257727 ORI6INAL TO CITY CL6RK �O �5��2� CITY OF ST. PAUL No�Nc�� • LIC�NSE COMMITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �' COU CI RESOLUT ON L FORM PR�T�� March 16, 19T2 COMMISSIONE DATE WHERF.AS: The Fourth District� �American Legion. has mad� Application for permission to conduct a Tag Da,y on Friday� r��,y zg, 1972� between the hours of 6:00 a.m. and 12:00 midnight on the streets of the City of Saint Paul� therefore, be it RESOLVED: That permission be and the same is hereby granted to the Fourth District� American Legion to conduct such solici�ations on the day, dat�� and between the hour� requested. Renewal Informally �,pproved by Counc il March 14, 19?� . IJI�AR 16 �972 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Councii 19— Yeas Naya ��-. MAR 16 t972 ��X GONWAY Appro 19— Levine S Tn Favor N�e�edit� , 1 Sprafka u A gainat Tedesco � PUBLISNED I�qR 181972 Mr. Wice President Meredith �� . CITY aF SAINT PAUL ���- � Capital of Minnesota �. ` � c� / /� ��� � aLJe artrnevct o ub�C'c �a et `~ p � ADMINISTBATION Tenth and Minnesota Streets FIRE PROTECTION ro�cs DEAN MER.EDITH,Commisaioner HEALTH RALPH G.MERRILI.,Dapaty Commiesloner DANIEL P.MeLAUGHLIN,Lieense Inspector March 14� 1972 Honorable Mayor and City Council Saint Paul, Niinnesota Gentlemen and Madam: The Fourth District, American Le�ion makes application for permission to conduct a Tag Day on Friday, May 19� 1972, between the hours of 6:00 a.m. ��.nd 12:00 midn.ight. They have complied with Ordinance No. �333s, amending Chapter No. 450.00 of the St. Paul Legislative C�de and Ordinances which deals with the solicitations of funds. The applica,tior. is made by Nlrs. Oscax Sather, and Mrs. A. L. W. Anderson. Attached is a c opy of their application. V�ry truly yours, c -�'. �t�[L�. � � �1- Cc.I e �:(C*-t' � License Inspec r 0 . � . ' CITY OF ST. PAUT. ' Office of License Inspector • 202 Public Safety I3uilding St. Panl� Minnesota 55101 Applicatio�a �or p�rmission to solicit funds� or to conduct tag day�� upon the streets of the City of St. Paul� I�iinnesota. Date of Application���i,�(f 19 ��.� 1. Name of orga�ization �� ' � r � ` Addresa of organization���� �� ����,�,�,�� ��f�� 2. Chief officer of organization ��.�� /� �l��j�,( � � >�) 3. Secr�tary of orgar�ization �jf ,�, �� �', 1�, �f� 4. Name of person or persorus responaible for the distributioa oF collected funds. ���� .����� ��� ��� ,�� . , 5. Purpose or object for which solicitation is to be made �iYl�-�� / � ( ' ` � po�y� � a ^ � 6. U�s� to be made of funds collected__��c_.Q� � o AQ/ ��r��G ?. Solic3.tation will be made on �-�/J�J Cu-� � � ���� ��dates� between the hour� of _ � � ,�Q �v�f and �. �-� �f Q J� � 8. Location where solicitation will take place ����� `������� '. --7. . .^.� - 9. List the amouats of a�y wages� fe�s� commissions� costs or expenses ,paid or which are expected to be paid in coru►ection with �olicitation. Al�o li�t �ames of p�raona to �hom payments have been made or will be made a�d the amounts of �such payments. (A fin�ncial statement incl.udi�g this information may be attached.) G�"i�� � `� � �t'L' � �' ` � (ov�r) , . 1(?. �ttach a cogy of budget showi�g solicitations for this fiscal or calendar year. -' 11. IYave you read Chapter 450 of the St. Paul Le�islative Code9 which provides for the secnrin�; of permission to co�duct the solicitation of fur�ds� or ta� days� upon the streets of the City of Sto Paul and do you ully unders�a�d th� r�gul�,tio�s alsa provided in said ordinar�ce?� �.�. �4pplication made i� behalf of the above or�anization y> Name//JZ�'� �i�r2 � Ti�ic or Office ,�f�� L� �2.�0 • ( / ��x��� ! V / 1�1am � e or Office �d'-� /�,�i� � STATE OF 1�9INNFSOTA) ���'�� )SS COUPdTY OF RAA�SEY ) , �- ` Ct.d..o� ar�a �"h�.a . �1aw-c.�.a j��w being duly sti+ror� �y t t they �.re the petitioners in the above application; that they have read the foregoing petition and know conten�ts and pur.poses thereof; that same is true of their oevn knos+�ledge. � �-C.�/ �vl� ,�� .,� �e��'�''d G�=e�-�-�--- Subscribe� ar�d sivorn to before me this ( 3 � day of ��--��` 19�� � , '�3a.,�,�� Notary Pu i.c� Ramsey County� Minnesota Afy commissior� expires �- �- 1 �, MARGAF'.�T C. �'i„';'�� `,� .,�•�},r,. Notary Public, F'ac;�se.�r ._,�:';���, : My Commfssion Ex�iresxc,�,}cc:r�er 2, 1�78 , � �h �� 1�� �1• �811 �1"�.ti�lf Ca�uar. o! Publia Sa►f'etY, 1Q1 E. lOth. 3t.� . City. Attas Mr. Da�aial P. �svghlin Daa� iSir: Tlse City Cauncil tcclpr int'arma.U,q a�rpra�+ed tt:e �p].ieatiee o� T� F�h Dis tri.ct� America�a Lagic�a tor pMea�i�rsiaa� to c��ct a Tag Da�r o� Fr3day', Ma�,Y 19, 19'��, � tbe haurs o? 6 s 00 s. m, and I2:00 midnfgbt. WiL1 �'�on,t P� Pi"gPare the �stoa�er,zy x��lutionY �I'ez9 t�Y Y�, City Ca.e�c �9A