257289 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLRR 25`72�9
, ' F S7`. PAUL FLE NC'� NO.
LVED, by the Co c' of the City of Saint paul that
it express its disagreement with the Report, Finding�s of Faet,
811t� C�AG�.118j.�AS a�d �rder of the Pttblic 3ervic� Co�maissios of
the State of lwiianesota, dated Ja�nary 25, 1972, whereiA said
eommission did gr�nt additional revenues of $34,U25,72�.0A to
the �iorthwestera Bell Telephone Co�pany and did per�it a
revision of the rates to provide s�eh reveames throughont the
�tate of Mirinesota, ba�iag s�ch disaqreement on the detern�ination
and the recommendatioa of the 3taff of the Public Service
Com�ission that an amc�unt of $12,377,AU0.8m was a proper,
equitable, and fair increase of reven�tes to satisfy the req�ire-
ments of the I�ort�iweatern Bell Telephone Company, a wholly owned
subsidiary of the Aneric�n �elephoae ��d Telegraph �ompany, is
maintainiag the fiaancial integrity of the enterprise, pera�itting
the enterprise to attr�et the capital it aeeds to serve crostomers,
aad proniding a ret�rn to ita� equity owAers �nnd its parent orga-
nizatio� that is comnaensurate with ret�rns on the secured invest-
ments in other snbsidiaries ha�i.ng corresponding risks; and be
it further
RESOLVED, that the office of tbe Corpc�ration �onnsel of the
City of Saint Paul s�all provide its full suppert to the Attoraey
General of th� State ot Minnesota aad all aad any partiea which
actively partieipate in the proeeeding: hereafter either i8
seeking amended fi�dings, eoncl�sions, aad order before the
� Coamaission, in �ppemliag tc� the conrts of tl�e State of Minnesota,
' or ip seeking redress from the Pre�ident' s Cost of Living Co�cil
� � or Pay Board and Price CommissioA with the expectatioa that sucla
° snpport shall lend its per:masioa and assistz�nce in f�rthering
� ►- a more s�itable, just, and fair disposzl of the issn�s iawolved
o �nd a lesseaing of the b�rden o� the �oms�ers of the City of
� Sai�t Panl and State of Minn�:ota.
O �
`` FEB 3
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the cou��i 197 9—
Yeas Nays
Butler FEg 4 1972 19_
��oa Conw�y Approve�l
Levine �n Favor
Sprafka J �tltl Mayor
Tedesco A Sainst
�le�SHED FEB 121972
Mr. Vice President fVlered�th
o���,��T�,��,� 25'7289
�tESOL�, by th� Counail of th� City o� Saint paul that
it �xpr�+s� its di�sq�c�nt with th� R�pc�rt, l�inding� o! �'aat,
aad Concla�ioAa and Order of ths Public S�rvic� Coa�is�ion of
th� Stat� ot Iti�na��otat, dated January 33, 197Z, wb�s�1A ssid
ao�ia�ion did qrant additional rw�ntu• o� «34,025,7Z0.00 to
the Yosthw��t�r� 8�11 T�i�phons Co�pany sad did p�z�mit a
r�vi�ion o! tha rat�• to provid� stsab rw�nws thro�¢hont th�
Stat� ot lsinn���ots, ba�inq such di�agr�aaent on t2i� d�t�ivation .
and th� r�oom�datieu� of t3� itaft of the i+v�blia S�xvie�
Ccoia�ion that an a�no�s►t o� ;1Z,377,000.00 � a proper,
squitabl�, snd fair iner.��s c! r�v�niu• to �atisty ths rrqnir�-
rnt� o! the �rth�r��t�rri 8�11 Ttl�phon� Compaay, a wholly owa�d
s�b�idiary of t�e 1�1a�tricsu Tel�phoa� aad T�l�Qrapll Co�any• in
�saintai.ainq the tinaACial int�qrity o! th� wtsrpri�e, p�rsittinq
th� �Aterpri�� to attract th� a=►pital it nNd� to s�rv� cnatom�s�,
and prcyvidinq a r�tura to it� �qnity awn�r� a� ita pasynt orqa-
nisation th:t i� co�sura� Mith s�tv�rz►s on th� a�anr�d inwst- �
m�r►t� ia othsr •nbsidiari�• haviuq oarr��pondin9 ai�k�i and 'b�
it farth�r
Rl�8pLV3D, tbat th� offiv ot � Corporation Couuas�l o! th�
City o! Stiat Fanl �ball provid� its lutll �apport to th� 1►ttosn�y
�ral o! ths 8tat� o! Minnssota snd ail snd auay parti�� whiah
aatiwly piurticipat� ia th� p=ooa�dinqs h�naltsr �it�or in �
���kinq aMnd�d liudinq�, eonclwio��, and ord�r b�for� fihh�
Co�isaioa, ia app�alfng to tUe oonsts o! t'h� 8ta� of M�nsaota,
or ia as�kinq r�dr��s lrom tho �rssid�at�• Co�t of Livinq Couuail
or pay �c�ud u�id price Ct�lf���OA M��1 t�le sxp�etatioa th�t �ncah
� �upport �hall l�nd its p�ra�asion and a��istaue� in lurt23�rinq
a aor� �uitabl�, jwt, and tsir di�posal ot th� iaan�� involv�d
aud a lo�s�niug ot th� burd�a on th� eaon��r� of the City ot .
Saint Panl and Stat� of Kina��ofi�.
FE8 3 1972
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19_
Yeaa Nays
But�er FE8 4 1972
fdio�t CEfnt�ray AF�oe� 19—
��e T� Favor
� Mayor
Sp� O A o0A1_TAt
Mr. Vice President Mered�th
� Ffis No. �p g� �
v�}, tn .. ;.
�aeoti�.�W t I�C�/�' .
aft�a. -
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�ditions i�nck�# ,
1. That t�e v� ��' �
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I1��1OPtaR bY`�the Co ` ��, �
I ADP='OVed FebruesY 4, I�4t.
(!'ebruai'Y 13. 1!7'1) I
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