257812 ORI6IN/�L TO CITY CL6RK ���[��� CITY OF ST. PAUL HLE NC�� NO. '� • OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL LUT NE L FORM PRESENTED BY �- Victor J. Tedesc . � March 22, 1972 C�MMTSSI�NE TF RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby concur in the appointment mad.e by the Commissioner of Parks, Recreation and, Public Build.ings of Donald Geng, licensed Mechanical Engineer, to fill the vacancy on the Board of Examiners for Warm Air Heating and. Ventilation Installers, which term expires on July 1, 1972 in accordance with the Saint Paul Legislative Cod.e. �_...,,,� � � � � MAR 2 4 1972 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Naye ��� R 2 7 1978 �-C�c%���� 19— �— Levine J Tn FSVOP ��_ Sprafka J ayor Tedesco ASainst Mr. Vice Presid�n± P�^er:�di�h PUBUSHED APR 1 �97a �� � o��u��.�.�,� 25`7�12 CITY OF ST. PAUL �,�� N� ' OFHCE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �M���' Victor J. Tedeeco ��� Marc_h 22� 1472 RESOLVED. thwt the Council of the City of Ssint Psul doea hereby concur in the appointment made by the Commiesioner of Psrks. Recreation aad Public Bufldings of Donald Geng, licensed Mechanical Et►gineer, to fill th� vscaacy on the Bosrd of Examiners for Warm Air Heating and Yentilation Inetallere. which term axpires on July 1. 1972 in accordance with the Ssint Pgul Legislstive Code. � �41�72 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Cotm�1 19_ Yeaa Naya � �,'? �9T2 �-�r--� �.. � _ Appro� 19_ � Levine y�n Fanor ��. Sprafka � MaYor A pOAI_TAt Tedeaco Mr. Yice Presiderat Mered�th ��