257793 Orleiaal to City Clerk � � � ORDINANCE �5�°1�9� � COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED B� ORDINANCE NO �� AN URDINANCE SETTLING THE CLAIM OF LEOHARD P. KERAN AiGAINST THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL. THE COUNCIL OF THE CI�Y nF SAIId'x PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Sectioa l. That the proper City officers are hereby autharized to pay out of the Tort Liability Fund OQ35-420, ta Leonard p. Keran, the aum of $577.77 ia. full settlement of his claim for damages sustained on January 28, 1972 as a result of an accident iavolaing a City vehicle driven bq Herbert Schotl at or aear the alley behi�td 486 Nebraska Avenue East, �aiu.t Paul, Minnesota. Section Z. That said sum shall be paid to the said claimant upon his execution and deliverq of a release in full to the City, in a form to be approved bp the Corporation Coun.sel, for all damages and in3uries eustained in the manner aforesa.id. Section 3. That Chia ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty daqs after ite pasaage, approval aad publication. �R q 1��2 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Butler Oar�nen Coaway Levine � �l n Favor Meredith V Against Sprafka Tedesco �pR sj t�('2 Mr. President McC y) 1� App lerk ayor �� Form approved Corpor�tion Counsel By _ �+� APR 15 i972 n.�.ar� y � . r � �� aRDI11TANCE �'S�`�93 , couNCr�ti� No.._ � PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO " " rur c��ct sa:t� � c�x c� �caru►�r► a. �r . a�►nFSr sns cuz +o� �anrt t�m, '!� CO�CIL Ol '� CITI 0! SAINt l,8i. H� O�Y f�atioa 1. 'liat Lhs pr��r CitT o�ii�s� a�s ba�bT arti�'#s�d te pq nt6 �t tlm� l�st �.3�abilit� �'red �3�40, to L�ward !. �,� t6s s�a �! ;Si77.77 is �rlt Mttla�t ef �is ela3a for ia�aps awesit�i � Ja�aras� �a, 197Z aa � srualt et ad aeei�ot l�lirfi� • Citp �1� �s�i�na 1r� �est �etl at �r �as tLs a11� �ts� 4K �casks ��an =ast�, =st�t 2as1, �3a�es�slrs. S�ati�e� 3� !'6at �s�i �ps si�all ba p�id te t� wtd s3s3�at � tiis �aw�at3es ari d�li� o� a sslaaa is ir31 to th� Cit�, i' a � so bs a}�s� L� �t�a Coslosat�a CNn�at. fes �li ia■�ur a�i #��ciit s�uta3�d !a ttis �r ai�ertlatl. i�t� 3. lbat t43s osd3s�mae slw�ll tai�r� �ff�at �1 1� #a �o�ea thtstf ds�s aftss its pss��►� app:v�al a�d �+�icat�a. aPR � �9t� Yeas Councilmen Naya Paeeed by the Counc;� Butler 0� Co�aj ��e Favor prafka ' A°°"� T�� apR � � Mr. Preeident (McCarty) ' Approv�: Att�eet: City Clerk Msyor �� �;� Form ap�rnved Cor�wr�3an Couneel By .j.' Ist \� � � 2nd �� � D Laid over to r � 3rd and app~� 3 _Adopted Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Butler Bufler ' Carlson \�arharr � Levine �� Levine Meredith ��r�����Meredith Sprafka \Sp�afka � Tedesco �edesco \ Mr. President McCarty Mr. President McCarFy O