257283 ORI6INAL TO CITY CLERK ���/�� . CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� ^�' � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. ' `_ COU CIL E UTION—GENERAL FORM . _� PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE DATF TancLrT ZS� 197Z RESOLVED, That the proper officers of the Citq of Saint Paul are hereby suthoriz�d to pay tv Robert W. Moore Company on Partial Estimate No. 4, Contract No. L-7348, City Project Nos. 70-G-1952 & 70-S-1416 for the grading, surfacing, and construction of concrete curb and gutter on FOXRIDGE &OAD, PAAKLAND COURT, AI.LEYSIDE DRIVE, & WARBLER LANE and elso construct the BATTLE CREEK WEST SEWER �j SYSTEM, said estimate being paid for the period of August 1, 1971 to November 1, �y, � 1971, and such other partial estimates on said contract that may be presented subsequ�ntly by said Contractor and approved by the City Engineer, it being the understanding of this Cvuncil that such partial payment or pay�ents on partial estimate or estimates on said contract in no waq are to be construed as an act by the City or anq of its agents, servar�ts or employees extending the time specified for the completion or in any way changing the terms of ssid cantract, plans or specif ications thereof, nor in any way nor by any means shall this resolution or payment, or payments made under suthority of this resolntion be construed as a waiver of any of the rights of said City under said contract, and provided that prfor to payment of any of the aforesaid partisl estimate or estimates, said Contractor by its duly authorized agents or corporate off icers, shall file with the Citq Comptroller in a form approved by the Corporation Counsel an acceptance of the conditions of payment as hereinbefore set forth, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That in the absence of said acceptance being filed with the City Comptroller, no payment or paya�ent� as aforesaid shall be made. �ORM A V Asst. Co o ion u sel FEB 2 1972 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays 19�� Butier F EB 3 ��G� Approved 19� Levine � - / �n Favor � �.l�G''y► /� _ Sprafka , J � QG�LI]�. MaYor __�L__Against Tedesco ��� � pUgLISHED FEB 5 1972 Mr. Wice President Meredith O t{ ������°��� c��r oF ST. PAUL couNC�� No 25'7283 , �� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ' � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—G�VHtAL FORM ...t COMMIS�SION� Ao�1�M.-��� �Are J�Ittul�i'� 2,'�., 1972 1ti801�1iD, ?Lat tL�s ps�ops�c oftic�rs of th� Cit� cE 8ai:tt �aul ars l�rrb�► +�thosis�d to psy to Rob�rt M. Moar� Ca■�tay va Pss�tial ssti�at� Uo. 4, Cvatraat �o. L�►734�� City Yro��at lfos. �ac-��sz � �as•1416 !os tbt �a�*'�iwc�itftia�, aod aoaaCsnctiou +� conar�t.� curb and sutt.�r o� l�'OOCtIDGE �4AD, PARiQ.A�ID �. YALtaTBiDi DRtVE, � i1�LBR LA118 �d aXso aoostxuct tl�t B�TTIi CRIEEK VaBT � SYSTBM. sai,d �stLrab b�in� ps�d for th� p�riat v�f Au�ust i, 1971 to �r i, 1971, +u�d saah otlrs paxtial u�inat�a on said �oatteaat ehat nsy #� prs�at�d aubs�qe�ntl,�r by said Cv�ttcsctor and appsa►�d b� � Ci�y !a=in�s� it b�is� t1a �standing cE thia Cwu+atl t�at su�ah pasti.al p�t or pa�wAts vn p�tttial �stinati o� �sttnat�s an sai�d �atr�at in Ao May ar� to b� oo�stswd ss as� ac� by t�t City mr �y v� ita a�aets, s�rvas�ts o�c aplo�nas act�dins ttwt tir ap�aili�d !or t1�s c�l,tiaa o�c !.n a�► �tY e�in� t�e t�s�s vl sa�d caatract, plat�s o�r �p�tifi�r►�ios�a �nr�, tw�r iu a�y � t�c by athr Mta� sL+all thia rqolution or psyrat, os pq�nts � umd�ts auth�s�i�► aE thia raolutioa b� co�strwod u a nrt3wr o# asry o� t,h� s�ig�t� e� �aid Cit�r uad�s said coats+aat� aod psovid�d 1�hat psios to p�►yrnt at as�r oE tlN �ator�said partl�,al rs�iaat� or �sti�al�as, uid Coattactor by i�a duly aul�v�ri�ad �rnta or e�+rporat.� c�lti�ss, shall �ii� �rith t� Citjr Ca�ptroii�� in a tos� a�pro�r�d bp th� Corposation CounMl �a aec�pta�a o� tba avnditioaa ct py�at ts 1r�s�inbrEorr qt io�th, and DE 3T � �E�OLVED, 'i'bat ia k�a sb�na� a� said aec�tan� b�ein� filid t�titL � City Ca�ptroll�s. no pay�t or �a�a +rw� a�o�rs�►id sball b� �. FEB a 19� COUNCII.MEN Adopted by the Council 19— Y� xa� F EB 3 1912 su+�� Approve� 19` �°� jr Favor � � �� Sprafka A�ninat Tedeaco ._ ,:. Mr. Wice President Mere�" �'� ��