257249 OR�¢INAL TO CITY CL6RK ��� al'( �"7 CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa �;��� �� , , a OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK H� NO. --= v�� UNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM r-= PRESENTED BY r- COMMISSIONE ' ATE RBSOLVED, T'hat the COtaacil of the �ity of Saiat Pa�l do�s ker�by approve Agremment betweea the City aad the Hausing and R�develop�ent Authoritp of the �ity of �aiat Pa�al, whereby the City Departmeat of B�ablic Works will prm�ide �f�se collectioA �ervice for a ters af oae pear at scattered �it�s, at the rate of 444 per dwelliag �nit pickup; and be it 1�IIRT8�� ���&VE�, �at the Mayor. C�issi��er 0f B�blic �7ork�, City Clerk, �ad Comptroller are ker�]�y aut�orized asd directed tc� euec�te the said �greement on laehalf of the Citp �f Saiat Pagl. FORM A �V i' � .�;::s' Co� o�-�.t cn o a s FE8 i �972 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Naya F EB 2 �97� Butler � Gonway � Approvp� 19— Levine � Tn Favor - A��re�dith- Sprafka J Mayor ��— A gainst ACti� . , �. .. ;.. �,� Mr. Vice Presid�nt.M�redith PUBLISHED FEB 5 197� �� ouy.tcwn ro nn� CITY OF ST. PAUL �,Na� N� �rJ t��4� � .. , „ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM n�sr�u.r COMMISSION� M1M �I �if� � �iii1 0� � �ii� �i �� � �� I�s''�rb� �sv�� �ri�rat �t�wa tl� eity a�rd Wa larsiat aad �w3e��t llit#bp►rit� m! � @ity o! �aiiet la�al, �zs� t� �ity �past��r o! �lio Nbs�lc� viil psun►iiM srlrtM doll�otl,oa Ns�ri�a ib� s �st o! o� �as a� �arat�t�d sib�, at tJa sa1c� �►! 4w p�r d+rMii� uait pi�pf a�d � it lO��t �iL�f, '�'l�at �a 1Laroar, f�i��ivte�t o� lrbliv lbrlu. Qit;r Qlmck, aad �o�ptsrll�s as� ��r�� ��t#u�sia�d aaa �i� �w �� �r atid �� aa� b�al! o� � i�itr o� iaiat �ayl. fLB i `� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Coun�1 19_ Y� xa� FEB � 1972 Butler � � Appro� 19._ �°� � Favor � Msyor ►.Sp�CA� � AvaA117At � Mr. Vice President Mereditt� �e