257242 ORIJsINAL TO CITY CLBRK �'R -�j'���� CITY OF ST. PAUL F,OE NCIL N0. 9�t r� . - , OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL ESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRBENTED3 BT COMMISSIONE ATF RESOLVED, that the City Council hereby concurs in and approves the appointments, by the Mayor, of Commissioner Rosalie L. Butler and Commissioner Leonard Levine to serve as members on the Solid Waste Collection Special Assistance Comnnittee established by Chapter 319 of the St. Paul Legislative Code to determine certain criteria, standards and qualifications as spelled out in Section II of the attached Ordiaa��e�, Council File No. 256639 . FE8 1 1972 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Butler F Eg 2 �972 .�axisen �'�y �t �,�- ,- Approve 19� Levine ��� Favor T��_ lJ i ACti�..1�. MaYOr Sprafka - A gainst �edesee�� , :w,_ . .. �. PUBLISHED FEB 5 19�� Mr. Vice Presidi�nt �!'ered!th �� _ 1�_ , ' , • Ork�n�l N Cits Ge�t . � � � �'� � I � � I�' C � �'�����!�� �,►��;�3�, , - , COUNCIL FILE'IV�1 � . � PRESENTED BY Qa�"er r�. Conway/ ��b� �� ORDINANCE NO - � � -- An adminictrative ordinancc eatablishing rates for tho collection of BOlit1. WL1.Stf.O from propexL•i.es located �rit]iin thcs cox�,orate limits of the City of Saini: Paul by thQ D�part�ent of Public k'ork� ia �.ccordance w�ith Cha,pi:er 319 oS the Saint Paul Legis].ativo Code as a�nended by L'ne City Cauncil Ordinvice No. 14�f318,� C. F. 253���+ �PPrrn*ed June 9� 1971. �� � �' This 3.s sn emergency ordinance rendered necessaty for the preaezvation , of the public p�cce, hQ,;.].th and safety. ..� ' •x7iB COU?iCiL �P TIiE CY?Y OF SAIIv'T PAUL DOES OItDAINs SECTION I In accorduncc witii thn proviaion uf Chaptcr 319 u� tho S�inC P�sul Legislecive Codc ets amende3, the Council of the CiCy o� Saint PF+ul does harat,y est�blich raCes for aolid weace col.lection to be per!'oi�n�ed by th�s DQpartmtsu� of Public �;orlcs, which rates are aa follows: a) One-faMily dv+elling �,ith no linit on the,number of contnincra, ba�s, and bundlea per weel:, 7SG eaeh week b) 1��o-famtly c'.we:ling taith no Iinit on tha numbcsr of contairors, bags, and bundles per week, $1.25 each wecic c) Threc-family dwelling with no limit on the nunbcr o# contEiners� bags, and bundles per week, $1.75 eech o�eak • d) Four-family dwelling with ua li�nit on tha number of co�tainers, bagn, and bu:idles per �veel:, $2.25 each 4��ek , e) Eulk pict;upe from comncrcial� instiCutians, and ott►er estAblishments� $3.50 each cu. yd. , • or traction thsreoi f) Pickup old appliances, furnituze and other miacellaneous i[ems. $7.50 minimum Por one pi.ecn �s:d $2.50 f.or cnch r;ddi•• ti.onal piecc: � g) One-fa:nily dwellin� with no limiC on the nunber of coutainera, ba�s, or bundles ,per wealc :or senior citi- zens, widows, and other low incone iFmiliec (I��rdship , cases) �;ho nake applicneion a7d a.e app:uved by the Solid 1daRle Collection Spcci.al Assistanco Co:s��iilcce. Thn City Council in�cnds Co Luba:Ldizn Che difturance bcCwcen thC 35� roCa and tl�e 75� rate, 40p per one- Eamily dwelling pez week, 35C �ac1i ����ek � Yeas Councilmen Nays Faaeed by lho Counel� IIuticr . Curlgon L�ravor Lev;»e . Ticrc:iith Against SprHfl;n 'J'edcsco rir. 1'residenx (D'IcCarty) Approved: ' Atl.est: ____�,'�� _._._____ City Clei.k , '' ,..,M�rvnr ..,;�;�;� ' i �. �. 1�'orin np�u�u��ed Cw�pw�nilun Conuaci IDy____._._'� � ---------- �. , �.� O�ISIn�t 1�G/�L1nk • ' • O � � J, � � .6V � � ri�J�tZ;i • ' • ' COUNCIL FILE NO ..._—----- � � PRESENTED BY Ro�er M. Conw�ty ORDINANCE NO ^ • 2 � h) Pickup f'rom the Housing & Redevelopment AuChozity, • the Independent School District �i625, and Parks & Playgrouada, and othcr governmental agencies on a � • force account basie, sub,ject to negotiation wiCh the pepartment o� Publia �'orks and epproval by , Councii Resolution. ' SECTION II Ratea ioc aolid waate coll.ection etiall bn char�eJ againet the premiins fot ahich tha aolid ��±asro ia coliected nnd Che owner of tha prami.sns sl��ll pAy euch rates wi.thin 30 daya o£Cer receivin� a bill tharefor fram thio Department of Public ldorks. 1'ha Depart�a^_nt of Pul�lic l•!orka ehall bill thc �xenisea served ' on a quarterly basis and if such retao aze not paid r:hen due� t�n Departa►enl' of ' Public k'orks may certify auch unpaid chargas to thn Ramsey Caunty Auditor ko be colleeted ae are otlier toxes fro:rt tha property sorved. Thooe aubacri.bing to Cha Oity coliection service must do ao for s minimum o! one calandar quartar� thres (3) u�ontha. Cancelletions k•ithin the three (3) monti� period w111 only be per- mitted iP the subscriLer muvea from the resi.dsnce. In the case o� cancallatioi�s where only a few piCk:upe have becn made and the admi�iatr�tive coat of the • bil�ing exceeda the feee �o be collected, thrn thc Departmant of Riblic 4'or{cs � may cancc�l the b�ll. . Tt►e rates for d one-famS.ly dwallin� upplies to only one family and two or moze tami�iea may not �raup toBstl�er And aign up ac ono customcr. _ � • SEGTI0:1 III Theso i.a hereby ereated a Solid t�;a$to Coliection 9peciel Asaiatance Coc�eaittee componed of tha Con:nisaionn; ot Publie ti'orka who al�ali be tt�e ChoiL-�r�an thereot, two o�hcei Ci.ty Co�unieaionexa to be appointod by the `iayor and approved • by the City Counci�.. The City Clerk shall ba the Sccratnry of cuch 5ol.id t�'asta Coileetion Special Aesi�tence Con�nittee. Once appoir�tcd� each of the men.bera of the said hardahip commickee wi.11 serve so long �s they hold their re�pectivo officea. ' After City reor$anization, June 6� 1972, the Solid Waste Calleeei.an Speeial Aasiat�nce Co.cmdl'tee shall bc com�aosed of threa City Councilmen to bc appointad by the Mayor and approved by �he Ciry Council. Onct of the City Council�nan shnll 6cs desi�nntad aa Cliairr.►an oi �he Speaial Assistance Canxn�.C�:eo. Tha City Clerk aha11 be tho Secretary o� such S{+ecial Assl.etanca Cur��nit:tee. Onca Appointad� each uf thn inembars of ehe 3pacial Aeaietanee CommiLtea adll eervo so long aa thny hold thair raspecCive o#kieep. ' gas�aally thn cotmaitten wi.11 roceivc and cithcr approve or disprova applf.cati.�na from aenior ci.tisana, widows, and o�hur low i.i�cann fomilies (l�ordship cases) Co qualify for Chn low 35� collocti.un rdte each week t►nd tlie eubaidy �rom �he City of Sxint Paul. Tho Committee w�ll bn nsked furtt�er to: • Yena Councilmen N+�ya' Paased by thn Counci� Butler Cxrlsqn In rnvor T,evine Mercdith A�ninet Spratka� - TcdeRCa ' Mr. Yresldent (DlcCarty) ' Approvc�l: , Aticat: City Clerk Mnyor ,r�..� � . rorm nt�n►'o��cd Carrorllion Couneel�y ,� ' OutMd N CIII�k � �. � � Jl.V .� RV �r � ��J�'J�i i;� , • , COUNCIL FILE NO ' ' PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO - - . 3 .. � Develop the cr�teria, standards� and qudlifications of afio will qualify Por the low collecCion rate and thc subsidy, will prcpare tho forms a��d insCruc- tions nnceasary foc making npplication to tha 9pocial Assistaiica Cocunittce, �;ill take tha necessary atepa to publicisc this to all citisens of th. Ci.ty oP Snint �eus�b3ec�wtolthc�e�ipp�pva��mpriorato�implemen�ation,Aby t�ic�CityrCouncil,�G°ing to SECTION IV ' i That adminietrative o�dinancn eeCabl,iahing ratoa for tha collectioa oi solid aaste, City Coancil Ordinanc� No. 14861, Council Filo No. 254509� appzoved �uiy 28, 1971� is hereby rescinded 1n i.ka etitiraCy. SLCTION V . 1'hia is an emor�ency ordinance rendored nccessary for the prnservaL•ion of the publie peace� health and safety. . SECTZON VI • !Chia ordinnnce sha7.1 be in �orce e.nd telco et'fact on Februn.ry 1, 197z• . • • Yeaa Councilmen Naye Paaeed by the Counctt =- Sutlar CArlson In Favor I.�svtno Ticrcdilh • , A�ninet Sprnf Icn • Tedeaco Mr. President (D4cCarty) Approvod: Ati.ost: � � � City Clcrk . Mnyur :1+ � � ' I ' � .� � ~� �. . .,•,lb:nruS�in�:v�d Cu��l�oiatian Cuun�cl I3y ' �, . � � GITY OF SAINT PAITL � o���� OFFIGE OF THE MAYOB ew � r�,` :,� Y�, -�. � �'r�, s' n..! January 31, 1972 '� �� CHA$LES P. MGCABTY MAYO R Honorable Merabers of the City Council City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Dear Commissioners : I hereby submit for your consideration and approval the appointments of Commissioner Rosalie L. Butler and Commissioner Leonard Levine to serve as members on the Solid Waste Collection Special Assistance Committee established by Chapter 319 of the St. Paul Legislative Code to determine certain criteria, standards and qualifications as spelled out in Section III of the attached Ordinance, Council File No. 256639 . Sincerely, �.�, CHARLES P. � Mayor CPM:lmp attachment _ _ . . ,: , ,•' � ' ods�aa a cur cf+tt ' ' 0 � � � � � � � .E.� �r'S`r.n.'� �c1J,le�; � ' ' COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY R� ar M. Conwa ORDINANCE NO -- » 2 •• h� Pickup from the 2iouaing & Redevciopment Authority, � the Independent School Diatrict �t625, nnd Farks 6 playgtounda, and othcr gov�rnmcntal agencies on a • • forccs account basis, subject to negotiatior with the DepartmenC of Public ��orks and approval by . Council Reeoluti.on. ' BECTION II Rates for solid waetn collection ahall bn cherEed e�6ninat the premisas for which the oolid waste ia collacted nnd thn owner of tha prami.soe si�all pay euch rattsa within 30 daya after recciving a bill thcrafor from.tt�o Departmant of Public Idorks. Thcs DspA1•t��ertt of Aablic �•'orks shall bill the prenises served ' on a quarterly bASis and iE such rates are not paid ��hen due, tha Depart�uanl of ' Public w'orka niay certify auch unpaid charges to thu R�+msey County Auditor to be collected as ara other taxes fro:n the property served. Those aubscri.bing to Che City collection service musC do so for n minimua� oE one calnndar quartnr, three (3) �ontha. Cancellationa within the three (3) montl� period will only be per- mitted 1f the subseribaz moves from thQ residenae. In tt�e case o� cencellations where only a few pickups hrsve been made and the adminiaCrativa coaC of the • billing exceeda the tees eo be collected, th�sn the DcpartmenClieaPtolonlW�one m�y cancal Che bill. . The raCea for �t one-family c;wollin� app Y family and two or �ora fami�iss may not �roup to�etlisr and aign u� as ono customer. _ � • SSCTIO:I III • There i.s hereby eraeted a Solid t�7asto Collection Spaciel Aeeiatance Committee compo:+ed o� the Co�r:nissione; oE Public Forks wt►o c�hall ba th� Cht►irsr.an thereoi, two ocl�er City Conu-nisaionara to ba appoirited by tl�a Mayor nnd approved • by tha Cit7 Council.. The Ci.ty Cierk shall be the Sncretery oE cuch Sol.id lJaate • Collection Spec�el Assistenee Connnittee. Once appointed. eech of the mea:bors of the said hardship cocmnittea will aerve ao lon� as they hold �heir respecti.ve offices. Aftar City rnorganization, June 6, 1972� the Solid Waste Coliocti.on Speeial Aasistnnce Co�mnitteo stsall bc cor,iposeJ of thzce City Councilmea to be appointed by the Mayor and approved by L•he City Council. One of tl�Q City Councilinon 6IlAl1 bQ doalEnatad Aa Ci�airr�nn o� Che Spe�c.i.al AasistAnce C��n�rai.t�eo. The City Clerk ahal� be the Secretary o� euch Speciai Asaietance Conu�i�toa. Once appointad� each o� the i:+o�abera of the 3pecial AaRi�stanca Con�mietea taill serva so long aa [hey hold their respeaCive officea. Sasically N�o coma�ittee wi.11 receive and either approva ot dieprove applications from senior citicena, widows. and ather low i.t�come fnmiliea (liardahip cases) Co qualify for tl�e low 35� collectiun rate each week and t}ie aubsl.dy from Che City of Saint Paul. The Conenitten wl�11 bn asked Lurtlier to: . yeas Councilmen Nnys' Paasod by tho CouncSl Butler Carlson In I�'avor I,cvfno . A ninst Meredith ' � Spruf lu► Tcdesco ' Mr. Yresident (DlcCarty) Approved: . Ati,estt • Ctty Clerk . Mnyor �`�"'� • r,...�., ���nrnved Cernorntion (:ounr�ol I3Y ,� ' On�M�I N CIIf G1a� � • 0 �. � � k�l' � �1' �°► � `��- , ' "' ,..�����, ` .. . COUNCiI FILE NO ' ° PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO _ - . 3 - Develop the criteria, standards, and quali.ticati.ons o! Ffio Will qualify for the low collection rate and the subeidy, will prepare the fonns and inatruc» tione nccessary for`making Application to the Special Assiatanco Cocnmittae, hill • take tha necesaary atepe to publicize this to ail citizens of tha CiCy oL• Saint paul and wi11 devel.op a timetnbie for the imrlempntneion all of tho foregoinQ to b� si�b�ect to the approval� prior to implementation� by t�ie City Council. SE�TION IV � i Z'hat admini�crative ordinance eatabiishing rates Por tha collcsetian o! solid wsate, City Council Ordinance No. 14861, Council Filo ho. 254509, approved July 28� 1971, is hareby resClnded in i.ts entirety. � SECTION V . �'his is an emergency ordine�nce rendered necessary for the prescrvaL•ion ot' the publie peaeo� health and safety. . SECTION YI . Thi� ordinanc4 sha]1 be !n �'orce and �C�+1ce effect on Februe�ry 1� 1972• . • Yeaa Councilmen Naya Passed by the Council Butler In Favor Cs�r)son I,evine A gnlnst A7eredlth ' Sprnflcn ' • Tedesco Mr. President (11icCarty) Approved: Ai;l;cal: , . , City Clcrk . MnYur ��� , � . � :,�• � � . . �••Tai��frus�qn•av��C�►'��o�z�tlon Cuut►��I Iiy ;� .