257751 ..�.� ` ORIGI AL 7'O CITY CLHRK � � �5�`��� � CITY OF ST. PAUL �"c�� NO. . ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNC RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE ATF RESOL�ED, �at npon and pursuant to the pertinent appeal, under the Zoning Code, by Midwa� Profes�ional Building l►s�o- ciation, owner of the s�bject real estate, situate is the City of Sai�t paul and described as: The west 140.06 feet of the East 593.56 feet of the North 182.82 feet of the Southeast 1/4 of Section 33, Township 29, Range 23, except th�t part taken for University Ave. and iyot 18, Block 2, Aomer H. Hoyt Co. 's Addition, except the West 50 feet of the North 35 feet thereot, " �ad al�o the Westerly 5�.�6 feet of Lot l, Block 2, said Addition; I►LS4 that part of the alley to be vacated l�iag adjac�at to Lots 1 and 18, Bloek 2, said Additient that the provisions of �aid Zoning Code hereby are determiaed and varied as and to the extent aecessary therefor a�nd the buffer requirements for said prea�ises are hereby rel�ced so as to acconmaodate a 47-car parkiag lot f be it F�T�HER RESOL�, 'that Midway Professional Buildi.ng 2isso- eiation be and hereby is granted � permit to construct a 47-car 'N parking lot on property located on the south side of tTniversity � l,venue betwee� Roy and Fr� Streets, more partic�larly describ�d o c� a�a ' w � > :�.. � .a The West 140.06 feet of the East 593.56 feet of the bTorth 182.82 feet of the Sot�theast 1/4 of Seetion 33, Township g � 29, Range 23, except that part taken for c� Q 0 � COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Butler � �� Conway Approve� 19— Levine Tn Favor Meredith Maqor Sprafka Tedesco ABainst Mr. President, McCarty �� ► � "� �5'" ORIGINAL TO CITY CL6RK ���� _ CITY OF ST. PAUL FLE NCIL NO. . ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF a �niwersity Ave. and Lot 18, �lock 2, Homer g. Hoyt Co. 's Addition, except the �+Iest 50 feet of the North 35 feet thereof, and also the Westerly 50.06 feet of Lot 1, Block 2, said Addition; ALSD that part of the alley to be vacated lying adjacent to Lots 1 and 18, Block 2, said Addition= all in accardance with plans dated Received October 27, 1971j subject to the condition that said applicant-permittee, and its suecessors and assigns, shall �iake dt�e complianee with all applicable p=owisions of municipal ordinances, state statutes and rules and regnlations of p�blic ae�thorities haviAg cogni�aace. MAR 17 197�2 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Y�a xa�$ MAR 1 ? 1972 � � �� 19— Levine Tn Favor Meredith Sprafka � Mayor A gainst `r°��- Mr. President, McCarty PUBUSHED MAR � 5 1��� ��� � BOARD OF ZONING, CITY OF ST. PAUL 1010 COMMERCE BUILDING � ST. PAUL,MINNESOTA 55101 • PHONE: 223-4151 �`�°���� February 17, 1972 Mr. Harry E. Marshall City Clerk Room 386 City Hall St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Sir: This is written in response to the appeal and application for a permit by Midway Professional Association to relax buffer requirements and construct a 47-car parking lot on property located on the south side of University Avenue between Roy and Fry Streets. This property is further described by the legal description on file. This matter was heard at the February 3, 1972 Board of Zoning public hearing at which time the staff summarized the staff reports on file for both the appeal and the pe nnit. A representative of the applicant explained that as a result of an agreement with the neighbors, they are now providing a gate in their fence at the end of the alley and have eliminated a parking stall in order to provide emergency access through their property from the alley. He said it was in the interests of the neighborhood to provide as much parking as proposed and this requires the variances which are being sought. Several owners of adjoining property appeared and expressed concern over measures taken to insure that their propezty would be protected from encroachment by automobiles, drainage water and snow. Subsequently, the Board heard motions to recommend approval of both the appeal and the peYtnit. The motions were seconded and carried by votes of4to0. Very �� your ,� �. � i � ��.__. :,��: ������---� �; .� � / Peter J. Maietta Secretary, Board of Zoning PJM/PLR:cf �'� ���� � `y "�' �. ' o � � U . ' , . ' • ' • �� / ( ��� � d-f°� / 1971 � October 19, `�� The Honorable Mayor and City Council c/o the City Clerk Room 386 City Hall City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Re: Variance in the Buffer Zone requirements for parking lots We the undersigned owners of the Real Estate as described in the attached legal description of such property, and as shown on the attached site plan hereby acquiese and petition your Honorable Body to grant a variance in Chapter 60, Section 23, Paragraph (5) D of the Zoning Ordinance of the City of St. Paul. In lieu of the buffer zone requirement we propose to install a combination fence and planting area across the south line of the property. The fence would extend from the east property line west a distance of ninety five (95) feet and from that point a planting area continuing west for another ninety five (95) feet. we propose to construct a two (2) story masonry and brick stxucture to house a dental laboratory and rental space on the lower level and a dental clinic on the upper level. The on-site parking as indicated will be sufficient to take care of parking for ourselves and our patients. The purpose of this appeal, is of course, to allow us to park closer to the property line so as not to lose needed parking space and keep parked cars off the congested streets. 'I'he combination fence and planting area along with the building site will provide a more substantial buffer than normally required and hopefully will enhance the entire area. Sincerely, ������ ������������ ���L'ir. William McDonald, President Midway Professional Building Association Midway Me@ical Arts Building (Present address) 1630 University Avenue (Future address) St. Paul, Minnesota Phone 644-0405 .. ��:,� a i:1 �-�� r�: �� �� ,,J �±� L ;.� ��,� ! ��, �� �� _ �;� U v I �.+ ( �J i I E..���� �'�t`al+'Ai�l�'��'..z �$.t.�f1�s br����� �w�� �� Saiizt t�a�,:l. :v�ir�rxisvt;A t ' ' ' City of Saint Paul, Mlnnesota APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL COUNCIL USE PERMIT (Piease print or type) TO T� �DNORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL yb the City Clerk City of Saint Paul, I�Ainnesota Application is hereby made to (cross oae out) � FILLING STATION No. of islands and pumps : No. o� tanks aad capacity: � PARKING LOT for (cus�to�mers) (em�loyees) (�r.L���� �e�s�lfie��le�e�� (other) (indicate type) Capacity of parking lot 4'y' t;�t� To be used in connection with: D�tl Cll�iia Oliri� b���A�►� � MISCEI.I.ANEOUS: (indicate type sucb as Drive-in ltefreshment Stand, Used Car Lot, Dry Cleaning Pick-up 3tation, Ice Vendor, etc.) Capacity of parking area: �O�tlt � i� t�.l�t�.#�y' 1� � �p,a�A�! !�p 8�i *Location . Legal Description : Lo't�M �Itt.M� �]iAG Block Addition Applicant's Name : I�tl+01� P�blMSi�l �.ldirij,� �i�3+pp Home or Office Address� ����! � � �d�f� Phone Number : �'�'0'�� "1�CRC/BY THE APPLICANT, 1�C'. Mi113#II� M00oM3�!! � �c.'t. 19, 1l7I Sign ture date Address . � 1�Mdie�tl 11sta D11i1Q� Phone No.: 64�O�d5 When completed: file three copies of this application form aad tbree prints of the preliminarq lay-out plans oY tbe proposed facility with tbe City Clerk, Room 386, City Hall aad Court House, Saint Paul, Minaesota Z-3 6/11/56 � �� i *EXAMPLE: 1. S.E. corner of Main St. and First St. t'1� � ��� �� � �;�f ,� �j . South side of Main St. between First aad Second , '. - Y--- .. , �u_.:_ - , , _ �3 . . .\ ' -`�- � J� ��T �� lu � y�� i I r } . - �a.c.''_' ___ . . E �.. . I Vr�.. ...� F � __ ` . � � rJ� �5��� �}�l�i�����R� ��,:� �/ �`— Saint �'uu1 C�rzn�lesota 1 , r ' . ' ' ` ' City oY Saint Paul, Minnesota APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL COUNCIL USE PERMIT (Please print or type) TO THE I�I�DRABLE MAYOS AND CITY COUNCIL y6 tbe City Clerk City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Application is hereby made to (cross one out) � FILLING STATION No. of islaads and pumps : No. of tanks and capacity: � PARKING LOT for (cus�,t_omers) (em�,loyees) (�p9r,l�b��e�e� fpab+�lt�� (other) (indicate type) Capacity of parking lot 4"f ts�t"� To be used in connection witb: D�Ril C1i�tia pfli� ��,� � MISCELLANEOUS: (indicate type such as Dri.ve-in Refreshment 3tand, Used Car Lot, Dry Cleaning Pick-up 3tation� Ice Vendor, etc.) Capacity of parking area: �t�l � O� tri�3.Y�"s'iii�' � biR+� AaY,�alld �y► etr+�alr� *Location . Legal Description : Lo't BN t�id�d p3� Block Addition Applicant's Name : M'LIl1� I?!�l�MK�OO�1 �li�.l�g �+�lrOR Home or Office Address�'� ���tY � � �MA� Phone Number : �� "1RlR✓BY THE APPLICANT, L�• Nillial� MmiOf�Zt! �' . 19, 1971 ---���E�i ture date � Address . ML�111�' lM�i� �s"�t DO13.4111� Phoae No.: i�Q�O�S When completed: file three copies of this application form and three prints oY the preliminary lay-out plans of the proposed facilitq with the City Clerk, Room 386, City Hall and Court House, Saint Paul, Minnesota Z-3 6/11/56 ;,�:, ' ' t1 '-� ' *EXAMPLE: 1. S.E. corner of Maia St. aad First St. �� I� �� f r � �;lf `� i Ij �.i � 2. Soutb side of Main St. between First and Second � : �-`� `� '� u 4�---�. �. -,,..� n - . , ; - . _ --.�_ �;r T ,, r �i�r ,�� E �" I �,u t fi � , - - _ , , �,,.,.� � , . --_ _ s _ . _ � �� ��� � � �t�i����i4� ��: � �`— �,��nt f'uu1 ��;in+�esrta i BOARD OF ZONING REPORT AND ACTION February 3, 1972 � ' � � ' Plat Map 21 Acting under Legislative Code Chapter 60 thru 64 , passed August 22, 192:'_, as amended to January 27, 1971. 7275 1. APPLICANT'S NAME . Midway Professional Building Association 1896 1872 2. CLASSIFICATION . � Amendment � Appeal � Permit � Other 1327 3. PURPOSE , Construct a 47-car parking lot 523 X-114 4. LOCATION , South side of University Avenue between Roy and Fry Streets 5. LEGAL DESCRIPTION ; See file b. PKl?SENT 70NING: l,t• lnd. , Coimnercial, "C" Reside,nce 7 . PURSUANT TO Zoning Code Chapter: 6� Section: 23 Paragraph: 4,b 8. STAFF INVESTIGATION & REPORT: Date: January 27, 1972 By: PLR & ATB A. HISTOKY: Various portions of this property have received extensions of Light Industrial use, been rezoned and received parking-lot permits. B, AREA ZONING: University Avenue frontage is zoned Light Industrial with Heavy Industrial and "C" Residential zoning north of it. Most of the area south of Univer- sity Avenue is zoned "C" Residential. Portions of the site are zoned Light industrial, Commercial and "C" Residential. C. DESIGN STANDARDS: Except for the buffer area which is being appealed, the submitted plan meets basi.c design standards . D. FRON'IAGF. & AREA: The site has a frontage of 140 feet along University Avenue and a depth of 166 feet, 4 inches , 14 feet of which extend to Fry Street. The area is 24,018.91 sq, ft. E. TRAFFIC ENGINEER: The Traffic Engineer recommended approval. F. SITE CONDITIONS: The proposed development is under construction with an informal approval of the parking lot granted by City Council on November 11, 1971. The office structure is nearing completion with only interior work remaining. (:. AKF.A CONDITIONS: A service station exists on the southwest corner of Roy Street r�nel Uilivrrsi ty Avenue ad jacent to the sub,Ject site. Varied conunere�ir�l �ises exist alc>nt; rl�c re�st of University Avenuc: in tliis area. Midway Hospital exi5ts two blocka west and single-family homes , duplexes and some apartments constitute the rest of the area south of University Avenue. 9. BOARD ACTION: To Recommend � Approval Q Denial Council Letter Dated : Moved by : McPartlin Yeas Nays 2-17-72 Ames - Ch. Date of Seconded by: X X Cochrane Hearing: X McPartlin 2_24_�2 Sc��•r��t.�r-v'ti rt�marks: Maietta Mansiir Counci l Action: X Swesey X Benshoof Dooley Date: Prifrel i � � ; � ; � i o� � � ; ,� . � � � � ' ' ��������' IQ��.'C , :�)'r�'� �'r �� � I ,I�, � �) � � � --� _— � � ,, o,o�o �.� � �_��,��� ,.� ia c c� , � � ; , ; � � � ! , , � ; �I i� �� � �__�J..'_` � .�..i....f a �'T^�'_'. �J.�..�II . vI �-oM viv o �y vE " --- -- -1 ,c�,r��,� ' ,�n'�;'�_, c�'� o,�� o C�'o o �; �,� �:� c �� :�c;;o���l���- W ,. I,�^ ' ' � ' ' ' -� ' { ' ' ` ' _ �` - 1 - ��-^f p� ' ,__ , . -. _ __ .._. ._� � �_� _� � _� ; i �' ( ... _� _. ... I __' J . . ' Lr ' } � r- � "1 _�._.. I i ..�. `-�_.1_��.__L_ ._. _�i {/1 .�c.. __L__.�.__...� .__� .._.1--- - l 1-- - . \ � _ _ -- � �_-�_-� -j---1 _-.__ j_� _ � _1__�__ -�-r-r- I o J _ . 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C� , I(�' � � /�'lLi��'/�Y p R � -- � �,,�_�.i,a„-- r1 j i � �_� T�_ n0 � �� � C �° t� � � ��n� �. � __ �.� .lYl_ , ..._., n.._ � � ' � '� �_ N� J, /T,4L •,-' � �_� � �.,,, :- � � � _ • ? �„ - i __._ _ i �- I I �� -{�• 7 '- ' + L 1_��.'i'' `� � ° _ .�.�. . . � -- -- . � v_�..�. �. . o.._ �..� __. �__ ; r---' v ,�.)I � '� � . .. _ ___ i i / 1= ( � � - � U . O C O �� U �i n�c :- `� —... $ l� 1.. - --T - __.r-- __ , C ..__. __ , ; - (� U _- - ; _� ��U E-- O _ ___o-- �" s�.— 1__� � �. ___ � _ I i � � C� _ I p (n p__ _�_(�__ (!� r__^� -�""` --' I A�i- ���✓r`{IV� Mi�lwav l'rof��sr;ic,nal l�tii Idin� AtiSri. L�`j�� �� �u�`�V�E Itelax l�uC(er rec�tiircnieiit�; ancl constrt�ct: � /� � D i I�lu' - 47-car parking 1ot ��� �"� �- � U ONE-FA���ILY f'�'�3Cf��T ZONIaJGLt. zndu5try, �Commercial, ����� xes . -�- T�dO-F/��ILY I�CTITIC?��! SIGr�ERS �� Tt-i��C-FAiL!�ILY � FO U F�- F,�fi�!LY -' , � l�UL`�I -f=L.t�-ifLY FILE No. �?�-> �� �v�> - o e nCOf�:.�f�����FZC;I�L � ►�o�r�� —,. n /� ���6C�US�'F;I.�L V V�C:/�('J`(� �-�—�^��r Sfi. �'c�«I I'fannir�� ('ocf�d, Date: ��<,�,. �3, ��,�� '��''�',�-�� �r��,.r��l �!nuer consi�crr,,tion _ � ' MINiJTES QN TiiE PtJBL�C �ARING BBFORL� TH� BQARD OF ZUNING � . Ql� 'THURSDAY, FBBRUd�tY 3, �97� -- 2:Q0 P.M4 P�SEN'�: Mrs. Cochrane aad rfessrs. McPartZ3.n, Benshoof r�ud Swes�y of the $oerd; Mr. itosetter �nd B. xeitter of Che staff. M�+TAY PROFES3IONAL BUIi,DYtiG ,A�SYe �727'S & 72T6): An appeai to re1�c buffer xeqetire- s�ents aud an �pPlic�tion for � permit to construct a 4�-c�r par�iug lot. Mr. Rosette� summarised the staiEf �eport, � psr� af the fi1e, by noting Chat the epplicant's lette� of appea� a4a��d their puzpos� is to caastnsct a� tw�n-storq build- ing hoicsing a dent8l Labor�tory, rental sp�ce. and dentaZ clinic. Their pafk�.ng lot � is proposed to be ee th� rear of the Iot next to r�side�t2al�y: ueed and �aned lots wiehout providing �he S-foot but�er required by the Zoning Code aader those coadition�. I:tstesd, the plaa iadicstes � planting ar�A s�f fou�r-feet wf8th even with Che hau$e ou Che ad�ois�ire� praperty snd a scree�a f�nce even with the g�rage oa the adjoining lat, paet the dQad-end all.��, and aloa� a portic� of th� nexe ls�t`e re�r yard. The Zoning Code requires aa 8-foQt buf��r ���� betweeu auy� open parkiag lot can�ts�iaing more tiban 10 cars and praperty r.esidentiaZly ueed or xaaed. The pl�x� �hows n 4-foot buffer along a po�Cion o£ the r�l.ev�anL- property line or a 5t}� variaace �nd a 2-foot buffer along another portioc� for a variauc� of 75�. Mr. Roeetter poiated aut on a site plsa the area tio w!i'ich he wa� referring. He s�id ch�ages in the plaa which were msde raceatl.,y included a gatc ia tt�e �eace �et +�he end of the alie3t snd elim�s�stion of oue parkiag stall in the parking lc�t. Regarding tha parking lat pern��, Mr. 8vsetter ssid the atsft reporC aoted that except for the buffer area whfch i� b�i.ng eppas�.ed, �he submitted pLan meeCe baeic desigx�r saquire�ats. H� 8aid he und�z�toc>d th� revised �alen taok �.nto eo�ideratiatt au . agreement that w�g worked out between 1►iidway �htof�ssLor�l As�ociatton and adjoiaiag groperty OWTIEx'8 praviding for c�m�rg�ncy acG�ss for scra�e of these properCq awnere. The aite has a fronts�g� o£ 140 ��et �Zsmg University A�r�nu� and a deptte of I66 feet, 4 ioches, 14 f�eet of which e�:t�rsd �o Fry Sereet. The are� is 24,OI8.91 eq. ft. The Trsffic Eagineer xecozmnended a�proval. Th� prapo�ed dev�el.opswent i� under caastructfon with an info�mal approval of the pa�kiug Lat gr�n�ad by CiCrr Couxecil on November Z1, 1971. Th� oftice structure 3.� n�ara.n� caYUpletian wi�h on�.y iaterior wark remain�.�tg. A servfce sCation exists oa CEee �oc�thwest corner of Roy Str��t and Univer�ity Aveane adjacent ta th� sub�ect site. Ua�ied co�n�rciaZ uses exist along the rest of U�aiver- aity Aveaue in this srea. Mfdw�y Hosp�tal �xisfis two b�.ocl�s west and single-family hames, duplenes and som� spar�mecats constitute the �est of th� �rea souCtt of Uaiver- sity Avenue. Mrs. Cochrane �sl.sed if Midw�y I'rrflfeesioital Asaoci�tfon �aas askf�g ta have the aZley opened to F�y Street. A repres��aC�eive from Midway Pra�e�aional explaia�d tl�ae iC had been s dead•end slley, not an "L" alleq, but aC the proceedings invfl�ving the vac�Cion nf dte �lley there wss strong oppos�.tiem by the neighb�rs. He said they got tog�th�er caitl� Che neighboxa and now provide � gate there for egr�ss and ingreas on an �mergeasc�r 3��sf� for eny of the people on tte�t alle,�. At3. of t}�e n�eighbors were at th�t meetiag and �fter thinking abnut iC, they unantmously d���c�e�3 to go al�� with t�e ptan. The vacatian wes �llowed by the Couacil at e previuc�s l��a�iug. 7[`tie speaker said [hat Midwa,q Pro€easionaZ feels, uader these circumst�nces, it �s ia the beat interest of th� people who live in tbe ares, aeneraLly. thst ehey be s1ln�a�d to have the psrking Iot with the number of sg�ces requested. This wauld r�quire r_t�e approv�l o£ the appesl reg�rdiag buffer requirements. . � � . , - ' � . MT�1AY P�OF�SSIC�3A�, ASSt1CIl�mION (P�ge 2) Februsty 3, '1972 bStQ. Cochre�e asked if t'he hoti�e�e ost ttie weaCes�zt ��.d� f�cis�g Fry Street is a� tb� same grade ss Che p�rtcin� �ot. The r�pr�s�uta�iee a�xs�,terec3 �hmt i� is aboc�t t�o £e�t hi�'�i�r. At the pxesenk �ime Ch�r� i� a feac� that ga�a� up �o the hovse �icb providr�s a huffer but the�t sre askiu� fos a four-foot buff�r �oue at this poi�e. �Ix. �Iefl Caaverp, �tto�ne;� reysxese�txsag Midi�a�r Prof�ssio�l, said t�i�y have a $750 Iandrsc�ping allawaac� ��ch ����► s�i�,�. use �o p�.a€e.t ia the buffez sr�a, at tbe ecz�ra�a��e off U�i�aanc�ity, ��d ala�g othez arg�t$. Tlaa�x� �i3,1 b� �od aa eoiaQ g�ortiox�� of the Io�. He said i� the p�st tbi� p��ticulsz piecc� o� prop�rty �aa �ed fEs�� a �.e�d-c�� �,at a�:d t�i��r� �ert cars pa�lc,ect �l�res��hout ttais v�ho�.� erea. I�ce. Coch�az�� asked i� �h�z�e c�ctr� f�.�rther �e�tioas. l�ir. J. �.^keS +�ho ess�� �ot �F�.? trant�e3 �o k�ea��x arflg� abo�s� th� f�ce tahich is pre� pas�d �tsd sras eolr3 th�re �mrsld be cao ��tc� ad,g�c�ut to hi� hcnase, his fance ende a� the ��st coxrrQr vf Iais ga�r�g�. �e fe�ce r�aouRd b� oaa the MidWap P�o� f�seia�I pt^operty IiQ�, app�oxima��ly 2� ea � Sceet f�am h�s ga�age. It is to b�� � sis-£ac�t �re�ood t�r!ea�, I�fir. E�k�L i�quired whet�gex tn�r� vo�ld b� �c�ae k3ud uf bump�r Eox the cmxe and �as told thAxe ase cancr��� bu9ap¢r stops o� thc� gro��ed by �a�hh stagl. �o ca�ca �ocald �,e par�ced ia iin� �itt$ hie garage. Y3� th� r�fessesl ta t4�e �rads of the parkiag 1.ot a�d �aid i� has a��aye dr�ic��d �rc�r t;�e all�eyr. 8e c}uestioaed �h�th�z it �aunYd naa� res� into fii�s garage. H� x�as to�� tha� M3d*�rra� F�eofeeaiaaa2 +�Y1 give e�ssem.��ar aeross tih�ix� propeztg► fox dx�i�ra�� o£ the all� and mast a�' tbe �at�s �ill drain o�t �J�ave�si�y Av�a:au� arad aot i��o his gare�. Mr. Ec�c�3 the�e as�C�d �fc s�at� p:�r�g fae��d be ab�.� eo g¢t ti�rc�ugtt t�te �ate �t the ead of his �;arage aad said h� s,�as ��cs�sci�d s'boc�t s�z'�t�ng ea��a rur�atiag itxto hia garage� I�. Co�very said �h�}� sa�ould �ak� �ar:� of th� auaw �eancsval ta in.su�ae t�st �o sn� melt w�I�, c�nt�r his ga��;e. � �ir.�. Coehxene ask�d ���� mou�d hapg�� to tfie �n�a pi�i�d u� �rco� the oth�r �sid� of kh� a�.l�r. Mr. Caav�xy s�id c�a� ct�e�s of p�ap�rty a��iuttia3g the a�lsy tvi31 have to. determi�ae ha� to �e� rid a� sz�� �4auttiag t�heiz p�opex�y. �e said t1�aC ehey �sa�s�.d txy to �uark o�t a�av �ca3 �emovel p�ob7.�s t��.th �C�e ne�ig�aho=a. . Dir. Harold .Tot�rtsaa, 4�57 P�ay St��et, �eid the� Y�ic�.y �ofi�seionsl s=ea boYd�ris3s His pxope�ty ttss a baao-�oa� �cxf��r �c�e n�o. . lf�l.f ot Lot �. has bema pts�:eiisaed by th�m arrd 1s� a�l�d if L��sp ar� �ai�ag to ext�nc� a�.� �he way throa�gl�' to Roy Str��t. H� ssid ti�t �h� �T�co sta�ioa aa �hs e�rae� doe�'t obserw bu�fsr r�quire:aeat� �ta�.�. S+e ec�c��d th�� thP origis�a'� p�an �as8 diPfer�t frasn th�� p�c�s�et one a�d he is coacernec� a�au` E�� �igh� happ�n i� thea �e�tu�re. :es�rf- ti I�t. Roaettaz said the ��1,���s t�qt �sec�.�d� ttxs T��co statiass. I�., Coav�eYy esid tiut Mr. Jcrl�asa�a'� �� Rras �'nrth�� fro� t�� pzoperty �3.oe thea� iar ths caee �rf th tha �ataaa ecxoss the a1lay, . ' � . . ' , . MID�A� PROFESS�UI�L ASS�IAxION �;I'sge 3;� Pebnwrq 3, �972 Mre McPsrtl.in mov�d that r_he appeal be ap�r.aved� Mr� Sweoey secauded th� motion. T4i� utiotiaa cs�rried by a� vote of 4 to 0. Mx. McPartlin mov�d th�t the permit be appraved. The motion was secoo�ded snd carried bq a vo�e of 4 to Oe Subm�.tted by: Approved by: Pau1 �> RoseCter Mrs. Cardlqa Cochrame br. � CITY OF SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 113 Court Man� 55102 Februa�ty 11, 1972 �S�yC��yrHall File X114S, Page You are bereby notified that a public hearing will be held in t6e Couacil G�.ambars of the City �iall and Court House in the City of St. paul at 10:00 a.m. on Pebruary 24, I972 oa the applicatioa of the Midaay Profe�eioml 8uildi.ng Aseociatioti for 1) A permit to conatruat a 47•car paxking lot, aad 2) Aa appeal to relau the buffer requirements ou all ot the properCy described as follars: The West 140.06 t�et oE tt►� Bast 593.56 feet of the North 182.82 feet of the Southeast 1I4 of Sectioo 33. Taataship 29, 8an�e 23, except thaC part taken for Uuiversity Avenue aad Lot 18, Blocic 2, H�mer f;. �oyt Co.'s Ad3itioa, except the Weat 50 feet of the 1+lorth 35 feee thasr�of, aad also the Weaterly 54.05 leet o! Lot 1, Block 2, esid A�ditiou. And also, that part of the alley to be vacated lying ad�acent to Lota 1 and 1t3, 81ock 2, sa3d Addition. The praperty is located o�a ths South side of Univereity Avenue betweeo Fry and �oy 8 tsee ts. For further infoxraatian, cc�*_ACt the pia:aai�g Boarct, btoaa 1010 C�erce Building or telepha�ae 223-415�1. To oaap2y aitb the City t�►►arter, the Department of Financ� ia eherged �ritb iafoxmiug you of this public hearing. If you have aay quost�ons, it ie reaomme�ded that you aetend this public heariug to a�i�rd qou the opportunity to a�ake your viea�s, botb pro aad crna, ku�o�ra to the C�ty Counci�. xSJSALIB L. Bt.ITI.EB Commiasioner of FinBnc� 1 �H�� I � � '.�s �f t. ��� 17a eari�� �, � �� Lh�,!',�' � �.� F i 1 I� � , le '��1�' . ��. q � a � lii� x �� Da � f!e 1;', , � _ . � ' . a � �,w � City of Saint Paul, I�innesota /��� APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL COUNCIL USE PERMIT � (Please print or type) TO THE I�DNORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL � � 96 the City Clerk �� � City of Saint Paul, Minnesota � r�no e�l�r recons�ruc �an ex's 'n Application is hereby made to (cross one out) #�r��a��-�a�rd�-epera te-ie-aew Q FILLING STATION No. of islands and pumps : No. of tanks and capacity: � PARKING LOT for (customers) (employees) �r4�#t�-t�) (-�x�i.r�-us�e-) (other) (indicate type) Capacity of parking lot 47 cars To be used in connection with: Dental Clinic office building � MISCELI,ANEOUS: (indicate type such as Drive-in Itefreshment Stand, Used Car Lot, Dry Cleanin� Pick-up Station, Ice Vendor, etc.) Capacity of parking area: *Location . South side of University Avenue between Roy and Fry Streets Legal Description : Lot See attached plat Block Addition Applicant's Name : Midway Professional Building Association Home or Office Address:1630 University Avenue (Future address� Phone Number ; 644-0405 -�BY THE APPLIGANT, Dr. William McDonald � Oct. 19, 1971 . Signature) (date) Address . Midway Medical Arts Building Phone No.: 644-0405 When completed: file three copies of this application forra and three prints of tbe preliminarq lay-out plans of the proposed facility with tbe City Clerk, ftoom 386, City Hall and Court House, Saint Paul, Minnesota Z-3 6/11/56 *EXAMPLE: 1. S.E. corner of Main St. and First St. 2. South side of Main St. between First and Second St. 13t�11!Zll OF 'I.C)NING ItEPORT AND ACZ'ION February 3, 1972 , . • . ' . Plat Map 21 Acti.n�; tmder Legi.slative Code Chapter 60 thru 64 n�s5ed A�igust 22, 19?2, as amended to January 27, 1971. ���� l. APPLICANT 'S NAME : ,1i�lwav ProFcssic�nal I3uildinf; Association 1896 187?_ 2. CI.ASSII�ICA'I'ION . � Amendment � Appeal � Permit � Other ]327 52"3 X-1145 3. PUIlPUSE . hr 1 ri� hii I�I c r rc�qu i rements 4, LOCATION : South side o[ liniversity Ave. between Roy and I'ry Streets 5. LEGAL DESCRIPTION : See file 6. PKESENT ZONING: Lt. Industry, Conunercial, "C" Residence 7 . PURSUANT TO Zoning Code Chapter: 64 Section: .03 Paragraph: i 8 . STAFF INVESTIGATION & REPORT: Date: January 27, 1972 By: PLR & ATB A. IIfS`I'ORY: Vr�rious porti��ns of this ��r��>erty have received extensions of l,i�;lit In�1ti:;tr�i.� l usi�, I�����n rc�r.�ine�<I and recEivc�d ��arkitt�;-l�C ��crin�ils . 13. 1'l101'OSAL: ns sCa�r�l in tlie, a���E�licai�t 's letter ot appeal, tlieir ��urpose is t�� con- struct a two-story buildin}; housing a dental laborat:ory, rental space and dental clinic. 'Tlteir i�arlcin�; lot is I�roposed to be at tlie rear of the lot next to residentially used and zoned lots wi_thout providing the 8 foot buffer required by the Zoning Code under those conditions . Instead, the plan indicates a planting area of 4 feet width even with the house on the adjoining property and a screen fence even with the garage on the adjoining lot past the dead-end alley and along a portion of the next lot 's rear yard . C. NEED FO}t APPEAL: The 7,oning Code requires an 8-foot buffer area between any open parking lot containing more than 10 cars and property residentially used or zoned. I), VARIANCE: The plan shows a 4-foot buffer along a portion of the relevant property linc� or a 50%, variance and a 2-foot buffer along another portion for a variance of 75%. 1�. AR�A lONTNG: University Avenue frontage is zoned Light Industrial with Heavy In<justrial and "C" Residential z.oning north of it. Most of ttie area south of Univer- sity Avenue is zoned "C" Residential. Portions of the site are zoned Light Industrial, Conanerci_al and "C" Residential. F. SITF CONDITIONS: The proposed development is under construction with an informal approval of tlie parking lot granted by City Council on November 11, 1971. The office structure is nearing completion wi.th only interior work remai.ni_ng. G. ARI:A CONDI'CI�ONS : A service stati.on exists on the sout-hwest corner of Roy Street and University Avcnue adjacent to the subject site. Varied corrnnercial uses exist along the rest of llitiversity Aventae in t}iis area . Midway i�ospita]_ exists two blocks west and san�;le-fami7v ltomes , cluplexes and some apartmenL-s consti_tute the rest �f the area south of l�ni vcr���i tv Avrnue. `3 BOARD AGTION� To Recommend � Approval � Denial Council Letter Da ted : Moved hy . McPartlin Yeas Nays 2-17-72 Ames - Ch. Date of Seconded by: Swesey X Cochrane Hearing: X McPartlin 2-?_4-72 Secretary's remarks : Maietta Mansur Cc�unc•i 1. 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