02-663ORIGINAL Retum copy to: BJE Reai Estate Division 140 City Hall Presented By Referted To RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Green Sheet # 111989 �� Convnittee: Date WFIEREAS, a request has been received from Realife, Inc. for the release of easements in right of way previously vacated by City Council File No. 262297 and approved by the Council on October 5, 1973 (Document Nos. 1870204 and 592574); and WHEREAS, the City and private utility companies have determined that the existing easement rights may be released in the vacated street and alley, described as: s That part of East Geranium Street between extended east line of Lot 19 and the extended west 9 line of Lot 15, all in Block 2, Kiefer Park; Kiefer Park, lying between the extended east lines of io Lot 10 and the extended west line of Lot 14, all in Block 3, Kiefer Park; ii �r� 13 14 is 16 ,FS;�I WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Department of Public Works has determined that the foliowing condition, as set forth in Council File No. 262297, is no longer applicable and may now be removed: i� That no buiiding or permanent structures are permitted to be piaced on that portion of the subject is sueet and alley to be vacated lying westerly of the extended east line of Lots 13 and 16, Block 3 i9 and L.ot 16, Block 2, all in Kiefer Park; zo zi now, therefore be it za zs RESOLVED, that with the accompanying Utility Easement Certificates of Intended Non-Use, filed aa voluntarily on behalf of Qwest Communications, Inc., MCIWorldCom, Xcel Energy (Electric), Xcel zs Energy (Gas), District Energy/District Cooling St. Paul, Inc., AT&T Broadband, Saint Paul Public zs Works Depaztment and Saint Paul Regional Water Services, made a part hereof by this reference and z� filed in the office of the City Clerk of Saint Paul, the City, for itself and on behalf of these corporations as and departments, waives the right to the uulity easements in the vacated areas mentioned above; and be z9 it further so si RESOLVED, that the condition, as set forth in Council File No. 262297 and herein described above, be sz removed; and be it finally 33 Council �le # 0 ]. - G L3 sa RESOLVED, that upon passage of this resolution, the City Cierk is hereby authorized and duected to ss record a copy of this resoluuon in the office of the County Recorder, Ramsey County, and that the Ciry 36 Clerk shall maintain a copy of the Certificates of Intended Non-Use referenced in this resolution on file 3� in the Office of Citizen Services. ORlGI�IAL Realife Easement Release Resoluuon Page 2 council �31e # o � . L � 3 Green Sheet # 111989 Adopted by Council: Aate Qpy� Adopuon Certified by Counci ecr � By: �i� �. '�t^^��• ,� � �����.�,��. Requested by Departrnent of: Technoloev & Manaeement Services gy; �r�.�t-f� ����� Director Form Approved by City Attorney �� � Approved by Niayor for Subm3ssion to Council �. - I� �-� , � ..���►�� : � �� � � � � rr � y � T.M.S./REAL ESTATE DIVISION Date: July 8 2002 Green She t Number: 111989 ontaM Person aod PLone N�iber: 2 EPORTMENT DIILEC CITY C07JNCII. BruceEngelbrekt 266-8854 �"' 1. ATro� �(� rr�c�'� TJDC>ETDIItECTOR FFICEOFFINANC7ALSVCS. ostbeoaComcilAgendaby: ,g�.�:°&`G�g��R�4 3 YOR(ORASSLSTANT) OTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1(CLIP ALL LOCATTONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTION REQUESTED: To approve the release of utility easements and other conditions on previously-vacated property near Phalen Boulevard and Johnson Parkwa . COhII17EHIlATfONS APPROVE (A) OR RE,i£CT (R) ERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MI7ST ANSWER TH� FOLLOWING: PLANNA'GCOMMISSION y�� 1. Aasthepeison/Srmecerworked�deracon4actforthisdepact�uent? YFS NO . Ilas tltis petso�firm ever been a CiTy employee? YES NO (.1VII, SERVICE COMMISSION . Does Ntis person�Srmpossess a skiD notnormally possessed by any YES NO CB COMMITI'EE current employee? E lain all YES aus�vets on a se arate sheet and atfach. UPPORTS WHICH COUNCII. OBJECTNE? OUNCIL 6 DISTRICT 2. ARD(S) PLANIVING COUNCIL NITIATING PROBLEM, ISSiJE, OPPORTONiTY(Whq What� When, Where, Why?): T'he developer is in the process of constructing a 59-unit senior housing coopera6ve in this area and is seel�ng a release of the e�sting easements and a"no-build" condition placed on property vacated in 1973 for a restaurant development. This easement release resolution is separate from one approved June 26, 2002 (Council F51e No. 02-557). � VANTAGESIFAPPROVPD: �'�` �� u The easements will be released allowing the honsing development to proceed. ��� �� ISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: None. There are no utilities in the azeas where easement rights are to be released. There is no longer a nee for a"no•build" condition in the areas. ISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: The property owner will be unable to construct the housing development unencumbered by these easemen and conditions. The City may not be able to realize additional property tas revenues from the addifional housing generated by this development. OTAL AMOi7NT OF 1'RANSACTION: �O.00 COST/REVENU� BUDGETED (CIl2CLE ONE) YES NO ING SOURCE: N fA ACTIVITY NOMBER: N�A INANC7AL INFORMATION: (EXPLAI� G:\SAARED�RHAL WPdata\VACATH\Bmce�2002\052002.EuementFtelease GS2nd.frm ..� i � I 1 �, :t , � i' �. � ,� i , l , �. ii ! 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