257053 Orlstns�to Cit7 Clert � . . ORDINANCE , 25'7053 COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO ,/•��� S An ordin ce amending Ordi.nance No. 6446, entitled: "An administrative ordinance fixi.ng the com- pensation rates of certain city positions and employments, " approved January 23, 1925, as amended. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. '�'1}at Ordinance No. 6446, approved January 23, 1925, as amended,` be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out of Section II, where they appear under the heading Special Employments, the following lines: , "Baker I 2. 25 an hour" "Cook I 2. 25 an hour" "Food Service Aide 2. 05 an hour" ; and by substituting i.n lieu thereof, respectively, the followi.ng lines: � "Baker I 2. 36 an hour" "Cook I 2.36 a.n hour" "Food Service Aide 2. 15 an hour" . Sectioii. 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force on the first day of the first payroll period following thirty days after its passage, approval a.nd publication in accordance with Council File No. 256706 approved December 15, 1971, which authorizes this wage increase to be retroactive to January 8, �.9:?2,� _.. FE8 1 � Yeas Councilmen Nays Paseed by the Councii Butler �/ 6a,��se�r C'..• .-� «,--4-� �� Tn Favor Levine d ��e�e�ith– d Sprafka Against ::; FEB 2 1972 At MC. Yice Pre ' t � r ith APPrav : � — Ci ler �j, Mayor , �� � � �_��� Form approved Co oration ounsel PUBUSHED �'�B � �972 u+,u�r.m r�.a� . �� ORDINANCE �- ' ' 25'�0�� C:�UNCIL HLE NO PRESEWTED BY ORDINANCE N0- /��d �►?,� An ordinance smending Ordinance No. 644b, e�ntitl�ei: �'An adaainistrativ�e ordinance fi�dng the com- ' � pensation rates af certain city posi#ioaa and emplopments, " ipproved January Z3, 1925, ss ame�nded. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAIIL DOES ORD�i: � Section 1. That Ordinance No. 6446, agpraved. Janasry 23, 1925, 4s smeaded� be snd the sarne is hereby fnrther ameaded by striking out of Sectioa II, w►h�re �hey appear ander the heading Special ��nployYn�ats, the follo�viag lines: ►'Biker I Z.25 ss �osr" *'Cook I �.25 as h�r" "Food Service Aide 2.05 aa hour" ; . aad by smbotit�ting fa lia� thereot, respectirrely. the €oilowis* lines: "Bsker I Z.36 an honr�' "Cook I Z.36 an �onr" "Food Servide Aide 2. 15 an honr" . See#i� Z. This ordiaaace sha11 take ef,#�et and be ia force on the first day of th�s firat pajrroll period follawing lhiztp ds�s a£tes ita pss�sge, sppra►�rrtl and pub�ication in accordance aith Cons�il Fila No. �56706 �ppro�ned December 15, 19?1, �vhich a.nthorises this wage iaeresse to be r�troactirs to Jaanary 8, 1972. f E8 1 1972 Yeaa Councilmen i�ayg Pasaed by the Counci� Butler .�,�- ��.��. �- ��e � Tn Favor Spra�lca a ro°a'� Attest: Mr. Vice President Meredith APPr°v�: City Glerk Yayor �� Form a rov�ed Co � ,/�E' ' AP rPoration �ounsel Bg � -y - -,_� , �w�. ,. . , f Ist � J� 2nd � ''�� .. -, L�d over to a 3rd and app �. —Adopted Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Butler Butler �.---- Carlson � Cs�sn C�-,-LL Levine 25�053 Levine ,� Meredith Meredith— Sprafka Sprafka Tedesco �eele�e,4 Mr. President McCarFy _;;,` ``' �: O Mr. �'ice Preside�t f��ered th aan. 1�, 197z Mr. �Tohn Haia3ar Director o�° Pers4nn�1 Civi1 Service Aureau Dear Sir: The City Gbt�.cil t�a�,y gave First I�eading �o Counci�. Fg.�.e 2�7053� €�mez�dia�� Qrd. lYo. 6�446, pertairain� tc� hourly ratea f'�r �iaker I, Caok I arad Foad Service Aidea T�i3a ors�inance will co� up for Third Readizig � on Jatiu�ry 2�th, Very truly yaurs, City Clerk ng