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�^ �5!`�� ORIGINAL TO CJTY CL6RK � • CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa �' • OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK N�E NO. - ,. COU CIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM � PRESENTED BY � COMMISSIONE ATF � RE�D�,VED, That the H nsing a d &ed�velopment A�thority (Rio Bista) be and hereby are granted a permit to construct a 72-car parkiag lot for a non-profit honsing area located sonthwest of tYie intersection of Concord Street and Koansa� Avenne, m�ore partict�larly described as follows: Marti� and vienan's 8earrang�ment of Blcck 32, Brown and Jackson's Addition, Lots 1 through 9, except that part lying �'ortheasterly of the following described line: Beginniag at the Northeast corner of said Lot 7, the�ce r�n North- westerly to a point on the West line of �sid Lot 9, distant 40 feet �outherly of the Morthwest eorner th�reof and there terminating= Lots 16 aad 17, subject to highwap, and Lots 18,, 19 and 20f and Lots 1, 2 and 3, Block 25, �Pest St. Paul Real Estate and Inaprovement Sy�dicate Addition �io. 2, to be vacated, lying Easterly of the Easterly right-of-way line of Tr�anlc Highway 3, aad Westerly �N of the West right-of-wa� line of Kansas Avent�e= c 0 all in accordaaee with plans dated Received Dece�nber 22, 1971; W � � subjeet to the reco�nendations of the Fire Depart�ae�t; a�d fnrther subject to the conditio� that sa�id �pplicant-permittee, � N � Q 0 LJ. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays Butler � Coaway Approve� 19_ Levine Tn Favor Meredith Sprafka Mayor Tedesco ABainst Mr. Preaident, McCarty �� � . ._ ORIGINAL TO GITY CL6RK • 4 f�� �� � CITY OF ST. PAUL HOENCIL NO. � d�J•� • OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK . . COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM � PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER oATF 7 and its successors and assigns, shall make d�e compliance with all applicable provisions of m�nicipal ordi�ances, state statutes a�d r�les ar�d regulations of public author- itiea having cogniza�ce. MAR 1 ? 1972 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Naya �IAR 1 ? 197�8 B�tier- � ��: Ap 19— Levine � Tn Favor Meredith Sprafka J or A gainst T,edese�- Mr. President, McCarty ;�UBUSHED �AR 2 � ����_ ��� . : . �. ., :: , ,, . ,. . , . BlOARD OF ZONING, CITY OF ST. PAUL ' 1010 COMMERCE BUILDING • ST. PAUL,MINNESOTA 55101 • PHONE: 223-4151 �`�,,�o,.� February 22, 1972 �.�, Mr. Harry E. Marshall City Clerk Room 386 St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Sir: This is written in response to the application of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority (Rio Vista) for a permit to construct a 72-car parking lot for a non-profit housing area located southwest of the intersection of Concord Street and Kansas Avenue. This property is further described by the legal description on file. This matter was heard at the February 3, 1972, Board of Zoning public hearing, at which time the staff reported that the plan meets design standards. A letter from the Fire Department was read which expressed what changes that department desired in respect to the project. In a discussion with the HRA, a representative of the applicant explained the proposed development, noting that they are not seek- ing a variance and that a sidewalk connecting the two parking lots on the site has been designed to serve as an emergency access for ' fire-fighting equipment. The Board heard a motion to recommend approval. The motion wa� seconded and carried by a vote of 4 to 0. Very tr ly yours, � ' \ ���� 1�' '�"���� Peter J. �T'Iaietta Secretary, Board of Zoning PLR/br Z. F. 7301 y ^� t,_.�'�; � i�j " � "'v �w� � � �����v� O � � J �OARD OF ZONING REPORT AND'ACTION February 3, 1972 Plat Map 4y ' Acti.ng urider Legislative Code Chapter 60 thru 64 � •���tised Augti;;r ?2, 1922, as amended to January 27, 1971. � 7301 1 . APPLICANT 'S NAME : l{�tA (hio Vista) 7258 30 3 2.751 6093 ?. CLASSIFICA'iION . � Amendment � Appeal XX Permit � Other 2981 6092 3028 5957 3. PURPOSE • Construct 72-car parking lot for non-profit X-1169 housing area 4. LOCATION • Southwest of the intersection of Concord Street and Kansas Ave. 5. LEGAL DESCRIPTION : See File 6. PItESENT ZONING: ��C" Residence 7 . PURSUANT TO Zoning Code Chapter: 60 Section: 23 Paragraph: 4,b 8. STAFF INVESTIGATION & REPORT: Date: 1-27-72 By; PLR A, HISTORY: Properties within this site have been rezoned from "B" Residence to Commercial, received extensions of zoning and received permits for a drfve-i.n and for a filling station, On December 21, 1971 the City Council voted to draft an amendment rezoning this property to "C" Residential, I3. AREA 70NING: The south side of Concord Street i.s zoned Commercial from the ex- pressway to Sidney Street. The area north of Concord Street east of Kansas Avenue is zoned light and Heavy Industrial. One lot adjoining this site on the soutli is zoned "C" Residential. The rest of the area is zoned "I3" Residential. C. DESIGN STANDARDS: The submitted plan meets design standards. D, FRONTAGE AND AREA: The property, an irregularly-shaped parcel, has a frontage of 300 feet along Concord Street and 240 feet along Kansas Avenue for an area of approximately 96,093 square feet, E. TRAI�FIC ENGINEER'S REPORT: The Traffic Engineer recommended approval of the plan. F, SITE CONDITIONS: The subject property slopes upward from Concord Street and is generally five feet above the grade of Concord Street, Most buildings pre- vi.ously existing on the site have been removed, however, three dwellings still re:main. C. ARI�,A CONDTTIONS: The right-of-way of the undeveloped section of the expressway exiscs co the west of tlie site. A parochial school exists north across Concord Street. Nortlieast across Concord Street are several single-family homes, vacant land and railroad tracks. Between Concord Street and the east property line of the expressway are single-family homes and vacant land with scattered develop- ments and a few three and four family structures. 90 BOARD ACTION: To Recommend � Approval � Denial Council Letter Dated : r1oved by . Mr. Swesey Yeas Nays 2-22-72 Ames - Ch. Date of. Se�cc,n<Ic�cl hy: Mr. Rr�nslioof X Cochrane Hearing: X McPartlin 2-2C+-72 Sc�creLary's r.emark.s; Maietta Mansur Council Action: X Swesey g Benshoof Dooley Date: Prifrel \ . . "/ /�v� � � , �� y* , t \\ �`\ • . . . . , d �� � � i v• 1 ` ' . �� �� ` , \' / � � �` . � �� , , , , / � � , , . �' '' � ' P 5 i- c '' �� �r' �� i ' i� ' , / � \ \'��`��y � �c� � ���Y � ��, � ;i �" ' F . ���� e I � � \` / . , ,; , i � �� A, �' � "'► , � � - � � � � �� � ,�� , �. ��\, „��. � o � � < / / .� ' � �� � \�_ ^C ,A��,`'�;t,�� �',�-.� ��'-_ia-rt.J�. � 1 �1• ��i��/ � ' � � `����� ',�� �:`��y, � � �� �� i � �A,,_ � .. � � \ ,'�` _:� ��,�, � `�� \ / K� ' Y _ v _ � C q` � ' V � �� r �^.,� �` "`„-� ` \ . � : ..�\ - — - _ _ - --- � �� � � � � \ \ � �, ` � � v � E ,\ ' � � � ��� � d b l °�� �'��� �: \ \ :', l .�.r. k � � \ ` ,�-\,'1' ,' � '♦ ` ` '\ '' - 'r\ ``' . � ✓ \\ \ � � ' �,,�� -r;� .. . "A ��' t �� t ` ��% . / � � r � �,\ � ��, \ � -�^� /�` o � o �`� � � '� , � �, �`, �� , - , /,/ r,°�, ' �-, � i �, ' �� � � � �%�`'r'?'T ` �p� :O '�:�,� `�. \ � \ 1 (� � r/ �� � /� � � .,, �"• ,�., � I \ \ 1 � v � ._..____ � � � � ' � I � �� � f� � C� �� ����t�-3 � �,� �\ � „r. ,T — �.��` . ` \ � -- I � ---- - . u Y;; � � . _O �a,�, , ;� e, Z � � C � '� `'�� Q �� f' \,'\ \ / � I � � �' � ' � \\ Q ���1".;v. { �/1.� e'w:;. iy. / �. �i _ i �� \, 1 , 0 U Y I �� �' p , , � � �, -- _�_ _�----�� \ / � �. ........1.---._._________._.__ _ �'-'' P��C���f�:_ � `. �'` \ �� �..,i_ .......�i.... __.�h _ _- 0 U � U Q T � (O�`� � , ./\ y `' � lJ �, j iv � �� I � ��;� .V�� , 1 � � ••� �' -".--�-- ,... � � ��. ���I. I �4;, 't� -1 � r:. � � ' - ----- �� I � � (7 �J (7 �b V ��� J ` + �j p v v � �, � � ' � ✓ `' � _. , �. ,._...__.�_i__ _!-----_ _____. :.� -� \ � � � ,i/ `'�. r'' �. . ,���L_IC�i�JT ��1� <<z��> ����,t:,> ���G�'�JD I" l�l�f'"��� 7?-car lc,t tc�r �lc�n-�,rc�fit lic�tisin�; t�rea ���D UC�`G' L. C ONE-FA�e1lLY f�l�2FS�:NT Z0�lIiVG "��" ���'>;;,����,���� �_<?- �Tb�JO-f�AN;I�_Y � I=i TI'�lUIV S1G�JERS ��� 1�NR�E.-�=1-1�!�ilL,Y �.� F�Jt�r�- �°��n;�fLaY f�.; r;�u�_��i-�:�':;��Y � FlL� �!o. ��j��i � ��� ��'+C�iV'P�Y��.� r:�:ls�1L x.. �-- rzc�RTN --� t i !�\ �I��l�l,���l���;�►� �/ `�Fy(;ANT � � ��t. P��f�l f'I�,��ir�g �d�,�d� Dut�: F��t�r. �3, 1�,�, � � ����� p�,�,��t��y unc�aY �;�:n�id�rt��io;� � MINtTTES OF 7�iE FUB�.IC HE�iRIl� BEF�QRE 7I'HE B�ARD OF Z4NLIaG ON �iURS]!lAY� FE�RttARY 3, 19?'2, AT 2:00 P,�i� P�BSLNT: Airs. Cochrame �nd Messrs. M�Part�l�, B�:nshoof, snd S+a�sey of the Board; Mr. Itr�sette� asld �. Rel�tea o£ the sCaf�. HRd (8I0 VIs�� 3302.: �1ce application far a permit ico ranatr�set a 72-car p�rlctng Lot fox� z� son-praff.� hov�s�c�� ar��. Mr� Rosettpr su�usrizWd �h� s�:���f ��post, a p�a�� of �he file by aotiag that th3.s p�raper�y was rezaued eev�ral +m�onths �go. �e �ubmi��:ed pl� meeCs desi.ga gtan- dasds. �e proper�y, ac� Lxregup�rly-shsped parcel, ta�s a ��a�aCagr c�f 300 feet aloa$ C�recoEd Straet axcd �40 feer� a��oag YC�s�s A�ren�ae �or � �rea of approximetely� 9b,493 sq�e�re feeC. Mr� Ras�ette� �he� re�d E�om a Le�Cter .9ddreased to Staaley F£s�tmtan �nd Assocl�tes* ereY�i�ec�s �r�r the &f.o Vi.s�a dev�lap�mextx, from Assistaut Ftre Chieg I3, Heine�. Tt�e �.et�e� poiated o�c� Che followin� Lt+rms which the Public Safe�p De�ar�me�E. co�asiders i.�portan�: "I. Looped hydsau�t� ext�d�t�g fs�n R�cr,s�s tYtrac3gh the development an:ci tyi�g i��o C�e �;�ixc a� Concoa:d. 20 �xterior a� �he buildisa�s �o b� fireisla�d wi� Fise-resietive m��e�Lals. 3e 'i'wa hydraz�ts s�tra�re�icallq Located f��id� �ct►e cieveLopsaene. 4e An ea�rastce dri��e �rrnn C��ecard (miAt� 12`; cossaeekiug wf.�h t6e en�ran�e drive ftam R�ra�s+��i. 5. Provf.de acce�s fox �ire �mppara�u� aci ehe freeway s9.rJe of the main 4�a�L4.di�a�a �il.� s�sawld �� can�cizYgen� cm th� ��pe o£ exterior ma�eri�l. Tn th� eventuaiity ��i� e�€:e�ia� canstructie�a of fir� resistive c�aterial i.� dete�ed from at�r zecaa�es�d�tio�s, v� woutd �ave to revise aux �ccom- �Sdat�.vn�e�� Mr. Rosetter th�a s�gg�s�ed ���� slsa�ald �i�►e Boax�d decid� Co �pprove rli.� p�aricing permi� gad f�Qt that �e �bav� requireme�ts are reascr�abl�, �t►ey may vrt�fi tA a�ake t1�►e apprnval s�bj�ct �o �ho�e z�quiremen�so 'T�►� rerqu�ir�rnt tohich is reicva�at to this �it� �l�n w�xa3.d be nves��� 4, Che ref�retxc� Co eatrancd drives, he saida MrBa Cochr�e $sked whq ��ep �eac� fir� h3�drants �aad a reQr�se�tatfwe froa� the �lou�in� a�d l�develop�ezt� �r�l:hu��.��, pof�tireg �to � ai�� g1a�t, egpl�ined� Th�e HRA r�presea�atfve expL�n9.ned tha� Cbis devetop�nt �a�s a 23b no�t-profit h�using pro3ect rsi�� 28 one-bedrootn �pa��:�e�.�a aatd 20 �o�house �qpc tan��s. He seid they+ were nu� aski�g far � densi�y waiver but jus� � st�a�.g,ti� p�rlcfag lot p�ra�it. Mr, BosetCex s82uad if t�ie salde�atic connecLin� �he �ro p�rki�g lots aaE Che sit� is a fir� Lane snitabl� €or ca�ryisg fis� equfpntarr� and entcka. �he IiRA reprexes�tativ� � . . , � answered thaC it would be. bue would aot be opan to geaeral r�se;however, emergencq vehicLea ccrald use itn M�cs. Cxhr�ne ��ked if there was asy ogpoei�ion� ev Cha me�ter. lhere wae none. Mro Swesey cuov�d thar the perm4t be approved. Mr. Benshoof- seconded the motion. Ttee mot#.o� ca�r�ed by a vo�e of. 4 to Oa Submitred bys Appr�ov�ci by: '�aul L. �oae��er Mrs. Carolyct �Coct►za�e br Y ` " � City of Saint Paul, Miaaesota ' APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL COUNCIL UST PERI[IT � (Please print or type) TO TI� HDNORABLB MAYOIt AND CITY QOUN+CIL � tbe City Clerk City of Saint Paul, Minae�ota Application is hereby made to remodel or reconatruct an ezistiug �cross one out) install and operate a new � FILLII�AG 5TATION No. of islaads and pumps : No. of tanks and capacity: . � PARRIl� IAT for Xlrcl��1���#�X�P�ivate usejX�[�YbCX�iiX�i�EXi(�K ` ac ca�e�ype) Capacity of parkia� lot 72 Cars , To be used in connection witb: HOmeB ' � . � �dISCELLANEOUS: (indicate type sucb as Drive-ia liefresbment 3tand, Uaed Car � ` Lot, Dry Cleaning Pick-up 3tatioa, Ice Vendor, etc.) Capacity of parlting area: *Locat�on • S�s atta�ched deeerfption Legal Description : Lot Block Addition Applicant's xame � Rio Vista Non-Profit Housing Corporation Home or Office Address: l�g East Robie . Phone Nuarber � Cb �j� � � 227-9292 � � � � y � carrr, DEC 2�� �s�r /2 -2 2-T ��j P�.A�Vry��y� signature � (ctate M�u�.Mfn ��ARO Ruban Rufz 12-22-71 nes;,`a Address . 179 East Robie Pbone No.: 2Z7-9291 When completed: file three copies of tbis application form and three prints of the prelimiaary lay-out plsns of tbe proposed facility aith tbe Citq Clerk� R000 386, City Hall and Court House, Satnt Pav1, Minnesota Z-3 6/11/56 � '�EXAMPLE: 1. S.E. corner ot Main St. and First St. 2. South aide of Main 3t. between First aad 3econd 3t. � Z�C3�ING ��LE --��� . ' �L i�.r ,qg. ,� _ v�p�s a',� [�.!_.L.�'�"a►K✓ •AZ%i4; k�, ... . ,.,.. .. . � . xii� q . _ : STATE OF MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS CONSTRUCTION D18TRICT 9 1P.48 UNIVERSITY AVENUE ST. PAUL, MINN. 55104 February 15, 1972 Mrs. Rosalie L. Butler Department of Finance Room 113 City Hall St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 In reply refer to: 319 S. P. 6245 (3=115) 901 Ramsey County At Concord Street Your File No. 1169 Dear Mrs. Butler: .«����,... Thank you for your notice of a hearing to be held on eb r 24 � on the application of the Housing and Redevelopment Aut ority Rio Vista) to install a 72car parking lot on those properties described in said notice. The State of Minnesota, Department of Highwaqs, has no objection to said application, however, we have not received an application from the Authority for entrances onto Trunk Highway 56 (Concord Street) . Sincerely, D. R. McFadden Deputy District Engineer O , � ,� `��s w,� .� 4..-y-4�i.�� ,.,;�.�, x�.F.._....,..,...__..,.�.. . . . , . . '�5�, . ' X //Gg STATE OF MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS CONSTRUCTION D(STRICT 9 1246 UNIVERSITY AVENUE ST. PAUL, MINN. 55104 February 15, 1972 Mrs. Rosalie L. Butler Department of Finance Room 113 City Hall St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 In .reply refer to: 319 S. P. 6245 (3=115) 901 Ramsey County At Concord Street Your File No. 1169 Dear Mrs. Butler: Thank you for your notice of a hearing to be held on February 24, 1972 on the application of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority (Rio Vista) to install a 72car parking lot on those properties described i.n said notice. The State of Minnesota, Department of Highways, has no objection to said application, however, we have not received an application from the Authority for entrances onto Trunk �Iighway 56 (Concord Street) . Sincerely, D. R. McFadden Deputy District Engineer O � . CITY OF SAINT PAUL ' MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 113 CouA How� 35102 Febsuary 11, 1972 City Clerk 386 City Hall File X1169, pag,e Yau are hereby notified that a public hesring �oill be hald in the Cauncil Chambers of the City Hall aud Court tiouee in tbe Citq of 3�. Paul at IOs00 �.m. � February 24, 1972 on the application of The Housfag and Redevelop- a�ent AuthoriCy (8io Viste) for a pexrnit w fnstall a 72-cer parking lot fos nou�profit hausing area on the property descsibed as follmas; Martin and Lieaau'a 8earrangement of Block 32, Browa aad Jackson's Additiaa� Lot� 1 throtigh 9, except that part lyiog Northeasterly of the golloaiug d�ecribe�d line: Begianing at the l�iartheast corner of said Lot 7, thence run itorthweatsrly to a point on the tlest line of said Lot 9, distant 40 �eet Southerly o� th� Northcoeet corner thereof and there terminatiag; Lots 16 and 17, aubjec� to highway, and Lots 18, 19 and 20; as�d Lors 1, 2 and 3, Block 25, West 8t. Paul Real Letate and I��rcveme�t $yndicate Add3Cioa No. 2, atid that portioa of Prescott Ave�ue, to be vacated, lying Easterly of Lhe Eaoterly rig�t-of-asy liae of Trur.lc 3iighway 3, ated Westerly o£ the West sight-of-way line of Ka�sas Avenue. The rroperty is located 8outhweat of tha iatersection of ConcQrd Street �nd Kansas Avenue. For further inforc�atioa. cantact the Pla�ning Board, Rooaa 1Q10 Camnescs Building or telephone 223-4151. ?o comply Mith tbs City Chazter, the Departine�t o! Piaat�c� f,� d�arged soith iaforming you of this publ.ic hearing. If you bave any questions, it is recoanmeaded that yon attend this pub2ic hsaring to affard you the opportuaity to au;ke your yiews, batb pro and coo, knowa to the C�ty Cae�ncil. ROSALIB L. BUTL$R Commissioner of Fis►ance � � 1 N � ` �j��� • � � � ' City of Saint Paul, I�innesota ' APPLICATION F08 SPECIAL COUNCIL USE PERMIT ' (Please print or type) TO THE I�ONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL qo the City Clerk . City of Saint Paul, Minnesota � Application is hereb made to remodel or reconstruct an existing y install and operate a new (cross one out) � FILLING 5TATION No. of isiands and pumps : No. of tanks and capacity: � PARKING LOT for����Xh��t7�#� (private use)X�Y�}d��IX�M� indicate type) Capacity of parking lot 7 2 cars To be used in connectioa with: Homes. � MISCELL,ANEOUS: . (indicate type such as Drive-in Refreshment Stand, Used Car Lot, Dry Cleaning Pick-up Station, Ice Vendor, etc.) ' . Capacity of parking area: *Location • See attached description Legal Description : Lot Block Addition Applicant's Name � Rio Vista Non-Profit Housing Corporation Home or Office Address: 179 East RObie Phone Number : 2 2�_9 2 9 Y . FO Y THE CANT, • f�-ZZ_7� . (Signature) (date . Ruben Ruiz 12_22-71 Address : 179 East Robie Phone No.: 227-9291 . When completed: file three copies of this applicatioa form and tbree prints of the preliminary lay-out plans of the proposed facility with the City Clerk, Room 386, City Hall and Court House, Saint Paul, Minnesota Z-3 6/11/56 � *EXAMPLE; 1. S.E. corner of Main St. and First St. � 2. South side of Main St. between First and Second St. . . _ O� �. � � � � J � . . � . � i �� , v � '� J � � �� � f �-;��',�<-,�4-� e �^�/-�/ y�' / / y ' � �,� (� ,�_..�G� ll.�L-'v � / J '• � •� /1���1.�l''�' ��C.�'i.��-..:,' • � �� j��.� . , � ' i � °�'�•'�...e� t_.-I i:.-C-F� ('.(.. :--1..r,ct C- C'_-���- - � . _ , _-�. , C( /Y_yC -i i ! ,.�_� �- � � 7 �,r � :-f z.0 ; ._ � .. � _ - - �� � �J- ♦_ � / . o �• it'"�'�'2��- _-�, J-f .''�. � `.L�- �- , � �"_i�----.--�� �s-� � � ,�� ; .� ��7/r {� _�i '�`- • �-,/ �. ,1 � !'� ti,�.�i�,� �(..-i',�'-' �� � �� � / � , � .�S�. 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