257043 o�s�.i s�c�c c��t , a A. ~ ' ORDINA �T--CE 25'�Q43 COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTE Y c1 � ORDINANCE NO �-'���-' � . � ���J An Ordinance amending Ordinane� Number 1�788, enti�leds "An Ordinanee granting to Northern �tate� Pow�r �ompan�r, a corporation organized under the laws of th� �tate of Minnesota, its succes�ors and aasigns, permi��ion to use the stree�s and other public property loca�ed in th� City of �aint P'ar�l for - the purpo�e of condueting, distributing ar�d �rapplying electrieity for all purpose� for a, term ex�ending from the adoption hereof to December 31, 197�, or during ��ch les�er� period as determined h�rein, preseribin� rates whi�h the eompany ��.y eharge far sueh serviae, and determining th� a,mount �rhich the company $hall pa.y to �he City for the �ase and occupancy Af its �treeta and other public prap�rty." WHEREAS, Northern Statea� Pmwer Compang, a corporation organi�ed under the laws of th� State of �linn�sota, being a public service corporation conducting, dist�ibuting, and supplying ele<st�icit� within the �3ty ot' Saint Paul under 0rdinanee Number 1�788, approv�d May 13, 1971, did, under Section 7 of sa3d Ordinance, file its Petition addres�sed to iche �ouncil of said City on June 8, 1971 for its review of ��e operations of aaid Northern States �ower Compar3y under �aid permit and for �aid Couneil t s prescriptior�, by Ordir�ar�ce, of reasonable rates which said North�r� Sta�es Power Company may charge for such electricity �ervice within said �ity as shall be thereafter furnished by said eompany thereunder; and WHEREAS, Pursuant to s�,id Petition of said Northern States Power� Company, Robert J. Sherar� wa� appointed hearing examiner, and in the cour�e of h3s duties hea�d testimony, reviewed exhibit�, and evaluated evidence pre��nted by the company and all int�re�ted parties, ar�d thereafter reeommend�d Findinga of Facta and Coneluaion� of Law whie� have been review�d, both as to the basi� and �he cont�nt, and have been duly adopted by the �ouneil; and WHEREAS, It has been determined that said aompar�y is entitled to the Interim rate� set under Ordinance Number 1�062, appro�ed Novem�er 29, 1g68, and ehar�;ed by the company from Mareh 1, 1969, to the date of the first reading of �his ordir�aMCe; and that the same be adopted as the proper and reasone�ble rates for �aid period up to J�.nuary 13, 19'7"2; and that comrr�encing on Janu�.ry 1�, 1972, the compar�y be entitled �o an inerea�e in revenue of �.6;d above the 197d revenue aetually reeeived, and to pre�cribe Interim rates to provide sueh additional r�venues, as of' the first reading of thi� ordinanee, which rates shall be the established rate� upon the ordinancets becoming effective. Yeas Councilmen Nays Pasaed by the Council Butler Caxlson Levine In Favor Meredith Sprafka Against Tedesco Mr. President (McCarty) Approved• Attest: � City Clerk �� t,�►-►�,wo � Form approved Corporatior� �ounsel By � � ._... ..... . � Pa e 2 ������ � THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL �OES ORDAIN: Section l. That Ordinance Number 1�788, approved May 13, 1971, shall be and the same is hereby amended in the following particulars, to wit: That, Section 6 of Ordinance Number 1�788 and Appendix A attached thereto are hereby deleted in full and inserted in lieu thereof is a new Seetion 6 to read as follows "Section 6 "The Council hereby adopts and approves of the Interim rates charged by the company from March l, 1969, to and incl�zding January 13, 1972, and as such, the same are adopted as the reasonable, fair, and ,�ust rates for said period. "The Council further adopts and preseribes as Interim rates as of January 1�+, 1972, the rates contained in Appendix A, attached hereto and rnade a part hereof, and the same shall become effeetive as sueh Interim ratea commencing on Januar� 1�, 1972, and, as such, shall apply to all bills of the Northern States Power Company based upon re�ular meter readings on and after January 1�, 1972. "The Council further preseribes that the Interim ra�es adopted hereunder and eontained in Appendix A, attached, be deemed to be the reasonable, fair, and ,just rates, and properl� obtained by the company up to and including the effective date of this ordinance and of said company� s compliance with t he conditions provided in Section �F hereof, and sueh rates shall continue to be applied to all bills computed from regular meter readings on and after such date and compliance for� the remaining period of this permit ordinance or until lawfully chan�ed" Section 2 That the last paragraph of Section 7 of said Ordina,nce, readin� as follows: "It is hereby understood that the rates prescribed in Exhibit A attaehed hereto sha11 remain as 3.nterim rates until sueh time as Company shall make application to the City of Saint Paul for a rate hearin�. The City, after hearing on the matter and within ninety days from the date of Company�s application, shall r�ake a final determination on the reasonableness of such rates as are proposed in Company�s application. If the City fails to make such d�termination �rithin the ninetg-day period, the present interim rates now in effect shall be eonsidered as the established rates. " hereby is stricken therefrom. . , o�.i to c:ts ciert - . �. ` ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO �5��43 PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO ��� �' Page 3 Section 3. The Council certifies that, pursuant to the proposala of' the -TP�ice �ommission, and th� guideline� it propounded, the following apply both to the irrcrease of rates approved in connection w3th �he Interim rates put into effect on and after Mareh 1, 1969, �,nd the rates in Appendix A, attached hereto: 1. That the increase would not eontribute to inflationary expectations. 2. That the increas� has been redueed to reflect produetivit�r gains. 3. That the increase is the minimurn wY�ich is necessary to as�ure eontinuing and adequate ser�ice; and �+. That th� 3.nerease i� required by an inerease 3n the eost of mon�y, in�luding equity capital, and is neeessar� to assure con�inued adequate service and provide for necessary e�anaion to meet future requirements, and that it is the minimum rate of return needed to attract capital. S�ction �. The c0mpany �ha,ll, witl�in thirty da�rs af�er the passage, approval and publication of th3.� ordinan�e, file with the �ity Clerk of said City ita written ac�eptanee thereof in form to be approved by the CorporatiAn Counrsel, and therein sha11 agree to ab3de by, keep and perform all the term�, limita�ions, conditiona and provision� of this ordinan�e. Section 5. This ordinance shall take effect and be in foree thirty da�r� after its pas�age, approval and p�ablieation, and upon it� aeceptanee, as provided in �eetion �+ hereof. 4AN 2 S 1972 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Councii � � t`�-r�.��_{_ � �� Levine � -� Tn Favor Meredith ga at . Sprafka l . � - Tea��°`—J � 2 8 197� Mr. President (McCarty) A At ' City lerk Mayor �� Form approved Corporation �ounsel By - ` �UBasHE� .IAN 2 197� � • �' f � � •� . 1 . • I � � 2s� Northern States Power Company (Minn) Q4� Electric Utility - City of St. Paul RATE SCHEDULE FOR � RESIDENTIAL SERVICE Availability Available to any residential customer for domestic purposes only, in a single private residence. Rate First 60 kilowatt-hours per month @ 5.43C per kwh Next 140 " " " �� @ 2.93 " '� Next 300 " " " " @ 2.30 " " Next 300 " " " " @ 2.17 " " EXCES3 �� �� �i �i �d 1.72 �� i� Fuel Clause Bills subject to the adjustment provided for in Fuel Clause Rider. Monthly Minimum Charge $2.15 Gross Earnings Clause Bills subject to the adjustment provided for in Gross Earnings Clause Rider. Other Provisions This schedule is also subject to provisions contained under "Rules for Application of Residential Service Rates." ' • i .� � � � � e Northern States Power Company (Minn) Electric Utility - City of St. Paul RULES FOR APPLICATION OF RESIDENTIAL SERVICE RATES 1. The Residential Service rate is available to any residential customer for domestic purposes only, for lighting, heating, cooking, and domestic power service in a single private residence, except as hereinafter provided. 2. a. All normally sized equipment for domestic illuminating, heating, cooking, and power, used strictly for household purposes, may be supplied through one meter. b. Motors and other equipment which interfere with service to neighboring customers, all motors larger than 5 horsepower, and snow melting installa- tions or other temporary or seasonal loads totaling more than 25 kilowatts will not be permitted on the Residential Service rate. 3. Only single phase service, rendered through one meter, is available under the Residential Service rate. 4. Three phase service, service to motors larger than 5 horsepower, and service to snow melting installations totaling more than 25 kilowatts may be had under such rates as are available to commercial customers for the respective classes of service. 5. A customer occupying a building or apartment for residential and coa�nercial purposes jointly may combine his residential and commercial use on such rates as are available to commercial customers for the respective classes of service. 6. Each apartment or dwelling unit shall be considered as a single private residence but service for a duplex (a single building consisting of two apartments or dwelling units) may be taken through one meter under a single billing provided that the billing shall be computed as though each apartment or dwelling unit used an equal portion of the total service metered and were independently billed, except that the minimum charge shall be �the minimum charge for a single apartment or dwelling unit. An apart�ent is defined to be a room or suite of rooms used for the general functions of a household and permanently equipped with a sink and cooking facilities, occupying space specifically designed for them, such as a kitchen, kitchenette or pullman kitchen. � � , • .a � < � � Northern States Pawer Company (Minn) Electric Utility - City of St. Paul RATE SCHEDULE FOR ALL ELECTRIC RESIDENTIAL SERVICE Availability Available to any residential customer in a single private residence for domestic purposes only where 120/240 volt single phase electric service is used through one meter and customer has in regular use either an Approved Water Heating Installation or an Approved Space Heating Installation or both. Rate First 50 kilowatt-hours per month @ 5.49C per kwh Next 50 " " " " @ 2.98 " �� Next 200 " " " " @ 2.15 " " Next 700 " " " " @ 1.72 " " Next 1 000 " " " " @ 1.60 " " Excess " " " " @ 1.40 " " Fuel Clause Bills subject to the adjustment provided for in Fuel Clause Rider. Monthly Minimum Charge $2.15 Gross Earnings Clause Bills subject to the adjustment provided for in Gross Earnings Clause Rider. Rules for Application of All Electric Residential Service Rate 1. The specifications for an Approved Water Heating Installation under this rate are as follows: a. The water heater shall be equipped with no more than two heating elements. Each heating element shall be noninductive, thermostatically operated and designed for 240 volts. b. For a water heater equipped with two heating elements: The tank size shall be not less than 40 gallons; the rating of either heating element shall not exceed 5500 watts; and, if the total of the ratings of the two elements exceeds 5500 watts, the elements shall be so interlocked that they cannot operate simultaneously. c. For a water heater equipped with one heating element: The tank size and the rating of the heating element for each tank size shall be as follows: Tank Size Heating Element in Gallons RatinA in Watts 30 3 500 50 5 500 80 5 500 (Continued on following sheet) , � , � .� • � , - Northern States Power Company (Minn) Electric Utility - City of St. Paul RATE SCHEDULE FOR ALL ELECTRIC RESIDENTIAL SERVICE (Contd) d. Electric water heating service will be supplied only under a single applicable rate schedule. e. The installat�on shall not be used to supplement any other system of providing hot water service. f. Company reserves the right to control service to the water heating load. 2. The specifications for an Approved Space Heating Installation under this rate are as follows: a. Electric space heating equipment (except 120 volt units individually rated at 15 amperes or less) shall be designed to operate at 240 volts, shall be permanently installed and shall be the sole source of space heating except that provided by fireplaces. b. Not more than 10 kilowatts shall be switched at one time by the heating system eontrols. c. Company reserves the right to control service to the space heating load. 3. Service may be taken under this schedule through one meter for a duplex (a single building consisting of two apartments or dwelling units) meeting the above specifications provided that the billing shall be computed as though each apartment or dwelling unit used an equal portion of the total service metered and were independently billed, except that the minimum charge shall be the minimum charge for a single apartment or dwelling unit. 4. Snaw melting installations or other infrequently used loads totaling more than 25 kilawatts will not be permitted on this rate except where customer has an Approved Space Heating Installation in which case 25 kw or 50% of the space heating load, whichever is greater, will be allowed. In all other cases the General Service rate or other rates are available for such loads. 5. A customer occupying a building or apartment for residential and com�nercial purposes jointly may combine his residential and comnercial use on such rates as are available to commercial customers for the respective classes of service but not under this rate. .� , � . ,1 � ' . . Northern States Power Company (Minn) Electric Utility - City of St. Paul RATE SCHEDULE FOR MULTIPLE DWELLING SERVICE Availability Available to any customer using single phase electric service for a multiple dwelling. Rate Single Apartment First 5Q kilowatt-hours per month @ 5.69C per kwh Next 15U " " " " @ 3.06 " " Next 500 " " " " @ 2.27 " " EXCeSS �� n n n �d 1.71 n n Fuel Clause Bills subject to the adjustment provided for in Fuel Clause Rider. Monthly Minimum Charge $2.15 � Gross Earnings Clause Bills subject to the adjustment provided for in Gross Earnings Clause Rider. Rules for Application of Multiple Dwellin� Service Rate 1. Service for two or more apartments may be taken through one meter under a single billing provided that the billing shall be computed as though each apartment or dwelling unit used an equal portion of the total service metered and were independently billed, except that the minimum charge shall be the minimum charge for a single apartment or dwelling unit. An apart�nt is defined to be a room or suite of rooms used for the general functions of a household and permanently equipped with a sink and cooking facilities, occupying space specifically designed for them, such as a kitchen, kitchenette or pullman kitchen: 2. The general service required by the apartment building, such as service for hall lighting, garages for private use, laundry rooms, drying rooms, boiler rooms, janitor's supply rooms, refrigeration equipment, oil burners, furnace stokers, and air conditioning equipment, may be taken on the multiple dwelling schedule provided the kilowatt-hours in the second and third blocks of the rate schedule be increased by 150 and 500 kilowatt-hours, respectively, for each apartment not served on this same meter. 3. Three phase service, service to motors larger than 5 horsepawer, and service to snaw �lting installations totaling more than 25 kilowatts may be had under such rates as are available to co�nercial customers for the respective classes of service. 4. A customer occupying a building or apartment for residential and coma�ercial purposes jointly may combine his residential and commercial use on such rates as are available to coamnercial customers for the respective classes of service. � . � ' { . . , . . , Northern States Power Company (Minn) Electric Utility - City of St. Paul RATE SCHEDULE FOR UNCONTROLLED WATER HEATING SERVICE (Closed) C-A-N-C-E-L-L-E-D . � • � ,, Northern States Power Company (Minn) Electric Utility - City of St. Paul RATE SCHEDULE FOR AU'�OMATIC PROTECTIVE LIGHTING SERVICE Availability Available to any customer for illumination of areas of private property. Rate Desit�nation of Lamps Monthly Rate per Unit F48 T10/CW Fluorescent $3.95(1) 175 Watt Mercury 3.95 400 Watt Mercury 5.70 (1) Available to existing installations only. Gross Earnings Clause Bills subject to the adjustment provided for in Gross Earnings Clause Rider. Service Included in Rate Company shall awn, operate and maintain the lighting unit including the fixture, lamp, ballast, photo-electric control, mounting brackets and all necessary wiring. Company shall furnish all electric energy required for operation of the unit. Special Terms and Conditions 1. Above rate contemplates installation of the lighting unit on an existing utility owned wood pole upon which Company's 120 or 240 volt lines are attached. If necessary, Company will extend its 120 or 240 volt lines on existing Company poles for not to exceed two spans provided customer pay the entire cost thereof. No additional transformer capacity will be provided hereunder. 2. The lamp shall be lighted and extinguished by a photo-electric control furnished by the Company. The hours of burning shall be from approximately one-half hour after sunset until one-half hour before sunrise, every night. 3. If illumination of a lamp is interrupted and said illumination is not resumed within seventy-two hours from the time Company receives notice thereof from customer, 1/30th of the monthly compensation for such unit shall be deducted for each night of nonillumination after such notice is received. 4. Company reserves the right to discontinue service if equipment is abused. Term of Agreement Agreement shall be for a term of three years, and, if not then terminated by at least 30 days' prior written notice by either party, shall continue until so terminated. � � Northern States Pawer Company (Minn) Electric Utility - City of St. Paul RATE SCHEDULE FOR CONTROLLED WATER HEATING SERVICE (Closed) Availability Available to any Controlled Water Heating Installation supplied through a separate meter and served hereunder on November 1, 1961. No new water heating installation made after November 1, 1961 will be served under this rate. Rate Energy Charge: 1.60� per kilowatt-hour Excess Wattage Charge: One Element Tank - If the capacity of the heating element exceeds 20 watts per gallon of tank capacity, an additional charge of 10� per month per whole 100 watts will be made for such exceae capacity. Two Element Tank - If the capacity of the bottom elet�nent exceeds 20 watts per gallon of tank capacity or the top element exceeds 4 500 watts, an additional charge of 10� per month per whole 100 watts will be made for the greater of such excess capacities. Fuel Clause Bills subject to the adjustment provided for in Fuel Clause Rider. Monthly Minimum Charge $2.15 Gross Earnings Clause Bills subject to the adjustment provided for in Gross Earnings Clause Rider. Time Control An electrical control device will be furnished by Company which will control the service so that no energy will be supplied during the follow- ing periods: 10:00 a.m. to Noon and 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. or such other daily period or periods as the Company may elect from time to time but not to exceed a total of five hours daily. Approved Controlled Water Heating Installation The specifications for an approved controlled water heating installation under this rate are as follows: 1. The water heater shall be of the storage type, equipped with one or two thermostatically operated noninductive heating elementa deaigned for 240 volts (208 volts in some commercial areas). 2. If the water heater is of the two-element type it ahall have one element near the bottom and the other not more than one-fourth the distance from the top of the tank and so connected or interlocked that they cannot operate simultaneously. (Continued on following sheet) ` . `) . , • '; , Northern States Power Company (Minn) Electric Utility - City of St. Paul RATE SCHEDULE FOR CONTROLLED WATER HEATING SERVICE (Closed) (Contd) 3. The storage capacity of any water heater installed hereunder after January 1, 1959 shall be 80 gallons or more. 4. The water heater, whether one-element or two-element, shall be connected by means of a tamperproof circuit to Company's controlled service meter. 5. At custoa�r's option the top (emergency or booster) element of a two- element water heater may be permanently connected to either Company's con- trolled service meter or to Company's Residential Service or General Service meter. 6. The water heating installation may consist of two or more tanks provided that the installation meets the specifications for a single tank and that all are located on the same premises for one customer's use. 7. The installation shall not be used to aipply hot water for space heating purposes. � 1� . '. � , Northern States Power Company (Minn) Electric Utility - City of St. Paul RATE SCHEDULE FOR GENERAL SERVICE Availability Available to any customer for single or three phase electric service supplied through one meter. Rate First 200 kilowatt-hours per month @ 5.54� per kwh Next 300 " " " " @ 4.30 " " Next 500 " " " " @ 3.42 " " Excess " " " " @ 2.83 �� �� All energy in excess of 200 kilawatt- hours per month per kilowatt of demand @ 1.74 " " Primary Distribution Voltage Discount A discount of 5% will be allowed where customer takes service at available primary voltage. Fuel Clause Bills subject to the adjustment provided for in Fuel Clause Rider. Monthly Minimum Charge $2.15 Gross Earnings Clause Bills subject to the adjustment provided for in Gross Earnings Clause Rider. Determination of Demand The demand in kilowatts for billing purposes shall be the greatest 15-minute load during the month for which bill is rendered, but in no event shall it be considered less than 5 kw. For biTling purposes, a fraction of a kw if less than one-half will be dropped, if one-half or more will be billed as one-half. ' 1� , � • � , NoYthern States Power Company (Minn) Electric Utility - City of St. Paul RATE SCHEDULE FOR ALL ELECTRIC GENERAL SERVICE Avsilability Available to any customer who has in regular use an Approved Space Heating Installation. Rate First 400 kilowatt-hours per month @ 3.31� per kwh Next 600 " " " " @ 2.69 " " Next 1 000 " " " " @ 2.28 " " Excess " " " " @ 1.99 " " All energy in excess of 200 kilowatt- hours per month per kilawatt of demand @ 1.74 " " Primary Distribution Voltage Discount A discount of 5% will be allowed where customer takes service at available primary voltage. Fuel Clause Bills subject to the adjustment provided for in Fuel Clause Rider. Monthly Minimum Charge $2.15 Gross Earnings Clause Bills subject to the adjustment provided for in Gross Earnings Clause Rider. Determination of Demand The demand in kilowatts for billing purposes shall be the greatest 15-minute load during the month for which bill is rendered, but in no event shall it be considered less than 5 kw. For billing purposes, a fraction of a kw if less than one-half will be dropped, if one-half or more will be billed as one-half. Special Requirements The specifications for an Approved Space Heating Installation are as follows: — 1. Electricity shall be the sole source of space heating in all areas served through the meter. 2. At least 40% of the total connected load must be permanently connected space heating equipment. 3. Company reserves the right to control the space heating load. . �i � , ' � i Northern States Power Company (Minn) Electric Utility - City of St. Paul RATE SCHEDULE FOR GENERAL WATER HEATING SERVICE Availability Available to any customer for single or three phase service at 208 volts or higher, uncontrolled as to time of use, for an Approved Water Heating Installation supplied through a separate meter. Rate Energy Charge: First 100 kilowatt-hours per month per kilowatt of demand @ 1.71� per kwh EXC2SS n n n n n n n n �d 1.(F2 n n Excess Wattage Charge: An additional charge of $1.63 per 1 000 watts or fraction thereof will be made for connected loads in excess of: a. storage tank installation 350 watts per gallon of tank capacity. b. swi�ing pool installation 50 watts per square foot of water surface area of swi�ing pools. Fuel Clause Bills subject to the adjustment provided for in Fuel Clause Rider. Monthly Minimum Charge $2.15 Gross Earnings Clause Bills subject to the adjustment provided for in Gross Earnings Clause Rider. Determination of Demand The demand in kilowatts shall be the greatest 15-minute load during the month for which bill is rendered but in no event shall it be considered less than 10 kilowatts. The demand may at Company's option be determined by periodic test or measurement. Approved Water Heating Installation The specifications for an Approved Water Heating Installation under this rate are as follows: 1. The water heater shall be equipped with thermostatically operated non- inductive heating elements designed to operate at 208 volts or higher. 2. The water heater shall be connected by means of a tamperproof circuit to Company's water heating meter. 3. The storage capacity of the water heater shall be 40 gallons or more and the connected load shall be 4500 watts or more, except that a water heater having a storage capacity of 30 gallons and a single heating element rated at 3500 watts will be permitted. (Continued on following sheet) ' i3 . � • � , Northern States P�aer Company (Minn) Electric Utility - City of St. Paul RATE SCHEDULE FOR GENERAL WATER HEATING SERVICE (Contd) 4. Water heating service will be supplied only under a single applicable rate schedule. 5. The installation shall not be used to supply hot water for space heating purposes. 6. The installation shall not be used to supplement any other system of providing hot water service. 7. Company reserves the right to control service to the water heating load. 8. The above specifications for an Approved Water Heating Installation shall apply to heating water for swiaaning pools subject to the following modifications: a. The storage capacity specification of Section 3 shall be waived. b. The installation shall not be used to heat water for other purposes. . �.� , • , , Northern States Power Company (Minn) • Electric Utility - City of St. Paul RATE SCHEDULE FOR LARGE GENERAL SERVICE Availability Available to any customer for general service Kind of Service Alternating current at the following nominal voltages: (a) Secondarp Voltage: single or three phase at 208 volts or higher, (b) Primary Distribution Voltage: three phase at 2400 volts or higher, (c) Transmission Line Voltage: three phase at 34 500 volts or higher. Service voltage available in any given case is dependent upon voltage and capacity of Company lines in vicinity of customer's premises. Rate Demand Charge for Service at Secondary Voltage: First 100 kilovolt-amperes or less of demand - $235.00 per month Next 100 kilovolt-amperes of demand @ $1.78 per kva per month Next 800 " " " " @ 1.54 �� �� �� �� Next 9 000 " " " " @ 1.43 �� �� �� �� Excess " " " " @ 1.35 �� �� �� �� Demand Charge for Service at Primary Distribution Voltage: The Demand Charge for Service at Secondary Voltage less $.15 per month per kilovolt- ampere of demand. Demand Charge for Service at Transmission Line VoltaAe: The Demand Charge for Service at Secondary Voltage less $.25 per month per kilovolt-�mpere of demand. Plus an Energy Charge of: First 20 000 kilowatt-hours per month @ 1.72� per kwh Next 30 000 " " " " @ 1.35 " " Next 50 000 " " " " @ 1.17 " " NeXt 400 000 " " " " @ 1.05 " " Next 500 000 " " " " @ ,92 " " Next 9 000 000 " " " " @ ,84 " " Excess " " " " @ .74 " �� Fuel Clause Bills subject to the adjust�nt provided for in Fuel Clause Rider. Prompt Payment Provision A charge of 5% will be added to net bill which charge shall constitute a discount from gross bill for payment within the discount period. Gross Earnings Clause Bills subject to the adjustment provided for in Gross Earnings Clause Rider. (Continued on following sheet) i � ' Northern States Pawer Company (Minn) Electric Utility - City of St. Paul RATE SCHEDULE FOR LARGE GENERAL SERVICE (Contd) Determination of Demand The demand in kilovolt-amperes for billing purposes shall be determined by dividing the maximum demand in kilowatts by the monthly average power factor and shall be rounded to the nearest whole kva, but in no month shall the demand to be billed be considered as less than 50% of the greatest demand in kva billed during the preceding eleven months nor in any event less than 100 kva. Maximum Demand The maximum demand in kilowatts shall be the greatest 15-minute load during the month for which bill is rendered. Average Power Factor The average power factor is defined to be the quotient obtained by dividing the kilowatt-hours used during the month by the square root of the sum of the squares of the kilowatt-hours used and the lagging reactive kilovolt-ampere-hours supplied during the same period. Any leading kilovolt-ampere-hours supplied during the period will not be considered in determining the average power factor. Minimum Demand to be Billed The monthly minimum billing demand shall not be less than provided above, whether or not energy is used. Standby and Supplementary Service Availability Available at 12,400 volts or higher to any large co�ercial or industrial customer who normally supplies part or all of his electric power requirements from another independent source of power for which the Company's service may be substituted wholly or in part. Customer shall contract for capacity adequate to supply the entire electric requirements for which such service may be used which capacity shall equal or exceed the agreed kva demand for standby to customer's other source of power. Company shal.l not be obligated to supply capacity in excess of that contracted for. Rate The billing shall be in accordance with Company's Large General Service rate schedule for Service at Primary Distribution Volta�e except that the paragraph "Determination of Demand" shall be modified to read as follows: "The demand in kilovolt-amperes for billing purposes shall be determined by dividing the maximum demand in kilowatts by the monthly average power factor, but in no month shall the demand to be billed be considered as less than the agreed standby demand plus 50% of the greatest excess demand in kva over such standby demand billed during the preceding eleven months nor in any event less than 2 500 kva." (Continued on following sheet) � �\ Northern States Power Company (Minn) Electric Utility - City of St. Paul RATE SCHEDULE FOR LARGE GENERAL SERVICE (Contd) Parallel Oueration Interconnection and parallel operation of Customer's inde- pendent source of power (Customer's system) and Company's service (Company's system) will be permitted by Company under the following conditions: 1. The interconnection between the systems must be at 12,400 volts or higher at a point on Company's system where Customer's operations will not interfere with the quality of Company's service to any of its other customers. 2. Customer agrees to provide the necessary equipment as approved by Company to enable Customer to operate its generating equipment in parallel with Company's system. Since the power factor and the voltage at which Company's system and Customer's system are operated will vary, each party agrees to operate its system at such power factor and voltage as is condu- cive to best operating standards and in such manner as to absorb its share of the reactive power. 3. Company reserves the right to disconnect service in the event service to Customer results in trouble on Company's system such as interruptions, grounds, radio or telephone interference, surges or objectionable voltage fluctuations, where such trouble is caused by negligence of Customer if, after giving notice in writing to Customer of such trouble, Customer fails to remedy the causes thereof within a reasonable time. 4. Company's meters will be ratcheted to measure the flow of power and energy from Company to Customer only. Reverse flow if any will be ignored unless the amount is substantial in which event it will be a matter for negotiation and further agreement between the parties. . �� . .� Northern States Pawer Company (Minn) Electric Utility - City of St. Paul RATE SCHEDULE FOR LARGE ALL ELECTRIC GENERAL SERVICE Availability Available to any customer who has in regular use an Approved Space Heating Installation. Kind of Service Alternating current at the following nominal voltages: (a) Service at Secondary Distribution Voltage: three wire single phase and three or four wire three phase at 208 volts or higher, (b) Service at Primary Distribution Voltage: three phase at 2400 volts or higher. Service voltage available in any given case is dependent upon voltage and capacity of existing Company lines in vicinity of customer's premises. Rate First 10 000 kilowatt-hours or less - $289.00 per month Next 10 000 kilowatt-hours per month @ 1.76G per kwh Next 80 000 " " " " @ 1.54 " " Excess " " " " @ 1.46 " " All energy in excess of 200 kilowatt-hours per month per kilowatt of demand: First 600 000 kilowatt-hours @ 1.19� per kwh Exce�s " " @ .82 " " Primary Distribution Voltage Discount A discount of $.10 per month per kilowatt of demand will be allowed where customer takes service at available primary voltage. Fuel Clause Bills subject to the ad3ustment provided for in Fuel Clause Rider. Prompt Payment Provision A charge of 5% will be added to net bill which charge shall constitute a discount from gross bill for payment within the discount period. Gross Earnings Clause Bills subject to the adjustment provided for in Gross Earnings Clause Rider. Determination of Demand The demand in kilowatts for billing purposes shall be the greatest 15-minute load (subject to Pawer Factor Adjustment) during the month for which bill is rendered, but in no event shall the demand for billing purposes be considered as less than 50% of the greatest demand used for billing purposes during the preceding eleven months, nor less than 100 kw. (Continued on following sheet) � , l� , Northern States Power Company (Minn) Electric Utility - City of St. Paul RATE SCHEDULE FOR LARGE ALL ELECTRIC GENERAL SERVICE (Contd) Power Factor Adiustment The customer shall at all times take and use power in such manner that the average power factor shall be as near 100% as possible, but when the average power £actor is less than 80%, then the greatest 15-minute load shall be adjusted by multiplying it by 80%, and dividing the product thus obtained by the average power factor expressed in percent. The average power factor is defined to be the quotient obtained by dividing the kilowatt-hours used during the month by the square root of the sum of the squares o£ the kilowatt-hours used and the lagging reactive kilovolt-ampere-hours supplied during the same period. Any leading kilovolt- ampere-hours supplied during the period will not be considered in determining the average power factor. Special Requirements The specifications for an Approved Space Heating Installation are as follows: 1. Electricity shall be the sole source of space heating in all areas served through the meter. 2. At least 40% of the total connected load must be permanently connected space heating equipment. 3. Company reserves the right to control the space heating load. . i� Northern States Power Company (Minn) Electric Utility - City of St. Paul RATE SCHEDULE FOR FIRM AND INTERRUPTIBLE LARGE GENERAL SERVICE Availability Available to any customer taking his entire electrieal require- ments from Company at 12,400 volts or higher who agrees that Company's service to the equipment listed in Schedule A attached to the contract may be inter- rupted by Company at any time and for such periods as Company, in its sole discretion, considers the supply of such service detrimental to its operations as a public utility. Rate Demand Charge for Firm Service: First 100 kilovolt-amperes or less of demand -$220.00 per month Next 100 kilovolt - amperes of demand @ $1.63 per kva per month Next 800 " " " " @ 1.39 " " " " Next 9 000 " " " " @ 1.28 " " " " Excess " n n n � 1.20 n n n u Demand Charge for Interruptible Service: First 10 000 kilovolt-amperes or less of demand - $3500.00 per month Excess kilovolt-amperes of demand @ $.35 per kva per �nth Plus an Energy Charge of: First 20 000 kilowatt-hours per month @ 1.72p per kwh Next 30 000 " " " " @ 1.35 " " Next 50 000 " " " " @ 1.17 " " Next 400 000 " " " " @ 1.05 " " Next 500 000 " " " " @ .92 " " Next 9 000 000 " " " " @ .84 " " Excess " " " " @ .74 " " Fuel Clause Bills subject to the adjustment provided for in Fuel Clause Rider. Prompt Payment Provision A charge of 5% will be added to net bill which charge shall constitute a discount from gross bill for payment within the discount period. Gross Earnin�s Clause Bills subject to the adjustment provided for in Gross Earnings Clause Rider. Determination of Demand The Firm Service and Interruptible Service demands in kilovolt-amperes for billing purposes shall be determined by dividing the maximum demand in kilowatts by the monthly average power factor and shall be rounded to the nearest whole kva, but in no month shall the demand to be billed be considered as less than 5070 of the greatest demand in kva billed during the preceding eleven months nor in any event less than 100 kva for Firm Service and 10,000 kva for Interruptible Service. (Continued on following sheet) • 1 0 .a Northern States Pvwer Company (Minn) Electric Utility - City of St. Paul ' RATE SCHEDULE FOR FIRM AND INTERRUPTIBLE LARGE GENERAL SERVICE (Contd) Maximum Demand The maximum demand in kilowatts shall be the greatest 15-minute load during the month for which bill is rendered. Average Power Factor The average power factor is defined to be the quotient obtained by dividing the kilowatt-hours used during the month by the square root of the sum of the squares of the kilowatt-hours used and the lagging reactive kilovolt-ampere-hours supplied during the same period. Any leading kilovolt-ampere-hours supplied during the period will not be considered in determining the average power factor. The average power factor shall be determined for each of the Services. Minimum Demand to be Billed The monthly minimum billing demand for each of the Services shall not be less than provided above, whether or not energy is used. � �i Northern States Power Company (Minn) Electric Utility - City of St. Paul RATE SCHEDULE FOR LARGE CO1�Il�IERCIAL SERVICE Availability Available to any comnercial or industrial customer for combined lighting and pawer purposes. Kind of Service 1. Alternating current at the following nominal voltages: (a) Secondary Voltage: single phase or three phase at 208 volts or higher, � (b) Primary Distribution Voltage: three phase at 2400 volts or higher. Service voltage available in anq given case is dependent upon voltage and capacity of Company lines in vicinity of customer's premises. 2. Direct current, only where and to the extent now used, at a nominal voltage of 120/240 alone or in combination with secondary voltage alternating current. Rate Demand Chart�e for Service at Secondary Voltage: First 10 kilowatts of demand @ $4.05 per kw per month Next 40 " " �� (a 3.02 " " " " Next 50 " " '� @ 2.73 " " �' " Next 100 " " " @ 2.35 �� " '� " EXCeSS n n n �d 2 Ol n n n n . Demand Charge for Service at Primarv Distribution Volta�e: The Demand Charge for Service at Secondary Voltage less $.15 per month per kilowatt of demand. Plus an Eneri�y Charge of: First 2 000 kilowatt-hours per month @ 3.82� per kwh Next 3 000 " " " " @ 2.76 " " Next 15 000 " " " " @ 1.72 " " Next 30 000 " " " " @ 1.46 " " Next 50 000 " " " " @ 1,27 " " Excess " " " " @ 1.17 " " Plus a Direct Current Additional Charge of: 0,60C pex kilowatt-hour for all direct current kilawatt-hours. Fuel Clause Bills subject to the adjustment provided for in Fuel Clause Rider. Promvt Payment Provision A charge of 5% will be added to net bill which charge shall constitute a discount fram gross bill for payment within the discount period. Gross Earnings Clause Bills subject to the adjustment provided for in Gross Earnings Clause Rider. (Continued on following sheet) . � i . Northern States Power Company (Minn) Electric Utilitv - City of St. Paul RATE SCHEDUIE FOR LARGE CO1�Il�RCIAL SERVICE (Contd) Determination of Demand The demand in kilowatts for billing purposes shall be the great 15-minute coincident load (sub3ect to power factor adjustment) during the month for which bill is rendered, but in no event shall the demand to be billed be considered as less than 50% of the greatest demand billed during the preceding eleven months, nor less than 3 kw for Service at Secondary Voltage and 25 kw for Service at Primary Distribution Voltage. Minimum Demand to be Billed The monthly demand charge shall not be less than provided above, whether or not energy is used. Power Factor The customer shall at all times take and use power in such manner that the average power factor shall be as near 100% as possible, but when the average power factor is less than 80%, then the demand as determined above shall be adjusted by multiplying it by 80% and dividing the product thus obtained by the average power factor expressed in percent. The average power factor is defined to be the quotient obtained by dividing the kilowatt-hours used during the month by the square root of the sum of the squares of the kilowatt-hours used and the lagging reactive kilovolt-ampere-hours supplied during the same period. Any leading kilovolt- ampere-hours supplied during the period will not be considered in determining the average power factor. Where customer's demand is less than 40 kw the average pawer factor may at the Compny's option be determined by periodic test or measure�nt. Standby, Supplementary, Emergency and Incidential Service (Alternating Current Only) Availability Available for service to customers who normally supply their requirements either directly or indirectly from another independent source of power for which the Company's service may be substituted wholly or in part. Customer shall contract for capacity adequate to supply the entire electrical requirements for which such service may be used and Company shall not be obligated to supply capacity in excess of the amount con- tracted for by customer. Rate The billing shall be in accordance with the Large Coa�aercial Service rate schedule, except that the paragraph "Determination of Demand" shall be modified to read as follows: The demand in kilowatts ahall be the greatest 15-minute load during the month for which bill is rendered, but in no month shall the demand to be billed be based on less than the greatest demand previously supplied nor on less than the demand contracted for. In addition, for new customers taking service subsequent to January 1, 1965, the demand to be billed shall in no event be considered as less than 100 kw." . i3 � Northern States Power Company (Minn) Electric Utility - City of St. Paul RATE SCHEDUIE FOR 1�JNICIPAL GENERAL SERVICE Availability Available for metered alternating and direct current energy used by the City of St. Paul for all lighting, power, and heating purposes, except atreet lighting and traffic signals. Rate 2,67� per kilowatt-hour. Fuel Clause Bills subject to the adjustment provided for in Fuel Clause Rider. Gross Earnings Clause Bills subject to the adjustment provided for in Gross Earnings Clause Rider. Options This is the only schedule available to the City for the above purposes except that the following schedules are optional hereto when applicable to the service rendered: 1. Large General Service 2. All Electric General Service 3. Controlled Water Heating Service (Closed) 4. General Water Heating Service. • i� , � • ' , Northern States Pawer Company (Minn) Electric Utility - City of St. Paul RATE SCHEDULE FOR TRAFFIC SIGNAL SERVICE , Av$ilability Electric energy for traffic signals owned and operated by the , City. Rate Demand Chart�e First 5 kilowatts or less - No charge Excess kilawatts @ $3.37 per kw per month Ener�y Char�e First 200 kilowatt-hours per month @ 2.70� per kwh Excess " " " ►' @ 2.14 " " Fuel Clause Bills subject to the adjustment provided for in Fuel Clause Rider.. Monthly Minimum Charge $1.10 Gross Earnings Clause Bills subject to the adjustment provided for in Gross Earnings Clause Rider. Determination of Demand The demand in kilowatts for billing purposes shall be the greatest 15-minute load during the month for which bill is rendered. For billing purposes the demand shall be adjusted to be the nearest 0.1 kw. The demand may be determined by test. SpeciaL Terms and Conditions The customer shall supply the service wires run in conduit up the nearest pole or to some other point designated by the Com- pany near the signal. The necessary meter loops and cabinets must be supplied by the customer. � lS : . Northern States Power Company (Minn) ' Electric Utility - City of St. Paul RATE SCHEDUIE FOR TRAFFIC SIGNAL SERVICE Availability Available to governmental agencies* for operation of traffic signals, and direction and warning lights along streets and highways, for traffic regulation and guidance as distinguished from street lighting and general illumination. Rate Demand Charge First 5 kilowatts or less - No charge Excess kilowatts @ $3.37 per kw per month Energy Charge 3.80� per kilowatt-hour Fuel Clause Bills subject to the adjustment provided for in Fuel Clause Rider. Monthlv Minimum Charge $1.65 Gross Earnings Clause Bills subject to the adjustment provided for in Gross Earnings Clause Rider. Determination of Demand The demand in kilawatts for billing purposes shall be the greatest 15-minute load during the month for which bill is rendered. For billing purposes the demand shall be adjusted to the nearest 0.1 kw. The demand may be determined by test. S�ecial Terms and Conditions The customer shall supply the service wires run in conduit up the nearest pole or to so� other point designated by the Company near the signal. The necessary meter loops and cabinets must be supplied by the customer. * For State of Minnesota and Ramsey County. , • a�, , . � , , Northern States Power Company (Minn) Electric Utility - City of St. Paul RATE SCHEDULE FOR MUNICIPAL WATER PUMPING SERVICE Availability Available to municipal water systems for operation of pumping . and water treatment plants when all pumping and other power requirements at all plants are supplied hereunder. (Appropriate rate schedule applied separately to each delivery point) Rate Effective within the corporate limits of the City First 2 000 kilowatt-hours per month @ 2.40� per kwh NeXt 2 000 �� �� �� �� � 1.8�+ �� " Next 96 000 " " " " �d j,28 �� �� NeXt 200 000 " " " " @ 1.05 " " NeXt 200 000 " " " " @ 1.00 " " Excess " " " " @ .96 " " Fuel Clause Bills subject to the adjustment provided for in Fuel Clause Rider. Grosa Earnings Clause Bills subject to the adjustment provided for in Gross Earnings Clause Rider. Pawer Factor If the average monthly power factor of any plant or station is less than 95% lagging, the kilowatt-hours of that particular station will be determined by multiplying the kilowatt-hours actually supplied by 95% and dividing the product thus obtained by the average power factor expressed in percent. The average power factor is defined to be the quotient obtained by dividing the kilowatt-hours used during the month by the square root of the sum of the squares of the kilowatt-hours used and the lagging reactive kilovolt-ampere-hours supplied during the same period. Any leading kilovolt- ampere hours supplied will not be considered in determining the average power factor. The average power factor may at the Company's option be determined by test or measurement. . �, , { . , . . � Northern States Pawer Company (Minn) Electric Utility - City of St. Paul RATE SCHEDUIE FOR STREET LIGHTING SERVICE Availability Available to the City of St. Paul for furnishing, maintaining and operating certain electrical connections, lines, and appurtenances thereto, and supplying electric current for city street lighting, as follows: Ornamentals and Overheads I. Series Ornamental City owns and maintains underground cables, posts, lamps, and glassware. Company furnishes energy at central distribution points designated by the Company. Rate 1.60� net per kilowatt-hour. Metered on primary side of constant current transformers. Schedule of burning - All night. Lighted and extinguished by photo- electric control. The rate provided in item I.above is based upon a City budget for electric energy for street lighting totaling not less than $150 000. The rate of 1.60� net per kilowatt-hour will be increased to 1.70� net in any calendar year in which the total net payment to Company for street lighting service amounts to less than $150 000. II. Multiple Ornamental A. City owns and maintains underground cables, posts, incandescent lamps, and glassware. Company furnishes energy only at central distribution points designated by Company 1. Single-Light Posts Rate per Post per Year Lamp Size All-night Midnight 1 000 Lumen $ 8.30 $ - 2 500 " 12.40 9.80 4 000 " 18.60 13.90 6 000 " 25.80 18.10 2. Two-Lis�ht Posts Rate per Post per Year Lamp Size 2AN lAN-11�1 21rIld 4 000 Lumen $ 38.20 $31.00 $23.80 (Continued on following sheet) , , . � fr Northern States Power Company (Minn) Electric Utilitv - Citv nf St. Paul RATE SCHEDUIE FOR STRE�T LIGHTING SERVICE (Contd) B. City owns and maintains underground cables, posts, mercury lamps, ballasts and glassware. Ballasts shall provide a power factor of at least 90%. Company furnishes energy only at central distribution points designated by Company. Mercury Lamps Burning Rate per Lamp Lamp Size Schedule per Year 100 Watt AN $ 8.00 100 " 1"�1 5.60 175 " AN 13.00 175 " A'IDi 9.30 250 " AN 17.60 400 " AN 26.30 400 " I�ll�i 20,10 700 " AN 46.50 700 " A'IDi 32.00 1 000 " AN 71.20 1 000 " A'ID1 49.60 C. City owns and maintains underground cables, posts, fluorescent lamps, ballasts, and glassware. Ballasts shall pravide a power factor of at least 90%. Company furnishes energy only at central distribution points designated by Company. Fluorescent Lamps Rate Number and Size Burning per Unit of Lamps per Unit Schedule per Year 1-F48EH0 AN $10.30 2-F72H0 AN 13.90 1-F96H0 AN 9.30 1-F96H0 1�T 6.20 Schedule of Burnini�, Groups A, B, and C - All-night lamps lighted and extinguished by photo-electric control. Midnight lamps are lighted by photo-electric control and extinguished at midnight Central Standard Time. (Continued on following sheet) , i � Northern States Power Company (Minn) Electric Utility - City of St. Paul RATE SCHEDULE FOR STREET LIGHTING SERVICE (Contd) III. Multiple Overhead City awns and maintains lamp units, lamps, and glassware. Company owns and maintains distribution system including hangers, and furnishes energy at the lamp unit. A. Incandescent Lamps Rate Lamp Burning per Lamp Size Schedule p.er Year 4 000 Lumen AN $23.40 6 000 " AN 34.20 B. Mercury Lamvs Rate Lamp Burning per Lamp Size Schedule per Year 175 Watt AN $19.20 250 " AN 27.00 400 " AN 40.80 Mercury lamps shall be installed in groups of 6 or more units supplied from one point. Mercury lamps shall include high power factor ballasts giving a power factor of at least 90%. Schedule of Burning, Groups A and B - All-night, lighted and extinguished by photo-electric control. Rates in this section based on supplying service to an average of not less than one 4 000 lumen lamp per 600 lineal feet of pole line. IV. Stairway and Navigation Lamps (Multiple) Customer owns and maintains. Company furnishes energy only at central distribution points. Rate Lamp Burning per Lamp Size Type Schedule per Year 00 Lumen Navigation �— $ 7.70 600 Lumen Stairway AN 7.70 Schedule of Burning Navigation - Sunset to sunrise during navigation season. Stairway - All-night. Lighted and extinguished by photo- electric control. No additional lights will be served under this rate which would require construction in excess of an average of 100 feet per lamp and no poles will be set in frozen ground. Gross Earnings Clause Bills subject to the adjustment provided for in Gross Earnings Clause Rider. . • 3u . , . , . Northern States Power Company (Minn) Electric Utility - City of St. Paul RATE SCHEDULE FOR CO1rB�RCIAL LIGHTING SERVICE (Closed) (Direct Current) . Availabilitv Available to any commercial or industrial customer for direct current service, only where and to the extent naw used, for lighting, 120 volt plug-in equipment, cooking and heating equipment totaling not more than ten kilowatts, and small motors totaling not more than five horsepower. No individual cooking and heating unit to exceed 3000 watts and no individual motor to exceed 2 horsepower. Rate First 100 kilowatt-hours per month @ 8.18� per kwh Next 100 " " " " @ 6.99 " " Next 300 " " " " @ 6.00 " " Next � 500 " " " " @ 4.80 " " Excess " " " " @ 3.82 " " Al1 energy in excess• of 200 kilowatt- hours per month per kilowatt of demand @ 2.62� " " Fuel Clause Bills subject to the adjustment provided for in Fuel Clause Rider. Monthly Minimum Chart�e $2.30 for lighting, 120 volt appliances individually rated at 15 amperes or. less, cooking and heating connected load totaling not more than one kilowatt, and motor connected load totaling not more than one kilowatt, plus $.73 per kilowatt of total cooking and heating connected load in excess of one kilowatt, plus $,73 per kilo�watt of power connected load in excess of one kilowatt. Gross Earnings Clause Bills subject to the adjustment provided for in Gross Earnings Clause Rider. Determination of Demand The demand in kilowatts for billing purposes shall be the greatest 15-minute load during the month for which bill is rendered, but in no event shall it be considered less than 7-1/2 kw. For billing purposes a fraction of a kw if less than one-half will be dropped, if one-half or more will be billed as one-half. Determination of Connected Load for Purposes of This Schedule Motors The connected load shall be assumed to be one kw for each horsepawer of nameplate rating. Other Equipment Not Listed Above The na�eplate rating shall be the basis of determining the connected load. Incorrect or MissinR Nameplate In any case where there is reasonable doubt as to correctness of manufacturer's rating or where insufficient or no rating exists, the Company may fix the rating by test. ` ,a . . . , Northern States Pawer Company (Minn) Electric Utility - City of St. Paul RATE SC�IEDULE FOR GENERAL PO�WER SERVICE (Closed) (Direct Current) Availability Available to any co�nercial or industrial customer for direct current service, only where and to the extent now used, for general power purposes. Rate First 50 hours' use per month of demand @ 6.99� per kwh Next 150 " , " " " " " @ 4.15 �� '� EXCeSS n u n n n n �d 2.73 u n Quantity Discount First $56.80 of monthly bill - 0% discount Next 56.80 " " " - 10% " Next 56.80 " " " - 20% " Next 56.80 " " �� - 30% " Next 56.80 " " " - 40% " Excess " " " - 25°/ " 0 Fuel Clause Bills subject to the adjust�ent provided for in Fuel Clause Rider. Monthly Minimum Charge Based on rated capacity of connected load which shall be not less than one kilowatt: $2.30 for the first kilowatt or less $ .92 per kilowatt for the excess kw Gross Earnings Clause Bills subject to the adjustment provided for in Gross Earnings Clause Rider. Determination of Demand The demand in kilowatts for billing purposes shall be the greatest 15-minute load during the month for which bili is rendered, but in no event shall it be considered less than 4 kw. Determination of Connected Load for Purposes of This Schedule Motors The connected load shall be assumed to be .8 kilowatt for each horsepower of nameplate rating. ' Other Equipment Not Listed Above The nameplate rating shall be the basis of determining the connected load. Incorrect or Missin�x Nameulate In any case where there is reasonable doubt as to correctness of manufacturer's rating or where insufficient or no rating exists, the Company may fix the rating by test. � � L . . . • ; Northern States Pawer Company (Minn) Electric Utility - City of St. Paul RATE SCHEDULE FOR GENERAL I�ATING AND COOKING SERVICE (Closed) C-A-N-C-E-L-L-E-D , + 33 � , �:7,� ,`.: �� � . . . � . Northern States Pawer Company (Minn) $laatric Utility - City of St. Paul � RATE SCHEDULE FOR . GEI�RAL PQ+IER SERVICE (Cloaed) C-A-N-C-E-L-L-E-D �' . , 3 � . � , , , r A Northern States Power Company (Minn) Electric Utility - City of St. Paul FUEL CLAUSE RIDER GROSS EARNINGS CLAUSE RIDER FUEL CLAUSE RIDER The adjustment to be added or deducted under the Fuel Clause shall be 0.013C per kilawatt-hour for each whole cent by which the cost of fuel is more or leas, respectively, than 31C per million Btu. The cost of fuel shall be the average cost of fuel used during the preceding twelve months as recorded in FPC Accounts 501 and 547. GROSS EARNINGS CLAUSE RIDER Bills rendered shall be adjusted by Company over a period terminating no later than December 31, 1972, in an amount to allow Company to recoup gross earnings payments paid to the City during the year 1971 in excess of a rate of 5% and which have not been fully recovered from Company's customers in prior billings. NSP ' NORTH ERN STATES PO W ER C.OM PANY MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA SS401 February 25, 1972 To the Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Saint Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen: The undersigned, Northern States Power Company, does hereby accept and agree to abide by, keep and perform all of the terms, limitations, conditions and provisions of Council File No. 257043, being Ordinance No. 15024, adopted by the Council and approved by the Mayor on January 28, 1972, subject to the right of Company to petition for rate increases pursuant to Section 7 of Ordinance No. 14788. NORTHERN �ATES POWER COMPANY BY Vvi/�.-��Q.- , ���-� Division Ma And � ssistant Secretary AP RO O FORM: ./ N Corpora on Counsel , --; s � .c � � � ., �. , .. _ ,.:. t�y;' .,.. �...�.e :. . ��_ ,.;. • '•. � H, :��•:' � .1' . . . . - . .- ..f .. . ... . . .� . . N . . . . . . � .� ... 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' . . . . - , . . ,. _ . . . .. . . � . . . . � .. . ,, 7�. r° ,. . �.. . , . , � , ,. _ . � . . {. r. . � . ,, .. , ; . . -,� . .�- . . . . ... . . � ' .. � ,�:en . . t:��-� ..tr•�6� 3�.....,F��j..,� iW�. ,`' ... .. �.ri � .','e..`' . . _ .� . . . . . . .� . . . . �. __-I � 1 . @ , h 2��Q !� Northern States Power Company (Minn) �V Electric Utility - City of St. Paul RATE SCHEDULE FOR � RESIDENTIAL SERVICE Availabilitv Available to any residential customer for domestic purposes only, in a single private residence. Rate First 60 kilowatt-hours per month @ 5.43� per kwh • � ' � '�� Next 140 �� � � ��� ��� �� •��@ �2.93 �� . �� � • . . Next 300 " " " " (a 2.30 " " Next 300 " " " " (d 2,].7 �� �� EXCE'.S3 n n n n �d 1.72 �� n Fuel Clause Bills subject to the adjustment provided for in Fuel Clause !tider. Monthly Minimum Charge $2.15 Gross Earnings Clause Bills subject to the adjustment provided for in Gross Earnings Clause Rider. Other Provisions This schedule is also subject to provisions contained under "Rules for Application of Residential Service Rates." . � , < � . � Northern States Power Company (Minn) ' Electric Utility - City of St. Paul RULES FOR APPLICATION OF RESIDENTIAL SERVICE RATES .. . 1. The Residential Service .rate is .available to any residential custos�er for � � � � domestic purposes only, for ligYiting, heating, cooking, and domestic power service in a single private residence, except as hereinafter provided. 2. a. All normally sized equipment for domestic illuminating, heating, cooking, and power, used strictly for household purposes, may be supplied through . one meter. . . . . . . . . . • _ , . �� . . , • . .. � • � •.:. .. . , .- .. . .• .'. . . . . • _ . b. Motors and other equip�nent which interfere with service to neighboring customers, all motors larger than 5 horsepower, and snow melting installa- tions or other temporary or seasonal Ioads totaling more than 25 kilowatts will not be permitted on the Residential Service rate. 3. Only single phase service, rendered through one meter, is available under the Residential Service rate. 4. Three phase service, service to motors larger than 5 horsepower, and service � to snow melting installations totaling more than 25 kilowatts may be had under such rates as are available to commercial customers for the respective classes of service. 5. A customer occupying a building or apartment for residential and commercial purposes jointly may combine his residential and comcaercial use on such rates as are available to commercial customers for the respective classes of service. 6. Each apartment or dwelling unit shall be considered as a single private residence but service for a duplex (a single building consisting of two apartments or dwelling units) may be taken through one meter under a single billing provided that the billing shall be computed as though each apartment or dwelling unit used an equal portion of the total service metered and were independently billed, except that the minimum charge shall be the minimum charge for a single apartment or dwelling unit. An apartment is defined to be a room or suite of rooms used for the general functions of a household , and permanently equipped with a sink and cooking facilities, occupying space specifically designed for them, such as a kitchen, kitchenette or pullman kitchen. � � Northern States Power Company (Minn) Electric Utility - City of St. Paul — RATE SCHEDULE FOR ' ALL ELECTRIC RESIDF�NTIAL SERVICE Availability Available to any residential customer in a single private residence for domestic purposes only where 120/240 volt single phase electric service is used through one meter and customer has in regular use either an Approved Water Heating Installation or an Approved Space Heating Installation or both. . � � • ����Rate First' � � .:'•3p: ki`lowatt-hours' ``�r.�month ' . . .. ... . : . . , _ ,<, .•. . : , . �� �� P�� �� @ 'S�.49� ' per �kwh Next 50 @ 2�98 „ " Next 200 " " �� " @ 2.15 " �� Next 700 " " " " @ 1.72 " �� ' Next 1 000 " " " �� @ 1.fi0 " �� Excess " " " " @ 1.40 n n Fuel Clause Bills subject to the adjustment provided for in Fuel Clause Rider. Monthlv Minimum Char�e $2.15 Gross Earnings Clause Bills subject to the adjustment provided for in Groes Earnings Clause Rider. Rules for Application of All Electric Residential Service Rate 1. The specifications for an Approved Water Heating Installation under this rate are as follows: a. The water heater shall be equipped with no more than two heating elements. Each heating element shall be noninductive, thermostatically operated and designed for 240 volts. b. For a water heater equipped with two heating elements: The tank size shall be not less than 40 gallons; the rating of either heating element shall not exceed 5500 watts; and, if the total o£ the ratings of the two elements exceeds 5500 watts, the elements shall be so interlocked that they cannot operate simultaneously. c. For a water heater equipped with one heating element: The tank size and the rating of the heating element for each tank size shall be as follows: Tank Size Heating Element in Gallons RatinA in Watts 30 3 500 50 5 500 80 5 500 (Continued on following sheet) c � �' . ' 4 , Northern States Power Company (Minn) Electric Utility - City of St. Paul RATE SCHEDULE FOR ALL ELECTRIC RESIDENTIAL SERVICE (Contd) d. Electric water heating service will be supplied only under a single applicable rate schedule. e. The installation shall not be used to supplement any other system of providing hot water service. f. Company reserves the right to control service to the water heating load. 2. .The specifications for an Approved Space Heating Installation under this rate are as follows: . • •� . . .. , . . . . .. . , . . . -. .� . . : ... � . . . , . . .. . . . . . .. .. . . • . �. .. �•. . . � a. Electric space heating equipment (except 120 `volt units individually rated af 15 amperes or less) shall be designed to operate at 240 volts, shall be permanently installed and shall be the sole source of space heating except that provided by fireplaces. b. Not more than 10 kilowatts shall be switched at one time by the heating system controls. c. Company reserves the right to control service to the space heating load. 3. Service may be taken under this schedule through one meter for a duplex (a single building consisting of two apartments or dwelling units) meeting the above specifications provided that the billing shall be computed as though each apartment or dwelling unit used an equal portion of the total service metered and were independently billed, except that the minimum charge shall be the minimum charge for a single apartment or dwelling unit. 4. Snow melting installations or other infrequently used loads totaling more than 25 kilowatts will not be permitted on this rate except where customer has an Approved Space Heating Installation in which case 25 kw or 50% of the space heating load, whichever is greater, will be allowed. In all other cases the General Service rate or other rates are available for such loads. 5. A customer occupying a building or apartment for residential and commercial purposes jointly may combine his residential and commercial use on such rates � as are available to commercial customers for the respective classes of service but not under this rate. � � . _ � .�, Northern States Power Company (Minn) -- Electric Utility - City of St. Paul RATE SCHEDULE FOR ' MULTIPLE DWELLING SERVICE . . . . _ . , . _�: . _. . . _ . . • . ��. .. � � . � �, . . , . . . Availabilitv Available to any customer using single phase electric service for a multiple dwelling. Rate - - � � ' '.� Sini�le Apartment' ' • ' • : . .'. • . �- . . .. . � . . .. • . . . . •. . . . ., First SQ kilowatt-hours per month @ 5.69C per kwh Next 15U �� �� " �� �d 3.06 �� �� . Next 500 " " " " @ 2.27 " " . Excess " " " " @ 1.71 " " Fuel Clause Bills subject to the adjustment provided for in Fuel Clsuse Rider. Monthly Minimum Charge $2.15 � Gross Earnings Clause Bills subject to the adjust�nt provided for in Gross Earnings Clause Rider. Rules for Application of Multiple Dwellin� Service Rate 1. Service for two or more apartments may be taken through one meter under a single billing provided that the billing shall be computed as though each apartment or dwelling unit used an equal portion of the total service �tered and were independently billed, except that the minimum charge shall be the minimum charge for a single apartment or dwelling unit. An apartment is defined to be a room or suite of rooms used for the general funetions of a household and permanently equipped with a sink and cooking facilities, occupying space specifically designed for them, such as a kitchen, kitchenette or pullman kitchen: 2. The general service required by the apartment building, such as service for hall lighting, garages for private use, laundry rooms, drying rooms, boiler rooms, janitor's supply rooms, refrigeration equipment, oil burners, furnace stokers, and air conditioning equipment, may be taken on the multiple dwelling schedule provided the kilowatt-hours in the second and third blocks of the rate schedule be increased by 150 and 500 kilowatt-hours, respectively, for each apartment not served on this same meter. 3. Three phase service, service to motors larger than 5 horsepawer, and service to snaw melting installations totaling more than 25 kilowatts may be had under such rates as are available to co�ercial customers for the respective classes of service. 4. A customer occupying a building or apartment for residential and coa�ercial purposes jointly may combine his residential and commercial use on such rates as are available to commercial customers for the respective classes of service. . . . . � Northern States Power Company (Minn) Electric Utility - City of St. Paul RATE SCHEDULE FOR UNCONTROLLED WATER HEATING SERVICE (Closed) � . . . . . . . . . . . • . . � . � . .. �-. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C-A-N-C-E-L-L-E-D . � Northern States Power Company (Minn) - Electric Utility - City of St. Paul RATE SCHEDULE FOR AUTOMATIC PROTECTIVE LIGHTING SERVICE . . 'i ' . � . . _ • . . . . : � . . . . ' Availability Available to any customer for illumination of areas of private property. Rate • � � . • .� .Desit�nation- of Lamps : � . . . � . � . . . -Mont�tly Ra�E per Unit • • •' � • - F48 T10/CW Fluorescent $3.95(1) 175 Watt Mercury 3.95 . 400 Watt Mercury 5.70 (1) Available to existing installations only. Gross Earnings Clause Bills subject to the adjustment provided for in Gross Earnings Clause Rider. Service Included in Rate Company shall own, operate and maintain the lighting unit including the fixture, lamp, ballast, photo-electric control, mounting brackets and all necessary wiring. Company shall furnish all electric energy required for operation of the unit. Special Terms and Conditions 1. Above rate contemplates installation of the lighting unit on an existing utility owned wood pole upon which Company's 120 or 240 volt lines are attached. If necessary, Company will extend its 120 or 240 volt lines on existing Company poles for not to exceed two spans provided customer pay the entire cost thereof. No additional transformer capacity will be provided hereunder. 2. The lamp shall be lighted and extinguished by a photo-electric control furnished by the Company. The hours of burning shall be from approximately one-half hour after sunset until one-half hour before sunrise, every night. 3. If illumination of a lamp is interrupted and said illumination is not resumed within seventy-two hours from the time Company receives notice thereof from customer, 1/30th of the monthly compensation for such unit shall be deducted for each night of nonillumination after such notice is received. 4. Company reserves the right to discontinue service if equipment is abused. Term of A�reement Agreement ahall be for a term of three years, and, if not then terminated by at least 30 days' prior written notice by either party, shall continue until so terminated. . 4. • • � , Northern States Power Company (Minn) - , Electric Utility - City of St. Paul RATE SCHEDULE FOR CONTROLLED WATER HEATING SERVICE (Closed) . . . .. : _;..�-;: . , . Availability Available to any Controlled Water Heating Installation supplied through a separate meter and served hereunder on November 1, 1961. No new water heating installation ma.de after November 1, 1961 will be served under this rate. Rate Ener�y Char�e: 1.60� per kilowatt-hour Excess Watta�e Charge: One Element Tank - If the capacity of the heating element exceeds 20 watts per gallon of tank capacity, an additional charge of lOC per month per whole 100 watts will be made for such excess capacity. Two Element Tank - If the capacity of the bottom element exceeds 20 watts per gallon of tank capacity or the top element exceeds 4 500 watts, an additional charge of 10� per month per whole 100 watts will be made for the greater of such excess capacities. Fuel Clause Bills subject to the adjustment provided for in Fuel Clause Rider. Monthly Minimum Charge $2.15 Gross Earnings Clause Bills subject to the adjustment provided for in Gross Earnings Clause Rider. Time Control An electrical control device will be furnished by Company which will control the service so that no energy will be supplied during the follow- ing periods: 10:00 a.m. to Noon and 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. or such other daily period or periods as the Company may elect from time to time but not to exceed a total of five hours daily. Approved Controlled Water Heating Installation The specifications for an approved controlled water heating installation under this rate are as follows: 1. The water heater shall be of the storage type, equipped with one or two thermostatically operated noninductive heating elements designed for 240 volts �(208 volts in some commercial areas). � 2. If the water heater is of the two-element type it shall have one element near the bottom and the other not more than one-fourth the distance from the top of the tank and so connected or interlocked that they cannot operate aimultaneously. (Continued on following sheet) • i! , � • Northern States Power Compaay {Minn) Electric Utility - City of St. Paul � ' RATE SCHEDULE FOR CONTROLLED WATER HEATING SERVICE (Closed) (Contd) 3. The storage capacity of any water heater installed hereunder after January 1, 1959 shall be 80 gallons or more. ; . 4. = �he wat�r heater, whether one=eiement. or two-element�, shall be connected � � by means of a tamperproof circuit to Company's controlled service meter. 5. At customer's option the top (emergency or booster) element of a two- element water heater may be permanently connected to either Company's con- trolled service c�ter or to Company's Residential Service or General Service . . � .. . . meter.... . . . _ . . .� • . . . . . �. �. . . - • . . . . . • � � , . : � . . .. . . , . 6. The water heating installation may consist of two or more tanks provided that the installation meets the specifications for a single tank and that all are located on the same premises for one customer's use. 7. The installation shall not be used tosupply hot water for space heating purposes. • �� ' Northern States Yower Company (Minn) Electric Utility - City of St. Paul RATE SCHEDULE FOR GENERAL SERVICE . . . . . 'i` .�_Y- . . . . . . � � . . , . ' � . . � . . Availability Available to any customer for single or three phase electric service supplied through one meter. Rate First 200 kilowatt-hours per month @ 5.54� per kwh :;Next .. . �. 300 .,.: �� �� �� . �� f.. @ 4.30, . �� �� .. .. , . . , . . . Next � 500 '` .�►' . . : 'n .•�." . .. 'r �'� .@�' 3.42 "�., . ��� ;, .. •,; ... . •. , n n Excess " " " " @ 2.83 All energy in excess of 200 kilowatt- � hours per month per kilowatt of demand @ 1.74 '� " Primary Distribution Voltage Discount A discount of 5% will be allowed where customer takes service at available primary voltage. Fuel Clause Bills subject to the adjustment provided for in Fuel Clause Rider. Monthly Minimum Char�e $2.15 Gross Earnint�s Clause Bills subject to the adjustment provided for in Gross Earnings Clause Rider. Determination of Demand The demand in kilowatts for billing purposes shall be the greatest 15-minute load during the month for which bill is rendered, but in no event shall it be considered less than 5 kw. For billing purposes, a fraction of a kw if less than one-half will be dropped, if one-half or more will be billed as one-half. h . � • Northern States Power Company (Minn) Electric Utility - City of St. Paul RATE SCHEDULE FOR ALL ELECTRIC GENERAL SERVICE Availability Available to any customer who has in regular use an Approved Space Heating Installation. _ Rate .� Firs.t.. 400 . kilowatt-hours..,per month .@ .3,3.1�. pe.r kwh - .. .. . ::. • , . . . . . . � . � Next � � 600 � �� ' �� ,� ��- @ 2.69 � �� �i ' ' � Next - 1 000 " �� " 'r @ 2.28 " " Excess " " " " @ 1.99 " " � All energy in excess of 200 kilowatt- hours per month per kilowatt of demand @ 1.74 " " Primary Distribution Volta�e Discount A discount of S°/e will be allowed where customer �takes service at available primary voltage. Fuel Clause Bills subject to the adjustment provided for in Fuel Clause Rider. Monthly Minimum Charge $2.15 Grosa Earnings Clause Bills subject to the adjustment provided for in Gross Earnings Clause Rider. Determination of Demand The demand in kilowatts for billing purposes shall be the greatest 15-minute load during the month for which bill is rendered, but in no event shall it be considered less than 5 kw. For billing purposes, a fraction of a kw if less than one-half will be dropped, if one-half or more will be billed as one-half. �ecial Requirements The specifications for an Approved Space Heating Installation are as follows: 1. Electricity shall be the sole source of space heating in all areas served through the meter. 2. At least 40% of the total connected load must be permanently connected space heating equipment. . 3. Company reserves the right to control the space heating load. ` . , ,� Northern States Power Company (Minn) Electric Utility - City of St. Paul RATE SCHEDULE FOR GENERAL WATER HEATING SERVICE . , :. � . �.: . .. . . . ,.. , �: .. .. . . . .. � _ . : �.. Availability Available to any customer for single or three phase service at 208 volts or higher, uncontrolled as to time of use, for an Approved Water , Heating Installation supplied through a separate meter. . . �.. . - R�te • �nergy Charge:. � � � . . �" . . �. . . . . . , . . .- . .. . . � . First 100 kilowatt-hours per month per kilowatt of demand @ 1.71� per kwh EXC@SS _ - �� n n u n n n n �d 1 �F2 n �� . Excess Wattage Charge: An additional charge of $1.63 per 1 000 watts or fraction thereof will be made for connected loads in excess of: � a. storage tank installation ° 350 watts per gallon of tank capacity. b. swi�ning pool installation 50 watts per square foot of water surface area of swimming pools. Fuel Clause Bills subject to the adjustment provided for in Fuel Clause Rider. Monthly Minimum Charge $2.15 Gross Earnin�s Clause Bills subject to the adjustment provided for in Gross Earnings Clause Rider. Determination of Demand The demand in kilowatts shall be the greatest 15-minute load during the month for which bill is rendered but in no event shall it be considered less than 10 kilowatts. The demand may at Company's option be determined by periodic test or measurement. Approved Water Heating Installation The specifications for an Approved Water Heating Installation under this rate are as follows: 1. The water heater shall be equipped with thermostatically operated non- inductive heating elements designed to operate at 208 volts or higher. 2. The water heater shall be connected by means of a tamperproof circuit to Company's water heating meter. 3. The storage capacity of the water heater shall be 40 gallons or more and the connected load shall be 4500 watts or more, except that a water heater having a storage capacity of 30 gallons and a single heating element rated at 3500 watts will be permitted. (Continued on following sheet) ' �� • � , • Northern States Power Company (Minn) Electric Utility - City of St. Pau1 RATE SCHEDULE FOR GENERAL WATER HEATING SERVICE (Contd) 4. Water heating service will be supplied only under a single applicable rate schedule. 5.� The installation shall not be used to supply hot water for space heating � . � . . • � "purposes. , , . . . . . . . , . .. � . .� _ . .. �. . . .. 6. The installation shall not be used to supplement any other system of providing hot water service. 7. Company reserves the right to control service to the water heating load. 8. The above specifications for an Approved Water Heating Installation shall apply to heating water for swimming pools subject to the foll�aing modifica�tions: a. The storage capacity specification of Section 3 shall be waived. b. The installation shall not be used to heat water for other purposes. , ,.: Northern States Power Company (Minn) • Electric Utility - City of St. Paul RATE SCHEDULE FOR LARGE GENERAL SERVICE Availability Available to any customer for general service � Kind of Service Alternating current at the following nominal voltages: (a)_ Secondary Voltage: single or three phase at 208 volts or higher, (b) .Primary Distribution Voltage: three phase at 2400 volts or higher, � . ..: . .. .• . � . . .. . • . . . . � • �:� • �(c} � Transmission� Zine Voitage: three��phase �at 34 500 volts or higher.. . � � . • . Service voltage available in any given case is dependent upon voltage and capacity of Company lines in vicinity of customer's premises. Rate Demand Charge for Service at Secondary Voltage: First lOQ kilovolt-amperes or less of demand - $235.00 per month Next 100 kilovolt-amperes of demand @ $1.78 per kva per month Next 800 " �� �r �� @ 1.54 �� �� �� �� Next __ 9 000 " " " " @ 1.43 �� �� �� �� Excess n n n n @ 1.35 n n n n Demand Charge for Service at Primary Distribution Voltage: The Demand Charge for Service at Secondary Voltage less $.15 per month per kilovolt- ampere of demand. Demand Char�e for Service at Transmission Line Volta�e: The Demand Charge for Service at Secondary Voltage less $.25 per month per kilovolt^3mpere of demand. Plus an Energy Charge of: First 20 000 kilowatt-hours per month @ 1.72G per kwh Next 30 000 " " " " @ 1.35 " " Next 50 000 " " " " @ 1.17 " '� Next 400 000 " " " " @ 1.05 " " Next 500 000 " " " " @ ,92 " " Next 9 000 000 " " " " @ ,84 " " Excess " " " " @ .74 " " Fuel Clause Bills subject to the adjustment provided for in Fuel Clause Rider. Prompt Payment Provision A charge of 5% will be added to net bill which charge shall constitute a discount from gross bill for payment within the discount period. Gross Earnings Clause Bills subject to the adjustment provided for in Gross Earnings Clause Rider. (Continued on following sheet) . i � ' � Northern States Power Company (riinn) Electric Utility - City of St. Paul RATE SCHEDULE FOR LARGE GENERAL SERVICE (Contd) Determination of Demand The demand in kilovolt-amperes for billing purposes ' shall be determined by dividing the maxin-um demand in kilowatts by the monthly average power factor and shall be rounded to the nearest whole kva, but in no month shall the demand to be billed be considered as less than . � . - 50% of the greatest. demand in kva.billed dur:ing the preceding. eleven months � ��� nor in any event less than 100 kva. Maximum Demand The maximum demand in kilowatts shall be the greatest 15-minute load during the month for which bill is rendered. . . , .. •: Average Power Factor. The.,.average: power. faczox.. is.defined to be the .quotient � . . � obtained by dividing�the kilowatt-hours used�during the month by �the square � root of the sum �f the squares of the kilowatt-hours used and the lagging reactive kilovolt-ampere-hours supplied during the same period. Any leading kilovolt-ampere-hours supplied during the period will not be considered in determining the average power factor. Minimum Demand to be Billed The monthly minimum billing demand shall not be less than provided above, whether or not energy is used. � Standby and Supplementary Service Availability Available at 12,400 volts or higher to any large coimnercial or industrial customer who normally supplies part or all of his electric power requirements from another independent source of pawer for which the Company's service may be substituted wholly or in part. Customer shall contract for capacity adequate to supply the entire electric requirements for which such . service may be used which capacity shall equal or exceed the agreed kva demand for standby to customer's other source of power. Company shal.l not be obligated to supply capacity in excess of that contracted for. Rate The billing shall be in accordance with Company's Large General S.ervice rate schedule for Service at Primary Distribution Voltage except that the paragraph "Determination of Demand" shall be modified to read as follows: "The demand in kilovolt-amperes for billing purposes shall be determined by dividing the maximum demand in kilowatts by the monthly average power factor, but in no month shall the demand to be billed be considered as less than the agreed_ standby demand plus 50% of the greatest excess demand in kva over such standby demand billed during the preceding eleven months nor in any event less than 2 500 kva." (Continued on following sheet) . 1� ` � . Northern States Power Company (Minn) Electric Utility - City of St. Paul RATE SCHEDULE FOR LARGE GENERAL SERVICE (Contd) Parallel Operation Interconnection and parallel operation of Customer's inde- pendent source of power (Customer's system). and Company's service (Company's system) will be permitted by Company under the following conditions: 1. The interconnection between the systems must be at 12,400 volts or higher at a point on Company's system where Customer's operations will not interfere with the quality of Company's service to any of its other customers. ,. . ,. . . . .•: �.. :� Cus�omer. agrees ta proyide the necessary. equipment as approved: by. . ; •.. . Company to enable Customer to operate its generating equipment in parallel with Company's system. Since the power factor and the voltage at which Company's system and Customer's system are operated will vary, each party agrees to operate its system at such power factor and voltage as is condu- cive to best operating standards and in such manner as to absorb its share of the reactive power. 3. Company reserves the right to disconnect service in the event service to Custo�►er results in trouble on Company's system such as interruptions, grounds, radio or telephone interference, surges or objectionable voltage fluctuations, where such trouble is caused by negligence of Customer if, after giving notice in writing to Customer of such trouble, Customer fails to remedy the causes thereof within a reasonable time. 4. Company's meters will be ratcheted to measure the flow of power and energy from Company to Customer only. Reverse flow if any will be ignored unless the amount is substantial in which event it will be a matter for negotiation and further agreement between the parties. _ i._. ° �n Northern States Power Company (Minn) Electric Utility - City of St. Paul RATE SCHEDULE FOR LARGE ALL ELECTRIC GENERAL SERVICE . . .. � .. . . . . ; .. . � • . . • . . . � - Availability Available to any customer who has in regular use an Approved Space Heating Installation. Kind of Service Alternating current at the following nominal voltages: (a) Service at Secondary Distribution Voltage: three wire single phase. � � � • � �and three� or' four wire three phase���at� 2�8 volt�s or itigYier,��(ti) Service �� � ` �� � at Primary Distribution Voltage: three phase at 2400 volts or higher. Service voltage available in any given case is dependent upon voltage and capacity of existing Company lines in vicinity of customer's premises. Rate First 10 000 kilowatt-hours or less - $289.00 per month Next 10 000 kilowatt-hours per month @ 1.76� per kwh Next 80 000 " " " " @ 1.54 " " � Excess " " " " @ 1 46 " " . All energy in excess of 200 kilowatt-hours per month per kilowatt of demand: First 600 000 kilowatt-hours Cd 1.19C per kwh Excess " " @ .82 " " Primary Distribution Voltage Discount A discount of $.10 per month per kilowatt of demand will be allowed where customer takes service at available primary voltage. Fuel Clause Bills subject to the adjustment provided for in Fue1 Clause Rider. Prompt Payment Provision A charge of 5% will be added to net bill which charge shall constitute a discount from gross bill for payment within the discount period. Gross Earnings Clause Bills subject to the adjustment provided for in Gross Earnings Clause Rider. Determination of Demand The demand in kilowatts for billing purposes shall be the greatest 15-minute load (subject to Pawer Factor Adjustment) during the month for which bill is rendered, but in no event shall the demand for billing purposes be considered as less than 50% of the greatest demand used for billing purposes during the preceding eleven months, nor less than 100 kw. (Continued on following sheet) � � ifr . , • Northern States Powetc Company (Minn) Electric Utility - City of St. Paul RATE SCHEDULE FOR LARGE ALL ELECTRIC GENERAL SERVICE (Contd) Power Factor Adjustment The customer shall at all times take and use power � - . , in such manner that the average power=factor shall ,be as. near ..100% as � • � possible, but when the average pcwer factor is less than 80%, then the � � greatest 15-minute load shall be adjusted by multiplying it by 80%, and � dividing the product thus obtained by the average power factor expressed in percent. .• . � . . The, average;.pnwer factor.:is.defined to be ,tl�e. quotient. obtaine.d b3� �...� : �..� , ;� � � divi�ding the kiTowatt-hours used during the month by the square root of the � sum of the squares of the kilowatt-hours used and the lagging reactive kilovolt-ampere-hours supplied during the same period. Any �leading kilovolt- ampere-hours supplied during the period will not be considered in determining the average power factor. Special Requirements � � The specifications for an Approved Space Heating Installation are as follows: 1. Electricity shall be the sole source of space heating in all areas served through the meter. 2. At least 40% of the total connected load must be permanently connected space heating equipment. 3. Campany reserves the right to control the space heating load. ` �h Northern States Power Company (Minn) Electric Utility - City of St. Paul � RATE SCHEDULE FOR FIRM AND INTERRUPTIBLE LARGE GENERAL SERVICE Availabilitv Available to any customer taking his entire electrical require- ments from Company at 12,400 volts or higher who agrees that Company's service to the equipment listed in Schedule A attached to the contract may be inter- rupted by Company at any time and for such periods as Company, in its sole . ^ discretion, considers .the supply. of .such. service .detrimental. LO its .operations , _ . . . � .. . ...gs��a public utiTity. ' . . . , . . . : .. • . . , . • , . , . • . . . . Rate Demand Charge for Firm Service: First 100 kilovolt-amperes or less of demand -$220.00 per month � Next 100 kilovolt - amperes of demand @ $1.63 per kva per month Next 800 " " " " @ 1.39 " " " " Next 9 000 " " " " @ 1.28 " " " " Excess " n n �� @ 1.20 n n n n Demand Chart�e for Interruptible Service: First 10 000 kilovolt-amperes or less of demand - $3500.00 per month Excess kilovolt-amperes of demand @ $.35 per kva per month Plus an Ener�y Char�e of: First 20 000 kilowatt-hours per month @ 1.72� per kwh Next 30 000 " " " " @ 1.35 " " Next 50 000 " " " " @ 1.17 " " Next 400 000 " " " " @ 1.05 " " Next S00 000 " " " " @ .92 " " Next 9 000 000 " " " " @ .84 " " Excess " " " " @ .74 " " Fuel Clause Bills subject to the adjustment provided for in Fuel Clause Rider. Prompt Payment Provision A charge of 5% will be added to net bill which charge shall constitute a discount from gross bill for payment within the discount period. Gross Earain�s Clause Bills subject to the adjustment provided for in Gross Earnings Clause Rider. Determination of Demand The Firm Service and Interruptible Service demands in kilovolt-amperes for billing purposes shall be determined by dividing the maximum demand in kilowatts by the monthly average power factor and ahall be rounded to the nearest whole kva, but in no month shall the demand to be billed be considered as less than 50% of the greatest demand in kva billed during the preceding eleven months nor in any event less than 100 kva for Firm Service and 10,000 kva for Interruptible Service. (Continued on following sheet) � Z V c , ' Northern States Pvwer Company (Minn) Electric Utility - City of St. Paul ' RATE SCHEDULE FOR FIRM AND INTERRUPTIBLE LARGE GENERAL SERVICE (Contd) Maximum. Demand The maximum demand in kilowatts shall be the greatest 15-minute . . . . , , load during-the month for which bill .is rendered_. : . _ � . Averat�e Power Factor The average power factor is defined to be the quotient obtained by dividing the kilowatt-hours used during the month by the square root of the sum of the squares of the kilowatt-hours used and the lagging r.eactive kilovolt-ampere-hours supplied during the same period. Any leading , ., _ kilovolt-ampere-hours supplied,during the.p.eriod. will �not.be .considered in , . � ' � �determining the average power� �factor. The average power factor shall be � � determined .for_ eac.h of the Services. Minimum Demand to be Billed The monthly minimum billing demand for each of the Services shall not be less than provided above, whether or not energy is used. , � i� . , , . Northern States Power Company (Minn) Electric Utility - City of St. Paul RATE SCHEDULE FOR LARGE CQMMERCIAL SERVICE Availability Available to any commercial or industrial. customer for combined lighting and power purposes. . Kind of Service �1. Alternating current at the following nominal voltages: . (a). Secondary Voltage: single phase or three phase at 208 volts or higher, � (b) Primary Distribution Voltage: three phase at 2400 volts or higher. Service voltage available in anq given case is dependent upon voltage and capacity of Company lines in vicinity of customer's premises. 2. Direct current, only where and to the extent now used, at a �nominal voltage of 120/240 alone or in combination with secondary voltage alternating current. Rate Demand Charge for Service at Secondary Volta�e: First 10 kilawatts of demand @ $4.05 per kw per month Next 40 '� " " @ 3.02 " " " " Next 50 " " " @ 2.73 " " " " NeXt 100 " �� �� @ 2.35 �� " �' " EXCeSS �� n n (.d Z•Ol n n n n Demand Charge for Service at Primary Distribution Voltat�e: The Demand Charge for Service at Secondary Voltage less $.15 per month per kilowatt . of demand. Plus an Ener�v Char�e of: First 2 000 kilowatt-hours per month @ 3.82� per kwh Next 3 000 " " " " @ 2�7f �� �� Next 15 000 " " " • " @ 1,72 �� �� Next 30 000 " " " " @ 1.46 " " Next 50 000 " " " " @ 1.27 " " Excess �� �� �� �� �d 1 1] �� �� . Plus a Direct Current Additional Charge of: 0.60� per kilowatt-hour for aIl direct current kilowatt-hours. Fuel Clause Bills subject to the adjustment provided for in Fuel Clsuse Rider. Promvt Payment Provisioa A charge of 5% will be added to net bill which charge shall constitute a discount from gross bill for pay�ent within the discount period. Gross Earnint�s Clause Bills subject to the adjuatment provided for in Gross Earnings Clause Rider. � (Continued on following sheet) ' � i Northern States Power Company (Minn) Electric Utilitv - City of St. Paul RATE SCHEDUIE FOR LARGE CO1�fERCIAL SERVICE (Contd) Determination of Demand The demand in kilowatts for billing purposes shall be the great 15-minute coincident load (subject to power factor adjustment) . � � during. the month for which bi.11, is xendered, but in .no, event .shall the. demand. .. � � � ` � to be billed be considered as �less �than 50% of� the greatest demand billed � � � during the preceding eleven months, nor less than 3 kw for Service at Secondary Voltage and 25 kw for Service at Primary Distribution Voltage. Minimum Demand to be Billed The monChly demand charge shall not be less . ,. .. �. . . .. �. . .., �than .provided.,above, .whether or. not energy,is. used�, _. .. , : , Power Factor The customer shall at all times take and use power in such manner that the average power factor shall be as near 100% as possible, but when the average power factor is less than 80%, then the demand as determined above shall be adjusted by multiplying it by 80% and dividing the product thus obtained by the average pawer factor expressed in percent. The average power factor is defined to be the quotient obtained by • dividing the kilowatt-hours used during the month by the square root of the sum of the squares of the kilowatt-hours used and the lagging reactive kilovolt-ampere-hours supplied during the same period. Any leading kilovolt- ampere-hours supplied during the period will not be considered in determining the average power factor. Where customer's demand is less than 40 kw the average pawer factor may at the Compny's option be determined by periodic test or measurement. Standby, Supplementary, Emergency and Incidential Service (Alternating Current Only) Availability Available for service to customers who normally supply their requirements either directly or indirectly from another independent source of power for which the Company's service may be substituted wholly or in part. Customer shall contract for capacity adequate to supply the entire electrical requirements for which such service may be used and Company shall not be obligated to supply capacity in excess of the amount con- tracted for by customer. Rate The billing shall be in accordance with the Large Commercial Service rate schedule, except that the paragraph "Determination of Demand" shall be modified to read as follows: "The demand in kilowatts shall be the greatest 15-minute load during the month for -which bill is rendered, but in no month shall the demand to be billed be based on less than the greatest demand previously supplied nor on less than the demand contracted for. In addition, for new customers taking service subsequent to January 1, 1965, the demand to be billed shall in no event be considered as less than 100 kw." 13 Northern States Power Company (Minn) Electric Utility - City of St. Paul RATE SCHEDUIE FOR MUNICIPAL GENERAL SERVICE Availability Available for metered alternating and direct current energy used by the City of St. Paul for all lighting, power, and heating purposes, except street lighting and traffic signals. . , Rate 2,67� per kilowatt-hour. , � . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � . . .. . • • . : . . . .. . , � , Fuel Clause Bills subject to the adjustment provided for in Fuel Clause Rider. Gross Earnin�s Clause Bills subject to the adjustment provided for in Gross Earnings Clause Rider. Options This is the only schedule available to the City for the above purposes except that the following schedules are optional hereto when applicable to the . service rendered: 1. Large General Service 2. All Electric General Service 3. Controlled Water Heating Service (Closed) 4. General Water Heating Service. • 2 1 _ ,_ � . ♦ Northern States Pawer Company {Minn) Electric Utility - City of St. Paul RNTE SCHEDULE FOR � TRAFFIC SIGNAL SERVICE , Availabilitv Electric energy for traffic signals owned and operated by the , � City. Rate� Demand Charge . . . . . . . . . �Rirst S. kilowatts°or::iess -� No �charge.� . �� . . . - ...•., .:.• . . , , .. . . . . Excess kilowatts @ $3.37 per kw per month Ener�y Char�e First 20.0 kilowatt-hours per month @ 2.70� per kwh Excess " " " " @ 2.14 " " Fuel Clause Bills subject to the adjustment provided for in Fuel Clause Rider. Monthly Mi�imum Charge $1.10 Gross Earnings Clause Bills subject to the adjustment provided for in Gross Earnings Clause Rider. . Determination of Demand The demand fn kilowatts for billing purposes shall be the greatest 15-minute load during the month for which bill is rendered. For billing purposes the demand shall be adjusted to be the nearest 0.1 kw. The demand may be determined by test. Special Terms and Conditions The customer shall supply the service wires run in conduit up the nearest pole or to some other point designated by the Com- pany near the signal. The necessary meter loops and cabinets must be supplied by the customer. , i �. Northern States Power Company (Minn) Electric Utility - City of St. Paul RATE SCHEDUIE FOR . TRAFFIC SIGNAL SERVICE Availability Available to governmental agencies* for operation of traffic signals, and direction and warning lights along streets and highways, for traffic regulation and guidance as distinguished from street lighting and . general illumination. . Rate Demand Charge . First 5 kitowatts or less - No charge . Excess kilowatts @ $3.37 per kw per month Energy Charge 3.80� per kilowatt-hour Fuel Clause Bills subject to the adjustment provided for in Fuel Clause Rider. Monthlv Minimum Charge $1.65 Gross Earnings Clause Bills sub�ect to the adjustment provided for in Gross Earnings Clause Rider. Determination of Demand The demand in kilowatts for billing purposes shall be the greatest 15-minute load during the month for which bill is rendered. For billing purposes the demand shall be adjusted to the nearest 0.1 kw. The demand may be determined by test. Svecial Terms and Conditions The customer shall supply the service wires run in conduit up the nearest pole or to some other point designated by the Company near the signal. The necessary meter loops and cabinets must be supplied by the customer. * For State of Minnesota and Ramsey County. , 2 V j � . . Northern States Power Company (Minn) � Electric Utility - City of St. Paul RATE SCHEDULE FOR MUNICIPAL WATER PUMPING SERVICE . . . �� .. . . _ . . . - : . . . . . : . . . . . _ . - . . . . � ., ,. . , . � . < . . . . ,. .. . . .. ___.-- . :. : . . :.. . . , ' Availabilitv Available to municipal water systems for operation of pumping . and water treatneent plants when all pumping and other power requirements � . at.aLl:.plants are .suppl.ied :ttereunder.:..��. , .,� .: , �.��� ` (Appropriate rate schedule applied separately to each delivery point) Rate � Effective within the corporate limits of the City First 2 000 kilowatt-hours per month @ 2.40� per kwh Next 2 000 " " '� �� � 1.g/+ �� �� Next 96 000 " " " " @ 1.28 " �' Next 200 000 " " " " @ 1.05 " " NeXt 200 000 " " " " @ 1.00 " " Excess " " " " @ .96 " " Fuel Clause Bills subject to the adjustment provided for in Fuel Clause Rider. Grosa Earnings Clause Bills subject to the adjustment provided for in Gross Earnings Clause Rider. Power Factor If the average monthly power factor of any plant or station is less than 95% lagging, the kilowatt-hours of that particular station will be determined by multiplying the kilowatt-hours actually supplied by 95% and dividing the product thus obtained by the average power factor expressed in percent. The average power factor is defined to be the quotient obtained by dividing the kilawatt-hours used during the month by the square root of the sum of the squares of the kilawatt-hours used and the lagging reactive kilovolt-ampere-hours supplied during the same period. Any leading kilovolt- ampere hours supplied will not be considered in determining the average power factor. The average pawer factor may at the Company's option be determined by test or measurement. 0 ' i� � Northern States Pawer Company (Minn) Electric Utility - City of St. Paul RATE SCHEDULE FOR STREET LIGHTING SERVICE Availability Available to the City of St. Paul for furnishing, maintaining and operating certain electrical connections, lines, and appurtenances thereto, anc� supplying electric current for city street lighting, as follows: � . �. , . _ . .r: . . . . ., . . _ . . ,. . . .. . . �, � , . . . � . �. - . . . . . ,� . . , , Ornamentals and Overheads I. Series Ornamental City owns and maintains underground cables, posts, lamps, and glassware. Company furnishes energy at central distribution points designated by the Company. Rate 1.60� net per kilowatt-hour. Metered on primary side of constant current transformers. Schedule of burning - All night. Lighted and extinguished by photo- electric control. The rate provided in item I.above is based upon a City budget for electric energy for street lighting totaling not less than $150 000. The rate of 1.60C net per kilowatt-hour will be increased to 1.70� net in any calendar year in which the total net payment to Company for street lighting service amounts to leas than $150 000. II. Multiple Ornamental A. City owns and maintains underground cables, posts, incandescent lamps, and glassware. Company furnishes energy only at central distribution points designated by Company 1. Sint�le-LiAht Posts Rate ver Post per Year Lamp Size All-night Midnit�ht 1 000 Lumen $ 8.30 $ - 2 500 " 12.40 9.80 4 000 " 18.60 13.90 6 000 " 25.80 18.10 2. Two-LiAht Posts Rate per Post per Year Lamn Size 2AN lAN-lAIl�T 21�ff�T 4 000 Lumen $ 38.20 $31.00 $23.80 (Continued on following sheet) ,__ . , 1 fr , . Northern States Power Company (Minn) Electric Utilitv - Citv nf St. Paul RATE SCHEDULE FOR STREET LIGHTING SERVICE (Contd) B. City owns and maintains undergroun3 cables, posts, mercury lamps, ballasts and glassware. Ballasts shall provide a power factor of at least 90%. Company furnishes energy only at central distribution . . points designated b.y Company. . � . . . . � � . . Mercury Lamps Burning Rate per Lamp Lamp Size Schedule per Year • 100 Watt . AN � $ 8.00 . . . 100 �� . . . l�i . 5.60 ; . . . .. ; ,..��.. .. �. . ; . . . . �� . . . . .. . . . .. .. . . , . . .' ' �175 �� � :. ��. .-�.: . . . . . . . .�AN . .. . ;00�� � . • .. . . 13 175 " r'ID1 9.30 250 " Ald 17.60 � 400 " AN 26.30 400 " P'IN 20.10 700 " AN 46.50 700 " MN 32.00 1 000 " AN 71.20 , 1 000 " I�T 49.60 C. City owns and maintains underground cables, posts, fluorescent lamps, ballasts, and glassware. Ballasts shall provide a pawer factor of at least 90%. Company furnishes energy only at central distribution points designated by Company. Fluorescent Lamps Rate Number and Size Burning per Unit � of Lamps per Unit Schedule per Year 1-F48EH0 AN $10.30 2,F72H0 AN 13.90 1-F96H0 AN 9.30 1-F96H0 1�Il�1 6.20 Schedule of Burning, Groups A, B, and C - All-night lamps lighted and extinguished by photo-electric control. Midnight lamps are lighted by photo-electric control and extinguished at midnight Central Standard Time. (Continued on following sheet) . z .i Northern States Power Company (Minn) _ Electric Utility - City of St. Paul RATE SCHEDULE FOR STREET LIGHTING SERVICE (Contd) III. Multiple Overhead � . � �' � ' City owns and maintains lamp units,� lamps,° and glassware. Company owns � . and maintains distribution system including hangers, and furnishes energy at the lamp unit. A. Incandescent Lamps Rate Lamp Burning � per Lamp . • . . � �Size . . �.Schedule . . . . . :per...Xear. . � . - . . , �.. _ . 4 000 Lumen AN $23.40 6 000 " AN 34.20 � B. Mercurv Lamps Rate Lamp Burning per Lamp Size Schedule per Year 175 Watt AN $19.20 250 " AN 27.00 400 " AN 40,80 Mercury lamps shall be installed in groups of 6 or more units supplied from one point. Mercury lamps shall include high power factor ballasts giving a power factor of at least 90%. Schedule of Burning, Groups A and B - All-night, lighted and extinguished by photo-electric control. Rates in this section based on supplying service to an average of not less than one 4 000 lumen lamp per 600 lineal feet of pole line. IV. Stairway and Navigation Lamps (Multiple) . Customer owns and maintains. Company furnishes energy only at central distribution points. Rate Lamp Burning per Lamp Size Type Schedule per Year 00� Lumen Navigation �T $ 7�70 600 Lumen Stairway AN 7.7p Schedule of Burning � Navigation - Sunset to sunrise during navigation season. Stairway - All-night. Lighted and extinguished by photo- electric control. No additional lights will be served under this rate which would require construction in excess of an average of 100 feet per lamp and no poles will be set in frozen ground. Gross Earnint�s Clause Bills subject to the adjustment provided for in Gross Earnings Clause Rider. ' j u Northern States Power Company (Minn) Electric Utility - City of St. Paul RATE SCHEDULE FOR COI�RCIAL LIGHTING SERVICE (Closed) ' (Direct Current) , Availability Available to any commercial or industrial customer for direct current service, only where and to the extent now used, for lighting, 120 volt p.lug-in equipment, cooking and heating equipment totaling not more than ten kilowatts, and small motors totaling not more than five horsepower. . . . . - ��No:.individual� :cooking �and heating uriit �to exce�ed 3000 watts`and no `individuaY� :' �� motor to exceed 2 horsepower. Rate First 100 kilowatt-hours per month @ 8.18� per kwh . Next 100 '� " " �� @ 6.99 " �� Next 300 �� " " " @ 6.00 �� " Next 1 500 " " " " @ 4.80 " " Excess " " " " @ 3.82 " " All energy in excess• of 200 kilowatt- hours per month per kilowatt of demand @ 2.62� " " Fuel Clause Bills subject to the adjustment provided for in Fuel Clause Rider. Monthly Minimum Chart�e $2.30 for lighting, 120 volt appliances individually rated at 15 amperes or less, cooking and heating connected load totaling not more than one kilowatt, and motor connected load totaling not more than one kilowatt, plus $,73 per kilowatt of total cooking and heating connected load in excess of one kilowatt, plus $,73 per kilawatt of power connected load in excess of one kilowatt. Gross Earnings Clause Bills subject to the adjustment provided for in Gross Earnings Clause Rider. Determination of Demand The demand in kilowatts for billing purposes shall be the greatest 15-minute load during the month for which bill is rendered, but in no event shall it be considered less than 7-1/2 kw. For billing purposes a fractfon of a kw if less than one-half will be dropped, if one-half or more will be billed as one-half. Determination of Connected Load for Purposes of This Schedule Motors The connected load shall be assumed to be one kw for each horsepower of nameplate rating. � Other Equivment Not Listed Above The nameplate rating shall be the basis of determining the connected load. Incorrect or Missin� Nameplate In any case where there is reasonable doubt as to correctness of manufacturer's rating or where insufficient or no rating exists, the Company may fix the rating by test. � . Yj� • . •n Northern States Pawer Company (Minn) Electric Utility - City of St. Paul RATE SCHEDULE FOR . GENERAL POWER SERVICE (Closed) (Direct Current) _ . . . . � '.. � . . . , s . . � . . . - . '.. . • ' . � . . . ' � ". Availability Available to any commercial or industrial customer for direct current service, only where and to the extent now used, for general power purposes. � . � • - � • � �� Rate ��FiYSt� •�.� 50.. �hours'� .use-per inontH of deuisnd:� �@ 6;99C per:�k�ati � •• , � • . � • . �� Next 150 " . n n " " " (.d �+.15 " n Excess " " " " " " @ 2.73 " " Quantity Discount First $56.80 of monthly bill - 0% discount Next 56.80 " " " - 10% " Next 56.80 " " " - 20% " Next 56.80 " " " - 30% " � Next 56.80 " " " - 40% " Excess " " " _ 25°/ " 0 Fuel Clause Bills subject to the adjustment provided for in Fuel Clause Rider. Monthly Minimum Charge Based on rated capacity of connected load which shall be not less than one kilowatt: $2.30 for the first kilowatt or less $ .92 per kilowatt for the excess kw Gross Earnings Clause Bills subject to the adjustment provided for in Gross Earnings Clause Rider. Determination of Demand The demand in kilowatts for billing purposes shall be the greatest 15-minute load during the month for which bill is rendered, but in no event shall it be considered less than 4 kw. Detertnination of Connected Load for Purposes of This Schedule Motors The connected load shall be assumed to be .8 kilowatt for each horsepower of nameplate rating. ' Other Equipment Not Listed Above The nameplate rating shall be the basis of determining the connected load. Incorrect or Missin� Nameplate In any case where there is reasonable doubt as to correctness of manufacturer's rating or�where insufficient or no rating exists, the Company may fix the rating by test. c � s � �' r .. Northern States Pawer Company (Minn) Electric Utility - City of St. Paul RATE SCHEDULE FOR GENERAI. HEATING AND COOKING SERVICE (Closed) C-A-N-C-E-L-L-E-D 4 � ? � J i ' �, • ' �. , Northern States Power Company (Minn) El�ctric Utility - City of St. Paul - . RATE SCHEDULE FOR . GEI�RAL POWER SERVICE (Closed) C-A-N-C-E-L-L-E-D . � + � . 3 `� � � A Northern Statea Power Campany (Minn) Electric Utility - City of St. Paul FUEL CLAUSE RIDER GROSS EARNINGS CLAUSE RIDER FUEL CLAUSE RIDER � The adjustment to be added or deducted under the Fuel Clause ahall be �� 0.013C per kilawatt-hour for each whole�cent by which �the cost of fuel �is more or leas, respectively, than 31C per million Btu. The cost of fuel shall be the average cost of fuel used during the preceding twelve months as recorded in FPC Accounts 501 and 547. GROSS EARNINGS CLAUSE RIDER Bills rendered shall be adjuated by Company over a period terminating no later than December 31, 1972, in an amount to allow Company to recoup gross earnings payments paid to the City during the year 1971 in excess of a rate of 5% and which have not been fully recovered from Company's customers in prior billings. � � , • 1 . '���QQ Northern States Power Company (Minn) j� Electric Utility - City of St. Paul RATE SCHEDULE FOR � RESIDENTIAL SERVICE Availability Available to any residential customer for domestic purposes only, in a single private residence. Rate First 60 kilowatt-hours per month @ 5.43C per kwh � . . • Next 1�F0 � n . . n. �� . i� � 2.93 n ��� . . Next 300 " " '� " � 2.30 " " Next - 300 �� - �� �� �� @ 2.17 �� �� Excess �� n n n �d 1.72 n n Fuel Clause Bills subject to the adjustment provided for in Fuel Clause Rider. Monthly Minimum Charge $2.15 Gross Earnings Clause Bills subject to the ad3ustment provided for in Gross Earnings Clause Rider. Other Provisions This schedule is also subject to provisions contained under "Rules for Application of Residential Service Rates." ` , � , ,, , Northern States Power Company (Minn) Electric Utility - City of St. Paul RULES FOR APPLICATION OF RESIDENTIAL SERVICE RATES 1. The Residential Sexvice rate is available .to any residential customer for � domestic purposes only, for lighting, heating, cooking, and doa�estic power service in a single private residence, except as hereinafter provided. 2. a. All normally sized equipment for domestic illuminating, heating, cooking, and power, used strictly for household purposes, may be supplied through • one meter. � . � . • �r. . . -� . . . - . . . . � . .. � . . . .. �. . ,.. . � . . . . . • � . . . . _ � . . .. , . . . . . , .. • . b. Motors_ and other equipment which interfere with service to neighboring customers, all motors larger than 5 horsepower, and snow melting installa- tions or other temporary or seasonal loads totaling more than 25 kilowatts will not be permitted on the Residential Service rate. 3. Only single phase service, rendered through one meter, is available under the Residential Service rate. 4. Three phase service, service to motors larger than 5 horsepower, and service to snow melting installations totaling more than 25 kilowatts may be had under such rates as are available to commercial customers for the respective classes of service. 5. A customer occupying a building or apartment for residential and coam�rcial purposes jointly may combine his residential and commercial use on such rates as are available to co�nercial customers for the respective classes of service. 6. Each apartment or dwelling unit shall be considered as a single private residence but service for a duplex (a single building consisting of two apartments or dwelling units) may be taken through one meter under a single billing provided that the billing sha21 be computed as though each apartment or dwelling unit used an equal portion of the total service metered and were independently billed, except that the minimum charge shall be the minimum charge for a single apartment or dwelling unit. An apartment is defined to be a room or suite of rooms used for the general functions of a household and permanently equipped with a sink and cooking facilities, occupying space specifically designed for them, such as a kitchen, kitchenette or pullman kitchen. � s , � Northern States Pawer Company (Minn) Electric Utility - City of St. Paul RATE SCHEDULE FOR ALL EIECTRIC RESIDENTIAL SERVICE Availabilitv Available to any residential customer in a� single prfvate residence for domestic purposes only where 120/240 volt single phase electric service is used through one meter and customer has in regular use either an Approved Water Heating Installation or an Approved Space Heating Installation or both. . . . .. . �� �• Rate� �First ` - �50 �-k�i�owaft-hours �per:�'month @ :5.49 � er " � . . � . :- .. .. ,.•..•.-. . . .: ,,.. ... . . � p lcwh Next 50 " " " " @ 2.98 �� �� Next 200 ��� " '� " @ 2.15 �' " Next 700 " �� " " @ 1.72 " �� Next 1 000 " �� " " @ 2,60 " �� Excess " " " " @ 1.40 �� �� Fuel Clause Bills subject to the ad�ustment provided for in Fuel Clause Rider. Monthly Minimum Char�e $2.15 Gross Earnin�s Clause Bills subject to the adjustment provided for in Gross Earnings Clause Rider. Rules for Avplication of All Electric Residential Service Rate 1. The specifications for an Approved Water Heating Installation under this rate are as follows: ' a. The water heater shall be equipped with no more than two heating elements. Each heating element shall be noninductive, thermostatically operated and designed for 240 volts. b. For a water heater equipped with two heating elements: � The tank size shall be not less than 40 gallons; the rating of either heating element shall not exceed 5500 watts; and, if the total of the ratings of the two elements exceeds 5500 watts, the elements shall be � so interlocked that they cannot operate simultaneously. c. For a water heater equipped with one heating element: The tank size and the rating of the heating element for each tank size shall be as follows: Tank Size Heating Element in Gallons RatinR in Watts 30 3 500 50 5 500 80 5 500 (Continued on following sheet) , � . ' , � � • Northern States Power Company (Minn) Electric Utility - City of St. Paul RATE SCHEDULE FOR ALL ELECTRIC RESIDENTIAL SERVICE (Contd) d. Electric water heating service will be supplied only under a single applicable rate schedule. e. The installat;.on shall not be used to supplement any other system of providing hot water service. . f. Company reserves the right to control service to the water heating load. 2. . The specifications for an Approved Space Heating Installation under this rate are as follows: : . . •. : . • . , • • . � . � � . . . . . � . . . . . . .. .� . , � . - . . . . . a. Electric space heating equipment (except 120 �volt units individually rated at 15 amperes or less) shall be designed to operate at 240 volts, shall be permanently installed and shall be the sole source of space heating except that provided by fireplaces. b. Not more than 10 kilowatts shall be switched at one time by the heating system controls. � c. Company reserves the right to control service to the space heating load. 3. Service may be taken under this schedule through one meter for a duplex (a single building consisting of two apartments or dwelling units) meeting the above specifications provided that the billing shall be computed as though each apartment or dwelling unit used an equal portion of the total service metered and were independently billed, except that the minimum charge shall be the minimum charge for a single apartment or dwelling unit. 4. Snow melting installations or other infrequently used loads totaling more than 25 kilawatts will not be permitted on this rate except where customer has an Approved Space Heating Installation in which case 25 kw or 50% of the space heating load, whichever is greater, will be allowed. In all other cases the General Service rate or other rates are available for such loads. 5. A customer occupying a building or apartment for residential and co�nercial purposes jointly may combine his residential and commercial use on such rates as are available to commercial customers for the respective classes of service but not under this rate. 4 � • � • . , , l Northern States Pawer Company (Minn) Electric Utility - City of St. Paul RATE SCHEDULE FOR MULTIPLE DWELLING SERVICE Availability Available to any customer using single phase electric service for a multiple dwelling. Rate � . . ; � . . . �gingle Apartmerit� . .. .. . �. .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . : . � . First 50 kilowatt-hours per month @ 5.69C per kwh Next 15U �� �� �� " �d 3.Ofi �� �� Next 500 " " " " @ 2.27 " " EXCES3 n n n n �d 1.�1 �� n Fuel Clause Bills subject to the adjustment provided for in Fuel Clause Rider. Monthly Minimum Charge $2.15 � Gross Earnings Clause Bills subject to the adjustment provided for in Gross Earnings Clause Rider. Rules for Application of Multiple Dwelling Service Rate 1. Service for two or more apartments may be taken through one meter under a single billing provided that the billing shall be computed as though each apartment or dwelling unit used an equal portion of the total service metered and were independently billed, except that the minimum charge shall be the minimum charge for a single apartment or dwelling unit. An apartment is defined to be a room or suite of rooms used for the general funetions of a household and permanently equipped with a sink and cooking facilities, occupying space specifically designed for them, such as a kitchen, kitchenette or pullman kitchen: 2. The general service required by the apartment building, such as service for hall lighting, garages for private use, laundry rooms, drying rooms, • boiler rooms, janitor's supply rooms, refrigeration equipment, oil burners, furnace stokers, and air conditioning equipment, may be taken on the multiple dwelling schedule provided the kilowatt-hours in the second and third blocks of the rate schedule be increased by 150 and 500 kilowatt-hours, respectively, for each apartment not served on this same meter. 3. Three phase service, service to motors larger than 5 horsepawer, and service to snaw melting installations totaling more than 25 kilowatts may be had under such rates as are available to coummercial customers for the respective classes of service. 4. A custo�r occupying a building or aparta�ent for residential and commercial purposes jointly may combine his residential and commercial uae on such rates as are available to commercial customers for the respective classes of aervice. . , . . � Northern States Power Company (Minn) Electric Utility - City of St. Paul RATE SCHEDULE FOR UHCONTROLLED WATER HEATING SERVICE (Closed) C-A-N-C-E-L-L-E-D __ _ __._ . • -r Northern States Power Company (Minn) Electric Utility - City of St. Paul RATE SCHEDULE FOR AU'�OMATIC PROTECTIVE LIGHTING SERVICE Availability Available to any customer for illumination of areas of private property. Rate - , . . . • � ' • �•�Desii�nat.ion of Lamps � • �� � . • � .•��Monthly�Rate per. Unit'�� : . • � � - F48 T10/CW Fluorescent $3.95(1) 175 Watt Mercury 3.95 400 Watt Mercury 5.70 (1) Available to existing installations only. Gross Earnings Clause Bills subject to the adjustment provided for in Gross � Earnings Clause Rider. Service Included in Rate Company shall awn, operate and maintain the lighting unit including the fixture, lamp, ballast, photo-electric control, mounting brackets and all necessary wiring. Company shall furnish all electric energy required for operation of the unit. Special Terms and Conditions 1. Above rate contemplates installation of the lighting unit on an existing � utility owned wood pole upon which Company's 120 or 240 volt lines are attached. If necessary, Company will extend its 120 or 240 volt lines on existing Company poles for not to exceed two spans provided customer pay the entire cost thereof. No additional transformer capacity will be provided hereunder. 2. The lamp shall be lighted and extinguished by a photo-electric control furnished by the Company. The hours of burning shall be from approximately one-half hour after sunset until one-half hour before sunrise, every night. 3. If illumination of a lamp is interrupted and said illumination is not resumed within seventy-two hours from the time Company receives notice thereof from customer, 1/30th of the monthly compensation for such unit shall be deducted for each night of nonillumination after such notice is received. 4. Company reserves the right to discontinue service if equipment is abused. Term of Agreement Agreement shall be for a term of three years, and, if not then terminated by at least 30 days' prior written notice by either party, shall continue until so terminated. • 4 . . Northern States Power Company (Minn) Electric Utility - City of St. Paul RATE SCHEDULE FOR CONTROLLED WATER HEATING SERVICE (Closed) Availability Available to any Controlled Water Heating Installation supplied through a separate meter and served hereunder on November 1, 1961. No new water heating installation made after November 1, 1961 will be served under this rate. � Rate Energy Charge: 1.60� per kilowatt-hour Excess Wattage Charge: One Element Tank - If the capacity of the heating element exceeds 20 watts per gallon of tank capacity, an additional charge of lOG per month per whole 100 watts will be made for such exceas capacity. Two Element Tank - If the capacity of the bottom element exceeds 20 watts per gallon of tank capacity or the top element exceeds 4 500 watts, an additional charge of 10� per month per whole 100 watts will be made for the greater of such excess capacities. Fuel Clause Bills subject to the adjustment provided for in Fuel Clause Rider. Monthly Minimum Charge $2.15 Gross Earnings Clause Bills subject to the adjustment provided for in Gross Earnings Clause Rider. Time Control An electrical control device will be furnished by Company whiah will control the service so that no energy will be supplied during the follow- ing periods: 10:00 a.m. to Noon and 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. .or such other daily period or periods as the Company may elect from time to time but not to exceed a total of five hours daily. A�proved Controlled Water Heatint� Installation The specifications for an approved controlled water heating installation under this rate are as follows: 1. The water heater shall be of the storage type, equipped with one or two thermostatically operated noninductive heating elements designed for 240 volts (208 volts in some commercial areas). � 2. If the water heater is of the two-element type it shall have one element near the bottom and the other not more than one-fourth the distance from the top of the tank and so connected or interlocked that they cannot operate simultaneously. (Continued on follawing sheet) . • • . � `i Northern States Power Company {Minn) Electric Utility - City of St. Paul RATE SCHEDULE FOR CONTROLLED WATER HEATING SERVICE (Closed) (Contd) 3. The storage capacity of any water heater installed hereunder after January 1, 1959 shall be 80 gal2ons or more. ,� � :.4. The. water heater,..whether one-element or two-element,: shall be connected `� �` by means of a�tamperproof circuit to Company's controlled service meter. 5. At customer's option the top (emergency or booster) element of a two- element water heater may be permanently connected to either Company's con- � trolled service meter or to Company's Residential Service or General Service . . _. me.ter.� . . • . . . . . . : . . .. . . .. .. . . � � . . . . , . _ . . . • . 6. The water heating installation may consist of two or more tanks provided that the installation meets the specifications £or a single tank and that all are located on the same premises for one customer's use. 7. The installation shall not be used tosupply hot water for space heating purposes. • � � � , • Northern States Power Company (Minn) Electric Utility - City of St. Paul RATE SCHEDULE FOR GENERAL SERVICE Availability Available to any customer for single or three phase electric service supplied through one meter. Rate First 200 kilawatt-hours per month @ 5.54� per kwh � Next, . 300 . " ", !' " @ 4..30 . " " ... . . . ,� .,,;:. :;�. . . • .. . . � . Next � � 500� . . , „' • •r� � ' -• „°� ;��� @ 3.42 . , .. . .. . _. .. Excess " " " " @ 2.83 �� �� All energy in excess of 200 kilowatt- hours per month per kilowatt of demand @ 1.74 " " Primary Distribution Voltage Discount A discount of 5% will be allowed where customer takes service at available primary voltage. Fuel Clause Bills subject to the adjustment provided for in Fuel Clause Rider. Monthly Minimum Char�e $2.15 Gross EarninQs Clause Bills subject to the adjustment provided for in Gross Earnings Clause Rider. Determination of Demand The demand in kilowatts for billing purposes shall be the greatest 15-minute load during the month for which bill is rendered, but in no event shall it be considered less than 5 kw. For billing purposes, a fraction of a kw if less than one-half will be dropped, if one-half or more will be billed as one-half. h • ' . Northern States Power Company (Minn) Electric Utility - City of St. Paul RATE SCHEDULE FOR ALL ELE CTRIC GENERAL SERVICE � . . . . •. . ' . . :. , . . � . .� . . � . � , Availability Available to any customer who has in regular use an Approved Space Heating Installation. y , . .: Rate First . . :. 400 .kilowatt-hours. �er,month. @ ,3.3.1G per kwh,.. . . � . . Next 600� n �� �i . i�� '(.d 2.69 . . �� �� . . . . . . Next 1 000 " " " " @ 2.28 " " Excess " " " " @ 1,99 " " All energy in excess of 200 kilowatt- hours per month per kilowatt of demand @ 1.74 " " Primary Distribution Voltage Discount A discount of 5% will be allowed where � customer takes service at available primary voltage. Fuel Clause Bills subject to the adjustment provided for in Fuel Clause Rider. Monthly Minimum Charge $2.15 Gross Earnings Clause Bills subject to the adjustment provided for in Gross Earnings Clause Rider. Determination of Demand The demand in kilowatts for billing purposes shall be the greatest 15-minute load during the month for which bill is rendered, but in no event shall it be considered less than 5 kw. For billing purposes, a fraction of a kw if less than one-half will be dropped, if one-half or more will be billed as one-half. Special Requirements The specifications for an Approved Space Heating Installation are as follows: 1. Electricity shall be the sole source of space heating in all areas served through the meter. 2. At least 40% of the total connected load must be permanently connected space heating equipment. 3. Company reserves the right to control the space heating load. ' �L Northern States Power Company (Minn) Electric Utility - City of St. Paul - RATE SCHEDULE FOR GENERAL WATER HEATING SERVICE . . . . . . . . , . . __._ . . , . . , . _ . . .. �. . . . . . :: _�- , . . .. . Availability Available to any customer for single or three phase service at 208 volts or higher, uncontrolled as to time of use, for an Approved Water Heating Installation supplied through a separate meter. - � • � Rate EnergY �Charge'i . • . � . . . .. . . . . �: . � � .. . . . .. . . . First 100 kilowatt-hours per month per kilowatt of demand @ 1.7I� per kwh EXCESS �� n .n n n n n n �d 1.�F2 t� n Excess Wattage Charge: An additional charge of $1.63 per 1 000 watts or fraction thereof will be made for connected loads in excess of: a. storage tank installation 350 watts per gallon of tank capacity. b. swi�ing pool installation 50 watts per square foot of water surface area of swi�ing pools. Fuel Clause Bills subject to the adjustment provided for in Fuel Clause Rider. Monthly Minimum Charge $2.15 Gross Earnings Clause Bills subject to the adjustment provided for in Gross Earnir�gs Clause Rider. Determination of Demand The demand in kilowatts shall be the greatest 15-minute load during the month for which bill is rendered but in no event shall it be considered less than 10 kilowatts. The demand may at Company's option be determined by periodic test or measurement. Approved Water Heatin� Installation The specifications for an Approved Water Heating Installation under this rate are as follows: 1. The water heater shall be equipped with thermostatically operated non- inductive heating elements designed to operate at 208 volts or higher. 2. The water heater shall be connected by means of a tamperproof circuit to Company's water heating meter. 3. The storage capacity of the water heater shall be 40 gallons or more and the connected load shall be 4500 watts or more, except that a water heater having a storage capacity of 30 gallons and a single heating element rated at 3500 watts will be permitted. (Continued on following sheet) " i3 Northern States Power Company (Minn) Electric Utility - City of St. Paul RATE SCHEDULE FOR GENERAL WATER HEATING SERVICE (Contd) 4. Water heating service will be supplied only under a single applicable rate schedule. 5. The installation shall not be used to supply hot water for space heating ; . .- ,..� .: : .: purposes.-. . : . , � :. . . • .. • . . � . ..,•. . � . . � . . 6. The installation shall not be used to supplement any other system of providing hot water service. 7. Company reserves the right to control service to the water heating load. 8. The above specifications for an Approved Water Heating Installation shall apply to heating water for swimming pools subject to the followi.ng � modifications: a, The storage capacity specification of Section 3 shall be waived. b. The installation shall not be used to heat water for other purposes. . ,: Northern States Power Company (Minn) � Electric Utility - City of St. Paul _ RATE SCHEDULE FOR LARGE GENERAL SERVICE . .. . . __, . . , , _ . .. , . . . , � . . . . Availability Available to any customer for general service Kind of Service Alternating current at the following nominal voltages: (a) Secondary Voltage: single or three phase at 208 volts or higher, (b) Primary Distribution�Voltage: three phase at 2400 volts or higher, • • � � � ��� (d) �ransmission Line V.oltage: �three� phase at �34 S00 volts or'higher. � � � � � . Service voltage available in any given case is dependent upon voltage and capacity of Company lines in vicinity of customer's premises. Rate Demand Charge for Service at Secondary Voltage: First 100 kilovolt-amperes or less of demand - $235.00 per month Next 100 kilovolt-amperes of demand @ $1�78 per kva per month Next 800 " " " " @ 1.54 �� �� �� �� Next 9 000 " " " " @ 1.43 �� �� " �� Excess " " " " @ 1.35 �� �� �� �� Demand Charge for Service at Primary Distribution Voltage: The Demand Charge for Service at Secondary Voltage less $.15 per month per kilovolt- ampere of demand. Demand Charge for Service at Transmission Line Voltage: The Demand Charge for Service at Secondary Voltage less $.25 per month per kilovolt-3mpere of demand. Plus an Energy Char�e of: First 20 000 kilowatt-hours per month @ 1.72� per kwh Next 30 000 " " " " Ca 1.35 " " Next 50 000 " " " " @ 1.17 " '� NeXt 400 000 " " " " @ 1.05 " " Next 500 000 " " " " @ ,92 " " Next 9 000 a00 " " " " @ ,gq " " Excess " " " " @ .74 " �� Fuel Clause Bills subject to the adjustment provided for in Fuel Clause Rider. Prompt Payment Provision A charge of 5% will be added to net bill which charge shall constitute a discount from gross bill for payment within the discount period. Groas Earnings Clause Bills subject to the adjustment provided for in Gross Earnings Clause Rider. (Continued on following sheet) � 1 � ' Northern States Power Company (Minn) Electric Utility - City of St. Paul RATE SCHEDULE FOR LARGE GENERAL SERVICE (Contd) Determination of Demand The demand in kilovolt-amperes for billing purposes shall be determined by dividing the maxim:m demand in kilowatts by the monthly average power factor and shall be rounded to the nearest whole kva, but in no month shall the demand to be billed be considered as less than . , :50% of� the greatest demand in kva �billed duxing the�preceding eleven months . . . � nor in any event less than 100 kva. � , Maximum Demand The maximum demand in kilowatts shall be the greatest 15-minute load during the month for which bill is rendered. , . ,� Average. Power Factor :.The ave.rage ,powe�, factor is d�fine$ to .be the .quotient . � obtained by dividing the kilowatt-hours�used during the month by�the�square ` � � . root of the sum of the squares of the kilowatt-hours used and the lagging reactive kilovolt-ampere-hours supplied during the same period. Any leading kilovolt-ampere-hours supplied during the period will not be considered in determining the average power factor. Minimum Demand to be Billed The monthly minimum billing demand shall not be less than provided above, whether or not energy is used. Standby and Supplementary Service Availability Available at 12,400 volts or higher to any large com�ercial or industrial customer who normally supplies part or all of his electric power requirements from another independent source of power for which the Company's service may be substituted wholly or in part. Customer shall contract for capacity adequate to supply the entire electric requirements for which such . service may be used which capacity shall equal or exceed the agreed kva demand for standby to customer's other source of power. Company shal.l not be obligated to supply capacity in excess of that contracted for. Rate The billing shall be in accordance with Company's Large General Service rate schedule for Service at Primary Distribution Voltage except that the paragraph "Determination of Demand" shall be modified to read as follows: "The demand in kilovolt-amperes for billing purposes shall be determined by dividing the maximum demand in kilowatts by the monthly average power factor, but in no month shall the demand to be billed be considered as less than the agreed_ standby demand plus 50% of the greatest excess demsnd in kva over such standby demand billed during the preceding eleven months nor in any event less than 2 500 kva." (Continued on following sheet) �\ t ' Northern States Power Company (Minn) Electric Utility - City of St. Paul RATE SCHEDULE FOR LARGE GENERAI. SERVICE (Contd) Parallel Operation Interconnection and parallel operation of Customer's inde- pendent source of power (Customer's system) and Company's service (Company's system) will be permitted by Company under the following conditions: � 1. The interconnection between the systems must be att12,400 volts or higher at a point on Company's system where Customer's operations will not interfere with the quality of Company's service to any of its other customers. , _ � . . . 2.• C.ustomer. agrees to� prov.ide �the nece.ssary .equipment aS::agproved by . = ... . � � • Company to enable Customer to operate its generating equipment in parallel with Company's system. Since the power factor and the voltiage at which Company's system and Customer's system are operated will vary, each party agrees to operate its system at such power factor and voltage as is condu- cive to best operating standards and in such manner as to absorb its share of the reactive power. 3. Company reserves the right to disconnect service in the event service to Customer results in trouble on Company's system such as interruptions, grounds, radio or telephone interference, surges or objectionable voltage fluctuations, where such trouble is caused by negligence of Customer if, after giving notice in writing to Customer of such trouble, Customer fails to remedy the causes thereof within a reasonable time. 4. Company's meters will be ratcheted to measure the flow of power and energy from Company to Customer only. Reverse flow if any will be ignored unless the amount is substantial in which event it will be a matter for negotiation and further agreement between the parties. _ ._ __ _. _ _ - r---, . F 1^ Northern States Power Company (Minn) Electric Utility - City of St. Paul RATE SCHEDULE FOR LARGE ALL ELECTRIC GENERAL SERVICE Availability Available to any customer who has in regular use an Approved Space Heating Installation. Kind of Service Alternating current at the following nominal voltages: (a) Service at Secondary Distribution Voltage: three wire single phase � ' � ' ' ��� and t'hree'ar' four wiie three phase`at �208 .volts or �higher;� (�) ' �Service • ~` � � � � • • ' at Primary Distribution Voltage: three phase at 2400 volts or higher. Service voltage available in any given case is dependent upon�voltage and capacity of existing Company lines in vicinity of customer's premises. Rate First 10 000 kilowatt-hours or less - $289.00 per month PText 10 000 kilowatt-hours per month @ 1.76� per kwh Next 80 000 " " " " @ 1.54 " " Excess " " " " @ 1 46 " " . All energy in excess of 200 kilowatt-hours per month per kilowatt of demand: First 600 000 kilowatt-hours @ 1.19fi per kwh Excess " " @ .82 " " Primary Distribution Voltage Discount A discount of $.10 per month per kilowatt of demand will be allowed where customer takes service at available primary voltage. Fuel Clause Bills subject to the adjustment provided for in Fuel Clause Rider. Prompt Payment Provision A charge of 5% will be added to net bill which charge shall constitute a discount from gross bill for payment within the discount period. Gross Earnings Clause Bills subject to the adjustment provided for in Gross Earnings Clause Rider. Determination of Demand The demand in kilowatts for billing purposes shall be the greatest 15-minute load (subject to Power Factor Adjustment) during the month for which bill is rendered, but in no event shall the demand for billing purposes be considered as less than 50% of the greatest demand used for billing purposes during the preceding eleven months, nor less than 100 kw. (Continued on following .sheet) . I� ♦ , , Northern States Power Company (Minn) Electric Utility - City of St. Paul RATE SCHEDULE FOR LARGE ALL ELECTRIC GENERAL SERVICE (Contd) Power Factor Adjustment The customer shall at all times take and use power =�: �. �: � _: . in. such manner that the average power factor �shall be..as near 100% as : - .• � � �� possible, but when the average power factor is less than 80%, then the greatest 15-minute load shall be adjusted by multiplying it by 80%, and dividing the product thus obtained by the average power factor expressed in percent. _ . , . . . . . . The average_ power�.factor ..is. defined, to be,the.quotient� obtained by :: . . . � ' dividing the kilowatt-hours used during the month by the square root of the sum of the squares of the kilowatt-hours used and the lagging reactive kilovolt-ampere-hours supplied during the same period. Any leading kilovolt- ampere-hours supplied during the period will not be considered in determining the average power factor. Special Requirements The specifications for an Approved Space Heating Installation are as follows: 1. Electricity shall be the sole source of space heating in all areas served through the meter. 2. At least 40% of the total connected load must be permanently connected space heating equipment. 3. Company reserves the right to control the space heating load. � !F ' � . Northern States Power Company (Minn) Electric Utility - City of St. Paul RATE SCHEDULE FOR FIRM AND INTERRUPTIBLE LARGE GENERAL SERVICE Availability Available to any customer taking his entire electrical require- ments from Company at 12,400 volts or higher who agrees that Company's service to the equipment listed in Schedule A attached to the contract ma.y be inter- rupted by Company at any time and for such periods as Company, in its sole discretion,. considers the supply .of such service detrimental. to..its_ operations�. . . .. . . . . �•as a public utility. ' � " .:{. . .: . � . • . , . . . • Rate Demand Char�e for Firm Service: First 100 kilovolt-amperes or less of demand - $220.00 per month Next 100 kilovolt - amperes of demand @ $1.63 per kva per month Next 800 " " " " @ 1.39 " " " " Next 9 000 " � " " " @ 1.28 " " " " EXC2SS n n n n @ 1.20 n n n �t Deinand Charge for Interruptible Service: First 10 000 kilovolt-amperes or less of demand - $3500.00 per month Excess kilovolt-amperes of demand @ $.35 per kva per month Plus an Energy Char�e of: First 20 000 kilowatt-hours per month @ 1.72G per kwh Next 30 000 " " " " @ 1.35 " " Next 50 000 " " " " @ 1.17 " " Next 400 000 " " " " @ 1.05 " " Next 500 000 " " " " @ .92 " " NeXt 9 000 000 " " " " @ .84 " " Excess �� �� �� �� @ .74 �� ►� Fuel Clause Bills subject to the adjustment provided for in Fuel Clause Rider. Prompt Payment Provision A charge of 5% will be added to net bill which charge shall constitute a discount from gross bill for payment within the discount period. Gross Earnings Clause Bills subject to the adjustment provided for in Gross Earnings Clause Rider. Determination of Demand The Firm Service and Interruptible Service demands in kilovolt-amperes for billing purposes shall be determined by dividing the maximum demand in kilowatts by the monthly average power factor and shall be rounded to the nearest whole kva, but in no month shall the demand to be billed be considered as less than 50% of the greatest demand in kva billed during the preceding eleven months nor in any event less than 100 kva for Firm Service and 10,000 kva for Interruptible Service. (Continued on following sheet) . a � . ; • Northern States Power Company (Minn) Electric Utility - City of St. Paul ' ' RATE SCHEDULE FOR FIRM AND INTERRUPTIBLE LARGE GENERAL SERVICE (Contd) Maximum Demand The maximum demand in kilowatts shall be the greatest 15-minute . . load during the month for which bill. is rendeXed.. . , . � . . Average Power Factor The average power factor is defined to be the quotient � obtained by dividing the kilawatt-hours used during the month by the square root of the sum of the squares of the kilowatt-hours used and the laggin$ � reactive kilovolt-ampere-hours supplied during the same period. Any leading . . kilovolt-ampere-hours ,supplied during the..period will. not be considered in . „ ' � �determining the average power factor. The average power� factor shall be determined for each of the Services. Minimum Demand to be Billed The monthly minimum billing demand for each of the Services shall not be less than provided above, whether or not energy is used. . � , . , ' Northern States Power Company (Minn) ' Electric Utility - City of St. Paul RATE SCHEDULE FOR LARGE COMMERCIAL SERVICE . __ - . _ . . . . .. . . . __- . . . � . . . . . . . _ i'�. . . ' � . . . . . . . . . .. .. . , . . . . . . . . . • . . . ' . ' . . Availabilitv Available to any comanercial or industrial customer for combined lighting and power purposes. - �.� �• . . . . �'... _ , .. .- . . . .� , , .:. :; .� �• _ �. � . �: . ... �.. � .. • . .•::. . � .. .. . . .. � ' Kind of Service 1. Alternating current at the following nominal voltages: (a) Secondary Voltage: single phase or three phase at 208 volts or higher, � (b) Primary Distribution Voltage: three phase at 2400 volts or higher. Service voltage available in any given case is dependent upon voltage and capacity of Company lines in vicinity of customer's premises. 2. Direct current, only where and to the extent now used, at a nominal voltage of 120/240 alone or in combination with secondary voltage alternating current. Rate Demand Char�e for Service at Secondarv Voltage: First 10 kilowatts of demand @ $4.05 per kw per month Next 40 " " " @ 3.02 " " " " Next 50 " " " @ 2.73 " " " " Next 100 " " " @ 2.35 " " " " • EXCeSS n n u Cd Z Ol n n n n . Dema.nd Chars�e for Service at Primarv Distribution Volta�e: The Demand Charge for Service at Secondary Voltage less $.15 per month per kilowatt of demand. Plus an Energy Chart�e of: First 2 000 kilowatt-hours per month @ 3.82� per kwh Next 3 000 " " " " @ 2�76 �� �� � Next 15 000 " " " " @ 1.72 " �� Next 30 000 " " " " @ 1.46 " " Next 50 000 " " " " @ 1,27 " " Excess " �� �� �t @ 1 17 �t n . Plus a Direct Current Additional Chart�e of: 0.60C per kilowatt-hour for all direct current kilawatt-hours. Fuel Clsuse Bills subject to the adjustment provided for in Fuel Clause Rider. Yrompt Payment Provision A charge of 5% will be added to net bill which charge shall constitute a discount from gross bill for payment within the discount period. Gross Earnings Clause Bills subject to the adjustment provided for in Gross Earnings Clause Rider. (Continued on following sheet) • a � Northern States Power Company (Minn) Electric Utilitv - Citv of St. Paul RATE SCHEDULE FOR LARGE COMMERCIAL SERVICE (Contd) Determination of Demand The demand in kilowatts for billing purposes sha12 be the great 15-minute coincident load (subject to power factor adjustment) . : during the mpnth for� which .bill. is rendered, but in ,no event .shall the demand,� ' to be billed be considered as less than 50% of �the greatest demand billed during the preceding eleven months, nor less than 3 kw for Service at Secondary Voltage and 25 kw for Service at Primary Distribution Voltage. Minimum Demand to be Billed The monthly demand charge shall not be less . ...�.:;..... . , � -.than. provided :abQVe., whether or..not energy is used. . , . . . � . , � . , .. . . ' , s • . . . . . ' . . . .. . . . . , ' . ' , . . . � � , .. . . . . r� Power Factor The customer shall at all times take and use power in such manner that the average power factor shall be as near 100% as possible, but when the average power factor is less than 80%, then the demand as determined above shall be adjusted by multiplying it by 80% and dividing the product thus obtained by the average power factor expressed in percent. The average power factor is defined to be the quotient obtained by dividin� the kilowatt-hours used during the month by the square root of the sum of the squares of the kilowatt-hours used and the lagging reactive kilovolt-ampere-hours supplied during the same period. Any leading kilovolt- ampere-hours supplied during the period will not be considered in determining the average power factor. Where customer's demand is less than 40 kw the average pawer factor may at the Compny's option be determined by periodic test or measurement. Standby, Supplementary, Emergency and Incidential Servfce (Alternating Current Only) Availability Available for service to customers who normally supply their requirements either directly or indirectly from another independent source of power for which the Company's service may be substituted wholly or in part. Customer shall contract for capacity adequate to supply the entire electrical requirements for which such service may be used and Company shall not be obligated to supply capacity in excess of the amount con- tracted for by customer. Rate The billing shall be in accordance with the Large Coumnercial Service rate schedule, except that the paragraph "Determination of Demand" shall be modified to read as follows: "The demand in kilowatts shall be the greatest 15-minute load during the month for .which bill is rendered, but in no month shall the demand to be billed be based on less than the greatest demand previously supplied nor on less than the demand contracted for. In addition, for new customers taking service subsequent to January 1, 1965, the demand to be billed shall in no event be considered as less than 100 kw." . 1 J Northern States Power Company (Minn) = Electric Utility - City of St. Paul RATE SCHEDULE FOR ' MUNICIPAL GENERAL SERVICE .. . . _ . . . . � . . . .. ., . . �. , . . • . . . _—_ . . �_ , . . . . . •. � . � . . Availability Available for metered alternating and direct current energy used by the City of St. Paul for all lighting, power, and heating purposes, except street lighting and traffic signals. . . Rate 2.67� per kilowatt-hour. . . . . , . �_: : . • : �. . . _ . • •. . . • . . . . . . ,. . � . . . . � � � . . � Fuel Clause Bills subject to the adjust�ent provided for in Fuel Clause Rider. _ Gross Earnings Clause Bills subject to the adjustment provided for in Gross � Earnings Clause Rider. Options This is the only schedule available to the City for the above purposes except that the following schedules are optional hereto when applicable to the service rendered: 1. Large General Service 2. All Electric General Service 3. Controlled Water Heating Service (Closed) 4. General Water Heating Service. , 2.. . : , . 4 Northern States Pvwer Company (Minn) : Electric Utility - City of St. Paul ' �ATE SCHEDULE FOR ' TRAFFIC SIGNAL SERVICE . , . . . . �. , . . . . , Availabilitv Electric energy for traffic signals owned and operated by the � , � City. Rate Demand Charge .` ', . .. �� . � • First.5 kilowatts or� less :���No �.ctrarge: . : • • . � - . . � ' . . � • . . Excess kilowatts @ $3.37 per kw per month Enerf�y Chart�e , First 200 kilowatt-hours per month @ 2�70C per kwh Excess " " " " @ 2.14 " " Fuel Clause Bills subject to the adjustment provided for in Fuel Clause Rider. Monthly Minimum Charge $1.10 Gross Earnings Clause Bills subject to the adjustment provided for in Gross Earnings Clause Rider. . Determination of Demand The demand in kilowatts for billing purposes shall be the greatest 15-minute load during the month for which bill is rendered. For billing purposes the demand shall be adjusted to be the nearest 0.1 kw. The demand may be determined by test. Special Terms and Conditions The customer shall supply the service wires run in conduit up the nearest pole or to some other point designated by the Com- pany near the signal. The necessary meter loops and cabinets must be supplied by the customer. ., 1 � Northern States Power Company (Minn) _ Electxic Utility - City of St. Paul RATE SCHEDUIE FOR TRAFFIC SIGNAL SERVICE . . _ . ... . . .. . . . . . . _ . . . . . . .. .. . _�. . ,. ... . . . _ . Availability Available to governmental agencies* for operation of traffic signals, and direction and warning lights along streets and highways, for traffic regulation and guidance as distinguished from street lighting and general illumi.nation. Rate Demand Char�e First 5 kilowatts or less - No charge Excess kilowatts @ $3.37 per kw per month Energy Charge 3.80C per kilowatt-hour Fuel Clause Bills subject to the adjustment provided for in Fuel Clause �Rider. Monthly Minimum Charge $1.65 Gross Earnings Clause Bills subject to the adjustment provided for in Gross Earnings Clause Rider. Determination of Demand The demand in kilowatts for billing purposes shall be the greatest 15-minute load during the month for which bill is rendered. For billing purposes the demand shall be adjusted to the nearest 0.1 kw. The demand may be determined by test. Special Terms and Conditions The customer shall supply the service wires run in conduit up the nearest pole or to some other point designated by the Company near the signal. The necessary meter loops and cabinets must be supplied by the customer. * For State of Minnesota and Ramsey County. , 2 V Northern States Power Company (Minn) Elec�ric Utility - City of St. Paul RATE SCHEDULE FOR MUNICIPAL WATER PUMPING SERVICE ". Availability Available to municipal water systems for operation of pumping . and water treatment plants when all pumping and other power requirements . . , . . ,.. . at: al l. pl.ants;ar.e.,supplied hereunde.r..:. .�...... -.'• ..: .: .� : �. . - . . .. . _. . . (Appropriate rate -schedule applied separately to each delivery point) Rate Effective within the corporate limits of the City First 2 000 kilowatt-hours per month @ 2.40� per kwh Next 2 000 " " " " @ 1.84 " " NeXt 96 000 " " �' �� �d 1.2g �� �� Next 200 000 �� " " '� @ 1.05 '� " Next �200 000 " " " " @ 1.00 " " EXCESS �� n n ie @ .96 n n Fuel Clause Bills subject to the adjustment provided for in Fuel Clause Rider. Gross Earnings Clause Bills subject to the adjustment provided for in Gross Earnings Clause Rider. Power Factor If the average monthly pawer factor of any plant or station is less than 95% lagging, the kilowatt-hours of that particular station will be determined by multiplying the kilowatt-hours actually supplied by 95% and dividing the product thus obtained by the average power factor expressed in percent. The average power factor is defined to be the quotient obtained by dividing the kilowatt-hours used during the month by the square root of the sum of the squares of the kilowatt-hours used and the lagging reactive kilovolt-ampere-hours supplied during the same period. Any leading kilovolt- ampere hours supplied will not be considered in determining the average power factor. The average power factor may at the Company's option be determined by test or measurement. , • i� . : Northern States Power Company (Minn) ' Electric Utility - City of St. Paul RATE SCHEDUIE FOR STREET LIGHTING SERVICE Availabilitv Available to the City of St. Paul for furnishing, maintaining and operating certain electrical connections, lines, and appurtenances thereto, and supplying electric current for city street lighting, as follows;. � . . � . . . : ... _ • . . - ;� , . •. . . , . .. . . . .� � . . , .. . + . � . . � . • . Ornamentals and Overheads I. Series Ornamental City owns and maintains underground cables, posts, lamps, and glassware. Company furnishes energy at central distribution points designated by the Company. Rate 1.60� net per kilowatt-hour. Metered on primary side of constant current transformers. Schedule of burning - All night. Lighted and extinguished by photo- electric control. The rate provided in item I.above is based upon a City budget for electric energy for street lighting totaling not less than $150 000. The rate of 1.60� net per kilowatt-hour will be increased to 1.70� net in any calendar year in which the total net payment to Company for street lighting service amounts to lesa than $150 000. II. Multiple Ornamental A. City owns and maintains underground cables, posts, incandescent lamps, and glassware. Company furnishes energy only at central distribution points designated by Company � 1. Sint�le-Light Posts Rate per Post per Year Lamp Size All-niAht Midnight 1 000 Lumen $ 8.30 $ - 2 500 " 12.40 9.80 4 000 " 18.60 13.90 6 000 " 25.80 18.10 2. Two-LiAht Posts Rate per Post per Year Lamp Size 2AN lAN-ll�ffd 2I�AT 4 000 Lumen $ 38.20 $31.00 $23.80 (Continued on following sheet) , . � & f • Northern States Power Company (Minn) Electrie Utilitv - Citv nf St. Yaul -- RATE SCHEDULE FOR STREET LIGHTING SERVICE (Contd) B. City owns and maintains undergroun3 cables, posts, mercury lamps, ballasts and glassware. Ballasts shall provide a power factor of at least 90%. Company furnishes energy only at central distribution . � points designated by Company. . . . , . . Mercury Lamps Burning Rate per Lamp Lamp Size Schedule per Year � 100 Watt AN $ 8.00 . . 100 n . NIlQ . 5.60. . . • . . . . . .. - ..i75. . '� .. � - .. , : • . .� : . . •. . • ' ��Y3:00. . : . . . . . --� 175 " A�T 9.30 � 250 " AN 17.60 400 " AN 26.30 � 400 " I�Il�i 20.10 700 " AN 46.50 700 " A'IDI 32.00 1 000 " AN 71.20 1 000 " A�T 49.60 C. City owns and maintains underground cables, posts, fluorescent lamps, ballasts, and glassware. Ballasts shall provide a power factor of at least 90%. Company furnishes energy only at central distribution points designated by Company. Fluorescent Lamps Rate Number and Size Burning per Unit of Lamps per Unit Schedule per Year 1-F48EH0 AN $10.30 2-F72H0 AN 13.90 1-F96H0 AN 9.30 1-F96H0 1�IN 6.20 Schedule of Burning, Groups A, B, and C - All-night lamps lighted and extinguished by photo-electric control. Midnight lamps are lighted by photo-electric control and extinguished at midnight Central Standard Time. (Continued on following sheet) 4 �.. T Northern States Po�er Company (Minn) Electric Utility - City of St. Paul RATE SCHEDULE FOR STREET LIGHTING SERVICE (Contd) III. Multiple Overhead � � � -� City awns and maintains lamp unitis, lamps; and'glassware. Compeny- owns� � ' � � - . and maintains distribution system including hangers, and furnishes energy at the lamp unit. A. Incandescent Lamps Rate Lamp Burning per Lamp . . . : � . � _,.S�,ze. �. . . . . �Schedule .. :��.- . :per•Year . . . . . 4 000 Lumen AN $23.40 � 6 000 " � AN 34.20 B. Mercury Lamps Rate Lamp Burning per Lamp Size Schedule per Year 175 Watt AN $19.20 � 250 " AN 27.00 400 " AN 40.80 Mercury lamps shall be installed in groups of 6 or more units supplied from one point. Mercury lamps shall include high power factor ballasts giving a power factor of at least 90%. Schedule of Burning, Groups A and B - All-night, lighted and extinguished by photo-electric control. Rates in this section based on supplying service to an average of not less than one 4 000 lumen lamp per 600 lineal feet of pole line. IV. Stairway and Navigation Lamps (Multiple) Customer owns and maintains. Company furnishes energy only at central distribution points. Rate Lamp Burning per Lamp Size Type Schedule per Year 00� Lumen Navigation �— $ 7.70 600 Lumen Stairway AN 7,7p Schedule of Burnins� � Navigation - Sunset to aunrise during navigation season. Stairway - All-night. Lighted and extinguished by photo- electric control. No additional lights will be served under this rate which would require construction in excess of an average of 100 feet per lamp and no poles will be set in frozen ground. Gross Earnins�s Clause Bills subject to the adjustment provided for in Gross Earnings Clause Rider. � j u Northern States Power Company (Minn) Electric Utility - City of St. Paul RATE SCHEDULE FOR COI�RCIAL LIGHTING SERVICE (Closed) (Direct Current) . Availability Available to any commercial or industrial customer for direct current service, only where and to the extent now used, for lighting, 120 volt p.lug-in equipment, cooking and heating equipment totaling not more than ten kilowatts, and small motors totaling not more than five horsepower. . . �•- No individual. :cooking �and .heating unit� to exceed 3000� watts and��no�iridividual � � � � motor to exceed 2 horsepower. Rate First 100 kilowatt-hours per month @ 8.18� per kwh Next 100 �� " " " � 6.99 " �� Next 300 �� " " " @ 6.00 " " Next 1 500 " " " " @ 4.80 " " Excess " " " " @ 3.82 " " All. energy in excess• of 200 kilowatt- hours per month per kilawatt of demand @ 2.62 G " " Fuel Clause Bills subject to the adjustment provided for in Fuel Clause Rider. Monthly Minimum Charge $2.30 for lighting, 120 volt appliances individually rated at 15 amperes or less, cooking and heating connected load totaling not more than one kilowatt, and motor connected load totaling not more than one kilowatt, plus $,73 per kilowatt of total cooking and heating connected load in excess of one kilowatt, plus $.73 per kilowatt of power connected load in excess of one kilowatt. Gross Earnings Clause Bills subject to the adjustment provided for in Gross Earnings Clause Rider. Determination of Demand The demand in kilowatts for billing purposes shall be the greatest 15-minute load during the month for which bill is rendered, but in no event shall it be considered less than 7-1/2 kw. For billing purposes a fraction of a kw if less than one-half will be dropped, if ane-half or more will be billed as one-half. Determination of Connected Load for Purposes of This Schedule Motors The connected load shall be assumed to be one kw for each horsepower of nameplate rating. � Other Equivment Not Listed Above The nameplate rating shall be the basis of determining the connected load. Incorrect or Missint� Nameplate In any case where there is reasonable doubt as to correctness of manufacturer's rating or where insufficient or no rating exists, the Company may fix the rating by test. . . �,' .� . • _ Northern States Pawer Company (Minn) Electric Utility - City of St. Paul RATE SCHEDULE FOR GENERAL POWER SERVICE (Cloaed) (Direct Current) Availability Available to any cottrtnercial or industrial customer for direct current service, only where and to the extent now used, for general power . purposes. . � . '•� � • �� •Rate' �First� ' S0 � l�ours!� use •.per month" of demand� @ 6.99���per kwh �.- ` •� � . � .' � Next 150 " , " " " " " @ 4.15 " " EXCeSS - - n n n n n n �d 2.73 u n Quantity Discount First $56.80 of monthly bill - 0% discount Next 56.80 " " " - 1070 " Next 56.80 " " " - 20% " Next 56.80 " " " - 30% " Next • 56.80 " " " - 40% " Excess " " " - 25% " Fuel Clause Bills subject to the adjustment provided for in Fuel Clause Rider. Monthly Minimum Charge Based on rated capacity of connected load which shall be not less than one kilowatt: $2.30 for the first kilowatt or less $ .92 per kilowatt for the excess kw Grosa Earnings Clause Bills subject to the adjustment provided for in Grosa Earnings Clause Rider. Determination of Demand The demand in kilowatts for billing purposes shall be the greatest 15-minute load during the month for which bill is rendered, but in no event shall it be considered less than 4 kw. Determination of Connected Load for Purposes of This Schedule Motors The connected load shall be assumed to be .8 kilowatt for each horsepower of nameplate rating. ' Other Equipment Not Listed Above The nameplate rating shall be the basis of , determining the connected load. Incorrect or Missing Nameplate In any case where there is reasonable doubt as to correctness of manufacturer's rating or where insufficient or no rating exists, the Company may fix the rating by test. . , � � f � x Northern States Pawer Company (Minn) Electric Utility - City of St. Paul RATE SCHEDULE FOR GENERAL HEATING AND COOKING SERVICE (Closed) . . . . . . . , � .. : .��� .� . � , .. ' . • . . .. . .. ... � . .� - . .. . . . . . .. . . . � �- . C-A-N-C-E-L-L-E-D t, � � � �- E. � . . Northern States Pawer Company (Minn) ' Electric Utility - City of St. Paul - . RATE SCHEDULE FOR . GEIQERAL PafJER SERVICE (Cloeed) . ._.-- . . , � . _�- � , . . � . . . . . . �. � C-A-N-C-E-L-L-E-D . � . % � � . Northern States Power Campany (Minn) Elaectric Utility - City of St. Paul FUEL CLAUSE RIDER GROSS EARNINGS CLAUSE RIDER FUEL CLAUSE RIDER The adjustment to be added or deducted under the Fuel Clause shall be � ' ,'0.013C• per �kilawatt-hour ��for each whole.�cent by�which the cost of� fuel 'is •more . � or less, respectively, than 31C per million Btu. The coet of fuel shall be the average cost of fuel used during the preceding twelve months as recorded in FPC Accounts 501 and 547. GROSS EARNINGS CLAUSE RIDER Bills rendered shall be adjusted by Company over a period terminating no later than December 31, 1972, in an amount to allow Company to recoup gross earnings payments paid to the City during the year 1971 in excess of a rate of 5% and which have not been fully recovered from Company's customers in prior billings. � , � ' ` ��i�/� ; ` , . , , � . �_ ` .� ', � 2��QQ`� Northezn States Power Company (Minn) ��' a v Electric Utility - City of St. Paul RATE SCHEDULE FOR. � R�SIDENTIAL SERVICE Availability Available to any residential customer for domestic purposes only, in a single private residence. Rate �'irst 60 kilowatt-hours per month @ 5.43� . per kwh ' ' •� ' `Ne7ct ' . •1/�: n , ,ei. ►� �►. '�- •3:93 �. .��•• .u:�. � . � � � - .. . . . . . Next 300 " " " " � 2.30 " " Next 300 " " " " @ 2.17 " " EXC2SS n t� n u �d 1.�Z n n Fuel Clause Bills subject to the adjustment provided for in Fuel Clause Rider. Monthly Minimum Charge $2.15 Gross Earnings Clause Bills subject to the adjustment provided for in Gross Earnings Clause Rider. ..,__, ., Other.Provisions T�iis sctzedul� is also subject to provicions contained under "Rules for Application of Residential Service Rates." . i � , , , ' , • � ' - - ' , ' � , . � Northern States Power Company (Minn) ' �"`""`"'° Electric Ut�lity - City of St. Paul RULES FOR APPLICATION OF RESIDENTIAL SERVICE RATES 1. . The Residential Service rate is available to, any residential customer..for. � � � domestic purposes only, for lighting, heating, cooking, and do;nestic power � � service in a single private residence, except as hereinafter provided. 2. a. All normally sized equipment for domestic illuminating, heating, cooking, and power, used strictly for household purposes, may be supplied through one meter. . . .. . . . . , . ... . , , , . . • � . . • . . . . _ ., � . , . . . . . , . . . . b. Motors and other equip�nent which interfere with service to neighboring customers, all motors larger than 5 horsepower, and snow melting installa- tions or other temporary or seasonal loads totaling more than 25 kilowatts will not be permitted on the Residential Service rate. 3. Only single phase service, rendered through one meter, is available under the Residential Service rate. 4. Three phase service, service to motors larger than 5 horsepower, and service to snow melting installations totaling more than 25 kilowatts may be had under such rates as are available to commer.cial �ustemer4 fr,r the xes�ecti.ve cl.asse� of service. 5. A customer occupying a building or apartment for residential and commercial purposes jointly may combine his residential and commercial use on such rates as are available to commercial customers for the respective classes of service. 6. Each apartment or dwelling unit shall be considered as a single private residence but service for a duplex (a single building consisting of two apartments or dwelling units) may be taken through one meter under a single billing provided that the billing shall be computed as though each apartment or dwelling unit used an equal portion of the total service metered and were independently billed, except that the minimum charge shall be _the minimum charge for a single apartment or dwelling unit. An apartment is defined to be a room or suite of rooms used for the general functions of a household and permanently equipped with a sink and cooking facilities, occupying space specifically designed for them, such as a kitchen, kitchenette or pullman kitchen. �. .' . • � � Northern States Pawer Company (Minn) � Electric Utility - City of St. Paul ` �- RATE SCHEDULE FOR `""' �, ALL ELECTRIC RESIDENTIAL SERVICE Availability Available to any residential customer in a single private residence for domestic purposes only where 120/240 volt single phase electric service is used through one meter and customer has in regular use either an Approved Water Heating Installation or an Approved Space Heating Installation or both. � . . � � � � Rate • Ffrst . � •'"SO'� ki�Fowatt=houis per mont'h ` @ 5�.49C per kwh � � �� � . ' � Next 50 " �� " " @ 2.98 " �� Next 200 �" r� �� '► @ 2.15 " " Next 700 " " " " @ 1.72 " �� NeXt 1 000 " �� �� �� @ 1.60 ri t� Excess " " " " @ 1.40 �� n Fuel Clause Bills subject to the adjustment provided for in Fuel Clause Rider. Month_lv Minimum Char�e $2.15 Gross Earnings Clause Bills subject to the ad,justment providQd for in �rass Earnings Clause Riuer. Rules for Avplication of All Electric Residential Service Rate 1. The specifications for an Approved Water Heating Installation under this rate are as follows: a. The water heater shall be equipped with no more than two heating elements. Each heating element shall be noninductive, thermostatically operated and designed for 240 volts. � b. For a water heater equipped with two heating elements: The tank size shall be not less than 40 gallons; the rating of either heating element shall not exceed 5500 watts; and, if the total of the ratings of the two elements exceeds 5500 watts, the elements shall be � so interlocked that they cannot operate simultaneously. c. For a water heater equipped with one heating element: The tank size and the rating of the heating element for each tank size shall be as follows: Tank Size Heating Element in Gailons RatinR in Watts 30 3 500 50 5 500 80 5 500 (Continued on follawing sheet) �. � . . :�`�;�--, ' Y � , � , �...�.. : ' Northern Stat'es Power Company (Minn) ` Electric Utility - City of St. Paul RATE SCHEDULE FOR ALL ELECTRIC RESIDENTIAL SERVICE (Contd) d. Electric water heating service will be supplied only under a single applicable rate schedule. e. The installat�on shall not be used to supplement any other system of providing hot water , servicQ. f. Company reserves the right to control service to the water heating load. 2. The specifications for an Approved Space Heating Installation under this rate are as follows: . a. Electric space heating equipment (except 120 �volt units individually rated at 15 amperes or less) shall be designed to operate at 240 volts, shall be permanently installed and shall be the sole source of space heating except that provided by fireplaces. b. Not more than 10 kilowatts shall be switched at one time by the heating system controls. c. Company reserves the right to control service to the space heating load. 3. Service ma.y be taken under this schedule ti�rough one meter for a duplex (a single building consisting of two apartments or dwelling units) meeting the above specifications provided that the billing shall be computed as though each apartment or dwelling unit used an equal portion of the total service metered and were independently billed, except that the minimum charge shall be the minimum charge for a single apartment or dwelling unit. 4. Snow melting installations or other infrequently used loads totaling more than 25 kilawatts will not be permitted on this rate except where customer has an Approved Space Heating Installation in which case 25 kw or 50% of the space heating load, whichever is greater, will be allowed. In all other cases the General Service rate or other rates are available for such loads. 5. A customer occupying a building or apartment for residential and coa�ercial purposes jointly may combine his residential and commercial use on such rates as are available to commercial customers tor the respective classes of service but not under this rate. �� � � � , , , . . ' • . . � , � � . � � � � Northern States Power Company (Minn) �—�, Electric Utility - City of St. Paul �""""" RATE SCHEDULE FOR MULTIPLE DWELLING SERVICE Availability Available to any customer using single phase electric service . for a �nul.tiple dwelling. Rate • ' . • � . �Single Apartment ` • . .. - � • . . . . , . . . • . . . � . .. . First 50 kilowatt-hours per month @ 5.69� per kwh Next 15� " " " " @ 3.06 " " Next S00 " " " " �d 2.27 " " � EXC2SS n n n n �d 1.�1 n n Fuel Clause Bills subject to the adjustment provided for in Fuel Clause Rider. Monthly Minimum Charge $2.15 � Gross Earnin�s Clause Bills subject to the adjuatment provided for in Gross Earni�s Clause Rider. Rules for Application of Multiple Dwelling Service Rate 1. Service for two or more apartments may be taken through one meter under a single billing provided that the billing shall be computed as though each apartment or dwelling unit used an equal portion of the total service metered and were independently billed, except that the minimum charge shall be the minimum charge for a .single apartment or dwelling unit. An apartment is defined to be a room or suite of rooms used for the general funetions of a household and permanently equipped with a sink and cooking facilities, occupying space specifically designed for them, such as a kitchen, kitchenette or pullman kitc.hen: 2. The general service required by the apartment building, such as service for hall lighting, garages for private use, laundry rooms, drying rooms, boiler rooms, janitor's supply roams, refrigeration equipment, oil burners, furnace stokers, and air conditioning equipment, may be taken on the multiple dwelling schedule provided the kilowatt-hours in the second and third blocks of the rate schedule be increased by 150 and 500 kilowatt-hours, respectively, for each apartment not served on this same meter. 3. Three phase service, service to motors larger than 5 horsepawer, and service to snaw melting installations totaling more than 25 kilowatts may be had under such rates as are available to coIImercial customers for the respective classes of service. 4. A customer occupying a building or apartment for residential and co�ercial purposes jointly may combine his residential and commercial use on such rates as are available to commercial customers for the respective classes of service. . . . L ,` ' � . . Northern States Power Company (Minn) Electric Utility - City of St. Paul RATE SCHEDULE FOR '���'`�� UNCONTROLLED WATER HEATING SERVICE (Closed) , . . • .. . . , . . ... . � , .. .. . .. . . ... . . , '. � � �: . . � �a. . . . • . � . C-A-N-C-E-L-L-E-D , � ' � � Northern States Power Company (Minn) — Electric Utility - City of St. Paul RATE SCHEDLTLE FOR AUTOMATIC PROTECTIVE LIGHTING SERVICE .. .. . . � . . ... �---:_.- - . . � � . ' . . � . .. . � . . � . , . . . .. � . � .. � . . . . '� . . � . . . . . . . , � . Availabilit� Available to any customer for illumination of areas of private property. � Rate . � . � _ Desi�nation of Lamps • . . � . . •.Mo�thly Rate �per Unft . . . . . F48 T10/CW Fluorescent $3.95(1) 175 Watt Mercury 3.95 . 400 Watt Mercury 5.70 (1) Available to existing installations only. Gross Earnings Clause Bills subject to the adjustment provided for in Gross Earnings Clause Rider. Service Included in Rate Company shall awn, operate and maintain the lightin� unit including the fixture, lamp, ballast, photo-electric controZ, mounting brackets and all necessary wiring. Company shall furnish all electric energy required for operation of the unit. Special Terms and Conditions 1. Above rate contemplates installation of the lighting unit on an existing utility owned wood pole upon which Company's 120 or 240 volt lines are attached. If necessary, Company will extend its 120 or 240 volt lines on existing Company poles for not to exceed two spans provided customer pay the entire cost thereof. No additional transformer capacity will be provided hereunder. 2. The lamp shall be lighted and extinguished by a photo-electric control furnished by the Company. The hours of burning shall be from approximately one-half hour after sunset until one-half hour before sunrise, every night. 3. If illumination of a lamp is interrupted and said illumination is not resumed within seventy-two hours from the time Company receives notice thereof from customer, 1/30th of the monthly compensation for such unit shall be deducted for each night of nonillumination after such notice is received. 4. Company reserves the right to discontinue service if e.quipment is abused. Term of At�reement Agreement ahall be for a term of three years, and, if not then terminated by at least 30 days' prior written notice by either party, shall continue until so terminated. � �ti . � • , Northern States Power Company (Minn) = � . - Electric Utility - City of St. Paul RATE SCHEDULE FOR CONTROLLED WATER HEATING SERVICE (Closed) _ . . . _�_ . . , . . . . _ . _ . . �,.. Availability Available to any Controlled Water Heating Installation supplied through a separate meter and served hereunder on November 1, 1961. No new water heating installation made after November 1, 1961.wi11 be served under this rate. . : . � . . . . . . . . � .� . . . . . . . � . •. . . • : •, . .... .. . . . • " • • . . . Rate Energy Charge: 1.60� per kilowatt-hour Excess Wattage Charge: One Element Tank - If the capacity of the heating element exceeds 20 watts per gallon of tank capacity, an additional charge of 10� per month per whole 100 watts will be made for such exceas capacity. Two Element Tank - If the capacity of the bottom element exceeds 20 watts per galloa.o�:. tanl� ca�aci.ty or the -t��- e±�r.� e�c�.ea� 4 5oa wacts, an a3diti�ral charge o£ l:J� �pez ma�th �ex whale 1fl0 wa�ts �ri+l ce made for the greater of such excess capacities. Fuel Clause Bills subject to the adjustment provided for in Fuel Clause Rider. Monthly Minimum Charge $2.15 Gross Earnings Clause Bills subject to the adjustment provided for in Gross Earnings Clause Rider. Time Control An electrical control device will be furnished by Company which will control the service so that no energy will be supplied during the follow- ing periods: 10:00 a.m. to Noon and 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. or such other daily period or periods as the Company may elect from ti� to time but not to exceed a total of five hours daily. Approved Controlled Water Heating Installation The specifications for an approved controlled water heating installation under this rate are as follows: 1. The water heater shall be of the storage type, equipped with one or two thermostatically operated noninductive heating elements designed for 240 volts �(208 volts in some cammercial areas). � 2. If the water heater is of the two-element type it shall have one element near the bottom and the other not more than one-fourth the distance from the top of the tank and so connected or interlocked that they cannot operate simultaneously. (Continued on following sheet) . . . • ' ! Northern States Power Company (Minn) , / -' Electric Utility - City of St. Paul � `'�' °'� RATE SCHEDULE FOR CONTROLLED WATER HEATING SERVICE (Closed) (Contd) 3. The storage capacity of any water heater installed hereunder after January 1, 1959 shall be 80 gallons or more. � . �_ . . - .4. The water heater, .whether one-element. or. two=element, shall be connected by means of a tamperproof circuit to Company's controlled service meter. 5. At customer's option the top (emergency or booster) element of a two- element water heater may be permanently connected to either Company's con- trolled service a�ter or to Company's Residential Service or General Service • . : • • .�meter.. _ � � � . . . . .� . . . . . . ; .. . . . . . . - .. . . :.: �. . : • -.. : 6. The water heating installation may consist of two or more tanks provided � that the installation meets the specifications for a single tank and that all are located on the same premises for one customer's use. 7. The installation shall not be used to sipply hot water for space heating purposes. • � � • � . � Northern States Power Company (Minn) 1 Electric Utility - City of St. Paul RATE SCHEDULE FOR GENERAL SERVICE ,.. ,. . _ . . -: .: . , '. .f.: . .. ,. . . :.. . . . . � . . . Availability Available to any customer for single or three phase electric service supplied through one meter. Rate First 200 kilowatt-hours per month @ 5.54� per kwh. . .Next 300 . '� ,� �� �� @ 4.30. �� �� . . .. . . . • Next . . 500 � ' " �� ' � " „ ' �"� ` �d 3.�+2 'u r' .. . n n Excess � " " " " @ 2.83 All energy in excess of 200 kilowatt- " hours per month per kilowatt of demand @ 1.74 " " Primary Distribution Voltage Discount A discount of 5% will be allowed where customer takes service at available primary voltage. Fuel Clause Bills subject to the adjustment provided for in Fuel Clause Rider. rionthly t:ir,iraum Charpe $2.1� Gross Earnings Clause Bflls subject to the adjustment provided for in Gross Earnings Clause Rider. Determination of Demand The demand in kilowatts for billing purposes shall be the greatest 15-minute load during the month for which bill is rendered, but in no event shall it be considered less than 5 kw. For billing purposes, a fraction of a kw if less than one-half will be dropped, if one-half or more will be billed as one-half. 1? . � • Northern States Power Company (Minn) Electric Utility - City of St. Paul '�--�� RATE SCHEDULE FOR ALL ELECTRIC GENERAL SERVICE Availability Available .to an3+ customer who has in regular use an Approved . Space Heatir.g Installation. . .Rate: ,First ._' 40Q_'.,kilowatt-hours per month. ..@ 3.31C . per• kwh . .. . . � . � Next 600 � '� . . „ . �' '� �d 2.69 � �� � �� . � . . .Next . 1 000 „ t� �� �� @ 2.28 �� �► Excess " " " " @ 1.99 " " All energy in excess of 200 kilowatt- hours per month per kilowatt of demand @ 1.74 " " Pritnary Distribution Volta�e Discount A discount of 5% will be allowed where customerotakes service at available primary voltage. Fuel Clause Bills subject to the adjustment provided for in Fuel Clause Rider. Monthlv Minimum Charge $2.15 Gross Earnings Clause Bills subject to the adjustment provided for in Gross Earnings Clause Rider. Determination of Demand The demand in kilowatts for billing purposes shall be the greatest 15-minute load during the month for which bill is rendered, but in no event shall it be considered less than 5 kw. For billing purposes, a fraction of a kw if less than one-half will be dropped, if one-half or more will be billed as one-half. Special Requirements The specifications for an Approved Space Heating Installation are as follows: 1. Electricity shall be the sole source of space heating in all areas served through the meter. 2. At least 40% of the total connected load must be permanently connected space heating equipment. 3. Campatry reserves the right to control the space heating load. _ . , �� . • - Northern States Power Company (Minn) Electric Utility - City of St. Paul RATE SCHEDULE FOR �Y GENERAL WATER HEATING SERVICE Availabiiity Available to any customer for single or three phase service at 208 volts or h�gher, uncontrolled as to time of use, for an Approved Water Heating Installation supplied through a separate meter. _... . ... . � . :.Rate� ...Energy Charge:' . . •. � . . : � .. . . . . . . " First 100 kilowatt-hours per month per kilowatt of demand @ 1.7IC per kwh EXCeSS _ n �� . n n n �� n n �d 1 �+2 n �� . Excess Wattage Charge: An additional charge of $1.63 per 1 000 watts or fraction thereof will be made for connected loads in excess of: a. storage tank installation ° 350 watts per gallon of tank capacity. b. swiB�it�� paoi .�.nsta2iati�n 50 watts per square foot of water surface area of swimming pools. �Fuel Clause Bills subject to the adjustment provided for in Fuel Clause Rider. Monthly Minimum Charge $2.15 6ross Earnin�s Clause Bills subject to the adjustment provided for in Gross Earnings Clause Rider. Dete nnination of Demand The dea►and in kilowatts shall be the greatest 15-minute load during the month for which bill is rendered but in na event shall it be considered less than 10 kilowatts. The demand may at Company's option be determined by periodic test or measurement. Approved Water Heating Installation The specifications for an Approved Water Heating Installation under this rate are as follows: 1. The water heater shall be equipped with thermostatically operated non- inductive heating elements designed to operate at 208 volts or higher. 2. The water heater shall be connected by means of a tamperproof circuit to Company's water heating meter. 3. The storage capacity of the water heater shall be 40 gallons or more and the connected load shall be 4500 watts or more, except that a water heater having a storage capacity of 30 gallons and a single heating element rated at 3500 watts will be permitted. (Continued on following sheet) • � � � ___ Northern States Power Company (Minn) Electric Utility - City of St. Paul RATE SCHEDULE FOR `,,...�•-=`°' GENERAL WATER HEATING SERVICE (Contd) 4. Water heating service will be supplied only under a single applicable rate schedule. S.� The installation shall not be used to supply hot water for space heating � . . •purposes��. : � . . . .�. . . : :. - . .. .. � . � .. .. • • . . �. _ � : . . . .. . �. . 6. The installation shall not be used to supplement any other system of providing hot water service. 7. Company reserves the right to control service to the water heating load. 8. The above specifications for an Approved Water Heating Installation shall apply to heating water for swiuIIning pools subject to the following modifica�ions: A. The storage cagacity specification of �ectien 3 sh�ll �A waived. b. The installation shall not be used to heat water for other purposes. . �� Northern States Pawer Company (Minn) • Electric Utility - City of St. Paul RATE SCHEDULE FOR ' r LARGE GENERAL SERVICE ����- Availability Available to any cu�tomer for general service Kind of Service Alternating current at the following nominal voltages: (a)_. Secondary Voltage: single or three phase at 208 volts or higher, (b) Primary Distribution Voltage: three phase at 2400 volts or higher, � • �. � � � � (c) Transmission Line Voitage: � three :phase at �34�•500 volts or� higher: � - � � . Service voltage available in any given case is dependent upon voltage and capacity of Company lines in vicinity of customer's premises. � Rate Demand Charge for Service at Secondarv Voltage: First 100 kilovolt-amperes or less of demand - $235.00 per month Next 100 kilovolt-amperes of demand @ $1�78 per kva per month Next 800 " " " " @ 1.54 �� �� �� �� Next 9 000 " " " " @ 1.43 �� �� �� �� Excess n �� �� n � 1.35 n n n n Demand Charge fox� Service at Prima� Di.stri�utiota Voltage: The Der±and Charge for Service at 5econdary voltage less $.15� per mor��ic �,�r kiiov�It- ampere of demand. Demand Charge for Service at Transmission Line Volta�e: The Demand Charge for Service at Secondary Voltage less $.25 per month per kilovolt�3mpere of demand. Plus an Ener�y Charge of: First 20 000 kilowatt-hours per month @ 1.72� per kwh Next 30 000 " " " " @ 1.35 " " Next 50 000 " " " " @ 1.17 " �� Next 400 000 " " " " @ 1.05 " " Next 500 000 " " " " @ ,92 " " Next 9 000 000 " " " " @ ,84 " " Excess " " " " @ .74 " " Fuel Clause Bills subject to the adjustment provided for in Fuel Clause Rider. Prompt Payment Provision A charge of 5% will be added to net bill which charge shall constitute a discount from gross bi11 for payment within the discount period. Groas Earnings Clause Bills subject to the adjustment provided for in Gross Earnings Clause Rider. (Continued on following sheet) • � � • . � ' , Nortt:ern S;:F.tes Pc;wer Company (Minn) � Electric Utility - City of St. Paul ',�,�.� RATE SCHEDULE FOR IARGE GENERAL SERVICE (Contd) Determination of Demand The demand in kilovolt-amperes for billing purposes shall be determined by dividing the maxim-�m demand in kilowatts by the monthly average power factor and shall be rounded to the nearest whole kva, but in no month shall the demand to be billed be considered as Iess than � .. . 50% of the greatest. demand in kva bi:lled during the preceding.eleven months . . •. . nor in any event less than 100 kva. � � � � � Maximum Demand The maximum demand in kilowatts shall be the greatest 15-minute load during the month for which bill is rendered. . _ . . .� .. Average ,Power Factor T.he average. power �actor. is .defined. -to.,be .the,.quotient.. � obtained by dividing the�kilowatt-hours used during the �iiionfh �by the square root of the sum of the squares of the kilowatt-hours used.and the lagging reactive kilovolt-ampere-hours supplied during the same period. Any leading kilovolt-ampere-hours supplied during the period will not be considered in determining the average power factor. Minimum Demand to be Billed The monthly minimum billing demand shall not be less than provided above, whether or not energy is used. � Standby and Supplementary Service A�3ailabiiity Availa�ixe at` T2;400, volts or higher to any large commerciai or industrial customer who normally supplies part or all of his electric power requirements from another independent source of pawer for which the Company's service may be substituted wholly or in part. Customer shall contract for capacity adequate to supply the entire electric requirements for which such service may be used which capacity shall equal or exceed the agreed kva demand for standby to customer's other source of power. Company shal.l not be obligated to supply capacity in excess of that contracted for. Rate The billing shall be in accordance with Company's Large General $ervice rate schedule for Service at Primary Distribution Voltage except that the paragraph "Determination of Demand" shall be modified to read as follows: "The demand in kilovolt-amperes for billing purposes shall be detezmined by dividing the maximum demand in kilowatts by the monthly average power factor, but in no month shall the demand to be billed be considered as less than the agreed standby demand plus 50% of the greatest excess demand in kva over such standby demand billed during the preceding eleven months nor in any event less than 2 500 kva." (Continued on following sheet) � �\ . • ' Northern States Power Company (Minn) ' Electric Utility - City of St. Paul - � � RATE SCHEDULE FOR �`�..-��'"' LARGE GENERAL SERVICE (Contd) Parallel Operation Interconnection and parallel operation of Customer's inde- pendent source of power (Customer's system) and Company's service (Company's system) wi21 be permitted by Company under the following conditions: 1. The interconnection between the systems must be at 12,400 volts or higher at a point on Company's system where Customer's operations will not interfere with the quality of Company's service to any of its other customers. . � .. . . . . . . � .:2. . Customer. :agrees�.�to prvvide the nec.es.sary equipment�. .as ..approyed.by•. .�� �� . ' , . : Company to enable Customer to operate its generating equipment in para11e1 with Company's system. Since the power factor and the voltage at which Company's system and Customer's system are operated will vary, each party agrees`to operate its system at such power factor and voltage as is condu- cive to best operating standards and in such manner as to absorb its share of the reactive power. 3. Company reserves the right to disconnect service in the event service to Custo�er results in trouble on Company's system such as interruptions, grounds, radio or telephone interference, surges or objectionable voltage fluctuations, where such trouble is caused by negligence of Customer if, after giving notice in writing to Customer of such trouble, Customer fails to remedy the causes thereof within a reasonable time. 4. Company's meters will be ratcheted to measure the flow of power and energy from Company to Customer only. Reverse flow if any will be ignored unless the aawunt is substantial in which event it wi11 be a matter for negotiation and further agreement between the parties. _ _ _ ,,.... ` ,� • � . . . � f Northern States Power Company (Minn) - Electric Utility - City of St. Paul RATE SCHEDULE FOR ��,,... ' LARGE ALL ELECTRIC GENERAL SERVICE Availability Available to any customer who has in regular use an Approved Space Heating Installation. Kind of Service Alternating current at the following nominal voltages: (a) Service at Secondary Distribution Voltage: three wire single phase � �. � �� : � , ' and��three�or four`wire .three phase�at' 208 vb2ts�or� high�r, � (b) Service � - . • � at Primary Distribution Voltage: three phase at 2400 volts or higher. Service voltage available in any given case is dependent upon voltage and capacity of existing Company lines in vicinity of customer's premises. Rate � First 10 000 kilowatt-hours or less - $289.00 per month Next 10 000 kilowatt-hours per month @ 1.76� per kwh Next 80 000 " " " " @ 1.54 " " � Excess " " " " @ 1.46 " " All energy in excess of 200 kilo:�4t::-hours per month per kilowatt of demand: First 600 OOQ kilowatt-hours @ 1.19� per kwh Excess " " @ .82 " " Primary Distribution Volta�e Discount A discount of $.10 per month per kilowatt of demand will be allowed where customer takes service at available primary voltage. Fuel Clause Bills subject to the adjustment provided for in Fuel Clause Rider. Prompt Payment Provision A charge of 5% will be added to net bill which charge shall constitute a discount from gross bill for payment within the discount period. Gross Earnin�s Clause Bills subject to the adjustment provided for in Gross Earnings Clause Rider. Determination of Demand The demand in kilowatts for billing purposes shall be the greatest 15-minute load (subject to Pawer Factor Adjustment) during the month for which bill is rendered, but in no event shall the demand for billing purposes be considered as less than 50% of the greatest demand used for billing purposes during the preceding eleven months, nor less than 100 kw. (Continued on following sheet) ' . � �� e . . � � Northern States Power Company (Minn) Electric Utility - City of St. Paul ;.; RATE SCHEDULE FOR LARGE ALL ELECTRIC GENERAL SERVICE (Contd) Power Factor Adjustment The customer shall at all times take and use power _, �.in such manner that the average,pqwer�:factor�. shall be as near �100% as,. . � possible, but when the average power factor is less than 80%, then the � greatest 15-minute load shal� be adjusted by multiplying it by 80%, and dividing the product thus obtained by the average power factor expressed in percent. . . . . The average p.ower factor.-is. defi�ned..to be_�the :quotient obtained�by� . . _ ' dividing the kilowatt-hours used during the month by the square root �of the � sum of the squares of the kilowatt-hours used and the lagging reactive kilovolt-ampere-hours supplied during the same period. Any leading kilovolt- ampere-hours supplied during the period will not be considered in determining the average power factor. Special Requirements � The specifications for an Approved Space Heating Installation are as follows: 1. Electricity shall be the sole source of space heating in all areas served through the meter. 2. At least 40% of the total connected load must be permanently connected space heating equipment. 3. Company reserves the right to control the space heating load. • ,� � , • . , Northern States Power Company (Minn) Electric Utility - City of St. Paul � R.ATE SCHEDULE FOR ''�,.,„,,;,_. T... FIRM AND INTERRUPTIBLE LARGE GENERAL SERVICE F Availability Available to any customer taking his entire electrical require- ments from Company at 12,400 volts or higher who agrees that Company's service to the equipment listed in Schedule A attached to the contract may be inter- rupted by Company at any. time and for such periods as Company, in its sole . . . discretion,_ considers .the supply., of. such.service: detrimental to it.s .operations . . . .:as' a public uti�litq.� . .. . . • . .. • . . . , . . . . . . . Rate Demand Char�e for Firm Service: First 100 kiZovolt-amperes or less of demand - $220.00 per month Next 100 kilovolt - amperes of demand @ $1.63 per kva per month Next 800 " " " " @ 1.39 " " " " Next 9 000 " " " �� @ 1.28 " " " " Excess " �� �� �� @ 1.2� n n �� i� Demand Charge for Interruptible Service: First 10 000 kilovolt-amperes or less of demand - $3500.00 per month Excess kilovcalt-a�geres of usm:.tnd a $.3S per icva per month Plus an Energy Charge of: First 20 000 kilowatt-hours per month @ 1.72� per kwh NeXt 30 000 �� " " " @ 1.35 �� �� Next 50 000 " " " " @ 1.17 " " Next 400 000 " " " " @ 1.05 " " Next 500 000 " " " " @ .92 " " Next 9 000 000 " " " " @ .84 " " Excess " " " " @ .74 " " Fuel Clause Bills subject to the adjustment provided for in Fuel Clause Rider. . Prompt Payment Provision A charge of S% will be added to net bill which charge shall constitute a discount from gross bill for payment within the discount period. Gross Earnings Clause Bi11s subject to the adjustment provided for in Gross Earnings Clause Rider. Determination of Demand The Firm Service and Interruptible Service demands in kilovolt-amperes for billing purposes shall be determined by dividing the maximum demand in kilowatts by the monthly average power factor and shall be rounded to the nearest whole kva, but in no month shall the demand to be billed be considered as less than 50% of the greatest demand in kva billed during the preceding eleven months nor in any event less than 100 kva for Firm Service and 10,000 kva for Interruptible Service. � (Continued on following sheet) ' �. •.> , . . Northern States Power Company (Minn) �'"� , Electric Utility - City of St. Paul <<-� � RATE SCHEDULE FOR FIRM AND INTERRUPTIBLE LARGE GENERAI, SERVICE (Contd) Maximum Demand The maximum demand in kilowatts shall be the greatest 15-minute . . load during the month. for which_,bill• is rendered. , . AveraAe Power Factor The average power factor is defined to be the quotient obtained by dividing the kilowatt-hours used during the month by the square root of the sum of the squares of the kilowatt-hours used and the lagging � . r.eactive kilovolt-ampere-hours supplied during the same period. Any leading kilovolt-amper.e-hours �suppl.ied during the .period will,not be consider.ed:�n _ . .. � � ' ' � � •determinirig the average power �factor.� �The average power factor shall be � ' ' determined_for. each of the Services. Minimum Demand to be Billed The monthly mi.nimum billing demand for each of ; the Services shall not be less than provided above, whether or not energy is used. ' �i � , � � Northern States Power Co an ;�• "°"""���*� , �P Y tMinn) ,.., .. Electric Utility - City of St. Paul RATE SCHEDULE FOR LARGE COI�4ERCIAL SERVICE Availability Available to any co�nercial or industrial customer for combined lighting and power purposes. . . Rind of Service. 1� � . . : �.. . �. .:.... . . :. . _ • :.. ;_. ..:. �. �� " � •• . ' . Alternating current at the following nominal voltages: (a) Secondary t�oltage: single phase or three phase at 208 volts or higher, � (b) Primary Distribution Voltage: three phase at 2400 volts or higher. Service voltage available in anq given case is dependent upon voltage and capacity of Company lines in vicinity of customer's premises. 2. Direct current, only where and to the extent now used, at a nominal voltage of 120/240 alone or in combination with secondary voltage alternat�ing current. Rate Demand Char�e for Service at Secondarv Voltage: First 10 kiiowatts of demand @ $4.OS per kw per month Next 40 �� �� �f @ 3.�2 �� �� �� �� _ I1ext 5� �� �� f4 �� 2.73 �� �� �� �� Next 100 �� " " @ 2.35 " " " " Excess �� �t n �d 2 �l n n n n . Demand Charge for Service at Primarv Distribution Voltat�e: The Demand Charge for Service at Secondary Voltage less $.15 per month per kilowatt of demand. Plus an Ener�v Chart�e of: First 2 000 kilowatt-hours per month @ 3.82� per kwh NeXt 3 000 " " " " (,d 2�7f " " Next 15 000 " " " " @ 1.72 �� �� Next 30 000 " " " " @ 1.46 " " Next 50 000 " " " " @ 1.27 " " Excess " �� �� �� �d 1 17 �� �� . Plus a Direct Current Additional Charge of: 0.60� per kilowatt-hour for all direct current kilowatt-hours. � . Fuel Clause Bills subject to the adjustment provided for in Fuel Clause Rider. Promvt Pavment Provision A charge of 5% will be added to net bill which charge shall constitute a discount from gross bill for payment within the discount period. Gross Earnings Clause Bills subject to the adjustment provided for in Gross Earnings Clause Rider. � (Continued on following sheet) ' i� • , .. Northern States Power Company (Minn) Electric Utilitv - City of St. Paul �,,,,,�,��,.�. -'`'' RATE SC�iEDUIE FOR LARGE COI�IERCIAL SERVICE (Contd) Determination of Demand The demand in kilowatts for billing purposes shall be the great 15-minute coincident load (subject to power factor adjustment) . . . . dur�ng the month for which bill 3.s. rend�red,. but in._no event shal.l the .demand � � � � to be billed be considered as less than 50%, of the greatesf demand billed � during the preceding eleven months, nor less than 3 kw for Service at Secondary Voltage and 25 kw for Service at Primary Distribution Voltage. Minimum Der.iand to be Billed The monthly demand charge shall not be less . than,provided. above,; whether .or not energy is,used.. . . Power Factor The customer shall at all times take and use power in such manner that the average power factor shall be as near 100% as possible, but when the average power factor is less than 80%, then the demand as determined above shall be adjusted by multiplying it by 80% and dividing the product thus obtained by the average power factor expressed in percent. The average power factor is defined to be the quotient obtained by • dividing the kilowatt-hours used during the month by the square root of the sum of the squares of the kilowatt-hours used and �he lagging reactive kilovo2t=Ftmpere-hours supplied during th� same period. Any leadiiig kilovolt- ampere-hours supplied dur�.ng the peri9d will ac�t be considsred e:i det�rz•tining the average power factor. Where customer's demand is less than 40 kw the average pawer factor may v at the Compny's option be determined by periodic test or measurement. Standby, Supplementary, Emergency and Incidential Service (Alternating Current Only) Availability Available for service to custo�rs who normally supply their requirements either directly or indirectly from another independent source of power for which the Company's service may be substituted wholly or in part. Customer shall contract for capacity adequate to supply the entire electrical requirements for which such service may be used and Company shall not be obligated to supply capacity in excess of the amount con- tracted for by customer. Rate The billing shall be in accordance with the Large Commercial Service rate schedule, except that the paragraph "Determination of Demand" shall be modified to read as follows: "The demand in kilawatts shall be the greatest 15-minute load during the month for .which bill is rendered, but in no mont,h shall the demand to be billed be based on less than the greatest demand previously supplied nor on less than the demand contracted for. In addition, for new customers taking service subsequent to January 1, 1965, the demand to be billed shall in no event be considered as less than 100 kw." � 1 3' ,,� , , • . _�\ 1 Northern States Power Company (Minn) - �' � Electric Utility - City of St. Paul ...:�,�,�.--��"� RATE SCHEDULE FOR I�JNICIPAL GENERAL SERVICE Availability Available for metered alternating and direct current energy used by the City of St. Paul for all lighting, power, and heating purposes, except street lighting and traffic signals. Rate 2.67�. . per kilowatt-hour. . ' . . . � • . .. . . . ,. :, : . _ Fuel Cl.ause Bills subject to the adjustment provided for in Fuel Clause Rider. Gross Earnings Clause Bills subject to the adjustment provided for in Gross Earnings Clause Rider. Options This is the only schedule available to the City for the above purposes except that the following schedules are optional hereto when applicable to the service rendered: 1. Large General Service - ' 2. All Electric General ServicP 3. Controlled Water Heating Service (Closed) � 4. General Water Heating Service. ,. . _ z_ .a. ... :.. r �f � S 4 .;': � ,� t ,4 • z s '. _ . ' . , � , _ � ;,�� + Northern States Power Company (Minn) ,, Electric Utility - City of St. Paul �-, RATE SCHEDULE FOR ' ` TRAFFIC SIGNAL SERVICE '`'~�"" . , Availabilitv Electric energy for traffic signals owned and operated by the , City. �Rate� Demand Charge . . . . .. • �i ,•�_ �frst S ..kilowatts �or•°:less - No :charge �� " � . . _ . . . � : �--� Excess kilowatts @ $3.37 per kw per month Ener�y Charge First 200 kilowatt-hours per month @ 2,70� per kwh Excess " " " " @ 2,14 f " " Fuel Clause Bills subject to the adjustment provided for in Fuel Clause Rider. Monthly Mi�imum CharRe $1.10 Grosa Earnings Clause Bills subject to the adjustment provided for in Gross Earnings Clause Rider. Determination of Demand The demand in kilowatts for billing purposes shall be the greatest 15-minute load during the month for which bill is rendered. For billing purposes the demand shall be adjusted to be the nearest 0.1 kw. The demand may be determined by test. Special Terms and Conditions The customer shall supply the service wires run in conduit up the nearest pole or to some other point designated by the Com- pany n�ar the signal. The necessary meter loops and cabinets must be supplied by the customer. . 1 �. Northern States Power Company (Minn) `, Electric IItility - City of St. Paul ° RATE SCHEDUIE FOR .:�,�_ TRAFFIC SIGNAL SERVICE Availability Available to governmental agencies* for operation of traffic signals, and direction and warning lights along streets and highways, for traffic regulation and guidance as distinguished from street lighting and general illumination. . . . . . .. . . • . .... � � . • _ . . . . . .. : . , . � . . � . . . Rate �Demand Charge � i First 5 kiYowatts or less - No charge y Excess kilowatts @ $3.37 per kw per month Energy Charge 3.80G per kilowatt-hour Fuel Clause Bills subject to the adjustment provided for in Fuel Clause Rider. Monthlv Minimum Charge $1.65 Gross Earnings Claus� Bi21s sub�ect fio the adjustment provided for in Gross Earnings Clause Rider. Determination of Demand The demand in kilowatts for billing purposes sha11 be the greatest 15-minute load during the month for which bill is rendered. For billing purposes the demand shall be adjusted to the nearest 0.1 kw. The demand may be determined by test. Special Terms and Conditions The customer shall supply the service wires run in conduit up the nearest pole or to some other point designated by the Company near the signal. The necessary meter loops and cabinets must be supplied by the customer. * For State of Minnesota and Ramsey County. . zV , � , . . � Northern States Power Company (Minn) Electric Utility - City of St. Paul ��� � RATE SCHEDULE FOR MUNICIPAL WATER PUMPING SERVICE �""°"'�'�r�' � �. Availability Available to municipal water systems for operation of pumping . and water treat�nt plants when all pumping and other power requirements , . .at all .plants are sup�lied hereundeX.-. :: : : ;� �; . .. , . . . . . . . , . .. , , . (Appropriate rate schedule applied separately to each delivery point) Rate Effective within the corporate limits of the City First 2 000 kilowatt-hours per month @ 2.40� per kwh Next 2 000 " �� �� �� � 1.84 d �� �� Next 96 000 " " " �� @ j,28� ►� �� Next 200 000 " " " " @ 1.05 " " Next 200 000 " " " " @ f,00 " " Excess " " " " @ 96 " " . Fuel Clause Bills subject to the ad�ustment provided for in Fuel Clause Rider. Groas Earnings Clause Bills subject to the adjustment provided for in Gross Earnings Clause Rider. Power Factor If the average monthly power factor of any plant or station is less than 95% lagging, the kilowatt-hours of that particular station will be determined by multiplying the kilowatt-hours actually supplied by 95'% and dividing the product thus obtained by the average power factor expressed in percent. The average power factor is defined to be the quoti.ent obtained by dividing the kilawatt-hours used during the month by the square root of the sum of the squares of the kilowatt-hours used and the lagging reactive kilovolt-ampere-hours supplied during the same period. Any leading kilovolt- ampere hours supplied will not be considered in determining the average power factor. The average power factor may at the Company's optfon be determined by test or measurement. �� Northern Statea Pawer C m an � p y (Minn) Electric Utility - City of St. Paul RATE SCHEDULE FOR `' ' 1�'�,;.,�'r�.�� . STREET LIGHTING SERVICE Availabilitv Available to the City of St. Paul for furnishing, maintaining and operating certain electrical connections, lines, and appurtenances thereto, an� supplying electric current for city street lighting, as follows: � Ornamentals and Overheads � I. Series Ornamental City owns and maintains underground cables, posts, lamps, and glassware. Company furnishes energy at central distribution points designated by the Company. Rate 1.60C net per kilowatt-hour. Metered on primary side of constant current transformers. Sc�tedule of burnin� - all night. Lighted ar.d extinguished by photo- electric control. The rate provided in item I.above is based upon a City budget for electric energy for street lighting totaling not less than $150 000. The rate of 1.60� net per kilowatt-hour will be increased to 1.70� net in any calendar year in which the total net payment to Company for street lighting service amounts to lesa than $150 000. II. Multiple Ornamental A. City owns and maintains underground cables, posts, incandescent lamps, and glassware. Company furnishes energy only at central distribution points designated by Company 1. Sin�le-Li�ht Posts Rate per Post per Year Lamp Size All-ni�ht Midnight 1 400 Luman $ 8.30 $ - 2 500 " 12.40 9.80 4 .000 " 18.60 13.90 6 000 " 25.80 18.1'0 2. Two-Li�ht Poets Rate per Post per Year Lamp S i ze 2AN lAN-lI�IN 21�Il�T 4 000 Lumen $ 38.20 $31.00 $23.80 (Continued on following sheet) . � 5 . ' , � • . , Northern States Power Company (Minn) Electrta Utilitv - Citv of St. Paul t�� � RATE SCHEDULE FOR ��;. ' STREET LIGHTING SERVICE (Contd) . B. City owns and maintains undergroun3 cablea, posts, mercury lamps, ballasts and glassware. Ballasts shall provide a power factor of at least 90%. Company furnishes energy only at central distribution .� �. . . . � .points designated by Company. : : . Mercury Lamps Burning Rate per Lamp Lamp Size Schedule per Year 100 Watt AN $ 8.00 ;100 �� . . 1�T •5.60 , . . .. _ . � ,� � � �. . � 175 � " ' . . .. . , . . - . :� . � . • 13:00 . � . .. . 175 " A'Bd 9�.30 250 " AN 17.60 400 " AN 26.30 400 " 1�1 20.�0 700 " AN 46.50 700 " P'R�T 32.00 • 1 000 " AN 71.20 , 1 000 " P'IDT 49.60 C. City, owns and maintains underground cables, posts, fluorescent lamps, ballasts, and gla�swaxe. Ballasts shall provide a power factor of at least 90%. Company furnishes energy only at central distribution points designated by Company. Fluorescent Lamps Rate Number and Size Burning per Unit of Lamps per Unit Schedule per Year 1-F48EH0 AN $10.30 2-F72H0 AN 13.90 1-F96H0 AN 9.30 1-F96H0 1�T 6.20 Schedule of Burnint�, Groups A, B, and C - All-night lamps lighted and extinguished by photo-electric control. Midnight lamps are lighted by photo-electric control and extinguished at midnight Central Standard Time. (Continued on following sheet) , � G . �. , . + Northern States Power Company (Minn) �/ �-�-'� Electric Utility - City of St. Paul �-�-�"' . RATE SCHEDULE FOR STREET LIGHTING SERVICE (Contd) III. Multipie Overhead City owns and maintains lamp units, Iamps, and gl�assware. Company owns and maintains distribution system including hangers, and furnishes energy at the lamp unit. A. Incandescent Lamps Rate � Lamp Burning per Lamp . . _ Size � . - . , .•.Schedu�e . . _ .:per��Year � . . . . .. . . -. . . 4 OOO Lumen AN $23.40 6 000 " AN 34.20 B. Mercurv Lamps Rate Lamp Burning per Lamp Size Schedule per Year 175 Watt AN $19.20 250 " , AN 27.00 4oa �� � 40.so Mercurq iamps sba11 be installed in groups o� 6 or more units supplied from one point. Mercury lamps shall include high power factor ballasts giving a power factor of at least 90%. Schedule of Burning, Groups A and B - All-night, lighted and extinguished by photo-electric control. Rates in this section based on supplying service to an average of not less than one 4 000 lumen lamp per 600 lineal feet of gole line. IV. Stairway and Navigation Lamps (Multiple) Customer owns and maintains. Company furnishes energy only at central distribution points. Rate Lamp Burning per Lamp Size Type S�hedule per Year 0 Lumen Navigation �N $ 7.70 600 Lumen Stairway AN 7.70 Schedule of Burnin� � Navigation - Sunset to sunrise during navigation season. Stairway - All-night. Lighted and extinguished by photo- electric control. No additional lights will be served under this rate which would require construction in excess of an average of 100 feet per lamp and no poles will be set in frozen ground. Grosa Earnings Clause B�lls subject to the adjustment provided for in Gross ,Earnings Clause Rider. � � . , . � Northern States Power Company (Minn) Electric Utility - City of St. Paul _ ;�` �' � RATE SCHEDULE FOR ' COP4�RCIAL LIGHTING SERVICE (Closed) �`'''� (Direct Current) . _.. . . . : . , .... . � __� ._ , . . . Availability Available to any commercial or industrial customer for direct current service, only where and to the extent now used, for lighting, 120 volt p.lug-in eq�uipment, cooking and heating equipment totaling not more than ten kilowatts, and small motors totaling not more than five horsepower. : .. . � . No individual. cootcing and�:heating unit to exceed�3U00 watts gnd tio' individual� � .� - motor to exceed 2 horsepower. Rate First 100 kilowatt-hours per month @ 8.18C per kwh . Next 104 " " " " @ 6.99 " " Next 300 " " " " @ 6.00 �� " Next 1 500 " " " " @ 4.80 " " Excess " " " " @ 3.82 " " Al1 energy in excess�of 200 kilowatt- hours per month per kilowatt of dema.nd @ 2.62� " " Fuel C2ause Bills subj�ct to ttie adjustment provided for in Fuel Clause Rider. Monthly Minimum Charge $2.30 for lighting, 120 volt appliances individually rated at 15 amperes or less, cooking and heating connected load total�ng not more than one kilowatt, and motor connected load totaling not more than one kilowatt, plus $.73 per kilowatt of total cooking and heating connected load in excess of one kilowatt, plus $.73 per kilo�watt of pawer connected load in excess of one kilowatt. Gross Earnings Clause Bi11s subject to the adjustment provided for in Gross Earnings Clause Rider. Determination of Demand The demand in kilawatts for billing purposes shall be the greatest 15-minute load during the month for which bill is rendered, but in no event shall it be considered less than 7-1/2 kw. For billing purposes a fraction of a kw if less than one-half will be dropped, if one-half or more will be billed as one-half. Determination of Connected Load for Purposes of This Schedule Motors The connected load shall be assumed to be one kw for each horsepower of nameplate rating. Other Equivment Not Listed Above The nameplate rating shall be the basis of determining the connected load. Incorrect or Missin� Nameplate In any case where there is reasonable doubt as to correctness of manufacturer's rating or where insufficient or no rating exists, the Company may fix the rating by test. � ' J� • � • � ' . . . .. � Northern States Pawer Company (Minn) �3 -? Electric Utility - City of St. Paul � ` i RATE SCHEDULE FOR \„R,,,,�_,, GENERAL POWER SERVICE (Closed) (Direct Current) Availability Available to any coIIanercial or industrial customer for direct current service, only where and to the extent now used, for general power purposes. . - - .. ... . . ; � . �� � � Rate First.' - 50.� •.hour�s' �use� per.month� Qf d�aiand �:�� •fi•.99��per �kwh�° " � � Next ; 150 " . " " " " " �d 1+.15 �� '� , Excess " " " " " 'r @ 2.73 " " Quantity Discount First $56.80 of monthly bill - 0% discount Next 56.80 " " " - 1070 " Next 56.80 " " " - 20% " Next 56.80 " " �� - 30% " ' Next 56.80 " " " - 40% " Excess " " " - 25°/ " 0 Fuel Clause Bii1s subject to the adjustment provided for in Fue1 Clause Rider. Monthly Minimum Charge Based on rated capacity of connected load which shall be not less than one kilowatt: $2.30 for the first kilowatt or less $ .92 per kilowatt for the excess kw Gross Earnings Clause Bills subject to the adjustment provided for in Gross Earnings Clause Rider. Determination of Demand The demand in kilowatts for billing purposes shall be the greatest 15-minute load during the month for which bill is rendered, but in no event shall it be considered less than 4 kw. Determination of Connected Load for Purposes of This Schedule Motors The connected load shall be assumed to be .8 kilowatt for each horsepower of nameplate rating. ' Other Equipment Not Listed Above The nameplate rating shall be the basis of determining the connected load. Incorrect or Missing Nameplate In any case where there is reasonable doubt as to correctness of manufacturer`s rating or�where insufficient or no rating exists, the Company may fix the rating by test. t s i. .. , ` c � � ''+� . Northern States Power Campany (Mina) � w...:: Electric Utility - City of St. Psul '��v�,,;�,w°:"�- RATE SCHEDULE FOR GENERAL I�ATING AND COOKING SERVICE (Closed) . . .. - . .. . . . . .. . : . . � . . . .. „ : .. .� � � . . .. . 'f . � � . . . . : . • C-A-N-C-E-L-L-E�D e ,� . - a � :: � �; + y . , . • . Northern States Power Company (Minn) � El�ctric Utility - City of St. Paul - . RATE SCHEDULE FOR "' . GL�ERAL POWER SERVICE (Cloeed) . . . . ., _. . . C-A-N-C-E-L-L-E-D • . � � J � .. I ;• N « . ` � � . Northern States Power Company (Minn) Electric Utility - City of St. Paul '��� FUEL CI.AUSE RIDER ` GROSS EARNINGS CLAUSE RSDER FUEL CLAUSE RIDER The adjustment to be added or deducted under the Fuel Clause shall be 0.013C per kilcxaatt-hour for each whole cent by which the cost of, fuel is more . or lsas, respectively, than 31� per million Btu. The cost of fuel shall be the average cost of fuel used during the preceding twelve montha as recorded in FPC Accounts 501 and 547. GROSS EARNINGS CLAUSE RIDER Bills rendered shall be adjusted by Company over a period terminating no , later than December 31, 1972, in an amount to allow Company to recoup gross earnings payments paid to the City during the year 1971 in excess of a rate of 5% and which have not been fully recovered from Company's customers in prior billings. I st 2nd � �� f - Laid over to ' 3rd and app j —Adopted / � Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Butler BfrFl�en Carlson ��n }�Icon._. �t-�c. U4� \ Levine Yevine � Meredith L��eredith J '\ / Sprafka `Sprafka Tedesco Tedesco�"` Mr. President McCa \I�Ir. President McCa �'Y rtY O