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257728 ort�ai��To c�rr c�s�eK �!9 ���� CITY OF ST. PAUL NLEN�� NO. � �` OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK LICIl�TSE CONINIITTF:E CO CIL RESOLU 10 -GENERAL FORM PRESENTED dY M&'C'�Yl ZC� �.9�`2 COMMISSIONE A� r- WHEREAS: The Fourth District� Veterans of Foreign Wars has made application for permission to eonduet a Tag Day on Friday, May 19, 1972, between the hours of 6:00 a.m. and 12s00 midnight on the streets of the City of Saint Paul, therefore, be it R.ESOLVID: That permission be and the same is hereby granted to the Fourth District� Veterans of Foreign Wars to eonduct such solisitations on the day� date� and between the hours requested. Renewal Informally approved by Couneil March 14, 1972 1AAR 16 1972 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Y�s xa� MAR 16 1972 �• X,���X CONWAY ved 19— Levine �) Ttt Favor � Sprafka � yor Tedesco A Sainat Mr. Vice President Meredith PUBLISHED MAR 181g72 �� � i , � CITY OF,�S�lI1LT PAUL /? ' � C�pital of Minnesota �•� � . �.� � / /� � • �e art�nevtt o ub�CC �a et �� p � ADMINISTRATION Tenth and Minnesota Streeta FI$E PROTECTION ro�cs DEAN MER.EDITH,Commiaeioner HEALTH RAI,PH G.MERRILL,Dspaty Commissioner DANIEL P.MeLAUGHLIN,License Inspector March 14, 1972 Honorable Mayor and City Council Saint Pa,ul, Minnesota Gentlemen and Madam: The Fourth District, Veterans of Foreign Wars makes application for permission to conduct a Ta� Day on Friday, May 19� 1972, between the hours of 6;00 a.m. and 12:00 �idnight. They have complied with Ordinance No. 13338, amendin� Chapter No. 450,.00 of the Saint Paul Le�islative Code and Ordina.nces which deals with the solicitati ons of funds. The application is made by Richaxd S. Blossom and F�ed Wanner. Attached is a copy of their application.. Very truly yours, Ci��-�%� ���i ` �,�- ��. � License Inspector V �' `' . i � ��� �' _ � ���� � � � - o . _, - _ , � . , .� . C��'Y ()F' ST. PAUL Offiea of LiQense �ri.spector ' 202 Public Sa,fet�r S`b. Ph ul, M�.nnes ota 55101 Applicat3.on for permission to solicit funds, or to conduct tag days, upon the atreets Qf the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, , Date of Application ��� 19�� le Name of organization Distr�a! i��r�as ot lor�id trar� Addreaa of organization 8;at,� T�t�nns Sar'le�a �ai�ai,�� 2. Chief officer of organization 8icha�d �� .]lies�on 3, . Seoretary of organization !'r�d waan�r _ .. 4. Name of person or persons responaible for the distributian of oollaeted funds. Po�t aad �nzi7,aat� AaD�r� 5. Purpoae or object for wi3ich �oliQitation is to be made ��� 4� PsypJ aa�ds asQ no�i�s M�ltare amd r�l�it ot diraDi�d ��I�rass 6e U�e to be made of ftanda collected �d nido�es s�#d orpl�as of d�cN�ed a��1�r� 7s Solicitation v�i.11 be �de on � lq dates, betwsen the hours of 6 a.�. �nd �� �p��� 8. .Looation �rhere solicitativn will take placse �, .�_ �g�� 9a Liat the amounts of any �vages, fees, co�mnisaiona, costs or expenses paid ar vvh.icsh are expected �c� be paid in oannection vPith aolieitstiona Also list names of persons �o �rhom pe►ymen�s have been m�de ar will bs metde and the amounta o� such �ymentso (A financial state�nt i.ncluding this infb�ticm _ may be attached, . .. � ' J...�f/[ _ ��'-.��w�/ C���i fiC�/j . . . (Over� � . ., - . M�trcA 14, �.9'T2 Hon. Dten lli�redith, Cansr. ot Public Satety, 101 S. IOth. St., �itg. Attn: Mr. Daniel P. McLaughlin �aar Sir: T2�e Ci.ty Co�il todsy granted ini"�arme�l. �rpprov�l o� the spplicstit�rt e3!' �e Fcn�rth District, 1letera�s oP For�igil Wars �or psrmisaion to cv�duct a T�t I!�►' ca Fr3ct�V: M�V 19, 1972, bet� � 3�aan oot 6:00 a. m. �d 12sOQ eidni.ght. Will yan p].ease pr�pare the cua�caary r�ssalutianY VerY tru2Y yrnu's, City C].erk �