257801 � ORI6INAL TO CITY CL[RK , .�V���� • CITY OF ST. PAUL F,�E NC�� NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ` COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE ATF � C � \ 1 �S�L'VED� t the C3ty Co i eby coneurs in the recammendation of the Purchasin� Co�aittee in the exte ' nJ of the contract w3th LTQiJID CARBOrTIG CORPORATION for fu.rnishing and del3vering LIQUID CARBON DIO�DE for the Water Department� Water Treatment Plant, 1g00 Rice �treet� Sa,int Paul� Minnesota for an additional ]2 month period a� the initial contract price o� $3?.00 per ton in accord with Formal Bid No. 4571 and the specifications incorporated there- in� such bidder being the lowest bidder. 3pecifications incorpora�ted the right to extend this contract for an additianal 12 month period at the initial bid price sub�ect to accept�nce of contractor a�t the time of extension. Extension . to run to May l� 19?3. F. B. #4571 Code: 8000-Q00 c��� ,., APPRE)VED: AS TO FORM AYPROVED: TI�� PURCHl1StING CON�IIT'I'EE �� c _E��� -.----. �� CORP4RATI COUNSEL C(l!�'TROLI,T�' °9� �c�� � MAR Z 3 1972 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays �_ MAk 2 4 1972 � �o�y Approve� 19— Levine Tr Favor d�'`���/ '��-���c��� �� Mayor Sprafka � ACtk11�,- A gainst Tedesco _,;�,_.e�,: PUBUSHED APR 11972 Mr. Vi i�ehf-�ere it �o ��