257795 , ORI6INAL TO CITY CLRRK c� � CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� `~` Y OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO.�b COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PR�ENTED BY d COMMISSIONE DAT� WHEREAS, Ordinance No. 3250, Section 10 D provides that applicants for examinations for classified Civil Service positions must be residents of the City of Saint Paul for at least six months preceding the date of exami.nation unless such requirement is waived by unanimous action of the City Council when sufficient applicants are not available and it is deemed in the best interest of the City of Saint Paul; and WHEREAS, Said Ordinance provides for temporary and emergency employment of personnel by appointing officers subject to the terms and conditions set forth in Sections 26 and 27 of said ordinance; and WHEREAS, The City departments hire temporary and emergency employees in an increased ratio during summer months; and WHEREAS, It appears that sufficient residents of the City of Sai.nt Paul are applying for such part-time employment; now, therefore, be it RESOLV�D, That all City departments confine their hiring of temporary and emergency employees to residents of the City of Saint Paul unless and until sufficient facts are shown that such qualified residents are not available for employment. r �-. , .� �5 f� . O 4- ,. l ' .. " \. MAR 2 3 1972 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Naqs MqR 2 4 1972 �e� �_����{ � Approved 19� Levine I'� Favor G�j���v� V v� l� M2re�i#�� ACt' M�Yor Sprafka � � A gainst �a�—�.7��� ._, PUBLISHED APR �. �972 Mr. Vice President �.�Frc��'li:n ��