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File No. 17625
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' Cons�ruct�ng a public storm sewer in Howard Street from E��t Fourth Stteet to Wilsoa
Avenue; in Conway Street �rom Howard Street to Tower Street; in Howaxd Court from '
Howard Street to an easement, to be obtained, within the Conway Height Recreation
Center property on, over, across and through that part o� the `Northeast 1/4, South-
east 1/4, Section 35, Township 29 Norti�, :�ange 22 West, the centerline of said ease- '
ment being 15 feet Northwesterly of a;zd parallel Co the northwesterly lines of Lots
1 and 16, Block 4, Sun itay Terrace r'lddit9.on No. 1 and extending from Wilson Avettue
to the west line of Lot 4, Black 3, Sur� ttay Terrace Addition No. 1; in an easement,
to be obtained, within the Conway Hei.gt�t :tE;creation Center property on, over, across
and through that part of �he Ner.tl►ea<;t l,'4, Southeast l/4 Section 35, Townshig 29 North,
Range 22 West, the centerline of 5aid easeMent being 15 feet Northwesterly of and
parallel to the Northwester?y ii.nes ;,�f Lots 1 and 16, Block 4, Sun Ray Terrace Addition
No. 1 and extending from Wilson nvem.:e to t.he west line of Lot 4, Blocic 3, Sun Ray
� Terrace Addition No. 1, from How�rd Cou:'t to �dilson Avenue; in Wilson Avenue fram an
easement, to be obtained, �aithin th�+ Con�vay Height Recreation Center property on,
over, across and through tYiat part of tt�e Northeast 1/4, Southeast 1/4 of Section 35,
` Township 29 North, Range 2� West, tne c��.ter.line of said easement being 15 feet North-
westerly of and parallel Co the NorthwesFerly lines o,f Lots 1 and 16, Block 4, Sun '
Ray Terrace Addition No. 1 and e,xt�nci�.ng from Wi��san 'Avenue to the west line of Lot '
4, Block 3, Sun Ray Terrace Add�tion iio, l, to Hazel �treet; in Pedersen Street from
290 feet South of Wilson Avenue,,;to W,?.l.son Avenue; in �a�t Fourth Street from Winthrvp
Street to Pedersen Street; in F��ersen Str.eet from Ea4t FifCh Street to Conway Street;
in Conway Street from Ruth Street to 48G feet E�st°•=of''Pedersen Street; in Fremont Avenue
from 480 feet East of Pedersen �treet to Hazel Street� in Haze2 Street from Fremont
Avenue to O1d Hudson Road; in I�"azel Str�et (produced) jfrom Old Hudson Road to Suburban
Avenue; and then outletting in that part of the I�orthwest 1/4 of the Northwest l/4 of
Section 2, Township 28 North, R�nge 22 West, lying Northerly of Bacchus St. Paul HiI1s,
� Bisanz Brothers Battle Creek Te�race No. 3, and Haze1 Street; also that part of the
Southwest 1/4 of the Southwest 1�4 �f Section 35, Towns'hip 29 North, Range 22 tiaest,
lying Sautherly of Suburban Avenue; in Pedersen Street �rom Suburban Avenue to Burns
Avenue; in Burns Avenue from Pede�rsen Street to Rutfi Street; in Burns Avenue from 100
feet East of Hazel Street (produced) to Hazel Street (produced), all .to be known as '
Township 29 North, �Zange 22 West, t,��� c€�uter. l�.ne of said easement being 15 feet North-
westerly of ai�d parallel to the Northcae;:terly lines of Lots 1 and 16, Block 4, Sun
Ray Terrace Addition No. l and e�;tend�.n€ from GJilson Avenue to the west Iine of Lot
4, Block 3, Sun Ray Terrace Addition ivo, l , to Hazel Street; in Pedersen Street from
290 feet South o£ Wilson Avenue to Wi.1<��n Avenue; in East Fourth Street from Winthrop
Street to Pedersen Street; in pedersen S�r.eet from East Fifth Street to Conway Street;
in Conway Street from Ruth Street to 4�0 feet East o£ Pedersen Street; in Fremont Avenue
from 480 feet East of t'edersen Street to Hazel Street; in Hazel S�reet from Fremont
Avenue to Old Hudson Road; in Hazel Stref�t (produced) from Old Hudson Road to Suburban
Avenue; and then outletting in that part of the Northwest 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of
Section 2, Township 28 North, Range 22 West, lying Northerly of Bacchus St. Paul Hi1Ls,
Bisanz Brothers Battle Creek Terrace No. 3', and Hazel Street; also that part of the
Southwest 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 35, Township 29 Narth, Range 22 West,
lying Southerly of Suburban Avenue; in Pedersen Street from Suburban Avenue to Burns
Avenue; in Burns Aver�ue fram Pedersen Street to Ruth Street; in Burns Avenue from 100
feet East of Hazel S�Xeet (produced) to Hazel Street (produced), all to be known as