257291 ORI6INAL TO CITY CLERK 25��J� CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL '� -�� ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F��E NO. CIL RESOLUTION-G ERAL FORM � r"�ES�rEO etr � CO NE AT 4.��. (� �� � �'I�" WHER AS, IVIr. Sigurd A. Bertelsen :has recently a u ced his reti.rement after sixteen years as the Post ster of St. Paul; and WHEREAS, Sigurd A. Bertelsen has served the United Sta.tes Posta.l Service with unusual distinction and the highest excellence in the performanc� of his many duties; and WHEREAS, during Sigurd A. Bertelsen's tenure the St. Paul Post Office was awarded many meritorious awards for Efficient Mail Handling Operation and for Excellence in Management; and WHEREAS, 5igurd A. Bertelsen has been a devoted and distinguis�hed servant of thi.s community; now, there- fore, be it RESOLVED; that the City Council on behalf of its members and on behalf of the citizens of the City of 5t. Paul, for whom he served for sixteen years, hereby through t:his resoluti.on expresses its thanks and appreciation for his many years of devoted service; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council does � \ hereby desire to recognize Sigurd A. Bertelsen's ma.ny years of loyal service by joining in tribute and designating February 7, 1972, as "Sig Bertelsen Day" in St. Paul. � � � COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� F EB 3 197�9— Yeas Nays Butler FEB 3 �972 . _�i�� Approve� 19� Levine ' —_In Favor ����,� � T-sr?s�er�ui+tu� Sprafka � ` � MaYor A gainat Tedesco , � ��"'�'°��'' PUBLlSHED FEB � ���� P�r� `v�ct �`:e- �''' � � DU*L7GT[TO►RIN'RR 2572�1 CITY OF ST. PAUL F�uN�� NO. j • OFFfCE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GEMERAL �ORM PR�"B�ITED�lf COMMISSt�J'NER �A*F W HEREA,S, Mr. �isnrd A. B�rt�l�tn l�as r�cently ss��onnc�cl l�is r�tira��nt att�r aist��n y�ara as the Pottmast�r o� 3!. Pauli aad WHER�AS. �i�urd A. B�rbl�ia ba,� s�rwd th� . Uffited 3q►t�• Po�bl3�rv�c• writh vs�asuul disttnation ase! tbe M�►�st �ccslleac• in ths p�rtormanc• ot Lis maay duti�s: �►nd 1i�HFItB:AS. durins Si�nra A. B�rtels�a'• tenur� t�►� S� Paul Po�t OtSc• wa• award�d mwnp n�ritorious awssd� tor ff.l8ci�nt Mail Hand2in� Operatton and tor Facc�ll�n¢� ia Mssa�arunt; anel WH�R�AS� Si�nrd A. S�stfls�n has bs�n a d�rot�d aad di�lia�ui�hed •ervant ot thir ccu�amnoityz aow. th�re- � Lor�, b� it � R�SOLVED, that the Cftr Covutdl oa b�hali ol its m�cnb�rr aad on b�Lslf ot tL� cilis�as oi t� Ctty ot St. Psul, ter Mrhom h� •�rv�d tor �izti�a y�sr�, he��b�r through tl�• r��olntion �xpr�r��s ita tbsnk� srid appr�ciatlon . ior hi• inany years oi d�vatird s�rvic�; sad 1a it l�'URTH�R RF�SOLV�D� tba! tht City Covartcil doe� bsr�by d�si�r� te� r�cotniz� 3i�nrd A. B�rt�l��n'r many � Y�srs of loyal •+rrvic� by j�oin� ia tribut� aad d��i�natin� J'ebruary 4. 19T2, a� ''Si� B�rt�lsaa Dsr" ia 3� Psnl. COUNCII�VIEN Adopted by the Conncil FE8 '� ��IJ' Yeas Naya . � su�a� /�`: � FE6 4 ��� --�saa--�--�i"7ZZi1'� Approvw� �°�e Tr Favor �11a,.,. a:4ti, ms eaaea— sprafka o . �'�`yor ro�lIISt Tedeaco Mr. Wice President M�retlith • ��