257276 � . ' :�� 25'72'76 , .� , � „ COUNCIL FILE NO - CITY OF ST. PAUL . R,es�l'utian R.atifying Asae�sament By— File No �'�� In the matter of the asseasment of ��MM!!�� +� #1u� � � NII��tl� +� ��l�ft i�� iwl�nt !� � � #�t �rl�t� iarr�rr� h �1e'M� �t� � � �e+� �' � �► �► ��i. � ` �s ir�t � t+ir 1M � �t � �art �� � !� � �ilr�■p► t�r�rr � +�� �rw�rs� 1�'� �' �'1�t � � �r �1sa� �; �' M� l�r�t �ir�r �► !� +1� !� sNrtlt; a�I Er M � �r !M �1#iMY•/�► ��� �lIZ�IIt #�"�� under Preliminary Order �� ,approve�l M1�1 ?�,� �!�! , Intermediary Order �� , ,approve� � �� �'� ��, Fina1 Order �� ,appravecl �l��� �s � . A public hearing having been had upan the asaessment for the above improvement, and sa.id assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RES(7LVED, That tlie said assessment be and the same is hereby in a11 re,spects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the I}iatrict Court of the County of Ramsey for eanfirmation. BE IT FURTHER RIESOLVFD, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable �'n�5� ._equal installments. COUNCILAREN 19� Y� B U T i_=n Na�'� Adogted by the Counei� F E B 2 CO�v'r',,qY L F:'v;i'•�� ��-�' FE6 3 1972 S i='Rr�.f=;(A APP�n� � �Mr. Vice President Meredith Tn Fa.�or tj g Mayor ✓ A�^ainat p11 �° FOrm R.2 2ffi 10-88 8a�a ro PUNIiSHED FEB � �a�� "� � ' ` 25�y�� F . • • ; � • , , CITY OF ST. PAUL ry r� ` OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANGE �� /� t� Rep� of Completion of As�essm�ent File No f�� In the matter of the asseeament of �� �� � �� � ��«�� s �i►�1t I� ir11�E i� +� � �'�t �� iMI/�MN� �► � �� +� �;�' � i�r � ta► M1�' �t Y� � !!!+M ��M � ii '�M lr�rt �+�rt +� i�tir�t iRsrrrl�# �1�t�► M� �'�errt � �r�wwr �r �i w�� 1� � � ��► � � �1 �� � !� �t !l41w�► �M� t�► � � �� � �rr 1� tir� ar tlr� +I�i�� �� N�l�t �-i�l�. - �;�� ::�� under Prelimixiary Order � ,approve� �' �� �� , Intermediary Order �� ,approve� �Mt #� �� --, Final Order � ,approve� �' �* �� . To the Council of the G�ity of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby repqrts to the Council the following as a statement o�the ex- penditures necessarily incurred for and in connection with the making of the above impravement, viz: Valuation and Assesament Services 1,220 00 Total construction coats ... . . . ... ... . . . .. . ... .. . $ 282,264 91 � ��i�. .(Co1��ltSmt�. .. .. . ... . . . .. .. .. . . . $ 42,251 03 . .. ..�CiZYa.. .. .. .. .. . . .. . . . .. .. . . .. . $ 1�586 � Posta� caxds . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . .. .. .. .. . .. . . .... .. .. . $ 154 �� Publications . . . .. .. .. ..... . .. .... .. . .. .. .. . .. .. . $ 859 � Collection costs . .. .. .. . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . .. . . .... . . . $ 1�718 �� Court costa for canfirmation . . . . . .. .. .. .... . . .. ... $ 128 $,�— Comptroller's Costs 859 00 TOTAL EXPE�ND'ZTUKF�S . ... .. .. .. . . . ... .. . $ 331�042 �L Chaxge to . . .�t I:B:..'9288=415. .. .. . . . .. .. . . .. . .. $ �5�3 v-�+� , • �926 •�i2. . . . . .. .. . . .. . . . . .. $---'r'r�8i� j� ���-U"nallo'cated�ftese'rde .... .. . .. . .. .. . ���9�b�i S� Iiet Assessment $ , Said Commiasioner further reporta that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, tawit: the sum of � 60,513.76 upon each and every lot, part or parcel af land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot,paxt or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said asseasment haa been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the aignature of the said Gammissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said asaesament as com�pleted by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Coun ' such action th n as may be considered proper. ��d January 4. 1972 Commissioner of � Forai R-Y 2M 10.68 8�o � . � . + ` � CITY OF SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA DEPARTMEtVT OF FINANCE 113 Courf Hous� 55102 � January 14, 1972 � � Joseph E. and Margaret C. Anderson -� 1366 Almond Avenue � St. Paul, Minnesota 55108 F'ile 17409, Page 106 You are hereby noti€ied that the Council of the City of St. Paui wi11 hold s public hearing in the Council Chamber� oF the City Hall and Court House at 10:00 a.m, on February 2, 1972 at which th� City of St. Paul proposes to assess the benefita arising from constructing a public storm sewer in ALBANIY A'VENUE - Snelling Avenue to Arona Street; ARONA STREET - Albany Avenue to Midway Parkway; ALMOND AVENUE - Arona Street to 300 feet East of Albert Street; PASCAL STRE�T - Albany Avenue to Almond Avenue; MITJWAY PARRWAY - Aabury Street to Paecal Street; ASBURY STREL�T - Midway parkwaq to 450 feet North, all of r�hich is to be knawn as the ALBANY- AROIdA RELIEF SYSTEM (S,1239), which work has already been completed at a total cost of $331,042.27. - It ie proposed that each of the followfng lots or parcels be assesaed as follows: Lot Block Subdivision Aesees�uent Except the south 24 feet of the following; the west 52 feet of all that part of the southeast � of the Southeast � of the southwest '� of Section 22 described as follows: Commencing at the northeast corner thereof; thence run south along the easterly line thereof, 291.54 feet; thence west 330 feet; thence north 291.91 feet; thence east 330 feet to place of beginning, which lies north of a line run parallel to and distant 133 feet north of the north line of Albany Avenue subject to public rights in Almond Avenue. Township 29, Range 23 $56:68 You are invited to caeet with thc tecEinics? adviso�s in itoo� 2�6 C�Cy �iala between 9:30 and 10:00 a,m. the same day as the hearing for more detailed in�armation. . Yau may also telephone 223-5241 for assesstnent infoxmation or 223-5421 for construction informetion. If you have any questions, it is recommende� that�,you a�tend thi�: public hearing to nfford you the opportunity to make your views, both pro amd con, �Cnawn �o the City Council. T�iIS IS� I�OT A BILL. Foz7nal billing wili be msc�e approximatelS> 60 c3ays aftter approval of this ��segsment by the City Council. ROSALIE L. BUTLER Cocmmissioner �f Finance