257839 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK '"'+ ,t'1 . CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL ���� � OFFICE OF THE CIN CLERK FILE NO. _, COUNCIL RE ON—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE � ' ATF March 2�� 1 972 WHEREAS, Additions which might prove to be necessary in the Improvement described as Widening and Improving FIFTH STREET from Broadway Street to 100 feet East of John Street and JOHN STREET from Fourth Street to Fifth Street, Comptroller's Contract L-7415, City Project No. 71-P-0544, Ashbach Construction Company, Contractor, have been provided for in the Specifications, and WHEREAS, It has been found necessary to make the following Additions: ADDITIONS ^ As per attached Contract Change Agreement No. 1 - $1,118.17 j v N �� �1 and , � ,% 'h WHEREAS, The total addition is $1,118.17, and the Commissioner of Public Works has agreed with the Contractor that the amount of $1,118.17 is the correct sum to be added to said contract, therefore be it RESOLVED, That the City of St. Paul through its City Council approves the foregoing additions made in accordance with the Speeifications in the sum of $1,118.17, said amount to be added to the lump sum consideration named in the contract, known as Comptroller's Contract L-7415, and which amount is to be financed from 1971 Municipal State Aid fund 64-133-01. .FORM, _ �, �"�n ;�,s , � se! MAR 2 8 1972 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays sut�er , MAR 2 a 1972 r,..su�.. � PP 19— Levine Favor Meredith /� Sprafka (/' �� A gainst .�zt}esee- Mr. President, McCarty p�16LISHED (�PR � �972 � » . - _ `� � , CITY OF SAINT PAUL - DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WbRKS �,�y�/;�?�D�� l`i C.�� ' CONTRACT CHANGE AGREEMENT N0. 1 PROJECT N0. 71'p'0544 CONTRACT N0. L-7415 �p�RACTOR �hbach Construction Co. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Widenin� & Improv�,ng FIFTH STItEET froin Broadwaq St. to 100� East of John St. and JOHN STREET frora Fourth St. to Eifth St. In accordance with Section 95 of the Charter of the City of Ssint Paul, the Commissioner of Public Works has agreed with the Contractor that the basis of payment and prfces for items listed in the changes described below, not otherwise included in the contract, are the reasonable costs of those items far additions to, or deductions from, the contracto ADDITIONS 1. Remove top portion of multi-cell electric duct to top of 8ub•grade elevation on SCh St. west of John St. Labor $89.73 • Equip�ent 62.25 _ $151.98 2. Remave 6" diameter steel posts from eacavation area on John Street. Labor 19.71 Equipment 11.b0 30.71 3. Sewer grade revisian �rora Manhole �29 to bianhole �=27 to aceommodats existing bas ciain required reisying 15" RQ'. I.Abor 100.62 Equignent 95.30 195.92 4. Recaove and dispose of coner�te footings frrnn seraer trench in Fif th Street. Labor 50.66 Equipmen� 54.40 � 105.06 5. Furr►ish � install I8 lin. ft. of 8" C.Z.P. from Catch . Basin ��9 to lianhole ,f26 to r.�ake grade ovEr existin� electrie duct (includes concrete construction joints). 18 lin. ft. C $11.75 211.50 6. Sewer design change required use vf 235 lin. ft. of 21" RCP in lieu of 18" RCP. Additional cost represents pipe cost differential. 235 lin. ft. Q $1.80 423.00 TOTAL = $1,118.17 This edditional amount to be charged to 1971 Municipal State Aid fund 64-133-01. r��-i ����� �y� ` � � �-�' .; ��� �J 19 Ashbach Construction Compariy iC�a` ct n E gineej-/ Contractor � � �'� �,�1� ^ ' � � / �, �.��..�' 1�{/ �• '/. .G.f�-lil���, �' -J 19�t�— C ef Engine � � l 19�2— �V• ����� � -a a 19�� mmission r � Comptroller � � T� 0 riginal (White) Duplicate (Canary) Tripli.cate (Pink) Quadruplicate (Blue) To Contractor To Accounting Div. To Comptroller To Engineer . r ♦ • � h1� I��J�� � DUPLiCAR TO MtlMt�lt . CITY OF ST. PAUL FI�UNCIL NO . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ,_ COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GHVERAL FORM CAMM�ONEQ �a°!T M• �L�1'II�y ^ATF Masah Z�� Z��Z i�EA�. eddicioe�s �s�h wi�be prov� to b. A.e�s.a�r tn eb. L�pravaynt d�scYtDi�d aa iiic�nia� �1 I�sovi�g L��Tli 8?1tE�T lro� Brard�ty Strat to 100 flet East o� JoL� Stsrat a�d J081i STURT #t� lo�trtL Str�tt to Tifth Sts�t, Cc�ptsolLar'• Coat�act L-741S. C1ty �so jtct llo. 71•P-OS44, I►�bb�a�h Cc�nstsaatim Co■paisy, CaAtractor, l�av� bsu� prwid�d f�rr in t� Sp�ci�iaatioe�s, aAd i18ERZAS, It has bean lound �c�atry to a�W� th� #oiidrius Adelitia�ss ADDITIOI'1� M pt�r sttsebtd Coetts�lta� C1�gt Ass�Nlallat lto. 1 • $1 s 118.17 u�d fi��EAB, ?b� total addition is �1,I1�.17, aAd the Ca�rissioner vf Pnblia Norka Laa assNd �rit3� thf Contsaetor tbaat tir nount o�f ;l.11a.17 i� l.1y oo�at st�a to b� �dd�d to maid �traat, t�setos� b� it RE80LVSD, Tbat th� CiLy of St. Paul ths�ou� its City Cda�cil appa�v�s tlee lor�oto� a�dditioas �r in aaaorda�ae �ittt t1N 8p�aifiesttoas in tl�s s�w of �1.118.17, said awount to b� add�d to tht 1u�p pr �oa�id�sal.ion nrd in th� coatsaat, k�a ss Ccwptrollar's Ccntract L-741S, ae�d �6tab �t is to � tiAaao�d tra� 1l71 1lwiicipal 8tat� A!d ltmd 64-1�,3-01. �pR a 8 19?2 COUNCII.MEN Adopted by the Co�ancil �9_ Yeas Naya But�er MAR 2 8 1972 ,� Approv� 19� Levine _�n Favor Mereditli Sprafka � �� A o�►instt `�8i386-- Mr. President, McCarty �� _ ... �___ ., -. -,.�-. . CITY OF SAIh'T PAUL - DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ��,4 � ����a , ' CONTRACT CHANGE AGREEMENT Np. 1 PROJECT N0. 71 p'0544 CONTRACT N0. L�7415 �p�R�4iCTOR Ashbach Construction Co. PROJECT DESCRIPTION widening & Improving FIFTN STREET fraa Broadway St. to 100� East of John St. and Jc3HN STREET from Fourth St. to Fifth St. In accordance with Section 95 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, the Commissioner of Public Works has agreed with the Contractor that the basis of payment and prices for items listed in the changes described below, not otherwise included in the contract, are the reasonable costs of those items for additions to, or deductions from, the contract. ADDITIONS 1. Remove top portion of multi•cell electric duct to top of � aub-grade elevation on 5Ch St. woest of John St. Labor $89.73 • Equipcuant 62.25 _ $151.98 2. Remave 6" di8meter steel posts fran excavation area on John Street. I,abor 19.71 . Equipment 11.00 . 30.71 3. Sewer grade revision from Manhole �2J to Manhole �27 to accommodate existing gas wain required relaying 15" RCP. I�bor 100.62 � Equigc�ent 95.30 195.92 4. Renove and dispose of concrete footings from sewer trench in Fifth Street. Labor 50.66 Equipment 54.40 105.06 5. Furnish � install 18 lin. f t. of 8" C.I.P. fran Catch Basin ��9 to Manhole ;�26 to �ake grade over exiating electric duct (includes concrete construction joints). 18 lin. ft. @ $11.75 211.50 6. Sewer design change required use of 235 lin. ft. of 21" RCP in lieu of 18" RCP. Additional cost represents pipe cost differential. 235 lin. ft. Q $1.80 423.00 TOTAL = $1,1I8.17 Thia additional ainount to be charged to 1971 Municipal State Aid fund 64-133-01. T� l� � � ` ��19��-�. Ashbach Construction Company C�sz,ruct n E gine ' Contractor . - t, � � _ ���1�� a �:,f'�C�,L��-GCZC��� ' 19�- C ef Enginee�r �/ � l i��2-- G(� ����.�¢.�.ti, � -a a 19�� mmission r Comptroller � 'T�-, Original (White) Duplicate (Canary) Triplicate (Pink) Quadruplicate (Blue) To Contractor To Accounting Div. To Comptroller To Engineer