257710 . 25"�'71� ORI6INAL TO CITY CL6RK CITY OF ST. PAUL HLE NCIL NO. ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK . ' O IL O TION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE ATF �tESOL�ED, '�hat upon and pursuant to the pertinent appeal, �ader the Zoniag Code, by Domenico Marzitelli, own�r of the subject real estate, situate in the City of Saiat Paul �nd described asz Lot 1, Block l, Beckout's Rearraagement= that the prowisioas of said 2oning Code hereby are determined and varied as and to the extent aecessary therefor and th� area req�irements for said premises are hereby relaxed sa►, as tc� acco�modate a duplex in a pB" Residential �istrict, s�bject to the coadition that said appellaat, and hia successors and assigns, otherwise, shall make due compliance with all �pplicable provisions of mnnieipal ordinsnees, :tate statutes and r�les and regnlations of public anthorities haviag cograi$ax�c�. FORM !�� Asst. C rati n .vo nsel � 1� �� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays MAR 15 1972 �, � Conway � A 19— Levine �n Favor Meredith / Sprafka �/ or A gaiust Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty PUBUSHED MAR 161��� �� R� � . BOARD OF ZONING, CITY OF ST. PAUL 1010 COMMERCE BUILDING • ST. PAUL,MINNESOTA 55101 • PHONE: 223-4151 p'���I�. f! January 31, 1972 Mr. Harry E. Marshall City Clerk Room 386 City Hall St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Sir: This is written in response to the appeal of Domenico Marzitelli to relax area requirements for a duplex in a "B" Residential District on property located on the northeast corner of Toronto and Jefferson Streets. This property is further described as follows: Lot 1, Block 1, Buckout's Rearrangement. This matter was heard at the December 16, 1971, Board of Zoning public hearing, at which time the staff report on file was read. The staff noted that the NDP Plan for this area called for a density of 14 dwell- ing units forthis site. The staff said that if the density of the pro- posal were projected extensively, the result would be a net density of about 14 dwelling units per acre. A letter'from the West Seventh Street PAC Group (copy attached), which reco�nended denial of the variance, was read. A representative of the applicant said he plans to move a house from Pacific Street to the subject site and live there. In discussing this matter, the Board considered the taxes on the vacant property. Subsequently, they heard a motion to recomm�end approval. The motion was seconded and carried by a vote of 5 to 0. Very truly yours, :, _, '�_-_ , ' / Peter J. aietta Secretary, Board of Zoning PLR/br � '1 � ��. Z. F. 7278 ,- Enclosure � � � �,,.. �,,�,. `� i� � �'�, '.:1..'T,'�n � G � y `/� b6 L"�.:') (�iS �}:� 4i �.. <' ' , � lNEST SEVENTH STREET ASSOCIATION �ti' sTREET for Neiyhborhood Development, lnc. � 506 West S�ve��th Street■St.Paul,Minnesota 56102 ■Telephone 224-5461 December f�� l�?71 '�r. ';��'� a.n�] R, tI�i��en �i�'!•c',nr� C1ty P7�riri�np, �.�)].11 (;r)�lr7('2'CiJ �11��_Oi� �>+,. :`' , ;�ia�ner� `,a r5a_01 � �E-� l,� �eal of Domenico rlarzite111 to rela.�c area requirements for property �, n�ted on t.hP northw^st eorner �t' Tor� �+o �21C1 Jf ffeT`S�TI St,t'rets. f)��;���• !�),•, fl�i�ien: ���,�� r�i�����, apperal, wAa ruviawed by Loth our PuW.io Faoll�.tiee Taek Faroe 4rxi c»1�• ��'� �riirtr�.t:�.v� F�oE,irci� 7'he Weat �th Strc�et Aaeooiat;ion stront,l o r 1,1'�� ;;r ,osed movi�7g c�f the �iuplax onto the l.ot i.n question for t'�oyfolla�wei� R7 I'�'1`�nn• : � . All�win� another rolaxation of thi� nature would only c��ritribute to the t-ridespread bl,ight in l�Jest 7t�i of buildings crowt3� d onto lots oS inadequa,te size. :'.. Another �ertinent �aetor might be taken into consideration. . � "here i�, a vacant �ot aci j��cent to tlie one Mr. 1�iarzite119 ha� 1�].rr�ne,i 'or hi^ du �,1ex. So while tlle cite ma;� not initially '�1�1�'� �' �l��mp��cl� nc��; a0nstivcti�n on tho ad�j�.cE�r,t 1ot vrou7.d rr.ul_ ��:;,1.],y c1�;�r��*� t.lio �iCture. �.Ji;cn rul� it�onnl 1; rNl ic� nvni 'ttl�lc,� 1 L r;�,r�ri;; C��rtirn�lA •l.y unnr,,ac�rio�ry t:� rx.�rn�,t n r,c;�,�;ionc� c ' tl�t� �in tux�c�. y ". ?°i na)1,y-, plans ��or th&t im,��iediate a •ca �,re no�, �lefinite.: . . :,chool_ r-�ievelopmerit may woll oaeur neai• thQ ll.-,vis site, which i_s acro^s the street from t�1r. I�iarzite7.li�s/pronerty� Tl is ahould 1� taken into eonsideration l.y both the �.pplican�, and the Z4nin� Boa2t1. A�xin, ��,zr recormnend.ation is �8ni,�,"1, a,nd xe wa.11 appreci�te your conveS�arioe o-f a�zr � �cision at the�9`ecember 1.bth Zonin� �3oard hearin; and any addi.tional ti�^:rs.n�r r�erta�.n:l.np, to thie :t�'�t,eT,, `I'li:i►ib ��, �i� .. �;:{pC��rr�'1 � ` � �,. w) /+ � � �,a � � W .�' ..l/"�, rC.-C. `'"� �� 'IJ� I l-_ � L'! � �a� � �, �.., Rich;��r3 `. Prokop, ��j�� �1 - 1`-'( i 1 r� !_;ic„ � ��,� 1 �t.��V�►+'+ ����! a►'W 5ax t 1't�ul. ��i�. :.L��:;,, . �� � g ? / ��� . • ,,�� � �l� �- " '� ���'L�- ' �-�- �v�� � 7�-- /� � L.��c--e- / �G C��`7 1 ! c�' 3�'�� ��,� ��' � C'4�"'� ��'-�J �� . � -' �,�►;�: l / �'9 7�/�-�-�� �P �. ��' � \,��'s" /� „Z . ,���%,�x� �e ��.�t� �� � � , .,�„� � � �. — �� ���. � � �.�-,,�:��.� .��- .���� � �-�-L-J �" - << ,, ���` � �.� �� /� .��,.� �- �'�� �� �� � �� �� �� � , . � .� �� -;.�; ,�-� -�-�= . �� � ��'� � - �.- ...�-- l �?�,--� , �, ;�i�--�.� _,2,5 .� �- •, �,�,,�,�-'� .�' �-- , - ��°�' � � , � , .�. ��--��-� ��. ,C��` �.� . L..�� �-�-- �' �� � � d �tIV(.�C�T-' L�y f� �'LC� � ���� °� � �-v� .,�� ����� ��?�--Y-1;,��.� �5� .,�1 a:� . , �� ..� .f�'�--�-`', � �;�- ,�,�:.y-.�...�- ..�.� � . � - ' G� � �- �� .,�.,�.,� �C�.�` , �`��. ����, �" �"��`'`� �." . ��'� • . � . � � � �� � �� � �o � -� ��� � �-`�� � ,�,�,Q�.e.. /y-�-�� .�:� � /�_.�/t�_.P..✓ /''"" _ / ' �� r. / ` !`t ' 1 � :L� �✓ E�'��+ - -j�•,•ty .. �'-� ��).�I ` .'��- ���� �� _"�� � :�.��. y �� � ��V �'1�.� �-�-�' �2..`""� • � �—�--.�- � =�--+-� . � � ..-. .' � 5�, � � � - .���.-- .��-�- ,�'� ..� ,` �f� � X /^�/ `. ���,�.' �. , �I � �� -�' = � g ' X � � ' ����. , � ,��' � . ,��.�.� , . �,��� ��� � ' /� q �'� . �. �-y j�'�,�,, �� _����d �- �,��t_�, � � � - � � � � BOARD OF ZONING REPORT AND ACTION �ecember 16, 1971 . Acting under Legielative Code Ct�Itptsr �p thrp b4 pi8t Map 9 ' passed August 22, 1922, as amended to J�t�uaxy 27, 1971. 7278 1, APPLICANT'S NAME , Domenico Marzitelii � 6799 2. CLASSIFICATION . � Amendment a Appeal � Permit � Other X-1150 3. PURPOSE . Relex area requirements for a duplex in "B" Residential district 4. LOCATION . Northeast corner Toronto and Jefferson St. 5. LEGAL DESCRIPTION : Lot 1, Block 1, Buckout's Rearrangement 6. PRESENT ZONING: "B" Residence 7. PURSUANT TO Zoning Code Chapter: 64 Section• •03 • Paragraph: o(1) 8. STAFF INVESTIGATION & REPORT: Date: 12-9-71 gy; AB A. HISTORY: A petition to rezone this lot and the lot adjoining to the east was found to be insufficient on June 17, 1969. B. PROPOSAL: The appellant proposea to move a two-family residence from 1037 Pacific Street to this property. C. NEED FOR APPEAL: The lot has inaufficient frontage and area for a duplex in a "B" Residential diatrict. D. STANDARDS: A duplex in e "B" Reafdential diatrict requires a lot width at the front legal setback line of 50 ft. and an area of 6,000 sq. ft. E. VARIANCE: The proposed site hea a �°width of 43 ft•, 7 ft. or 10.4% short in width requirementa. The site arem ,is S.fiS�iS sq, ft. , 345.5 sq. ft. or 5.75% deficient in area. Chapter 64.03ia��iS(1) now reads: "Permit the erection of homes to be used by two families, upon corner lots in "A" and "B" residence district, where said lota heve a deficiency of not more than ten per cent of : the area requirementa set up by Sectiona 60.02 and 60.03 for the erection thereon of homes to be used by two families, where it appears that the public health, safety and general welfare will be properly aecured. F. AREA ZONING: South acroae Jefferat�n Ave. , the zoning east of Toranto St. ia Heavy Induetry. The zoning weet of Toronto St. and north of Jefferaon Ave. is "B" Residence. G. SITE CONDITIONS: The site ie a cOrner lot, vacant, level and at street grade. H. AREA CONDITION: West acrose Toronto St. is Davia Elementary School. The area north and east is developed with single-family residences with a few scattered duplexes. This is in the West Seventh St. NDP area and the PAC group's report on this propoeal will be forthcaming. E� itiF•i'vL .� � , � ' �.'�4��,�` .� . ,,.,.o„ r,�,.d_, �;. ,. -.i..��.�. - /�Y$�cw.3VniuNaS+Yf�afM YnK+iMrt.a'+y. y�� �� ' O - --- i � — O ~J-�--7-- �� � ��.._..�' __ . �? � � Q � n � o ; � • -.------- - — � O_a � O � O O C� -4- �--"—�—_,,_�__' � �� " r � , � � � � o � �� O 'M�, � � ' � �.: -- �--j �' - p-- I � p _. �_ o _�'`.���—��-�—'. _� U - -- j , � � '� �„� f�� �_► } . x_ �ir"'+y�'-`�y'=�+s e�;,,u`�.- 1-. 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' i -o 0�1 F-Fnr����Y � PRES�I�T ZO(�II��G "B" -�esiaen�� � -Q- T���O_(=Ai�/1lLY f PETITIGN SIG�EE�S �� T���C—F���iLY � � � FOUR° F����� � � r n�c��T►-r°���1���Y ��LG, it;0. 7278 ` ' � N4RTN ' C8 f� �C.��i�ri��"i�l�;�.. ' `� n n I-P�!(?U S`r'�!�L v v�c�r�r � � Sf. Pau! Pl�nnir�g (�o�rd, f�a�e: 12-16-7� � %�� T��c��arrf� und�r co�s6d�:r�tior� � � ♦ - _ _,. ,. , . , , �Ti� -. , . ! :.-.t.:. �..+ a..� .i.�... ._tli..��.tr.,,� .�».i�<�.[���.;ti�7�. a.:'.i:.�...rw �laia f.•�wa.A��L 'v.. +LtS1YSL'iCT • . Ql� �itt'HSUAY, DEC�N'iS3ER Ib, 19r1, aL- 2:00 P,M. PBBS�1'1': Mrs, Caclareue ax�d Messrs, McPartli�t, M�3.e�ta, B�erasteQaf, and Doady of tbe B�rd; Mr, Rq�et�er and Ba Reitter of the st���m D�tJICU 1KA�ZIT�Y.L� - An appea2 to rei�c area require�neats fvr m dnplex ia a "B" 8esideatiat l�a.e�ari��. Mr, Raset�e� su�ra.zed the steff report, a gmrt of tT�e �fle, by eoC�ing the� � getf�itoa to rezo�te thie �.�t ��� tbe lot ad jaiuixtg �o tbe e�st �r�s f��td ro be fi�es�fffc�eret oa June 1.7, �969e Tt�e �ppellant prupases to �ove a t�cs-fam��y residence �som �03? Pacif3c Sicr�e� to thzs ;,�apea:tq, T?�e 2at has irssuffici�enC L-roat�ge a�d �r�a for �a ctupYex �ra a "B" Reaideut�.al district. A duplex iu a 14B" Resatd��tia� distxict requizes a 1ot raidth sC the frct�t le$ai sethuck Ii�e of 5Q ft. e�►d area of 6,OE3U sq, ft. The prop�sed site l:as a widtl3 of. 43 ft., 7 �t. rxr �.�,416 $�ort �a �ridt� requiremenics. T2te sfte area is 5„654.5 sry. �t., 3rs.5,S sq. ft. or 5.75�6 deficiereC iu areea 3'he staff pox�tced ont t'E�t Chapter 64�03, a(1), ea app�et provtsian of tize C�de, reads: "P�a�nft the erectioa of 6omc�s to be us�d t�y two famfl�es, �xpr�a rorner lots Lc� "A" ��d "B" r�side�tce districts, where safd lots bat e r� de£tcieacy o£ uoC �ore tit�i Ia'X of tt�e srea reqnfrcem�xa�s set up by Sectf�aa ti0�fl2 :*:nd 60s03 for �&e Qr�ctian thereon of ho�nes ea be used by �wo fsmnfliee, �ahere �ft spp��rs t�at th� pc�bZic he�ikh, sefetiy �ad geaeral welfaxe wi1Z be prespertlq secu�ed," Mr� �os�tter nat�d tha� ��ie subj�c� si�:e is os� � cosu�r lat. T&e D1DF P1a�n calla for Res�d�r�tial I ns� of t}��s l�er�d, T'iae p�.�r� sY�ees ��aC J�eside�Cial � use �� 3ntercded to �e cxo� less thao 7 bct� �o� mcsre t4t� iG +d�rel�ic�g u�ite p�z acre. Specif- fe�ll.ya �.� i�dfc�t�d dup2�xes ghoc�Id no� �xceed Z4 dwe�Ii�g uniCs per scre. Mro Ro3�ttar pafnt�d oue t�at �f the denaity af Li�.s propoaal is prc��ec�ed sateasivel.y, the resulC woald be e �ross c3�ustty nf IS.4 dwe�ling uoits ger ac�e. T�is, howe�rer, Ss a gross density c�kti£e�Z a�a�s that �.� dae9fl't provide for streets. If streets �aere pravidsd, the ae� de�sfty wnuld be �loae to �he 14 dwe�.lt�xg e�its p�r ac�e suggeated by the NDP plau, llx�other �actor to b;� caasidered, Mr. Roaet��r said, �s t�xat i� a higher dests�.ty is desfred th�ra that p�c�s�zce�.y a2�ca�xed, a rezo�ing �t�s agx �dv�nt�g� over graaxic�g vaeri- . saces 'because �;Egh=r Ce�r.c:�r_y zo�ireg districes prr�vide a�her �a�s of coatrol such as bs�1lc3lag Cy'pe a se�l�tck� et�� Mre Daaciy ssked i:' sids y*��:d reqa��temen�s would be met a�a1 Mr. P,�setter aa�s��red that tt�at questiass fa covered a.� �he 3�s3.�ding CudE, Mrs. Cochrae�e pc�i��ted ou� �'t�at the �Qrle sr�id e�ia� e a07o variax�ce fe allexed, M�, �aae�ter explain�d �chat th�.s is al�cawed by= �appea�. but �soC sutamstic�Z7.yo Mr. M�ieCic,� se�d ff thex� was � re�pactse from �he PAC group, 'Mr. Rose�ter r_e�d the follaaing letter fro� Mro &�cU�rd T�a Prokap� Preeide�at, Wesic Sev�n�h 5tre�t Aese�: '"Re: AppeeZ o� �cr�euiccr Mzar��telli rca relax sre� req��remeata €or groperty Iocated � .the aortlswe�t coxr,�er mf �oxontc► and �e�fersas� Stsee�s..a,,The above a�apeal wae rev�ewr�d bq bot�i oerr Public �acfl�ties Tssk Force �x� csar �cim�uiatr,e$ivs Bo�rd. The West 7'�h 3tree�: Assocfatia� atrc�igly oppoges t'�� prc�p�ased �noviag of th� d�plex onto the �.at ia q��s�xan €or t6e fa�.��win� reasons: (1� t��.low�.�.g another reia�c�eic�x� of Chta aai.-axe w�ui�] o�H.g caatr3�u.te ta tbe w�tdespread blt��it �tz� West 7th af buildiags crowded a�W 2ots m� ir�adequate �izeo �2� Aitother perCi�en�t factior anfg�.t be take� iato coasideratic�.. , . T�xer� is a vacaat lat ad j�c�nt �a t'�e o�s� Mr. M�ar�itellf bas p�3n�ea fax hfa d�:��e�., Sa wia�.l� tt�e �i�e mEay rtc� init�a�ly �p�ear cramped, aew coa- stractior� a� t�e �d��ce�.L• Rot wmtaYd ra�3�ceily c�Caage the pic��are. When gddiC�ams� ll�td ais sv��lsble, te s�ems gz��tfe�i�erly uzraecessary to perm�z exceptiaas of t�is aatnre. (3� Biaally, pia�s �ar tF�at f�dia�te area �re not definite. , , achool redette2apm�at nay well occur �se�r t�e Davis e�te, w��,ch is across the s�reet frem Mr, MarzLtelli`s T � •� ' ���`i��tr � �y,��r,n� ; ,.�,° r r ';�, ��3 ��t�C� ' '.... i.�a ^t ,-,3 ..... :.� •„� prop�rty. This shciald be taken fnta consideration �,y bo�h the �pplicant anc2 the 2rnn- iag Board.. .� .Agafn, aur reco�xnendatior� is denial snd we wi1l appreciate yoetr coavey- 8ace of o�r decisioa �t the December 16tt� Zoning Board he�ring and a�.y additio�sl 8eariqga pertaining to �his maCtex." Mr. Maietta asked oahy the build#.ng is bei�.g moved aad r�a will be l�vin.g ia Che hauae. � Mrs e Jaha SnsnRe�.ist, speski�g �or Mr. A�srzitelif, expla�.�ed t}�t Mr. �ad Mxs e Msrzi- , telli would be living i�: �he laosne. Sh� s�id the subject lot is an Qmptx on� s�a.d Mr. Marzitelli has owned it ran�l pafd t�xeo ou fC for �7 ye8rs. The hou�e anugt be �oved from 1037 Pacific S+�zeeC bec�use �r f�eeway is takiz�g the �roperty. It was expl�i�ed tha� the Iot in quest�oa, ia 43 feet ��� T4�ere is s waca�t lot aext door to the prope�Cy. Mro Maietta asked hvur �ch th� taxes were on the lot aad Mre M�rzitel].i anewered that he psys $119 a year an E�is vacsat �.ot. Mta. Evangelist asl�ed ir* the upstaf�s could be r�nted aut and w�s Co2d th�t it could be. Mr. MaietCa poia�ed out that the property is zoned "B" ResfBet�ti�]. which zaea�as that g� two-family heuse is �laowable. Mr, Mafetta moved thattf�e appeal be grsnted. Mrso Cechrau� secande� the motion. The motioa carried by a �oCe Qf 5 to 0� Submitted by: Agproved by: Paul Le Rsset�er Rtabert �,� Am�s br � . f � v V WEST SEVENTH S-� l��►= + ASSUC:IATIGN ' ���, sT���" for Neighborhood Development, lnc. �"'",� 606 Weat Seventh Street o St.Paul,Minnesota 66102�.Telephone 224-6461 I December 8; 1971 � Dr. Noland R. Heiden Director, City Planning 10].0 Commeree Building St. Paul; piinnesota 551.01 Re: Appeal of Domenico Marzitelli to relax axea requirements for property loaated on the northwest Qorner of Toronto and Jefferson Streets. Dear Dr. Heiden: The above appeal was reviewed by both our Public Facilities Task Force and our Administrative Board. The West 7th Street Association strongly oppoaes the proposed moving of the duplex onto the lot in question for the �ollawing reasons: 1. Al.law:ing another relaxation of this nature would on].y contributa to the widespread blight in �7est 7th of buildings crawded onto lots of inadequa.te size. . 2. Another per�inent factor might be taken into consideration. . .. There �.g a vaeant lcrt ad�aeent to the one Mr. MarZite].li has planned for h1.s dup].ex. So whSle the si�e may not ini.tially � appeax cramped; new construction on the adjacent lot woul.d rad- , ically ohange the picture. 4Jhen a,clditional land is availabZe� it seems particularly unnecessary to pez�mi.t excepti.ons of this riatuz'e. 3. Finally; plans for that immediate area are not definite. . . school redevelopanent may we11 oocur near the Davis site, whieh is across the s�reet from rir. Marzitelli's property. Th3.s should 'be taken into consideration by both the appliaant and the Zoning Board. � Again� our reco�nendation is denial and we will appreciate your conveyance of our dec�sion at the Decem'ber 1.6th Zoning Board heaxing ar�d ar�,y' a,dditional hearings pertainin� to this matter.� � Thank you. „ " Sineerely; � �� '�' i2.,�L ���G � ` Ra.chard W. Prokop; . Preeident _..___..____. • � � �,, ..._.......... ._.._.....,_._.. k • � � � � o ,0�4 �/�.s' SG�dOL � 7'^D�rJ�vT c� 1 � � � � Q � � � : � � � � � �..� �� � Q � �'' l� . %� � w� � � Q y�s �v�,.,�,�X � � � � � y � City Clerk � � CITY OF SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 113 Cour� House 55102 Jaauary 21, 1972 File X1150, page You are hereby notified that a public hearing will be held :in t�e Council Chambers of the City Hall and Conrt House in the City of St. paul at 10:00 a.m, as� February 2, 1972 on the appeal of Domenico Marzitellf to relax the area requireaaents for a �splex in a 't8" Residential District on the property described as foilaws: Lot 1, Biock 1, Buckout's Bearrangauent. The property is located oa the Northesst corner of Toronto and Jeffersan Streeta. For further informatio�t, contact the Plaaning Board, Roc�a 1�10 Eomaaerce Building or telephone 223-4151. . To comply with the City Charter, the Department of Fis�ance is charged with informing yau of this public hearing. If you have any questions, it is recaaunended that you attead this public hearing to afford you the opportunity to make your viewa, both �ro and con, kncxan .to the �ity Cauncil. ROSALIE L. BUTLER Coaanissioner of Finance �- �. ;" �� � I���� ''� 1 .; � , `i �� �� � � i � Feb. 2, i97� 7aning Board Comm�rce I31.dg. :�t. Paul ti�ntlemen: The C�.��r Council taday �dopted a m�tion 'l�ring over to March lst the �onir�� appeal of Donlenica Marzi�elli �pr z^e1��tiQn of area requirements +o per!ai�t a duplex in „]3°t Reetide�ce Diatrfet at the northe�st corner df Tarontc� and J�*�'2ea�snn �3ta., on Lot 1, B1oCk 1, �ucko�zt's 1�es,rr�n�ew iS'�n�`.. Vexy tru]y yours : City Clerk � Feb. 2, 1972 Mr. Ikamenic� Ma.rzitclli Z6� Mc?3c�al St. �;t. P�zul, M�.�aespta De�.�° �31r: `I.7�e City Cnunc�.]. taday considered your zoninE; a,ppeal �o �1�.c�w a du�l�x in a "�3" Resicience .➢istrict at the ncar.the��t ecrr�aer oP �oronto St. �zr�d Jeffer�Qn �ve, '�ae Cc�,ua�il �aid �he me�tsr over tQ March lst, 197�s tc� �iv�e yc�u e�tx opportunity ta appear before th� oan that date fi.c� �'ul].y explain your proposa].. . Yery �ruly yrur�, Aa City Clerk ng