257780 ORt6(�AL TO CITY CI.ERK ������ ' CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� ` ` OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F��E NO .�,OUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM _�..,,_`"'��-`°�.. PRESENTED BY COM�.IISSIONE � ' ATF WHEREAS, Pursuant to Section 203.3 of the City Charter, the Comptroller hereby reports to the City Council that there is presently funds available in the General Revenue Fund Balance - Dedicated - Debt, and WI�REAS, The Council finds that it is necessary to provide for interest due August 23, 1972 on a $6,000,000 tax anticipation note authorized by C.F. 257408, now, therefore, be it RESOLVED That the appropriation in the 1972 Budget for Debt in Charter Fund 28, Bond and Note Interest, is hereby increased as follows: General City Debt Appropriation Charter Fund 28 - Bond and Note Interest 0933 Note Interest 401 Interest Expense $69,463.44 and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the 1972 Financing Summary be revised in the item General City Debt, General Revenue Fund Balance - Dedicated by increasing that item $69,463.44, and be it FINALLY RESOLVED, That this resolution shall not be adopted by the Council until after a public hearing has been held, for which five (5) days public notice shall be given once in the official newspaper of the City, and the approval of the City Comptroller is endorsed on this resolution. Approved: Approved: . �';,� % � �' //22l�Lo.. orporation Counse City Compt oller ` MAR 2 2 1972 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Councit 19.— __� Yeas Nays �'�.. ���--� R 2 2 � 1� Conway ove Levine �n Favor Meredith Sprafka � yor Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, McCarty PtM�S�Ea MaR 2 51972 I� 3 ��2. � ��� �� . . NOTIi,E OF PITBL�C H�.RIlVG ON :CIdCREAS��.3G APPROPIZIATIONS TN 7.'Zu.' SAII�TT PAUL CITY BUDGET F0�2 :L�j'�?_ P'JBLIC NOTICE is hereiay �;itiren th�,t ;?ursuant to Sa�nt P�ul City Ck�art�r, Section 2C73.3, the S�,.i.nt T'aul Ci � Cotanci]. will ;r�. hold �, pu�a�.ic he�.ring on the-,.,�� day of� , ��''�t, 2t l0:00 A, M., in the Council G�ia��ers in the C:ity H�,1.1 �rid Court House Builda.ng, Sa,ir�f, Pau1, Ninriesota, fnr �he pizr�++��A nf ron- siclering adjv.�tsnents to the ada�t�d 't�udget �'or 1�72, to incre�,se certa.in appr riations in said adcrpted bud�et. Dated � � /y7� ' HA.RRY E. t�'u'�RSHf�I,L, City Clerk � � u�u-�1� �1� ) l � � our�kwn�ro nnN�e M+ . � CITY OF ST. PAUL FI�UNCIL NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FQRM PRB56NT�!Y CAMI�ISSIONER DA*R W�RSAS, Pursuant to Section 203.3 of the City Charter, the Comptraller hereby report• to tha Citq Council that there is preaently fuade available ia the Genersl Revanue Fund Balance - Dedicated - Debt, and W�RBAB, Th� Conacil finds that it ie aeceasarq to pravide for iaterast dus Augu�t 23, 19�2 oa a $6.000,000 tax anticipatioa aote suthorized by C.F. 257448, no�r, therefore, be it RESOS.VED That the appropriatioa in the 1972 Sudget for Debt ia Charter Ftiad 28, Boad and �ote Intereat, i� hereby iacrsaaed �� folloans General City Dabt Appropriatioa • Charter Fund 28 - Boad aad Note Interast 0933 Note Iatereat 401 Iaterest Bxp�nnaa 86�� t� and bs it FUBT�A RES�.VED, That the 1972 Biaaacing Summary be revised in the item General City Debt, Ganeral Revenue Fuad Balaace - Dadicated bq iacreasiag that it� $69,463.44� and ba it FINALLY RBSQ.VRD, That thia resalution shall not b� adopt�d by tha Couacil until after a public bearing haa been held� for irhich fivs (5) daya public notice shall be given once in the official newepaper of the City, and the approval of the City Comptroller is eadoroed oa this resolutioa. Approved: Approved: Corporation Couwel City Comptroller cotnvcu�x MAK 2 2 1972 Adopted by the Coun�i� 18� Yeas Nays �' A��o�MaR � a �s7� 7� Conway _ 18� Levine Tn Favor Meredith Sprafka � ��r A gainst Tedeaco Mr. President, McCarty �� Adopted by the Council 197— Yeas� Nays �R � �'�1'.��r�_..\ LEVINE V �1VIEREDITH SPRAFKA ' TIDESCO MR.PRESIDENT (McCARTY) O �