257817 Orl�inat to City Clerk . . ORDINANCE 5� Z� � � COUNCIL FILE NO . --�-� PRESENTED BY � ORDINANCE NO �d � AN ORDIIZANCE 5ETTLING THE CLAIM OF JEANETTE A. SVITAK AGGAINST TIiL CITY OF SAIN`r PAUL. THE CAUIdCIL OF THE CITY OP 5AINT PA�JI. DOES ORDAIN: Section l. That the proper City of f icers are hereby authorized and directed to paq out of the Tort Liability Fund _ 0035-420, to Jeanette A. 5vitak as mother and na.tural guardian of Dea.n Snitak, the eum of Three Hundred and no/100 Dollars ($300.00), in full aettlement of her claim for damages and in�uries sustained by reason of a fall on a defective sidewalk at or near the Saint Paul portion of the Marshall Avenue Bridge aka Lake Street Bridge, Saint 1'aul, Minaesota on Julp 8, 1971. Section Z. That said. sum shall be paid to the said claimaat upoa her execution and delivery of a release in full to the Citp, in a form to be approved by the Corporation Counsel, for all damages and iajuries sustaiaed in the manner aforesaid. 5ection 3. That this ordinance shall take effect and be iti ' force thirtq days after its passage, appronal and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council APR 12 1972 Butler � C'� Conway Tn Favor ^ Levine ` � Meredith � � Againat � Sprafka T��� 12 197� Mr. President (McC ) Appr test: C' Cler Mayor �� Form a�proved Corpor�,tion Counsel By _ �� APR 15 �s7z � Dq�e.a a prjar� �` . ORD�INANCE 25'7�1'7 � '� COl1NCIL HLE NO PRESENTED BY ORt)INANCE NO.— �� D ._ � O�DIKAwCi SETi7.I1�6 �15 G'LAII�t 0� J4�BTlE A. S�I'!�[ �ll�i'! � CISi OF S�ADR ?A�L '!�i � Q� � CI=! 0! S�AIlt PAl'R. BOaS O�DiAIIt s ,�etioa 1. 'i'Iwet tia► psep�rr Cit� �ffic�rs ars Lare�► anti�esiat�d a�d diraeted t� pa� oat of ths Z'ott LiaLilit^�► l+��i 0035-420, t� Ja�Mtta A. SKtaic as te�tbs�t a� aatmcai �asdl.s�t o� Daaa �vitak, tl�s su� of T�sas Smdssd aa�d no/1A0 �tollsrs (�3tXi.00), is trll s�ttia�ot of hes clai� tor da�a�rs od tq��si�s wtainad b� r�uaa o! a f�s11 0� a ds��etin siie�nail� at os ws t'Ys Ssint lsMi postioa of tlis 1�srsLall �ir�s sri�� : a�ca Lats zts�st Bri�d;s, =aiat Paa�, I�3m`�ta os Ja11 d, 1lTl, �at3oa Z.� that ss�d s�a �hall ba gaid to the aaid elaiwaat �os lMt � aad d�11��sy► of a rslau ia �nll to Lhe Cit�� in a los�+� t� �a app=anrasl b� t1� Cosporatiaa Conasel, for all iaassss a�i �mi�s s�staia�d in tbe asan�r afos�aaid. S�etioa 3. i'�at tlit,s ordinansa shall ta]c,a sffact aad be in �os�s t.�istf ia�s a�tar ita paaaa�s, sppro�al snd publicatios. APR 1 � 1972 Yeaa Councilmen Nay� Paeeed by the Counci� Butler �d �y �_�n Favor pe�� , � Ag��,i#�et � _ ,...,�.._ Mr. Preaident (McCar�t9) Approved: � �� � Attest: . City Clerg Mayor � �� Form a tion Couneel B ��r°ved C°rp°r�►. Y � � + / . I st ' 2nd � Laid over to ' 3rd and�� app � —Adop+ed � Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Butler �utler Carlson ►�'j �'u 1 Levine �� �` '� �evine `� Meredith � `' Meredith , Sprafka � prefka � Tedesco \ edesco Mr. Pre i e � s d nt McCarty Mr. President McCarFy O