257836 i ORIGINAL TO CITY•CLlRK /r/��/�1�� � � CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa "�� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK H� NO. ` C UN IL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY + COMMISSIONE AT� . RESOLVED, that the Council hereby ratifies and approves the action of the Saint Paul Boaxd of Appeals and Review for the Housing, Building and Fire Prevention Codes pertaining to the following listed property and as shawn by the official minutes of said Board of Appeals, dated Maxch 8, 1972, a copy of which, maxked EXHIBIT "A", is attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference: Case No. Property AP�euant 6-72-B ' _ _ _1652-.Sw�n.it�AAur.uu�.;_,_�.; __ .____, Macalester..-College by A. J. Heuer 7-22-B American National Ba.nk Bldg. Transamerica Corporation Fifth Street - between Robert by Thomas F. Marshall and Minnesota Streets 8-72-B 771 E. Margaret Street Pastor Petermann St. John's Evangelical by Edwin Kothe Lutheran Church (Kothe Construction Co.) FINALLY RESOLVED, That the City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to transmit a copy of this resolution to the Ramsey County Register o£ Deeds . MAR 2 8 1972 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas xays �pR 2 g 197� Butler ,� PPro 19— Levine n Favor Meredith � �� Sprafka G - _ __ ._ - -- — _ Maq A gainat .T�tleaee Mr. President, McCarty ;�t..���1 A. '. , <� ... PUBUSHED APR 11972 _ ,'..,�.... .. �.._._—. —a � I• ;+'�,i;fc7n �,C� �� i t,,. .. , .��• . . . . . � . - MINUTES OF THE MEETING �p�r�`p�� (� SAINT PAUL BOARD OF APPEALS Wednes day, March 8 , 19 72 Room 210 , Bureau of Healtli , 555 Cedar St. - 1 :30 p.m. Members present : Donald Wozniak , Chairman Mitchell Kamin Estyr Peake Arthur Tieso James Voigt Members absent : Raymond Grove Norma Sommerdorf � Agencies present: Building Department Sam Blue Glenn Erickson Bureau of Fire Prevention .Dan Norrgran Richard Sutton Others present : Thomas Anderson, Steve Ikeda, Robert Koalska, Stephen Sulentic, Arthur Heuer, Thomas Marshall, Martin Petermann, Edwin Kotke. The minutes of the February 9 , 1972 meeting were approved as mailed. 4-72-H 542 Ashland Ave. Robert Koalska Aurelio P. Nardi SUBJECT: Inspection report of December 22 , 1971 to Robert Koalska, 542 Ashland, citing illegal sharing of a common bath- room by first and second floor apartments . APPEARANCES : Robert Koalska, Stephen Sulentic for Aurelio Nardi-. PROC�EDINGS : On the first floor a three room apartment and two single rooms , all totalling three people , share one bathroom. On the second floor two apartments and a single room, all total- ling three people , share one bathroom. The property has had a Certificate of Occupancy for a number of years. This recent in- spection was triggered by a complaint. . .Mr. Koalska has owned the property for four years . He is buying it on contract for deed. The building had a Certificate of Occupancy at the time - 1 - , of purchase . Mr. Koalska has not lived in the building during • the winter months but will be returning shortly to live and work in the building. He has a licensed television shop in the basement of the building. His total income is com�rised of what he earns from repairing and selling used televisions and what income he receives from rent on the building. House pay- ments amount to approximately $200/month; insurance $185/year; maintenance, $100/ year; heat, $130 and trash hauling $6/month. Incon�e from the building totals $500/month when fully rented. ACTION: Motion by Peake to waive the requirement of Section 54 . 11 of the St. Paul Legislative Code that each dwelling unit have its own b ath facilities . Waiver is granted to permit one apartment and two single rooms to share one bathroom on the first floor and to permit two apartments and one single room to share one bathroom on the second floor. Further moved that said waiver be granted until such time as the property is sold or any other right, title or interest is granted at which time said waiv�.� is nullified. Seconded by Kamin. THE VOTE: Ayes : Wozniak, Kami.n, Peake, Tieso, Voigt. Nayes : none. Abstentions : none. Motion carried five (5) to zero (0) . 6-72-8 1652 Summit Ave. Macalester College � A. J. Heuer SUBJECT: Letter dated February 10 , 1972 from Robert Ames , City Architect to Macalester College indicating that the Certificate of Occupancy for the property will not be renewed as it does not meet necessary code requiremefits which apply to educational occupancies . APPEARANCES : A. J. Heuer. PROCEEDINGS : The building is classified as an educational occupancy of non-fire resistant construction. Therefore, it is required that the stairways be enclosed, the walls be covered with fire retardent paint and that a sprinkler and alarm system be installed. The most expensive item would be to install a sprinkler system. I�t would cost approximately $500 to $600 to paint. There are two exits from the classroom at both ends of the building. They are of the split-level type , providing exit from both the upper and lower flaors . . . .Mr. Norrgran said that a fire retardent paint would prevent a fire from spreading rapidly. . .There are approximately �4 children in the building presently. The high in the past has been 30 children. - 2 - ACTION: Motion by Wozniak to waive those requirements of the � St. Paul Legislative Code that stairwaysbe enclosed and that a sprinkler and alarm system be installed in the building. Such waiver is granted on condition that the interior of the build- ing be coated with an approved fire retardant paint within six months time . Seconded by Peake. THE VOTE : Ayes : Wozniak, Kamin, Peake, Tieso, Voigt. Nayes : None. Abstentions : None. Motion carried five (5) to zero (0) . 7-22-B American National Bank Bld . Transamerica CorP. St. etween Ro ert and �— Min-' nesota Streets Thomas F. Marshall SUBJECT: Requirement that path to an exit door shall not exceed 150 feet. Request is made to eliminate stairway located in basement area which is proposed as a maximum security area. APPEARANCES : Thomas F. Marshall. PROCEEDINGS : The bank personnel are requesting acceptance of the sprinklered auto ramp and service area, which is enclosed by an 8 inch masonry wall, as the second means of egress from the basement. The door to the armored car dock is to be con- sidered as the access to this area from the western portion of the basement floor. An ornamental stair, bank elevator, build- ing elevators , and the continuation of stair No. 2 to the base- ment all provide additional means of egress from this level. In addition, the area in question will have two-hour fire rated walls and sprinklers . The public stairway would be extrem2ly detrimental to cash security. . . . . .Mr. Norrgran said that fire- fighters can get into the ramp if the stairway is eliminated from the first floor to the basement only. ACTION : Motion by Voigt to waive the requirement that the path to an exit door not exceed 150 feet. Waiver is g�anted to per- mit elimination of the stairway No. 3 located in the basement which is to be considered a maximum security area. Waiver is granted in consideration of plans A-1, A-2 and A-3 which were submitted with the application for appeal. Seconded by Wozniak. THE VOTE : Ayes : Wozniak , Kamin, Keake, Tieso, Voigt. Nayes : none. Abstentions : none . Motion carried five (5) to zero (0) . - 3 - i' ^ • • g-72-B 771 East Margaret St. Pastor Petermann � St. Johns Evangelical � Lutheran Church Edwin Kotke Kotce Construction Co. SUBJ�CT: Request of the City Architect to enclose the upper and lower stairwells at St. Johns Lutheran School. APPEARANCES : Pastor Martin Petermann, Edwin Kotke. PROCEEDINGS : The school is for children, Kindergarten through the 9th grade. There are presently 170 children in the school. There are three exits from the b asement b ut no direct exit to the outside from the corridor. Door closers and wire glass transom panels have been enclosed as required. A damper is required which wi.11 be tied into a fire alarm system. Although the alarm system is not required until 1976 , the daFnper is re- quired immediately. � ACTION: Motion by Voigt to waive the requirement of the St. Paul Legislative Code (Section 2-1119 of the Life-Safety Code) that the upper and lower stairwells be enclosed. Waiver is granted on condition that an approved fire damper be installed. Seconded by Tieso. THE VOTE : Ayes : Wozniak, Kamin, Peake, Tieso, Voigt. Nayes : none. Abstentions : none. Motion carried fiv� (5) to zero (0) . Mr. Tieso reported on the meeting attended by Mr. Wozniak, Mr. Anderson and himself with HRA Staff, the substance of which was to request that city inspectors contracted to work in HRA pro- ject areas be pulled back under the control of the city. Mr. Wozniak reported on an investigation currently being con- ducted bn a property located in the West 7th Street NDP area which was certified as conforming to code in November, 1971, sold in February, 1972 and which now appears to have a number of code violations . No conclusions have yet been reached at the present time. The letter recommending changes in the code and in related matters was reviewed and accepted for submission to the city council with certain modifications . Meeting adjourned at 3 :45 P .M• �� '�(/ Thomas W. Anderson Recording Secretary - 4 - . � - �� • y� • � , . � STATE OF MINNESOTA County of Ramsey ee. CITY OF 3AINT PAIJL Harry E. Maxshall, .....................Cltq Clerk I+-----•............................................................................ � of the City oi Saint Paul, Minn�ota do hereby certify that I have compared the attached copy oi Council Flle No...257836.......................... as adopted by the City Couacil...___........Maxch 28, 19..�......... ........................... y March 28, 19...�........_ and approved by the Ma or..----•---......--•--•-•...... ...............•--•---..... with tbe original thereof oa Sle ia my offlce. -------------------------------•--•--.._..-------------•--........--•----.............._....._........_..................._._........--- ...................•--._...--•------------••-----._..._._...----...._............---...........---._.........._........---........_..... •----•.................•--•---•-•---......._....----...---..............--•---------......................................---....._..... •-----•.................................•--•--...-------•-•--......_............_..........-•---........_..............._......_......._ ------------------•------._.._...._.......---•---...----...----.........-----._...._......_................._-•--•......-•--••----...... ...-------••---•......................................................................•-----...----...._..........................-�--- ..........................•--...----•---•----._..._.._............_....------•---._.................._................................_. ....................................•-••-•-----------.........._.....---..._..-----.........._.._........._._..................._....... ......................•----.._.....--------••-------••---------..__...--------........_...._.-•----•-•--.._....._...................._.. ........................................................................................................................................ I further certify that said copy.is a true and conect copy of said original aad the whole thereof. WITNESS my hand and the eeal oi the City of Salnt Paul, Minn.. this..._....2�h..............day of...... � Maxch . ..A. D. 72' ' _�. ... ---•--••--•---• ••....... ....... ... ...._. _. y �O • ------�......... .............Q�.�...................... .- Clty Clerk. � /� � ' ' � �.� � ��� C��� . �� � ����� ,� �. / �..... . ;��:-`�� > / �,�� . � _._..___�-.....�_ --- � '��.�`� _..___.__.._�._ _`_..___. ._......_.__._..��.. ____----__ �---._��___. . .- �. .�--��.� � �� ,� �� � r � __. f� � r��--� ��f. ,.��..K�-�- � �� �� � � � � . � , / -y ,� � � d , 1 ; .b� ' `(I"" .� p .,, f_ ;', ^ � ;� ��- �'�`� �-� � ` ��: . '��,� � �, ' ,7�-' ` ��,�����-'�� ., �`�' � �/ .�� � ��-c� ' - � � � � �. � � � � � -� ,� �,2,�,�. / �--- ` � - ;-, d �- �,<:.1 � ��� � ' �' '� � � � C .� l . '`�. �...0�- , � �--. ► � ~ ��` -n�� � �v` '� _ , . 1 � �J � _ , �� , Q--� �) �L Z�G- � . ` Flprry i. Man�all ��T'' �.� AIMff �.Olw� � City Cterk and �°����2 Counoit lLeoorder ►Co�smiseion�rr ot Rey�Btrat�ion 4 -� �a� r � � i�y`� y �"s nr OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PA�JL � BUREAU OF RECORDS a88 City Aall St.Paul,Minnesota 6610$ March 29� 1972 Mr. Robert Gibbons Register of Deeds Court House Dear Sir: Attaehed hereto for filin� in your office is a certified copy of Council File 257836 adopted March 28� 1972� in connection with action of the Board of Appeals and Review pertain ing to property at 1652 Summit Ave., American Na�ional Bank Bldg, and St. J'ohnfs Evangelical Lutheran Church� as described therein. Ve y truly yours� �� � �� � City Cler ` ng c,\ ,z : ,..�. - . - __ . .. • � MINUTES OF THE MEETING �5l��r�,� t� SAINT PAUL BOARD OF APPEALS Wednesday, March 6 , 1972 Room 210 , Bureau of Health , 555 Cedar St. - 1 :30 p.m. Members present : Donald Wozniak , Chairman Mitchell Kamin Estyr Peake Arthur Tieso James Voigt Members absent: Raymond Grove Norma Sommerdorf Agencies present: Building Department Sam Blue Glenn Erickson Bureau of Fire Prevention -Dan Norrgran Richard Sutton Others present : Thomas Anderson, Steve Ikeda, Robert Koalska, Stephen Sulentic, Arthur Heuer, Thomas Marshall, Martin Petermann, Edwin Kotke. The minutes of the February 9 , 1972 meeting were approved as mailed. 4-72-H 542 Ashland Ave. Robert Koalska b Aurelio P. Nardi SUBJECT: Inspection report of December 22 , 1971 to Robert Koalska, 542 Ashland, citing illegal sharing of a common bath- room by first and second floor apartments . APPEAR.ANCES : Robert Koalska, Stephen Sulentic for Aurelio Nardi: PROC�EDINGS : On the first floor a three room apartment and two single rooms , all totalling three people , share one bathroom. On the second floor two apartments and a single room, all total- ling three people , share one bathroom. The property has had a Certificate of Occupancy for a number of years. This recen� in- spection was triggered by a complaint. . .Mr. Koalska has owned the property for four years . He is buying it on con�tract_ for - deed. The building had a Certificate of Occupancy at the time . _ 1 _ - ;,.�.: _,_ � - . �f purchase . Mr. Koalska has not lived in the building during � � the winter months but will be returning shortly to live and work in the building. He has a licensed television shop in the basement of the building. His total income is comprised of what he earns from repairing and selling used televisions and what income he receives from rent on the building. House pay- ments amount to approximately $200/month; insurance $185/year; maintenance , $100/ year; heat , $130 and trash hauling $6/month. Income from the building totals $500/month when fully rented. ACTION : Motion by Peake to waive the requirement of Section 54 . 11 of the St. Paul Legislative Code that each dwelling unit h ave its own bath facilities . Waiver is granted to permit one apartment and two single rooms to share one bathroom on the first floor and to permit two apartments and one single room to share one bathroom on the second floor. Further moved that said waiver be granted until such time as the property is sold or any other right, title or interest is granted at which time : said waive.r is nullified. Seconded by Kamin. THE VOTE: Ayes : Wozniak , Kamin, Peake, Tieso, Voigt. Nayes : none . Abstentions : none. Motion carried five (5) to zero (0) . 6-72-B 1652 Summit Ave. Macalester College Lot 2� Block l� Macalester � Paxk Addition A. J. Heuer SUBJECT : Letter dated February 10 , 1972 from Robert Ames , City Archite�ct to Macalester College indicating that the Certificate of Occupancy for the property will not be renewed as it does not meet necessary code requireme�ts which apply to educational occupancies . APPEARANCES : A. J. Heuer. PROCEEDINGS : The building is classified as an educational occupancy of non-fire resistant construction. Therefore, it is required that the stairways be enclosed, the walls be covered with fire retardent paint and that a sprinkler and alarm system be installed. The most expensive item would be to install a ' sprinkler system. It would cost approximately $500 to $600 to paint. There are two exits from the classroom at both ends of the building. They are of the split-level type , providing exit : from both the upper and lower flaors . . . .Mr. Norrgran said that a fire retardent paint would prevent a fire from spreading rapidly. . .There are approximately �4 children in the 'building - presently. The high in the past has been 30 children. - 2 - � - _ ° _ . .� . - . , � 1 ACTION: Motion by Wozniak to waive those requirements of the St. Paul Legislative Code that stairway;be enclosed and that a sprinkler and alarm system be installed in the building. Such waiver is granted on condition that the interior of the build- ing be coated with an approved fire retardant paint within six months time . Seconded by Peake. THE VOTE : Ayes : Wozniak, Kamin, Peake, Tieso, Voigt. Nayes : None . Abstentions : None. Motion carried five (5) to zero (0) . 7-22-B American National Bank Bld . Transamerica Corp. St. etween Ro ert and � Minnesota Streets Thomas F. Marshall SUBJECT : Requirement that path to an exit door shall not exceed 150 feet. Request is made to eliminate stairway located in basement area which is proposed as a maximum security area. APPEARANCES : Thomas F. Marshall. PROCEEDINGS : The bank personnel are requesting acceptance of . the sprinklered auto ramp and service area, which is enclosed by an 8 inch masonry wall, as the second means of egress from the basement. The door to the armored car dock is to be con- sidered as the access to this area from the western portion of the basement floor. An ornamental stair, bank elevator, build- ing el.evators , and the continuation of stair No. 2 to the base- ment all provide additional means of egress from this level. In addition, the area in question will have two-hour fire rated walls and sprinklers . The public stairway would be extremely det;rimental to cash security. . . . . .Mr. Norrgran said that fire- fighters can get into the ramp if the stairway is eliminated from the first floor to the basement only. ACTION : Motion by Voigt to waive the requirement that the path to an exit door not exceed 150 feet. Waiver is granted to per- mit elimination of the stairway No. 3 located in the basement which is to be considered a maximum security area. Waiver is granted in consideration of plans A-1, A-2 and A-3 which were submitted with the application for appeal. Seconded by Wozniak . THE VOTE : Ayes : Wozniak , Kamin, Keake, Tieso, Voigt. �Tayes : none. Abstentions : none . Motion carried five (5) to zero (0) . - 3 - ;�.� � ' , Beech St. Vacated Ad�acent & following; Lots 1 & 2, Blk, l� , � . � Sehurmeier's 7th St. Addition and in s�.id Officers Reaxrange- , � m�nt� Lots 4� g & 6� Blk. 1 & Lots 3 throu�h l2� Blk. 2, , � Officers Reaxra.ngement of Lots 12, 21, 22 in Warren's Gardens Lots, also described as: 6=72-8 771 East Margaret St. Pastor Petermann St. Johns Evangelical � Lutheran Church Edwin Kotke - Kotce Construction Co. SUBJ�CT : Request of the City Architect to enclose the upper _ and lower stairwells at St. Johns Lutheran School. APPEARANCES : Pastor Martin Petermann , Edwin Kotke. PROCEEDINGS : The school is for children, Kindergarten through the 9th grade. There are presently 170 children in the school. There are three exits from the basement but no direct exit to the outside from the corridor. Door closers and wire glass transom panels have been enclosed as required. A damper is required which wi.11 be tied into a fire alarm system. Although the alarm system is not required �until 1976 , the damper is re- quired immediately. ACTION : Motion by Voigt to waive the requirement of the St. Paul Legi5lative Code (Section 2-1119 of the Life-Safety Code) that the upper and lower stairwells be enclosed. Waiver is granted on condition that an approved fire damper be installed. Secc�nded by Tieso. THE VOTE : Ayes : Wozniak, Kamin, Peake , Tieso, Voigt. Nayes : none. Abstentions : none. Motion carried five (5) to zero (0) . Mr. Tieso reported on the meeting attended by Mr. Wozniak, Mr. Anderson and himself with HRA Staff, the substance of which was to request that city inspectors contracted to work in HRA pro- ject areas be pulled back under the control of the city. Mr. Wozniak reported on an investigation currently being con- ducted bn a property located in the West 7th Street NDP area which was certified as conforming to code in Novernber, 1971 , sold in February , 1972 and which now appears to have a number of code violations . No conclusions have yet been reached at the present time . The letter recommending changes in the code and in related matters was reviewed and accepted for submission to the city council with certain modifications . Meeting adjourned at 3 :45 P .M. �.� � "� Thomas W. Anderson Recording Secretary - 4 - _ April 1$, 1972 l�ir. L'�p,iel A. Klas � Carporat3c�n �aun,�el Buila�ng Deax 83r t 2 refer fi.r� you the atte►ch�d resolution, Cvun�cil F°i�.e No. 2�783C� sdopted M�►r. '8, 2�°�, aclog�itlg actioa of t�a� St. Pau1 Hoard af �ppeals a�f'�`actit�g certa3�t properties ae� li��d ther�i�a, snd direacting the City G1erk tc� tran�mit e copy of the rtec►Iutivn t�a thc Register df' Ireed.�t. Thi� �.� nc►t �e uausl. fbrm v�' re�olu�tian ^�hst is filed wl.th the Reg��ter a�' Ilesda in that 1� doea nc�t cc�n�ain �21e l�gal descr3:�tio�s a�' fi.h+e prop�rtiers listed. Wi11 y!�ax pleaee� ?�nvestigate t�hi� ma�ttar arrd pr�pare s aew resolutic�n if it� �.e� �cea�►ary t�st the m�ttear be filed wi�h the offic� o�' the Regist+�r of DeedsR Yer�r ��v�7,y yours� City Clerk . ���8 �Sareh 2�� 19'7� Mr. Robert C4lbbons k���iate� bf Deeds Caurt House Dear 8ir; Attached hereto fbr f�l.ing �.n yc�u" of�'ice is a certified copy of Counc3l File 257836 adop�ed. March 28� 1972� in connecti<m with a�ction o� the Hoard of Agpeal.s and Rev�.ew pertal.tzing to property at 2.652 Summit A�.�, t�tner3.can Natiot�l B�ik Hldge and ��. John'a Ev'angeli�eel Luthersa C'h�urch, ae deseri'bi�d '�hereits. V�ry tru1,,V Youra, Ci�y Cl�rk �