257030 i- �brlrinal to City Clerk " _ ORDINANCE r`:��'������ < • COUNCIL FILE NO � PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO ���C�.� An ordinance amending Ordina.nce No. .7607, entitled: "An ordinance fixing the duties and responsibilities and the minimusn qualifications for the various classes of positions in the Classified Service of the City, " approved February 13, 1935, as amended. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 7607, approved February 13, 1935, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out the title and specifications for Sanitarian IV; and by substituting in lieu thereof the followi.ng title, and specifications for Director of Administration (Health) -1- Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Butler Carlson Levine Tn Favor Meredith Sprafka Against Tedesco Mr. President (McCarty) Approved: Attest: City Clerk Mayor �� 7�.� ,�.e� Form approved Corporation �ounsel B� ������ �J 1 a� !Cnieinal to Cit7 Clerk `'~ . � � ORDINANCE t�`��'���"� COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO._ �z' �' — Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force on the first day of the first payroll p�riod following thirty days after its passage, approval, and publication. -3- a�n� 28 �r�2 Yea.s Councilmen Nays Pasaed by the Counci� �er -Ga��sea- �°.�-'-z`.`�-� `_,: �n Favor � Levine Meredith �� �� A gainst Sprafka Tedeaco w� Mr. President (M rty) Appro +�AN `� 1 ��� A ty Clerk Mayor �� ; ..'.. Form approved Corporatior� �Counsel By l� r��,�w i.l D�Q � PUBLISHED F B � 1972 e �bs b PrLt�r . ° � ORDINANC � 25�C�3�� _ . COUNEIL HLE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO � Aa ordinance ameading Ordiaance No. .7607. estilled: � "Aa o,rdinance fix3ng the duties and responsiidlities aad the minim�tm qnslifications for the varions classea of positioas in thb Claesified Serrice of the City. " approvad Februar�r 13, 1q35, as amended. 'THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. ?60?. approved FebnlsrT 13, 1935, ae amended. be a.nd the sa�me is hercby farther amended b' �trikiag out the title and specifications for Sanitarian I�; znd bp . substituting in lieu thereof the followiag title, and specifications fos Dinactor of Adnniniatrstion (Healthj -1- Yea� Councilmen Naya Paseed by the Counc;� Butler ��OII Tn Favor Levine Meredith ro�i� Spraflca Tedesco Mr. President (McCarty) APPraved: Atte�at: City Clerk �ayor .�� � �- Form approv�,1 Corporation �:ouneel By �=�7���,ra.•1 � ,��� '��'i�.vx�.a s�r�t.� • . f � � � ORDINAI� CE � . , .. �5`��3�� � COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINMICE NO f5D � I Seetio�a 2. This ordi$aace sha.11 ta�e effrct sn�l bs is�or�� c� th�e Srst ds� �E ti� fir�# psfroll p�ri�cl tollowfzs thirt� da�rs s�ter its p�►+�ssie. sp�roral. sid psblicat�os. -3_ .u�N a s � Yeaa Councilmen �Taye Paeeed bq the Counci �ler �� n Favor Levine s� � � A�:� Tedeeco Mr. President (McCarty) APProved: Attest: City Clerk Mayor �� ; ; � Form approved Corporation �ouneel By_.L�i -c�•.��7��,�..� ,� . � � . . . � � . �� 4 �t�J(,� 'Ti`:lc vf �I�.s�° D�''R�.��'x�'J� �1 �Di1,i�i`:i�`i'}:��'�T.��+�' '����^:A�`i i-Aj �li'i=2�.S �1i1Q 8t'��G;1:31�J7)Lt;�r�` �7nd�:r �.�%�E��'��,���, te� i,�.�.:.�:� ch?r�; o� �t?ZC- d�.v�i.�i�an of ac�mi�is�i•ation in t;z��� �ux:�au ��f ���a?t:i; �nd G�: �:���ri:or�n r•Vlaft:r� ���ork as as�i:gned.: �';•°.''r1I2�j?�i;S O� '��'O3'_� �i::i t�t?I�`-i;G'�''_'j a '�O '��7i'�:.t ��"iL ::i:�j:lt'"l.i.in;: 0:.� �a?�. f'1t�iI71Y:1,5"�%'�.�1�'':: ilC 1�V:yt�S� �"t�',a�. L:tat�e>ti:;s, nn�? '�_':;.�,}�c}� I-w}�oz��rc.;��cr Sec�:'.�n�.. �nc] ��c��.�,1 �'rojeCt�o To �;�:g�_�v±.s� a �ci �r,�c,r�:i���x?�� �'��: �r�pa��^.tion of C'�� ��d�t�s for �:ti� �%u1 c.=i�. ;:;�i :-te�l�:},_ t��;.ri �}�e�ial ��-;���:.ts ai�:] the mana��men�; of related �1.=1rlEil. �I'o mait-sC-ain �, �nxlS;z°�1 .�'or �ll ���,��in4s ar.�d ex���:cli.tures in �rcler to 5��:jj 4�'1�.:�11t7 4::>C!;'i�:;�;1: ?1s.�7.`t.�l"��i E3n� 'I',� nlz.� and �z��re'� ��eci?I sc�ra�e:� an�l �urv��y� r��ar�?ing a�S;iviti.�; of tn�� cli°,Az:.,i��x �` ac.r_�-?:i��:�:r:�x�:cr.� °Ca s¢,,�c7;� ;iFZ� Tx��.?.<:e ��c.ec,�_���ndatic�ns >.r. rc:;ard to o�-gani�ational :3'�1'L?i��.ai'l", �iE.aYi?li:�I>i`fi'c'�:11''c t?'tC:�'fiC�CiS, :�Tu'�C'i?5,:3 �.S"�C� �TCA,.^�C1l.YTc�'S �� ii ��a'�. �.;± �3��T':�C�21I1�'�. (��:�1�:�1' fua yi1C.' �iUI''�'.iiC� O� ��:C�d�r�.rd.�. �: G ��L3+:i� c3i]� ?'�:CO221;:11C•11r1 :uaf2111f� Iit�t�G" �.�'c; -v.��; �s ar_ <iC?V'I:�Oi 'cc� tlz� 7:`�al�:a �ff�.ccr an� :,%epu'�y F-Ieal'�h flffi.^,er i:�az aur.�����i�;�a•atii���, ;�crscnn��� anr3 i�a�c3ge:�:ary ?rai��rs_. `�c� �a���pa�c r��c��,zzrc;�' repo:ct� .for l:.�c�i, ;��a�� az�d ��d�rai �gcncies, _�p WG£'�C S,ri :�G'�C''?'ci20Y?. ��J1�'i2 V'��2'1?'�L�,S 3�C'11�1GS LrI1 ?C�`�I2L I'•11�1:t'� health. �;rvgi•�zn� �t:�%� �_� t::c. Parn>>�y Gc���„:i�yr �iiizcns� Comrni.ti�}�efs r�cd�.cal. pzo;ra:i, :�hi: .'.`•��odcl. <;i,tir:'R ",lea}.��F�. ��:•agr�r�, ?.l�e ?vi�nri�sota �enas�-rr.cn� of �:c:<zithks �'za�]. Y����.�aics, Chil� �i�al�:��, O��up�Lional :`i;�a��'n �.nr? ��fci:yr, ``7�,�•;>qn,�; i�omt; ��s�7r���on, '?'ui:•cz=�utosis and ��7,m�ni4Lz^i�n, a,�va a.li ���e�e�r�:�3.1�r s�x��p���ted �;i•n�ra�ls: �v �.d.:ns:������: <�n ::-�ff,c�i�� ar���:nc�ryr r'J2,ti�o1 s3rsrem f�:�- a�1 equirrx��nt an.c su�_�).;.e� 7:x s��e �ur�:a�x �c �?��.l�h =.nelu�i;2� ':h� fccl�-rally pa�-claased ,_�� �.u:pz�en� aiad s-_z�,illiL� :�.���d Ez� �1�� r�linic.� ancl for speczal p�o,jectso To ���e��:��s� ';ii� ��•�;r_ai��.fii.c:�z of �1�� �t�re��z of �_;eal}n°s .��nnual Report, �"o ar� as xi7�� �e;�L.r?'y �'.ea?.�'-a <Jffi�;�t• f.n �iis al�seni.e.: :��inin�u�n ;u�1i�'iti��.tior��;: Gollc�e �r�clu,:`::ii:i� az�d x4-.i•c�� �,c�ar;` c..�t�r�ii:n�:�= as � �an.a,ta,��,an I�?, �'LS,�i�f.". :i:�L�.t.`i17: '�ii�S'S�-• .��� O.i iPi �c g3l"i5:i'.Li.t�Tl �� 3S1. BCiLii'�!'�.Zl',11� )_�"I'i:l ... -- , :n :.tz:. �3a:.-c�uu �3f �-;e;.l�.'.° �;r � t�._:�..;�e�:��� T_��bA�ee in P�;bl?.e� I�e�l.i:h or �'c:��iz: n'��?rY�;i�i.��rati�n �c�� t�,�o �,-e�.r�R ��:�ei��.�n��� as a. ��,ni':.�Fi,�.n :��%, ?'i�s�li;� �:'�al�i1 �`durs� �:F� or :n a po�icicn aa an I�C�L:.`eVC LC?'t��iF LF_'�I��. �'vO r_�''LLiJ:+1.lfiLLt1�1�I S,G3� C'.CtL:"�'c'LZOIS: � .� , " . . . . � '�`��'e`��"' . , '�'i��le of cl��s< L�S�:���'L.:'-'.. O� AD:�.�}:ti�'i.r�.TI;!'1T�fli� '��-iEAI.�T�I� I�urie5 and r�spon,�i�i111.iC�J, Z�nc3�r d?f•e�:4ic.��; to '�a�c c�ar�e �£ t?z, +�ivision af ac;mi.nis�ration i,n r r� the iiure�.0 c,� �:c:altia; ant� �c� ��rzorrr rclatecl �vor1: as a�si.gn��d. E,camples of wo��K perfo��re�1� 'I'o di-rc-e� tl�e a�.t���iti���-: o:� t�.t� ��c?:�Xiir�i�s�wza�i� � �e���zcryr, Vi;al �tatis�i��, znr.' x��La�'c,.:� gJ�.}.ao���c,:��.cs Sect�:on^, �nd cp�cial Projesctso '1 o sun�rvi�� a:zci ::c�caruins��. �:3� ��repa r�.tio;i of �!1� L�d�e�s for the P,u�eau �� �:,a1t-h �.rad ���cc:iZl n:-oje�t� and t;ar: zr.aszagei�ryn�: of related �ran�s. To main'ta7.n. �, �.azltrol fo:� �lI 1°e��:�:;��s arau' e�;}�enc3itu��� zii �rder to s��y �vi�hin l.,ur.��et 3.imi�a�=.r:rzs.; 'io plaal and dii•ec� srs�ci�I �'�ucii.cs an� surve};'s ���a-rdin,� a��ivities �. of th� c1i�Aisi��t� oF �c':�s-+in�s�r��ion� To st��1y an� ��zja;.ce �•�co��.:r,,e��:iafii�n�� ;,n re;ard t� argani�ational ..r�'�1L'��Lia."�� �CJ?1�1;1752`1'ctl'Ij'C ii��?'.''.t�C?�^, ��u�C11Z�� 3IQ,*3 F?].'O�,C'{�t.',TZ.^�. `Tu �,�d as p�4.�sc�na�� oAfi tic-,�• for �iac F'�.zt•c1�: of I:I�al�h,: �l v ,C��L�CI�I' e�.Y1C� 1'i��nTfiYY1CT1C1 �t�,rilll�' IlE`�LiS., .�o acti �.s a�1 acivzsor xu tL<� �7ea���? Offi�er an� ��epu'�y �Icalth Officer on adr��ii���i�•a�iv�, �ersnnn�>1 �n� l�t�d�cca�y m���er.se Ta p�e�a,-c r�;uired rC:t�C)L"��� f.or. lo�ai, ��aL� a;�d fed�1-ai �.gen�ies� '�o wo�?t in �oa�exation �.z�:� va�•ir,Ly,s a�encie� �;n ��:n�: rub�'tr lYealth �ro�ram� 5uci� �.s t:�e ��arns��y �r��:t:i�`y Ci�iz�;ilsG Cvr:�Ar�t��ee`s �edi.ea� p:�c;;rar�, �.'c�e .'�-±od�'. �itie:`g .z�a1_xl� ��ro�ram, �i�e ���inn�sota Dtpurtrnciz�� ef ��e:a1Cl3"s Vi,��.l ��-_ii:�G�ics, Cl>ild I-i�al�h, Oc�upationa,l H�ali:h anri `�4'c,t,�, .\tz�•siz�� �-�<:i:�e �ns,3ectx�n, ��uber�ulosi.s and �r_�m�:ni�,�2ion, �r_;:] aJ.l t�s�es•�z11y �un�ortcd pr�grams� To adzs.�ni�Ye�a �n ��sccti.�� ii��lcn?�ory r�ritrol s��.�em for all equipmc.nfi: and supp�ies s:f�. te�e �������. c�{ xlVal�tli i.ncl.udi�.�� �hc fedcx•ally pu�chasecl �n,u.inmen�� and sup�sii�s u5ed �n �h� clinic:� �nc] for s�cczal prUjects, Ta si:.p�;.v�is� ;;�i� p�•�:��.r�fiion oi 4ti� �u>•eau of �-�ealth°s �nnual I:eport, To a�t as tiic; �c�:�ix�;r �:.eal��•a +�£����z� iiz his absc�PZ��� r• ,,�ainimux-n quali.ri��:.ti,ons� �olle�� gracii:a�ion anc] ��r±re� �rr-,arsF �:>�eri.en�;�� as �. Sani'�ar�,�n �I�, PuL�li� ;-1�a?�h :�Ti.rs�:, �I[, c�r �r: � �c;�i�i.on a� zn ��qizi.�f�leni l�v�:l in �hc �areau of �:e�lt�i: ur � �.;�^��r°s �e�r��e an �u1�1�.� k-�ea1#_h os• P�bJ.i� _'�r.'r�aani.st�ati.on aneJ t.�7o s�-care,° e�;��:,er��c. as �. �ani''tarian �?�I, �iz�1i+:: I-ic3xf�� Nur�� G�,� or in � �o�i�ion aF an er,�xyvaler� 1i:�r�1. �]`+a s�,��sflfi:i��c�n �c��• �c;��afii�n. � , Q�a Ist /� 2nd / �� . taid ovar to 3rd and app � _�4dopted I � Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Bu+ler r-�� � c � � 'Batfar ;r-��7�,';L,,� ,1 Carlson � F-�—i�z.�c-a.-�. ;•; Levine � �Levine Meredith �,� �Y �Gleredith � Sprafke Sprafka �� ''1, Tedesco �''fedesco Mr. President McCa �r. President McCa rtY �Y O