257195 Oriainal to City Clert ` '�.�� _ � ORDINANCE ` , � � COUNCIL FILE NO.��-'s /� ��� PRESENTED BY � ORDINANCE NO. J�� �� � An ordinance amending Chapter 161 of the Saint Paul Le�islative Code pertaining to Tow Trucks and other vehicles providing service to motor vehicles and providing for; the licensing and re�ulation thereof. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY �F SAINT P�'iUL DOES ORDAINs Section 1. That Section 161.01 of the Saint Paul Le�islative Code is amended to read as follows: "161.01. Aio person, firm, or corporation shall, within the City of Saint Paul, use,. operate or maintain any wrecker, tow truck, or other motor vehicle for the purpose of providing serv3.ce of any kind to �he general public, includin� but not limited to starting, towing, pushing or other service of any kind or nature to motor vehicles for which a eharge is made without obtaining a license so to do from the City Council as hereinafi�er provided. "Every person, firm or corporation desirin�; to obtain a license for the purpoae of providin� service as provided herein shall make application, in wri�ing, with the I,icense Znspector together with the annual license fee, stating the name of the applicant, the name under which the business is to be conducted, the address where the btzsiness is to be locaiced, and such other information as the License Inspector may require. pThe annual license fee shall be $45.00 for the first such vehicle and $10.00 for eaeh additional vehicle, except that any gasoline filling station when licensed pursuant �o Ch�pter 351 or motor vehicle gara�e when licensed pursuant to Chapter 3�45 shall pay �.n annual 13.cense f ee of $10.00 for each vehicle. Section 2. That Seetion 161.02 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is amended to read as follows: "Upon payment of the license fee impoaed by Seetion 161.01, the Lieense Tnspector shall issue to the licensee a suitable license certificate for each lieensed vehicle and such Yeas Councilmen Nays Pasaed by the Council Butler (�is�a Conway , Levine Tn Favor Meredith Sprafka Againat Tedesco Mr. President (McCarty) Approved• Atteat: � City Clerk . Mayor . �� Form approved Corporation �ounsel By � -� � � � Orl�inal to City Clerk � --� - �� ORDINANCE `, � COUNCIL FILE NO. ���� '� PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO � � � � �i 2 license certificate shall be permanently affixed and displayed at all t3mes on the windshield of the vehicle or such other place as the L3.cense Inspector may determine. "Any vehicle licensed as provided herein sha11 display in a conspicuous place on such vehicle in letters not less than two inches high the business name and address and the telephone number of the licensee. Section 3. That a section shall be added to Chapter 161, to be designated 161.05, to read as follows: "161.05. Ido possessory lien shall attach for services performed on any vehicle where such services are limited to starting or attempting to sta.rt such vehicle and it shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to seize or take in�o custody any vehicle in order to collect fees or charges for such services except with the express consent of the driver or owner or a�ent of the owner of such vehicle." Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in foree thirty days from and after its passage, approval and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council F EB 10 1912 Butler �.i��t Conway � Levine In Favor Meredith �'� � Against Sp�- F EB 11 1972 __ _ _ Mr. President ( Y) , � . .,. .. Attest: � ��.� �:,,, '�k C' Clerk Mayor �j��'°� �� Form approved Corporation Counsel By puBLISHED FEB 91 � Or�lasl to City Clsrk I �' : � -� ORDINANCE �5r��.�� ' COUNCIL FILE NO r PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO-- An ordinance amending Chapter 161 of the Saint Paul Legi�lative Code pertaining to Tow Trucks and other vehicles providing service �o motor vehieles and providing � for the lieenain� and re�ulation thereof. THE C�UNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAIN2 PAUL ,D�ES ORDAIN: Seetion ��.. That Section 161.01 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code 3s amended to read as follows: "161.d7.. No person, firm, or corporation shall, within the C3.ty of Saint Paul, use, operate or maintain any wrecker, `��ow truek, or other motor vehicle for the purpose of providing serviee of any kind to the general publie, including but not limited �� starting, towing, pushing or othe�, serviee of any kind or nature to mo�or vehicles for whic'� a charg� 3s made withont obtainin$ a licenae so to do,, from the City Council a� hereinafter provided. '., "Every person, f�i.rm or eorporation desiring to obtain a license for e purpase of providing service as provided herein aha 1 make app�.ieation, in writing, with the License Inspec or tcagether with the annual lieense fee, statin� �he`� name of the applicant, th� name under which �he bus�ness is to be eonducted, the addresa where the busines� is to be located, and such other information as �he L�cense Inspector may require. � "The annual lieense fe shall be $�5.�4 for the first auch veh3cle and $14. for each additional vehicle, exeept that any gasoline fil ing s�ation when licensed pu�su�,nt to Chapter 351 or mo or vehicle garage when licensed pur�taant to Chapter �5 shall pay an annual license fee of $14.00 for each vehicle. Section 2. That Seetion 161.02 of the Sa3.nt Paul Legislative Code is amended to read as followsa � "Upon payment of the license�� fee imposed by Section 161.01, �he License Inspei�tor �hall is�ue �o the licensee a sui��ble licen�e c �ificate for each licensed vehiele and sueh lieense ertificate shall be permanently �.ffixed and displa9ed a all times on the windshield of the vehicle or such o her pla.ce as the License Inspeetor may determ3ne." �. i � 1 � Yeas Councilmen Naya Passed by t�e Council Butler £ �aran Conway �, Levine Tn Favor Meredith Sprafka A gainat Tedesco Mr. Preaident (McCarty) Approved• Attest: � City Clerk �: Mayor �� Form approved Corporation Counsel By ���'-�-��-' Ori�inal to City Clerk � � � � � � ; ORDINANCE �5��-�� � COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY �� ORDINANCE�NO � �. �� �, 2 ` Seetion 3. That a seetion shall be added to �hapicer 161, to be designated 161.05, to read as follows: "161.45. I�o po e��ory lien shall attach for serviees performed on any vehiele where such services are limited to startin or attempting to start such veh3.cle and it sha11 be unlawful for any person, firm or corpor��ion to seize or take into eu�tody any vehicle in order to collect feea or aharges for such services except with th�: express nsent of th� driver or owner or agent of the owner of uch vehicle." Seetion �F. This ordinanee shall take effeet snd be in for�ce thirty day$ from and after its ssage, approval and p�blication. �� � �� � � ,� � � `` "', Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Councit Butler X�c �onway Levine Tn Favor Meredith Sprafka Against Tedesco Mr. President (McCarty) Approved• Atteat: � City Clerk Mayor �� Form approved Corporation Counael By