257843 ! pR16INAL TO CITY CL6RK �5 �'��(� �" i _ CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa ''� � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ��E NO. ` COU IL R OLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BT . «\; COMMISS�ONE ATF RESOLUTION CORRECTI OGRAPHIC ERROR IM RESOLUTION C.�. 25693Q I�PPROVING HEALTH AND IdEL BENEFITS, WHICN WAS APPROVEO ON DEC. 30, 1971. RESOLVED, that upon recommendation of the Health and 4Selfare Committee the City Council hereby authorizes an� directs the proper city officials to rene�v the existing contract between the City of Saint Paul and the Croup Health Plan, Inc. with the following rates for the year of 1972: 1 .) Employee Coverage Employee coverage $17.97 Per Month Dependent coverage 36.70 Per e�lonth 2.} Ear1,y Retirees Employee coverage (Emqlo,yee Pay) �16.50 oer tiionth Dependent Coverage (Employee Pay) 31.40 Per�'Manth 3.) Regular Retirees (Over 65) on Medicare .� Employee Coveraqe (City Pa,y) $10.48 Per Month � Dependent Covera�� (City Pay) 10.00 Per Month � o ..._ _ � � 4.) Regular �Retirees (�ver Aqe 65) Not on �Yledicare 0 � � Employee Coverag� (City Pay $10.4�� a a Employee Pay Balance) $16.50 Per P�onth - � � Dependent Coverage (City Pay ,�,�10.00 .: Employee Pay Balance) 31 .40 Per Month o �Q and �ae it � FURT!iER RESOLUED, that the Cit�r and Independent School District �`625 shall pay $18.35 toward the cost of the employees' dependents monthly premium cost and the employee shall pay the balance of the dependents monthly premium in the amount of $18.35; and be it COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19—. Yeaa Nays � Butler Caxlson Approved 19— Levine �� Favor Meredith � Sprafka Mayor A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty O ,,RIGINkC TO CITY CL6RK ; r . CITY OF ST. PAUL �LENCIL N�, ti5���c� ,— , OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK , • COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED sY COMMISSIONER DATE FURTHER R�SOLVEC�, that this contract is renewed subject to the provision that any ruling by the Internal Revenue Service in regard to Phase II of the Fecieral l�Jage �nd Price Freeze Act as it applies to this contract shall be retroactive to January 1 , 1972; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that Council Resolution C.F. No. 25693� approved December 30, 1971 is hereby rescinded; and be it FINALLY RESOLVED, that the City Clerk shall be instructed to send a copy of this resolution to Group Health Plan, Inc. MAR 2 81972 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the CounciL 19— Yeas Nays ! But�er � MAR 2 8 1972 ���Z,�/li .� e�� 19— Levine T� Favor Meredith Sprafka Mayor C�Againat e es Mr. President, McCarty PUBUSHED APR � 1972 O OYlLICATi TO MtIN7�R y - � ('� CITY OF ST. PAUL �,Np� N� �Ix R •� � ., OFFICE OF THE CIn CLERK � � � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM r ��7�11�� � . COMMISSIONHI �A� A RES�H.Ut'ION CORRL�CTIN6 TYP06RAPHICAL ERR�R Ii! RE!�Dt.UTiON C.F. 2g6934 APPROYIN6 HEALTM AMD NELFAR� BENEF'ITS, MHICH MAS APPRQYED OM D�C. 30, 1971. RESOLVED, that upon recoa�neridatlan o1' the tiaalth end Neltare Cawittee the City Council her�by a�uthorizes and directs the prop�r city officials to ren�w the existing contract betr+�n the City ot Saint Paul and the Gro�p Nealth Plan. Inc. Nith the �'o11oN1ng ra�s for the year of 1972s 1.) Employee Cov�rage E'�ployee caverage �17.97 �er Month Dependent cev�rags 96.7fl Per Mbnth 2.) Ear1y R�ireea �iaptoye� coverage �E�loy�e PaY) s1b,50 P� t�h Dependent Coverage (E�nplayee Pay) 31.40 Per Month 3.) Regula�r Retirees (Over 65j on Msdicare Emplayee Coverage (Gity Pay) s10.48 P� Month Dependet�t Cov�rate (C1ty Pay) 10.00 P�r Mqnnth 4.) Regular Retire�s (Over Age 65) Not on Medicar� Employee Covar�ge �City Pay $10.48 Employ�e Pay Balanee) �16.8� Per Month D�p�ndent Coverage (City Pay �10,00 E�nployea Pay Sal:neej 31.40 P�r Nb�h and b� it FtfRTNER RESOLVEO, tt�at the Ctty and Independant Sct�o1 �1strlct +►625 shall p�y �18.35 taward th� cost o1' the �ployees' dependents �thly prNa/un cei�t aM the sAployse sha11 pay the bst�nee ot the d�pend�nts �tthly pre�lua� 1n the �moun� of :18.35; s�d be 1t COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Conn�� 19_ Yeae Naya Butler Carlson A�� 19_ �°� T*+ Favor Meredith �� Sprafka Aro inat Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty J �� DY�LICAT6 TO lRIN7�1! �O � f ��� CITY OF ST. PAUL O�W�lNqL � •� � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � ° .. COU�WCIL RESOLUTION-6ENERAL FORM r�s�er COMMISSIONER DAT� F'I�tTHER RESOt.VED. that thls contract ia renar+ae! swb��ct to the protilsion that any ruling by the Internal �even� Servlc� in ragard to Phase TI of th�e Federal 'M�ge �nd Prtce Freese Act as tt appltes to thla contrdct sl�11 b� rstroective to Jan�sry► 1, 197Z; and be it �" Fi�tT1iER RESOI.YED. th�t C�ncf 1 Resol�tlon C.�. No. 256934 apPro�red tMca�ber 3@, 1971 is h�reby resctndeds and b� it Fit�ll.LY RESOLVED� that the Ctty Clerk shetl b� lnstrnct�d to s�d a copy of tM1s reso1�ti�n to 6re�up H�attti Plan, Inc. Mp,R a 8 197.2 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Naya Bu+�� MAR 2 8 1972 �C� Appmv� 19_ �°� Tn Favor Meredith Sprafka �Y� � A►gAlIIBt Mr. President, McCarty �� A4arch 30, 1972 Group Health Plan, Inc. 2500 Como Ave. St. Paul, Minnesota Gentlem�2; 8nc].osed is a certiPiefl copy of(buncil File Na. 2�7$43� adopted March 2$, 1972, pertaining to renewal of the exietiag contract betweer� the City c�f 5aint Paul and your corporation� resc3nding Gouncil File No. 2g6930 approved Dec. 30� 1971, etc., as more flzl.ly set out i.n the resolution. Very truly yours, City Clerk ng