257247 OR161NAL TO CITY CL6RK - ������ � .- , CITY OF ST. PAUL FLE NC�� NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � CO CIL R UTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED SY COMMISSIONE ATF RESOLVED, that pursuant to the Award of the Minnesota Industrial Commission, dated December 30, 1971, David C. Gulner, employee of the Department of Parks and Recreation and Public Buildings, be paid from the Workmen' s Compensation Account of the General Fund, the sum of �2,762.83, representing 2g weeks, 4 days of compensation at the compensation rate of �70.00 per week and reimbursement for payment of drug and medical expenses incurred, subject to the conditions set forth below; such sum being payable by reason of the temporary total disability of said David C. Gulner, who was injured on February g, 19'71, while employed by the Department of Parks and Recreation and Public Buildings; be it FUR.THER RESOLVED, that out of the aforesaid compensation, 25� or �6go.'71 be deducted and paid directly to Samuel Wertheimer, attorney for said David C. Gulner, in �full satisfaction of legal services rendered and the remaining balance of the aforesaid com- pensation, �2,0'72.12, be paid directly to said David C. Gulner in one lump sum without interest deduction. _ �.-..,� _,..,,.�.�.._� ,� .�. ..._....__. _ ,,;sx r �,- � , . � �� � �E _ AP �' ""pSSt. CorPoi tion Counsei � - �E� �. 1972 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19_ Yeas Nays 197z Butler g Z C�sair—� APProne� E E 19 � Levine J Tn FavOr 114ere�- Sprafka v �Ct� Mayor �^ A g'&lIISt � ,� �'�5 ._.. ��� �uB�.isHEO FEB 5 1972 ,� �.:�. �- �. _ �� DUTLICATt TO NtIN7=It � � V�� , _ , CITY OF ST. PAUL �uNa� NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK • COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ���r COMMISSION� �A� IiE30LVED, t.hat pur�uant to the Arard oi the Mina�t�ota Indu�trial Coa�i��ioa, dat�d Dso�ber ;0, 19?1, Da�id C. Guln�r, eeployee o! th• Depart'ent oi Parka and Beoreation and Public Bnildin��, bs gsid iroe the Workm�n'a Cospu►sation Acoonnt o= the G�neral Fund, the rw oi �2,�62.83, represeati 29 Week�, 4 day o! eo�pea�atioa �t tLe corpens�►►tion rate oi�74.00 per week snd reirbursea•nt ior pay�out oi dru� aad �edioel e=p�n��s iaourred, mb�sot to t�e oonditiono •et iorth belo�v; �uoL tw� beia� psyable by reason oI the te0porary tot�l di�ability oi �taid D4vid C. Gulner, who �. in�ured un February 9, 1971, xLile e�ployed by tbe Depart�eat oY Parko aad xearvatioa and Public Buildiaj�; be it FQKTH� R.B�OLYBD� that ont ot ths aior�said oo�tpsarrstion, 25i� or �690.71 be daducted and paid diraotly to 3a�u�1 wertheiaer, attorney ior said David C. Gulner, in iull �ati�taetion oi lasal serviaee readersd snd the rersiniag balano• of the aioresaid oos- pan�ation, �2,O�S,1tt, be paid direotZy to �aid David C. Grulner ia one ltiup �w without iaterert deduetion. FEB 1 197� COUNCII.MEN Adopted by the Co�m�� 19_ Y� xa� FE8 Z 1972 Butler �� Approve�L 18— �°�e v Tn Favor �e�-- Mayor Sp�a � Aennir�nt � Mr. Vice President Meredith - ��