257177 Ori�inal to Cit�Clerk , -- � �. � ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO 'G���F�i� PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO I°���� I AN ORDINANCE SETTLING THE CLAIM pF ROBERT E. RICHAROSON A�AINST THE CITY OF SAI(dT PAUL THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ;AINT PAllL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1 . That the proper City officers are hereby authorized and directed to pay out of the Tort Liabilitv Fund 0035-421, to Robert E. Richardson, the sum of $354.84, in full settlement of his claim of damages sustained on or alwut November 28, 1971 as more particularly set out in a communication to th� City Council on December 14, 1971. `� Section 2. That said sum shall be paid to the said claimant upon hts execution and delivery of a release in full to the City, in�a form to be approved by the Corporation Counsel, for all damages susta�ned in the manner aforesaid. Section 3. That this ordinance shall take effect and be in force thjrty days after its passage, approval and publication. - FE8 9 1972 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council But� �-�-�-.u- \�-' Levine �C� — n Favor Meredith a Against Sprafka Tedescn- �. _ Mr. President (McCart ) F E B 9 197� A r At C' Clerk Mayor w �� Form approved Corporation Counael By �� � 1�� PUBI:aSHED FEB 1 2 ��7`� -� n.eik.a a Petaar , . e - � . ORDINANCE 25'71�'7 COUNCIL FILE NO PRESHVTED BY � ORDINANCB NO �5.. �`•.3 I ItN t1R�TlIANCE SEZTl.IM6 Ti1E CLAI�1 t1� �fRT �. RICM�RIlS011 11iAINST TME C�TY OF SAiNT PAUL THE COUMCIt. OF TNE C�TY OF SAItR PAtX. DOES t�TAI!!s s�ctt•a t. �at tae pro� city offics�s �� �r aut�t:.� abd dlr�ct�d to par o�t �f tht Tort Liab11 it�r F� d�35-4t1� ts �ob�r�t E. R1ttr�rdso�. t,�e aa� erf ;35+�.84, 1� lutl settiwia�rt-of bis -� clafe of d�eagts sai�tsinad s� �r at�oat tlava46ar 28. 1l7i ss � par�lcrtuly set out iA a caw�w�ication to the C1tp Copaeit 0u D�cwbar 14, 1+371. Sectio� Y. That s�tid sw �t,�1i be pa4d to th� said a1s�t upo� h1s enecutton apd de11v�-y of a rel�se tn fa11 to tbe C4ty. in a fe�nn t� be app�vrad by the Cor�ratie�n Co�s�1, fer� ail da�ag�s saatai��d in th� s�a�r afvresaid. . S�tti� 3. Th�t tdls ordla�nc� sh�1t t�ke afi�t aad be 1� fOrC! tl�irty da�►s •fter' fts pissitglr appr�11a1 an� publtCatiOU. FEB 9 19T2 Yeas Councilmen Naye Paaeed by the Coun�;i Butler �' —In Favor Lev9ne Mered�iith - Z'1 A gainet sp� �a«�- a�. ��a�t �M�c�ty� approaea: FEB 9 1972 Atte�t: City Glerk �ayor �� Form a�proved �orporstfon �ouneel By j � I st —�` + 2nd 1... Laid over to `� G�3rd and app�—Adopted `� Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Bufiler \Butler Carlson � `�6arise►+- � Levine '� �evine 1 Meredith ����� ' Meredith Sprafka \Sprafka � 1 V Tedesco Iedesco Mr. President McCarty r. President McCarty O