257844 OR161N�7�0 CITY CLlRK ����V�� r CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL N0. t7 t � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � , COUNCI RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PREiENTED!Y . COMMISSIONE ATF A RESOLUTION CORRECTING � NICAL E R IN RESOLUTION C.�. 25693� APPROYING HEALTH ANO �tELF EFITS, WHICN WAS aPPROVED ON DECEMBER 3Q, 1971 WHEREAS, on December 1 , 1971 , the City of Saint Paul did opsn bids on the hospitalization, medical-surgical , and life insurance coverages fcr said employees, retirees, said opening incorporated into Formal 3id P�o. 4356, and all bidding has now been closed and the Purchasing Committee has referred all bids received under Formal Bid No. 4856 to the Health and t�elfare Corr�nittee for their complete study of such bids; and bJHEREAS, the sole bidder on the hospitalization coverage was Minnesota Hospital Service Association tivhose bid for the coverage contained the follo��ring proposed premiums: Hospitalization l .) Employees � Employee Coverac�e �11.42 Per Month Dependent Coverage 29.81 Per Month _: ..,__ 2.) Early Retirees Employee Coverage (Employee Pay) $10.80 Per Month .� Dependent Coverage (Employee Pay) 12.51 �er Month • � 3.) Regular Retirees (Over 65) W o Employee Coverage (City Pay) $ 6.8�J Per Month � Dependent Coverage (City Pay) 6.48 Per Month � a � and � � 4�JNEREAS, pursuant to the existing contract for hospitalization a coverage, i�linnesot� Nospital Service Association did on August 31 , 1971 subm�t to the Health and Welfare Committee of the City of Saint ?aul the proposed premiums cast for the hospitalization coverage for the COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— " Yeas Nays Butler Caxlson Approve� 19— Levine _�n Favor Meredith /j Sprafka � y Mayor V A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty � OR161NAL YO CITY CLCRK �� �5��C� , �� CITY OF ST. PAUL ��E NC�� NO. � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � � . COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PREfENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF year of 1972, said proposed pr�miums being identical to the premiums submitted by Minnesota Nospital Service Association under Formal Bid No. 4856; and WHEREAS, the praposed premiums are an incre�se over the premiums charged for the same coverage for the year of 1971 and it appears that there is a possibility that this increase ma� possibly be in conflict with Phase II of the Wage and Price Freeze Act now in effect; and 4JHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul has therefore, made a request to the Internal Revenue Service for a ruling in regard to this matter, said ruling to be determined at a later unidentified date; and WHEREAS, the Health and Welfare Comm�ttee has recommended that the City and Independent School District #625 renew the existing contract with Min�esota Hospital Service Association subject to increased premiums as submitted for 1972 by Minnesota Hospital Service Association and subject to the provision that any ruling _ _ ,,,,�_ made by the Internal Revenue Service in relation to the increased : v nremi ums-sfiafi} t.rE-Tretrcract�five �to�January 1 , 1972; now therefore be i t RESOLVED, that the Council hereby reject the bid of Minnesata Hospital Service Association for hospitalization coverage as submitted under Formal �id No. 4856 and that the Council hereby authorize� and directs the proper City officials to renew the exist�ng contract between the Minnesota Hosnital Service Flssociation and the City of Saint Pau1 subject to the said �roposed increased premiums and subject to the provision that any rulino made by the Internal Revenue Service in regard to the increased premiums of this contract shall be retro- active to January 1 , 1972; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City and Independent School District #625 shall pay $14.91 towards the cost of the employees dependents monthly premium cost and the employee shall aay the balance of the dependents monthly premium cost in the amount of $14.90; and be it COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Councii 19_ Yeas Naya Butler Caxlson Approved 19— Levine _�n Favor Meredith Sprafka Mayor Tedesco A 8ainst Mr. President, McCarty � ORIGINAL SO GITY CL6RK �5 � ��L� X CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa r," , ' � .a � � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �+�E NO. � � , COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF FURTHER RESOLVED, that Council t�esolution C.F. Plo. 256929 approved December 30, 1971 is hereby rescinded; and be it FIPlALLY RESOLVED, that the Cit,y Clerk shall be instructed to send a copy of this resolution to M�nnesota Hospital Serv9ce Association. �R a 8 �s72 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays � �� 197� Butler � ���(n Com�vay ,� P � 19— Levine _�n Favor Meredith Sprafka o Mayor �.�_ A gainst Mr. President, McCarty PUBLISHED APR 11972 O ou�ucwrr ro�R�wr�e - i . � , �CITY OF ST. PAUL �INGL N�S���'� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � . . ' COUNCIL RESOWTION—GENERAL FORM C�.OFIM�I�SS�ONER , eAre A RES�I.t1TYQ�1 txfRRECTING TYP06RAPHICAL ERRt�t IM RE*�OL.tRIOM C.F. 2�36930 APPROYIN6 HE�U.TN AMD MELFARE B�IEFITS. MlilC�l i�tA.S APPROYED tNl t�CEMBER 30, 1971 WHEREAS, on Deca�ber 1, 1971. the C1ty of Saint Paul �id opQn bids on the hospitallzation medlcal-surgical, and tife insur�nca coveragea for satd e�p3oyees. retlree�, sald opening lncorporat�d lnto Fon�l Bid I�o. 4856, and all biddtng has nowr baan cle�sad and the Purchasing Co�ittee haa referred ail blds r�caiwd ar�der Fc►r�ae1 Bid No. 4856 to the Nesltt� �nd W�ttsre Gowei� for th�ir co�plete stu�y of such bid:; and I�tEREAS. the �ote btdder on the hospitslizatian coverage was Minnesota Noapit�l Servlce Association rvtwae bid tor the coverage coritai ned th� fol l oN1 ng propoaed pre�i u�s 3 Hospltaitza�lon 1.) D�ptoyees E�nptoyse Coverege �11.42 Per Month D�p�►ndant Cewerag� 29.81 Per Manth 2.) Ear1y Rettre�a �mployee Coverage (E�nployee Pay) �10.80 Per MoAth tkpendent Cov�rage (En�pl oy�e Payy 12.51 P�r Nbnth 3.) Rag�lar Retireea tOvar 6S) � E�nployee Covarage (City PaY) ; 6.80 P�r Month Dependant Coverage (C1ty P�tyj 6.4� Pa�r Month and Nl�EttEAS. purswnt to the exlsttng contrac! tor hospitatization �ov�rage. Mlanitaota Ftoaplt,�1 Strvice Assoclatlon did on A�gdst 31, 1l7i sdb�lt to th� Heetth and 1�lfare Co�ittee ot the C1ty of 3atnt Pau1 t� �ropoaed prenlurs coat tor the hospftal iz�tton cewenge for t!� Cp��N Adopted by the Council 19_ Yeas Nays Butler Carlson Apprnv�l 19_ Levine Tn Favor Meredith �� ►.�pl'8�[A ro��t Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty �� o�."�,�-.��� �5'7�44 - CITY OF ST. PAUL ��� NO � ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK j , COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM OOMIA�ONER nAtG year of 197Z, safd propos�d pre�Ni� being ida�tical to the �iw� :ubmitted by Mfnnesota Hospltal �erwice Associatlon und� For�l Bid Ib. 4856; and WHEREAS, tha �ropoaed premiur�s are aA facrease over ti� pt�emi� char�ed for the saine cAVerage tor the year af' 1971 and it appe�rs thet there 1s a possib111t�r that this incre�se _m��y posaibly b� in confllct with Phas� ii of the Mag� ar�d Pr1c� Fr�es� A�ct now in effect; and Wl�EREAS, tha Ctty of Satnt Pau1 haa therefore, �ede a reque�t to the Internal Revenn� 3ervic� for s ruling in re�rd � thls eatter� aaid ruting to be detern�ined at a later anid�ntiftad datti a�d WHEREAS� the Neal th and 4k1 fara Cc�ni tt�e has r�ee�ended that the City and Independ�nt Sctwol Dis�rict #625 renew the �ci=ting contract aith MinAesota Hosptt�l Service Assoclatlon sub�eet to increas�d pre�iar�a as subnitted for 1972 by Mlnnesota Hoxpit�l Se�wlce As:oeiatfon a�d snt�eet to the pre�vision that any rwling �Ae by ti�a Internal Ra�venu� 5e�wica in r�latio� to �he 1ncr�i:ad pr�taAS �hai1 t� retroactive to Ja�uary 1. 1972; no�+r theretore be it RESOLIIED, that the Councll hereby re,iect the b1d o* Minrwsot� Hospital Senrtce Asawciation for hospttaltzation coverage as s�bmitt�d under Fonnal �id No. 4856 and thet the Conncil t�reby authari=e� and dlrects tha �roper City ofilcials to ren� ihe e�ci:ting �ant�act � bst�n the Mtnnesot� Nospital Serric� Assacta�ion and the City of S�int Pau1 sab�ect to the u1d prop�sed fncree�saQ prdatiws and sab�act to the pror1slon thet any ruling �ds by the In�i R�r�nue Ser�rlaR 1n ragard to �he inarsasad pre�t+n�a of tht� corrtra.L•�ha11 b� rQ;rro- aattv� to Janaary t. 1972: a�d be it RU�TH�R RESd.YED, that the C1ty and Indep�nd�t Scfiaol District �625 aMa11 p��► �14,9i toMSrds the cost vf the saploya�s d�p�ndanta �onthly preAiue cost and the �ploy�e sh�ll pa�r the balanca ot th� depu�d�nts Nonthly prsaluw t�st in tta �rount of s14.9ti3 and ba it COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counc3l 19._ Yeas Nays Butler Carlaon Appro� 19— �°�e t� Favor Meredith Sprafka � Againat Tedesco Mr. Preaident, McCarty �� o�,�,T�,�.�,� 25�7�44 , . - CITY OF ST. PAUL �uNa� NO. • �� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � , COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRES��Y COMMISSIONER oATE Fl�tTNE� RESOt.YED. that Conncil Re=o1ution C,F. No. Y56929 approved December 30, 1971 is hereby res�indad; and be it .FINAtLY RESQt.VEO. that tha �ity Cterk shall be inatructad to send a copy of thls resol�ut�on to Minnesata Hcsplttl Serrrice Assoclation, COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Coun��R a 8 197�2 19_ Yeaa Naya � But�er MAR 2 8 197?r �0�Comrsy A�°� 19— �°� Tn Favor Meredith Sprafka � t �� Mr. President, McCarty �� March 30� 1972 Minnesots I�ospital Service Asaociation 35�5 ��ti� Cross Road St. Pau7.� Minne�ota Gentlement Enclosed is a certified copy o�' Counci7. File Na. 2g7$41+� adopt�d March 28� 1972, au#horizing rexrewal of the existing contraet bet��en your Association and the City oF Saint Paul� rescinding Counci�. File Nc�. a5692q approved I]ecember 30� 1971, ete.i aa mora fully set out in �ihis resolution. Very truly yvurs� City Clerk ��6