D00986� . . D��' i . � �. _ - • • CITY OF SAINT PAUL - OFSICE OR THE MAYOR • ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER for CONTRACT CHANGE AGREfihIENT NO. 1 ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Whereas, additions which proved to be necessary to the Improvement described as: Central Services Facility Storaae Building and Forestry Buildina _Acldition known as Contract 015067 , City Project No. B94-10-14 , United Contractina Corg. , Contractor, is composed of the following: Credit to City for precast concrete subcontractor's: - Incorrect aggregate color - Hairline oracks - Misalignment of the banding Deduct $10,000.00 --------------------- TOTAL DEDUCT $10,0�0.0� ORDERED, That the City of Saint Paul, through its Mayor, approves the foregoing deductions made in accordance with the specifications in the sum of $1D.000.00 , said amount to be deducted from the lump sum consideration named in the contract, known as • Contract 015067 , and which amount is to be credited to: Original Contract Sum $671,9�0.0� C95-3J�30-0898-33146 Change Orflers to Date -0- Amount this Chanqe - 10,000.00 New Contract Sum $661,900.00 APPROVED AS TO FORM Director of cc: City Clerk Finance Department . Department Accounting Project Manager Contractor Inspector Office Copy Contract File Copy 7 ��0 l9� /� 19 �� r ation 19_ Chief Engineer Director of Finance & Management Services �ti l� �� Administrative Assistant to the Mayor ��� ���1$� 39��� �T,���N��� OATEINRIATEO GREEN SHEE Parks and Recreation 7/15/96 �µ��pUpATE iNfT1AUDATE COIRACT PERSON & PHONE � DEPARTMENT DIRE O GffY COUNpL dtt2 StOlp2 266-6426 ry yBEAFOR �CT'ASTORNEY �GRYCLERK ST BE ON CAUNCIt AGENDA BY (DATc7 qOUTING BUDGET �iREC70R � FIN. $ MG7. SERVICES DIR. NA OqDER MAYOR(ORASSISTAMn � Parkc R[��,a] TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� Approval ofi Contract Change Agreement Central Services Facility Storage Building and Forestry Building Addition RECOMMENOATIONS: Apprava (A) or Reject (R) , PLANNING COMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION _GBCOMMffiEE _ � STAFF _ _ DISTAICTCOURT _ SUPPORTS WMICF4 C/JUNGL O&IECTNE? PERSONAL SERVICE CON7RACT5 MUSTANSWER THE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: 1. Has this perso�rm ever worked under a conhac[ for this department? YES NO 2. Ha5 this person/firm ever been a ciry employee? YES NO 3. Does this persoMfirm possess s skill not normaAy possessed by any curtent city employee? YES NO Expiafn all yes answan on separata sheet antl etteeh ro green sheet Compensat�on to City due to subcontractor's errors made in the production and erection of precast concrete wall panels. Contract will be credited this amount. IFAPPROVED: None DISADVANTAGES Contract amount will not be credited. TO7AL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $� lO > OOO.00 FUNDIi3G SOURCE FINANC�AL INFORFnAT10N: (EXPL4IN) REC�IVg� JUL 1T 1�� � 5�� �� 9 �� R£CE1VEp AUG - 5 f996 ClTY CLERK COST/REVENUE BUDGETEU (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO AC7IVITYNUMBEH C95-3J030-0898-33146 �� � �1�:• � • FABRICATED CONCRETE STRUCTURES July 2, 1996 Mr. Bob Jensen � United Contracting Corporation 2817 Anthony Lane South, Suite 304 � Minneapolis, rsr ss4ia R�CEIVE� AE: Central Se�ices Fac_lzty St. Paul, MN Fabcon Job Number 003673 Dear Bob: AUG - 5 7gg6 - CtTY CLERIe Based on our verbal agreement Fabcon hereby offers a deduct of $10,000 for errors made in the production and erection of the precast wall panels at the above referenced project. Speci£icaLly,this credit applias to the £ollowing: - incorrect aggregatz colcr - hairline cracks - misaiignment of the banding Whi1e the above occurrences are certainly undesirable, the overall appearance of the panels is of qood quality and will perform as intended. We are attaching a 10 year warranty to cover the owner`s interests relative to the above. . Sincerely yours, F , N, INCO ORATE� 1---Y+.^X, �� avid Anderson Sales Engineer DDA/sl Attachment THE FABCON COMPANIES � MINNEAPOLIS MINNEAPOLIS CHICAGO COLUMBUS IND�ANAPOLIS INDIANAPOLIS Manu(actumxySa�es Sales Nanu7acturing�Sales Manutadunng Safes Yabcon, incorporated FabconJoirdVerrwre, LLC Fabcon,9ncorporared Fabcon, LLC Fabcon,llC Fabron, LLC 6717 West Highway 13 6711 West Highway 13 Surte 795 34C0 Jackson Pike �7707 Spnngmili Road Suite 206 Savage, Minneso+a 55378 Savage, Minrtesota 55378 65o East Devon P.O Box 475 WesKeld, IMiana46�74 114�5 N. Pennsylvania St. (8W) 727-MM (800) 727-4444 Itysp, 111ino�s 60143 Grove Qty. Ofi�o 43123 (317) 8962556 Camrel. Intliana a6032 (si2) asoaaaa �siz> a9o-anna (aoo) a�a-aasa (aoo� soo-asoi (s�� as5-ssos Fa� �soo� ssa aaaa (612) 890-6657 Fac (612) 89tr&657 Fax (�os7 ri�-aaai �sia� e�s-asoi (si� sao-ssaa (�oa) rra-sazs Far (sia� a�s-oa�a Faz (3i�7 sso-isaa Fax fi�: � � , FABRICATED COtiCRErE STRUCTURES June 28, 1996 Mr. Duane Stolpe City of St. Pavl Division o£ Parks & Recreation 300 city Hall 25 West 4th street St. Paul, MN 55102 RE: Central Services Facility Fa�caa Jok �;va�er 36'3 W A R R A I3 T Y- G U A R A N T E E We hereby warranty and guarantee the orecast concrete wall oanels which we have furnished and/or installed at Central Services Facilitv, 1100 North Aamline. St. Paul, MN, for ten (10) years £rom the date o£ certified acceptance by the Owner (August 4, 1996) in accordance with the guarantee required in the specifications. We agree to repair or replace any � or all such work, toqether with all or any other work which may be displaced in so doing, that may be proven defective in workmanship or material within the period from date of acceptance without expense whatsoever to the Owner, ordinary wear and tear and unusual abuse or neglect excepted. This Warranty is in conjunction with the general conditions of the Project Manual. In the event of our failure to comply with the above-mentioned conditions within the specified time, but in no case longer than seven days after being notified in writing, we, collectively or separately do hereby authorize said Owner to proceed to have the defects repaired or replaced and made good at our expense and will pay the costs and damages therefore immediately upon demand. FABCON� INCORPORATED olll i�cST nIG'n'rie'�Y i3 SAVAGE� MINNESOTA 55378 (612) 890-4444 Gary C. Jaaisch Vice President TEiE FABCON COMPANtES , MINNEAPOLIS MINNEAPOLIS CHICAGO COLUMBUS INDIANAPOLIS INDIANAPOLIS ManufaclunrxySales Sales Manulacfuring5afes �R��+�+�9 Sales Fabeon, Incorporafetl FabconSointVenture, LLC Fabcon, lncorporated Fabcon, LLC Fabcon, LLC Fabcon, LLC 67M11 West Highway 13 6177 West Highway 13 Sutle 195 3400 Jackson Pike 17701 Spri�miil Road Sude 206 Savage, Mmnesota 55378 Savage, Minnesota 55378 650 Easl Devon P.O. 8ox 475 Westtreld, trWiana 46074 11405 N. Pennsyfvama St. (800) 727-0444 (800) 727-4444 Basca, ilhnois 60�A3 Grwe City, Oh�o 43123 (317) 896-2556 Cartnel, Ind�ana A6032 (6�2) 89dA444 (612) 890-0444 (80D} 873-4434 (800} 90D-960ti (317) 896-9505 Fax (S00) 954-04-0A (6�2) 890-6657 Fae (612) 8905657 Fat (708) 773-44-0i (614) 875$601 (3t7) 580-9544 (i08) 773-3A25 Fv� (674) 875-0474 Fax (3tn 58049&i Farz