5 f1.'y :3'..'f..Otlflt' Of :1� � C�c�lw!15 �� �ti�tic3tf',R'�T' f1�!"U!'� r71^�51;^en t�`}� �f ^Y rf`.!''fl!'Gt°C� i�:�! :hl t�?P �Ci?R:�tl'11f't'e"Ji?� !"?�l?►1�'�'P1r�6'4CE'� ^�G�!"'3ti�`^ ra'.?(j CE.'6T'�?V".;� "�f thr� .- i�-? �-,��s���^a. ^, ���-t i f i�ar,.� �f �h i s i nsuran�e ^hE-�1 1 �Fr cl�v±�s i Lec� �ri th thA Ci�y c�f St. �'�t.21 t�,�fr►s-;^ thn start �f ��n��ru��ic�n. Th� 1 �abi 1 i*.�y� in���r,�nc�> sha 1 1 �e i�sued ba;� �;r i n���r�.,RC� rc�m���y � i co-�nsc��i *o rl� ��.s,�n�ss 'n *!�.r State �±f Mi(lllPi??t:1 3'l� *!h,` ��'P„li!.!^1 �l1C,� 11 � ""C�v'C!'SE'� IRe;i!�f'.'ft:#� �"�'1°p'.^.t'C? �'ifl.;i� , �-fP ^�id promptl°; ba,� *,he n�°�mitte� 'nir, ially and �n rnn�:.•ral . R�f�arc thr_. e.xcir;►ti�r, ��: b�' ;�er�i ,*.*ee ;h�dl dec�r�si* vrirh th�e City �f Gt. pa4�l � neWr s:er±�i f's cate r� ►e�,l��^ -sny ex�a i r i ng i�s:.�ran�e. The p�r�i t�e� an� *hn ''a*y, �hall �e r�a+r�:a' -�- _i�in� i�•-.o.,�PC� R� ;�n �mc*�.art n+�t_ 1�ss than th� f�atic�,.,�inr co,��rac�e: R�di1q tn;taro,� insurance (is�cl��din� de�th) i:� an ��ot�nt c�f nc��t �ess th�an S?0�,00�.f1(1 for �1 ' d����c±e�� arisB�c; ��;.*. a'� ho�,� ?.,, �nj��r?�s +�:, ar c�r��th �*� c�n� r�?rsnn, and subjQ�.t ��s thQ se�m;� � ir�it for �a�h nersc�n in a r�t:�l amcaun.r, of r��r l�,s t!�.3n $3�0,00^.70 nn �cc�:,nt �f ,��,� nrs� �c�cid�nt. Pr��Pr*•; dart-a�e in�,�ar�n�� i� an �mcaunt of n�+t 1e�5 than SSD,OOC.OQ fnr �ll �am:ages to or cies .*.ru,r.�ion nf nr�a�,�rt,� in ary o�n acrcd�nt. � � Ist ' � 2nd � . t • Laid over to 3rd and app —Adopted � v Yeas Nays - Yeas Nays Butler �Butler <'�. Carlson ���j� .;� `"�:art�str' �° �c G a�� � Levine evine Meredith �eredith S rafka � rafka � p p , / Tedesco �e�{esc�— ��% Mr. President McCarty Mr. President McCerty �O