257820 ORIGINAL TO CITY CL6RK ^ ��� ����� CITY OF ST. PAUL �uNCi� NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ZICENSE COMMITTEE COUNC�L RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY M8.2'CYl 2S �.972 COMMISSIONE ATF � WHEREAS: Ernest Vargas surrendered License No. D-2473, expiring September 18� 1972� issued to him for a Beauty Shcp at 1112 Grand �venue, and he requests refund of the license fee for the unused portion of . aid license� having applied for sueh license at 1158 Grand Avenue as of Mareh 13, 1972� therefore, be it Rr;SOLVID: That the proper city officers be and they ase hereby au�horized to r efund to Ernest Va,rgas the pro..rated fee of $ 9,00 deducting � 9,00 from the original fee of $ 18.00, ior the period he oper��ted, which will c�,ncel said license. LICENSE liTTAC�+�D TO CITY CLERK'S COPY 0� RESOLUTIC`N. NIAILING AnDRESS: 1158 Grand Avenue (new location o�' k�usines�) ].112 Gr�d �ve, Expirin.g 9.•18-'�2 1158 Grand l�ve. Began 3-13.-72 Fee posted � 18.00 Oper. 6 r2os. 9.00 From 9-18-.71 to 3-13�72 at 1112 Grand �'.ve. Refund $ 9.00 CANCELLATION (Partial Refund� ' � aa �� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas xa�� MAR 2 8 1972 Butler � CONWAY pi 'I 19— Levine �n Favor Meredith Mayor Sprafka A gainst Tedesco Mr. Pre.sident, McCarty PUBLISHED APR 1 ��7z ��