257265 ORIGINAL TO CITY CI.ERK !,� / �V� CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa r° " �� * OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FLE NO. ` RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE ATF WHEREAS, In connection with the repair and reconstruction of the Ford Bridge (MHD No. 3573) Hennepin County has awarded a contract to Cy-Con Construction Coa�pany for this proJect and, WHEREAS, the City of St. Paul and Hennepin County have entered into an agree�ne�t, Ce�ptroller's File No. 02-2361 , which provides under Section V for the City of St. Paul to share in the total cost of this project in the aarount of $g14,602.49 .ptus Engineering for Hennepin County $91 ,460.2�5, E�gineeri�g for City of St. Paul $11 ,400.00, Lighting Costs $17,00Q00 and Traffic Costs $2,000.00 or a total cost of $1 ,036,462.74 now therefore be � it, RESOLVED, that the amount of $1 ,036,462.74 be charged to Lhe Per�anent improvement Revolving Fund, Code 6000, and this same fund to be rei�bursed as follows: C. I .B. 9270-008 $238,984.47 C.I .B. 9271-002 22$,000.00 1970 County Aid 11 ,415•53 -� 1971 County Aid 102,400.00 1972 County Aid 455,662.74 $1 ,036,462.74 8-1005 . 0� p: '�.OR� � C .�Sei a �o � f�✓ / . FE8 1 1912 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counca� 19_ Yeas Nayg But�er . FE6 2 1972-' �,�'�_�� �,,. Approv 19— Levine �In Fanor Me�e�Y�r- �,, Mayor Sprafka ��� � A gai119t �:_ ,. PUBLISHED �EB 5 �� Mr. Wice Presiden# MereditM� �� o��r,�,�,�.R,� �5�7�64 CITY OF ST. PAUL �Np� NO �' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � �' COUNCIL RESOLUTION--GENERAL FORM tRESENT��Y COMMISSIONER �A'� MNERGf. l a eona�at i vp wt th t�ht n�i r anr n�stnrat lon ot tlM I�ord drldq� (IMlO Ne. 3573� �P1w Cormt�► hss arard�d a oontra�at to Cp-Co� Copstro�tton Ca�pamr f�r this pro��t aart, MitR�AS, t!� Clt�r of �t. �wl and 1l�nn�plA Cow�t�► Miw a�t�rN into � �r�wnt. Go�ptrol t��'s Ft 1� No. 0�-Z361. rhich pnovid�s an�r f�atien Y for th� Cit�r of st. Paal to shan ia thr total e�ost of thf� pro �ct is ths a�o�At of f�ik,603.y9 pius En�tawrin� for Ha�n�pin Cow�tp �91.�•RS, En�ta�s�in� for City of St. 1'�at 511,�►00.00. Liohtfn� Costs =#7.�RE�O aa�i . Traffie Cests ��,004.00 or a totai oost ot =1,036,�62.7� � tt�nton b� . it. RES�bLO. th�t th� awunt of =1,O;b,y62.�� b� aha�d to tIM hn�rwat I�prow��t Rsv�olvin� l�u�i. C� 6000, �ad ehis saws fw�d t� bs ni�rs«i a: toi lwrs: C.I.a. 9270-008 :Z3�.9�•k7 C.I.�. 9271-002 3Z�.000.00 1970 ' Gwnty Aid 11.415•S3 1971 CauAt�► Aid 10l,40Q.00 1�7Z Cou�tY Atd �55.663.7; �1.036.�6t.7�► �-1005 fE81 ')972 CQITNCILMEN Adopted by the Co�m� 19 Yeaa Naya - , FEg � 1972 Butler � Approv� 19— Levine �„ Favor b�erec�i#,�i• �� Sp� � AaoAinat TP.EICACO— Mr. Wice President Meredith �p9