257270 r� y'y/
OR161NAL TO CITY CLHRK , ��'�� �� • �
PRESENTED BY • February l� 197�
RESOLVIDs That Application L-12785 for Restan��� On and Off Sale Ma,lt Bevera.ge
and Cigaxette licenses, applied for by Patricia A. Aird at 193 East
Seventh Street� be and the same are hereby granted.
Informally approv�d by Council
October 14, 1971
Old Location
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council CCQ � 147�9_
Yeas Nays
� CONWAY Approve� F EB 2 197 1s�
Levine � Tn Favor � �
Sprafka '� tl Mayor
A gainst
'�°�� 19��.
Mr. Vice President Meredith
��� � � �
. Capital oi�,�iinnesota
�eahtn�tevtt o u��C'c �a et
p t �
ror.�cs DEAN MEREDITH,Commissioner HEALTH
RALPH G.MERRILI.,Deyaty Commisslaner
DANIEL P.McLAUGHLIN.Lieenee Iaspector
October 14, 1971
Honorable Aiayor and City Council
Ss3nt Paul, Minnesota
Gentlemen and Madam:
Pa�,�ia A. Aird mak�s application for 8estanrant�
On and �ff Sale Malt Beverage ar�d Cigarette Licenses at 193
East Se4enth Street which ie on the Rorth side of the etreet
between Sibley and Jacksmn Streets.
3'his is a new location for thie type of busineas.
P'rom 1961 ta 1966, it was the location of a hardware �tore�
prior to this fron 193? to 1963, a acao�d hand dea.ler (�reneral)
bus3ness and for two years 19�9 �0 1931, a pawribroker bu$ine�a.
There are nc other 3.2 placee withig two bloak�e. The
closest On �a.1� Liq�aor plac3e is in the aame block a�d the closeat
OfF Sal� Liquor pla,ce is a.crc�s the street. The neaxeat church i�
about four blocks and the nee,rest �chool is aboUt a a3.1� away.
Mrs. Aird prior to the d�molishing of the Eabaa�y Bar
on Tenth Street, �rorked as a waitre6s at that sstabli:hment.
7ery truly yotars�
� o�� .
Li�enae Insp�ctor
�.,` "���
,,� ' CITY Cr S��INT Pt�UI.
DEPARZT+'�1T f�,i �'ITB�IC St1F�TY
• , Date � /3 I� 7��
1. Application for ,3_ �����,,�.,�� Licet�se
2. Name of applicant�/�,��� �a,�! T ^�
3. I3usiness address�G% ��,���„'=��_ Residence ,�5%D Iil/. C� /I�� l�_
� �v.e.�,-r3h,�G- NI��'
4, Trade name� if any � �.oy�_ A�� � -- .
5. Retail Beer Federal Tax Stamp �.Retail Lic�uor Federal Tax Stamp���aill be used.
6. On what floor loc�.tecl � I'�dumber of rooms used /
7. Bettiveen what cross streets � Which side of st�eet�
8. Are premises now occupied�_What business How long
9. Are premises now unoccupied Io�v long vacant Previous Use�
— ���.��-
l0o Are you a new ocmer1��Have you been in a similar business before ���--
Where �trhen
lla Are you goir� to operate this business personally
If not� who will operate it
12. Are you in any other business at the present time��� �4
13„ Have there been any complaints a�ainst your operation of this type of place !�!
When ' Where
14e Have you ever had any license revoked ,�yur� What reason and date
15. Are you a citizen of the United States;�Nativ' Naturalized
16. Where were you born��„��„ , i,L Date of birth ,7 –/� – !j�
17. I am�marriede rfy (wife's) (husband's) name and address is
., -
18a (If marricd female) my maiden name is `�
19. How long have you lived in Nt. Paul � „�� ,_
20. Iiave you ever been arrested Violation of ivhat criminal la�v or ordinance �_
21. Are yoti a registered voter in the City of Stv P�.ul Yes No
(Answer fully and completel�. These a lications are thorou hl checked and an
falsification will be cause for denialo
' �
22. Number of 3.2 places cvithin tE��ro blocks �� .
23. Closest intoxicating liquor place. Qn Sale { �� ff Sale � ��.sE��
24. Nearest Church T�reareNt School
25. 1�umY�er of booths� Tables �' G���.irN � � Stools /S r
26. What occupation have you folfloeo�ec� �'or the �Sa�t five years, (�ive names of employers
and dates so employed.)
�/��/�j i � _ i./1 = ���.�/��(�'�A� .
_ _ / �i
� �
27. Give names and adelresses of t4vo per�ons� residents of St. Paul, I�Sinn.� titirho can give
information concernin� you.
Name � t:ddress�_�3 " /�7� ���ri •�1,6(/.
PJame �� -�-� Q-�-s. �1�� � , �ddres����_.�U.�`� � �-� .1� 1/1/
(v33.�o r� ��.u.�-�3r. ��� ro n�
i.gnature of Applicant
State of 1►�inne�ota)
County of Ramsey )
( being first duly ,m,aorn� deposes and says
upon oath that he has read the foregoing statement bearing his si�nature and kno��vs
the contents thereof' and that tlz� same is true of his o�un knowledge exeept as to
those matters therein stated upon information and belief and as to those matters
he b�lieves them to be trueo
Si�nature of Applicant
Sub�scribed and sworn to before me
this d o 19�
tary Public� Ra.msey County Minn sota
My Commission expires / j
(1Voteo These statement orms are in duplicatem Iioth copies must be fully filled
out� notarized� and returned to the License Divisian. )
8-23—�].Notaiy Public, Rar�s�y County, Minn.
�if Commiaeion Exyiues I�ec.9q d�
Tr5� �,TTT{r T`��
� 1.S�ia ✓1^s'�3.A, J.�Y 11C`�&''�1i�t11 .L ,� .
�T�. T !� 7 q� gT p
�a� '
. � ..�i:is.L LiT�{a.'_�''�i�l V'i �U��V�'_i L3C�l�:TNi
Pe: �f, ��Sale ,�,-,�,./�` License
rdar�e of c��Y ac..n u , .
liusiness ac?ca�es� — �
Are you the so�� o���.er v� �Ilis ?�u�i.�e�s? �,�.y I� r�a�, i� i-� �� partaaer5hi�?
corporat�on? q o�_�er:•
Others ant�re��c� z�a ��:�iP.e��� arxc�uc�e �i:o�e '��* lo4.n af' !^�oney, property or othere,*ise:
Tdar.:e :cluress ��o4r
Yf a corporation9 �ive i�s nc�r�e1_,',�-
Are you interes�ed in �r�y t���.�r i��a w�,* o��ier re�ail '�eer or 3ic?uor d�u.�ine��?�--
!�s so�e o�;�ner? ��:�ru,xlcb: S�oc?�holc�er:'
O�;herc,i�e? (ihrou�i� �o��.� o� �.:�a3e^y~9 e�c. ��.ain) , , �.
�GlC''a$'C-�uS Of uUC� �LI.S.7.i1C'�:su c1I2'�.'i Ilc^��:L1b C 0�.� ].I?f.f..'I'C'S�'. lI& ucilGa
t �.,�/�
, �
�i�n�.�ure o a.�;plicant
State o� h:ins�e�ata)
County of Ra.a�sey )
�� � ! _✓ �eing first duly s�eorn� c�epos�s and says upon oath
that ?ae has read the fore�oin� ��'�'ac�.��vit bearing his signature anc� I�no�vs t�e cnntents
tnereof; that t1�e sarsae is �rue o� :�is oi•rn �.noe��ledg�' except as to those matters thereirt
statecl u�on information unc� belie� 1a�c� �.� to �hose matters he belaeve� �he�a to be true.
� ^
Signature of ���, icant
Sui�scr�.b �nc'� s��TOrn 1 be e r�e
thi.s � day 19
tar�y Public' P�msey Coun ' t:irnnesova
h9y cornnnission e�ire � 1�
Notaxg Public, Ramsey Counip, Minn.
My Commissioa Expuea Dec.30,1979.
. ` � .. . . ,
� ' � be�.ng firet duly sw�orr�, do�h depoae
and ,say that�he �ke� thia af�'idavit in csonneotion with appliciata.on Por
�Sale" liquor �.�.oense �"4��/✓� 9�1e" me�lt beverage lioense� a.n ��ie City
of Saint Paul, M3,nnesata; that your affiant is a reaident of the $tate o�
Minne aota and has re$�aea tne��. �or ; �� �_ yeare r mon�hs�
and i.a now and haa been for the t�me abo�ve meati�sd a box�a #'3de reaident of
sa id Sta�Ge and that �he naw re s ide s at �,5���j ' � A�i--S � ��',
, Mi.nneaota.
Gity or
Subscribed and aworr� to bef re m�
i� � of � l..n Y-- �
y 19 �
o�ary b ic, Ramaey County inneao a
M� c�s�ion expirea 7 �� �
P�iotuzy Public, Ramsey Countp, Minn,
MY Commieaion Expiuea Dec.30�19�
• , �
4ct. 1�►, 1977.
�On. Dean 1ier�dith�
E�S.aslQ�er oi' Pt:b�.iC 8i1`etYs
]�OIt �. 14th. �t.,
S�E. �''#�il.� I�.
Atta: �. D�tiel P. M�L�a�ghl,iit
D�ar Sirs
�e C1ty t7�u�cil today iatorm�lty approro�ad tbe �pplicatfon o!
Pstricis A. Airfl for Ratst�t, �3n qu! L?!�!' 8alt M�lt Her��ra�ge �Q.
C3�aa�etto li+�,u�� at i93 g. �th Str�eet.
Xitl y�u P�� P�Psre the cu,�tcaeon�ry resc�i�'Gicu?
Vex"9 tYV.7,� ��
City A,erk