257258 sl�C' G`T `"� �".c���'-..:�J Couaoil File No.....:.._.... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMEIVT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. T6eundereignedhereby pmpoeeathemalcingof thefolYowingpubliaimprovement by the Citq ot aeint Psul,vis.: recons truct,.the_sidewalk.,on._both.sides,of W.__Kin�.St: from.S:.Smith Ave. to Cherokee ...---•........ ..... .......... ............ ..... ., Ave.,_and,by,,doin�all._other,work_which is.necessarq.,and._incidental _to,complete said im�rovement:---__....... . .........................•-•---..........._....................... ........._........................................---•--............... Da4,ed tbis....��:.........dsy og.........................February,--........._.......... .......0 1� ��.. .... . _ ............. ..... unoilman..'..... P'RELIMINARY ORDEIt. WHEREAB� A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, vu.: reconstruct the sidewalk on both sides of W. Kin� St. from S. .Smith Ave. to.Cherokee .............................................................•-•-•--•--......._............___._.............--•-•-- __.rAX�.:...�is�..bX..t�s2�8..�ll,o�her_work_which is necessary.,and„incidental to_complete_,said ..... ..._. ...... ...��P.rovement..................•-•----.........._.._....___. ..........--------....._._._........._......_.......................... .............. .. -----...._..........---...........---..._.... ...........................................................................___..............._._.............................•----.._......-•--•-•--....._..............._:....._...._._........... 6sving ueen preeented to the �Counuil of the City of Saint Paul...................................................................................... therefore, be it , RE80LVFD, Tthat the Commiseioner of Publia Worke be and ie hereby ordered and direoted: 1. To inveetigate the neceeeity for� or deairability of, the making of eaid improvemen8. 2. To inveetigate the nature, extent and oatianated coet of said improvement� snd the total ooet thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or eketch of said improvement. - 4. To stste whether or x�o�eaid improvement ie aekedl ifor on �be petitiom oi three ar more owners. 1T. To report upon all of �he 4'oregoing mattere to the �nmmiesioner of Finanoe. Adopted by the Council........................_........���..�.. .._����............ Yr,we Counc i lman But 1 e� F EB Z �912 - ��z<t�,-�-# PProvecIl........................................•---,..._....__.........._......_._ levine Me-FCd�t�- Sprafka Tedee ro . .........:..............................................:.._.__......._.... ............... ��i�, ': _. . ... Y � Msyor. � ��. Wice President Mer�ci;+,�� '�� — C� PUBL'SHED FEB 5 1��