257284 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLBRK �VI �V� � CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � CO CIL RE L N-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY RO @I' M• COAWB �TSM18 `L�+ I.972 COMMISSIOIy� ATF ry � ► WHEREAS, Deductions which might prove to be necessary in the Improvement described as the BREWSTER STREET PUI� STATION & FORCE MAIN, Comptroller's Contract L-7374, Citq Project No. 71-5-1299A, Arcon Construction Company, Inc., Contractor, have been provided for in the Specifications, and WF�REAS, It has been found necessary to make the follo�ing Deduction: DEDUCTION Bituminous surfacing around the pump station was deleted from the contract: 40 sq. yds. f$ $2.50 = $100.00 �and WHEREAS, The total deduction �8 $100.00, and the Commissioner of Public Works has agreed with the Contractor that the amount of $100.00 3s the correct sum to be deducted from said contract, therefore be it RESOLVED, That the City of St. Paul through its City Council �pproves the foregoing deduction made in accordance with the Specifications in the eum of $100.00, said amount to be deducted f rom the lump sum consideration named in the contract, known as Comptroller's Contract L-7374. ,�ORM R ED Asst. r atian oi;r�s?I FEB 2 1972 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays Butler �E 8 3 ���� � Approved 19� Levine (� --In Favor ��� ����r� -iVfcre�it�� Sprafka � Acting �Yor A gainst Tedesco -: PUBUSHED FE B � ���� �.�,._ �. Mr. Wice President Meredith �� ��������� 25'7284 i CITY OF ST. PAUL �uNCa NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ' COUNCIL RESOLUTION--GENERAL FORM CAMM�ISSIONi��.. .� �� H. c�r o�,� .�.�► za, ��a: W�1taA�9, D�atson. �h�e�► �ht p�+ov. eo b. a.as.sr�► s.� +th. L�COw..nt cMaarib�d aa tha s�EiiB'TER STqtlT !�P STATION 6 �tritCE ltelll. Co�@tsbll�r'r Cortaaca�t L-7�74, City Pro j�6t !b. 71-5-1294A, Asaon Corst�aaEion Co�en�►. Yua., Cont�eactor, bat� batr prwrtd�d �o�r 3n t� $pscif ications, aud VE�REdt, It 4�a� b�a� lou�ad n�a�ssa�e�► to r� t,�r �oll� D�dnction s D�C?IOII HituoiAOUS snrtaaing asai�d th� paap st�+atian Mas dral�tMd i's�o�r t�t c�ntna�s �IO iQ. }�i• � �Z•� _ �1�•�0 itld WAERSA�, T'!w tot.�t1 dtduetion o! a100.00, and tb� Cosissio�s oi Publia Moaka has a�raid rith th� Contsaatc►s t�att t�rs a�ount oi $100.Q0 is t1r aorntat � to b� d�ct�d �so� said ooat�cacst, th�retor� ba it RE�OLNiD, That th� Cit�► o! St. Pani ths�oush its City Counail +�ppt+a►wa tfia fox�in� d�ductttoA � in acoord��t rtit6 t1a Sp�ifieations in t� +ww o� �100.00, said nount te� bir d�dnat�d lso� th� lnap aw� coasid+�satiox+ �rrd in �u �ts�aat, Ic�o�m u Caoptroil�r's Coatract L-?374. FEg a �s72 COUNCII�MEN Adopted by the Connci� 19— Yeas Nays � Bu�� ,� FEB 3 1972 � Approv� 19� �°� Tn Favor � �� Sprafka � A g'A�IISt Tedeaco Mr. Vice President Meredith ��