257740 ORIO�iAL TO CITY Cl.6RK CITY OF ST. PAUL �OE NCIL ND_ �5�'�4� � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESEMTED!Y COMMISSIONE ATF WH�EtEA3, The Counail of the City of Saint Pau1 has duly canvassed the returns of �he votes cast an the Bos.rd of Educatio� of Independent 3chool Distriet 160. 6c5 Bond Eleetfon at the Special Election held in sa�id City on the ].l�th da� oP March, 1972 s itIId WAEREAS, It ap p�ars Fro�a. sa,id returns and the canvass thereoP that 18,355 electors voted in favor of the approval of said Bond Election and 36,08l� •leetors voted aga3.nst the approval thereof; and WF�REAS, Minn. Stat. provide that a ma�ority of the votes ae.st at the alection on the question must approve the Bond Election before aaid Bond Eleetion becanes et'feetiv�; noW, �here- Por�, b• it RESOLVID, That th� Board of Education of Independent Sahool Dist�iat. No. 625 Bond Elec�ion is hereb� decla�ed to _ • havs failed to receive �h� necessary �ajority of votes cast and, therePore, to have been rejected. o�M PPpRO �N� � �o�P,��pN CA MAR 1 ? 1972 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeaa Nays �- MAR 1 ? t972 � t_ � e� 19— Levine _ln Favor Meredith � Sprafka Mayor A gainst �ee�esee= Mr. Presiden�, McCarty PUBLISHED MAR 2 5 1972 0 o��CATC TO�RIN'I�t 25`�'74(� CITY OF ST. PAUL ��"p� NO , . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM i ..- ����'� COMMISf10NER �AT� WHBRBA�, T�u Qaw�sii ot' th� Ci� at �lalat Pa�l lua dnl� •an�ua�d f�h� r��nra� o! Zbr �o��• eas� +ea �L+r neard at fldwa�io� o�f S�d�p�nd�st Sehool Distriet �o. 6t� Hp�rd il�sti� at �2r ap�sial =l�otiiva h�ld in sai� Ci� a� �h�s l�tlt da� �t' Kaaeh, 197'$f +� ii�1�tZA8, �� �ars lra� �tid r�turns amd tla sas�ru• �o! tlu►� 1�,3� ��.�etori oot�d i�a la�or at tl� appro�a�l ot �raid �He�d $2�atic� and 36,081t �l�s�ar� �oi�ad asainat t� �ppa�o�al t�h�r�o!� end i�RBAB, KinA. S�at. �rovid• �1a►1� a u�orilr�► 0!' �l� �o�r oas� ati �a �i�si�io� oaa �brs q�atiaa� ,n�t appro�rr► ��r Ho�! �.�e�ioo D�2'or� sai� H�d Bl�a�ir� b��aa�s �lt�►atii��f ao�v, 1�1�r�- laa�►�, b� it RbSOLYBL'�, T3ia� #� �rard �o�' �ius�►�tar� or Tad•p�sd�t 3�hoo1 Dirtrio� ��. f►�$ Bo�d Bl�s�lon i� h�r�b� d�ola�r�d 1� ha�n lwil�d to r�e�i�� � n�a�s�ar� u�arrilt �! �ot�s eaat a�t, t3�sal�r�, to ha�� b�s� r��+ra��lt. MAR 17 19Z2 COUNCII.MEN Adopted by the Co»neiL 19— Yeaa Nays �R 1 ? 1�2 . $t�le�r-- � � Approv� 19_ Levine Tn Favor Meredith �� Spr&fks � Agninat �eeee-- Mr. President, McCarty . ��