D00987No. D � 1 Date: �+- J • CITY OF SAINT PAiTL - OFFICS OF TIiE MAYOR ADMTNISTRATIVE ORDER for CONTRACT CHAISGS NO. 3 ADMINIS`PRATIVE ORDER, Whereas, additions which proved to be necessary to the Improvement described as: Pir Conditionina for Neiahborhood House/E1 Rio Vista Recreation Center and Wilder Recrea.ion Center , known as Contract No.014835 , City Project No. B95-03-OS , Doody Mechanical. Inc. , Contractor, is composed of the £ollowing_ Provide and install controls and interlock wiring and lockouts for controlling wild economizer on four air handling units. ADD $4,811.93 ORDERED, That the City of Saint Paul, through its Mayor, approves the foregoing additions made in accordance with the specifications in the sum of $4,811.93 , said amount to be added to the lump sum consideration named in the contract, known as • Contract No. �14835 , and which amount is to be financed from: Original Contract Sum $294,650.00 Change Orders to Date 7,810.00 Amount this Chanae 4.811.93 New Contract Sum 5307,271.93 APPROVED AS TO FORM Director of 1/��' 19 l� t4�f� tio 19_ 19_ C95-3E005-0898-34146 Doodv Mechanical Inc Contractor By letters dated July 3 and July 8, 1996 ( ,/,�9 li¢�� ��l9�5� Di ectox of Finance & Management Services � � ��� Administrative Assistant to the Mayor cc_ City Clerk Finance Department • Department Accounting Project Manager Contractor Inspector Office Copy Contract File Copy Chie£ Engineer ��r �i�g� ����� 96� GREEN SHEET INITIAL/DAiE INRIAVDATE � DEPAHTMEMDIRECfOR � CRYCAUNpL � CT'ATTORNEY p CITYCLERK FON BUDGEf OIRECTOR � FIN. S MGi SERYICES �lR. � MAYOP(ORASSiSTANT� L6] Qarks & Recreatinn TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) �CTIOP! REWESTED: Approval of Contract Change Agreement Air Conditioning for Neighborhood NouseJEl Rio Uista Recreation Center and Wilder Recreation (A) or Reject (R) CML SERVICE GIB COMMITTEE _ . ? sTn� , . _ OIS7RICT COURT __ . SUPPORT$ WNICH CAUNCIL O&IECTIVE? PERSONAI SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOIL���IONS: 1. Has this personlEirm ever wwkeQ untler a conhact for this department? YES NO 2. Has this person�rm ever been a city employee? J U L 2 9 199� YES NO 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possess@QhY,$¢y,C}y(eptpip'99nloyee? YES NO Pl�ATtlKJ V�� ti[. Explain all yas anawera on aeparate sheet antl sttach to green aheet % Necessary to complete the controls for the new air conditioning equipment at Wilder Recreation Center and to integrate these controls with the existing heating and fresh air system. IFAPPROVED: Upgrading existing system to a standard configuration for equipment of this this type and compensating the contractor for additional work done. a��� �` M � �� `� ���� 4 .�tt� 17 19 � �� �ECEivE� AuG - � �sss ClTY CLERf� � Modern standards will not be met and contractor will not get compensated for additional work required. 70TAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACiION $ 4� 811. 93 CIB FUNDIfiG SOURCE =1NANCIAI INFQRCdAT10N: (EXPLAIN) COSi/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO ACTIVItYNUMBER C95-3E005-0898-34146 [!�,1 f Sent by: AFTON ENGINEERING 6724362594 07/05/96 6:59A� Job 164 Page 3/5 ^-•�-• •� -• . ��•�� oi�<ainoae => AhTON ENGINEEPING; k1 ' JU� WED 13�42 DOODY MECHANICAL FAX N0. 6124875386 P.01 _ _ ��� � NORTHERN AtR CORPQRAT�QN TS S. OWASRO BLr+D. LiTTtE CANADA MN Sbt 1T pp7E; Dk �13�J941�! � fAX t81Ti9o�t636 CHANGE �RDER REQU�ST � 70: Joh NpmQ: DOODY MECHAti1CAL fKC_ WtLDER RECREA'RON CEP('fER R+: CoNiROIS ANn 1ta7ERLOCK w1RiNG as REQUS&T�D TO CONTROL Wllb ECOMOMIZER ON FQUR AIR HAl�1QtERS ITEAA/ • � �- ����� � I • Q' )f� �� Sent by: AFTON ENGINEERING 6124362594 07/70/96 10:14AM Job 175 ^-�. i. o.nu� :.corm� 40I�IaJ °� A�IUN tN61NttH1N4� N1 ��JVL'— 9-96 TUE 14:35 DOQDY MECHANIGAL � • . Norltiern Air f'i�t 75 ti, t)wasso IiIsA. l.iUte f �t�iada . :1l�7 5.5I17 T� ax t�over Slieet ��a'rF.: ozxrx�x, rc�: r[r[ �>.t[�.� nt�� n�� r?�t•. Post•it' Fax Note 7677 �'oHn� AvE'� r� °i /Ifi7oeV Fw( 4 �r��ir:: �_i� <��� rt tc�v��.: r:��: I�itO�L• [.�"�ti l3IS(FC)t' I'l1C)M1T.: ! f'.�\: u��.: ti�v.r�}:x Kt�cxi•:;erro�� c�:� ri�li � �c �: 1nu�6rr uf �tia�r. inrludiu�! co�er shecL• l Ic�s.a;,>c [!\I. 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