257876 � 25��`7� 'OR161'SiAI�}TO CITY CL6RK � ' CITY OF ST. PAUL FOE NCIL NO. , . �� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � UNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED COMMISSIONE DATF i M \ J � , the Council of the City of Saint Paul providea for a comprehensive insurance program for emploqees af the City of Saint Paul and for employees of Independent Scliool District Number 625 aad their dependents under Council File Number 231269; and WHEREAS, The City Council under C.F. 252515 authorized the City of 3aint Paul to submit a bill to the 1971 State Legislature, aa3d proposed bill permittin� tha City to provide a comprehensine insurance program to dependents of employees of the City whose death �vas due to causes arising out of and in the course of qnployment; and WHEREA5, The City Council and the School Board of Independent � School District N�mmber 625 have authority under Minnesota Session ULaws 1971, Chapter 451 to provide a comp�ehensive insurance program o to dependents of an emploqee whose death was due to causes arising �, o out of and in the course of employment; now, therefore, be it a � �= $, RESOLVED, That upon the recommendation of the Health sud Welfare a�. ` Committee, the City of Saint Paul shall provide Medical and Hoepitalization �`y for depeadents of an employee of the City of Saint Paul or Independeat N 5chouk District N�ber 625 whose death was due to ca.uses arieiag out of p `� and ia the course of his employment; said above described Medical, �`' Iiospital coverage to be ideatical to that in force for regular emploqees aad their depeadeats at the time oE the employees dea.th sub�ect to any subsequent changes; aad be it further RESOLVED: That above described coverage shall cease upons 1) The subsequent remarriage of deceased employee's spouse, or 2) The deceased emploqee's spouse attainiag age 65 a[t which time the coverage shall be convertible �o that of a regular retiree; a.nd be it COUNCILMEN ' Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas . -Naye � Butler Carlson Approvp� ' 19— � Levine _�n Favor _ Meredith " Mayor Sprafka A gainat Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty . � ± , �� ORIG�NAl�TO CITY CL6RK 25 f S'�6 � , � CITY OF ST. PAUL CF.OLENCIL NO. ; , �� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK • COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIOt�ER OATF 2 FURTHEtt RESOLVED, That before such above described cove�age may exist, the death of the emploqee must be determined to have arisen out of and in the course of his employment under Workmens' Compensation Law, and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That if the dependeats wish to obtaia the above described cover.age, they must elect to so obtain this coverage wtthin 30 days of notificatioa by the Citq to the de�endents that this coverage is avails.ble; and be it �'URTHER �tESOLVED, That �dependents' as used. herein �ha11 have the same definitiaa as the definition for dependent in group health insuXaace coatracts for Citp emploqees; aad be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That payment for the above cove�age ahall be made in the same ma.nner a.s the regular employee-dependent coverage with the survivi.ng spouse respoasible for the employee share of the coat; and be it FINALLY RESOLVED, That the Council instruct the propeX officers ta s.end copies of this resalution �o MII and Minnesota Hospital Service Association. MAR 3 0 1972 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Butler APR 31972 �� Conwaq A 19— Levine �n Favor \ � .�lgere�tit�r-- Sprafk� Mayor Tedesco —�-Against .� ;:���'� .• . PUBLISHED AP � �9T� h1r. Vsce �tnc,i�ori': �tr:',C��?;:h � . ' o�.�,�,n,��R„� 25'�S'76 ' CITY OF ST. PAUL �Np� NO. ,;�` OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ° COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM n��nr COMMISSIONEe DATE r i�L�. tba Co�mail of the City o! Saiat la�1 ps�ridas tos a conpre�nsiva inswcancs prograa fcr �mpl�oTses of tiu Cit�r of Saint Panl add tos �lo�NS of Iadepandent School Distsict �fu�bar 62S and thair drp�►t� md�r Ceimcil Fil� �n�bsr it�1Z6!= and i�iB�BAB, Tl�a Ci�y Co�ncil n�adaz C.F. 232515 aathosisad ths Citp o! Saint Paul to a�bmit a bill to ths 197Z State Lsgislatara� aaid psopose� bill �assitting tbe Citp to provids a cv�selua�ivs in�ursaaa pro�ram to dsp�nd�nt� of �ploy�ss of ttu� Cit� vhose destb �ras du� to aa�s�s ari�ing ont of aad 3n tba courss o! raplo7�ant; and � WH�RE�B, Tl�a City Connail aad tlu Sahool Boasd 0� Indspsad�t � �chool District Nuabsr 625 lu�v�a suthorit7 m�dsr Miao�sot,a S�s,sion I.�ns 1971� Cbaptsr 4S1 to pto�tide a cctipr�hansiva 3naw�anaa pro�rsm to dap�ad�nts ot sn �aplapaa vhoss d�ath ws dns to aa�ws ssial,a� out of a�d ia ths aoy�rN a! �pioy�watj aoa, thsrsloss, bs it - 1tBSOLV�D, That �oa ths reca�adatioa of tbw H�aith aad W�lfase Coaitt�s, tha Citp o! Satnt laul sha21 provida Madical and �aapitalisativa !or dfp�n�dmta of an aeplayss of tlu City ot 8aiat Panl or Zadtp�nd�at achool Distriat I�maber 6ZS irhors d�atb ,ras d�s to aawsa aziatag oat ot �nd tn t�u cowra� of his �spla�rwant f esid abo�e daacribad Msdical� Bo�pital cwsrs�a to bs ideaticsl to that ia foras fos r�a�las aplo��a aad thits dap�ad�ats st tLa tia� o! tlae employesa d�a�h oabjkt to �mp �ub�t�t nt�aages; nad b� it furthes BBSOL9BDS That above d�scribad aovssa�� ahall a�asa upsnt 1) ?h� snbssqusat r�sarriag� of dse��assd �ployoa'• � �5�� o= � Z) The decaased employeo'o apowt attainin� aga 6S at whiieh tia� tlw aov�srag� aha�2 be co�vsrtibl� to that a! a stiesaiar satir�e= ard bs it COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 18— Yeaa Naye Butler Carlson Apprnv� 18— ��e _ln Favor Meredith Sprafka Mayor ro0A�71At Tedeaco Mr. Preaident, McCarty �� , , . . , �, , " o���,�,n,�*R,� 25'78'76 i CITY OF ST. PAUL � couNa� :� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �+� NO. • COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ��� COMMISSIO�IER DATR • Z � 1i�SaI.V�D, lhat bstore s�eh abow ds�asibad �avarasa �ty axiat, the d�sth of tha �aploys� �nst be detara3ssd to bavs uis�n ont of and in ths conrse oi bis e�loq�ent nnde� iiorl��' Cvmipfasation LaW� and b� it Fi�?88R R880LV6U� That ii ths daputd�ats Wiah to obtal,8 tha abova de�cribad coverage, thaq mwt elsct to �o obtain this coverage Mithin 30 day� of tuitification �' the City to the depead�nte thst this coverags ia availa�3.�� aad b� it FURTHBR RESOLVBD, That 'dependeY�t�' as ussd h�tein sha7.1 tww the sana dafinition as the de�initioa for dependeat in group health iasuraace aontracts for City employass� and ba it FtJR?HER RESOLYED= That pnym�nt tor the abov4 cov�Yaga sball , b4 aoade in ttu aame naaner aa ths ragular enploqea-depsnd�nt aav�sa�e with the surviving apousa responsible for the e�ployee share oi ths cost� �nd bs it BINALLY RSSOLVED, That the Council instruct the propsr offiasrs to send copiss of this reaolutioa to MII and riinnesota Iiospital Servi�t Aseociatian. �� 3 p 197.2 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counc�� 18— Y� xa� � 3 p 1g12 Butler � Conwa� Approv�� 19— �°�e Tn Favor �� OSprafka �ayor Tedesco �8'�at , ,� • Mr. Vice President Meredith ��� Apri1 3� 1972 Minneso�a Inde�,ity� TAC. 3535 Blue Cross Raad �t. P�ul., Minnesota i.tentlemen: Enciosed �s a copy of a resolution� Council File No. 257876� adopted March 30, 197�i pert�irs.ing to provision of Medical and Hospitalization for dependents of e,n emplo;;ee o�' the City or Indepex:- dent School District No. 62�, whose death was ciue to cr�uses arising out of and in tha caurse of his employ- ment. Very truly vot�r�� City Clerk ng Apr.31 3, 1972 ��innesota Hospital Serv�,ce Association 3535 �lue Croes Roaa St. P�,ul, Minnesota uen�lemen: Enclosoec3 is a capy of a resolution� Cauncil File No. 257876, �,dopted March 30, 1972� pertainin� to provision of Medical. and Hospit�lization for de- pendents of an employee of the City or Tndependent School T7is�rict No, 625, whose de�,th was due to causes arisin� out of and in the course oi' his emp].oy ment. Very truly youra� City Clerk n�