02-668City of St. Paul O R I j If� A L RBSOLDTION APPROVING ASSESSMSNT AND FI%ING TIME OF HEARING THBRSON • • •_ � e .�I_ �f._I /'%d/,�, _ � Assessment No. 5018 Voting Wards 6 & 7 aa In the matter of approving the assessment of benefits, costs and e�:penses for the CASE/HAZELWOOD Area Paving and Lighting Project. Preliminary Order: 00-831 approved: September 13, 2000 Final Order: 00-1096 approved: November 15, 2000 The assessment of benefits, cost and expenses for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RBSOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the 4th dav of Sentember, 2002, at the hour of 5:30 o'clock P.M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Valuation and Assessment Engineer give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. � fi ;;" .� t Yeas Nays ���}'�Benanav ✓�lakey ✓Bostrom �y �Coleman ✓Ffarris ✓Eantry ✓PTeiter l�il7 1 G t�2 �In Favor Q Against �. �r�12G►'�1 Adopted by the Council: Date a O O'i� � Certified Passed by Council Secretar '�ablic Hearin Date: Se tember 4, 2002 U - T.M.S./REAL ESTATE DIVISION Date: Jnly 10, 2001 Green Sheet Nnmber: 111667 uhet Person aod P�one Namber. - EPARIMENT DIItECfOR 1 CiTY COIINCII, .� Peter Wllite 26Cr8850 � A1TO �°� u� ne on cooneu ngwaa ny: Jnly 24, 2002, for uncEr nmECrox �ce oF Fnv.uvcw, svcs. blic Hearing on September 4, 2002 yOR (OR ASSLSTANT) OTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES ` 1_ �ci,s nu, i,ocnTTOivs Fox siciva�r[�e� CT[ON REQUESTED: . Set pnblic hearing date of September 4, 2002, for ratification of assessments for the CASE/HAZELWOOD Area Street Paving and LigLting Project, Dept of Technology �11e Nnmber 18929. . Ra ' said assessments. OMMENDw7tONS: estPaovE {w)OA xEiECC pq � ��� �� ��. �SR'ER THE FOLLOWING: . Has t6e peraod5rm ever worked ander a coMraa tor ffiis deparm�enY: 1'ES NO TLAHT7PIGCOFAll5510N A SIAFF . Has this peraoNGrm ever been a City empioyee? YES NO crva 5ekv�cE rna� ^ - Does this penon/tirm possess a sid{I nM normalry possessM by a� YES NO eurrmt City employx? � cona�niTee Ez lain all YES answers on a ante a6ee[ and athch. ?PPOR7S WHICA COUNCII, OB]ECTIVE? Better and Safer Streets COUNCII. WARD(S) 6 Re 7 DISTRICT PLANNING COUNCD. ; ITTA1'ING PROBLEM, LSSITE, OYPORTUNITY (W6q W6at, When, Where, Why?): Project will be completed soon. Ratitication of these assessments is necessary to begin collecting the assessments to hel a for the ro'ect VANTAGES IF APPROVED: Assessment amounts collected will help pay for the project ISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: Property owners benefitted by this project will hav I operty records nntil aid. ISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: Additional funding would Lave to be found to cov through assessments. Also, to not assess these benefits woi olic . OTAL AMOIINT OF TRANSACd10N: ����� � COST/REVENUE BUDGETEU �a, CLE ONE) YES NO nvcsovxcE_ �,�, sonrces as listed & Assessments ACT CPL CO2-2T556-7496-29259 ANCtAL INFORMATTON: (EXPLAIN) Total Project Cost: $ 3,641,748.00 , 2001 Capital Imp. Bonds: 2,711.663.01 Caxx;N Re�a.ch Gen#er F�nded by Assessments: $ 930,084.99 ,!t!L 13 ?a02 �..o r, �Y�, �y uwners w,n ue notu,ea oi ine puniic ueanng ana cnarges. , �. �,,,�,. .