257231 ��,a� �e ....%���3� No.. .... � PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and ���- PRELIMINARY ORDER. T6eundereignedhereby propoeeetl�emalcin�of thefollowingpubiioimprovament by the City ot 8sint P�ul�ris.: In the matter of constructtng a pubtic stonn sewer in Howard Street from East Fourth Street to W� lson Avenue; in Conway Street from Howard Street to Towe� Street; i� Ho��rard Court from �ioward Street to an easement to b� obtained within the Conway Height Rec�eation Center property on, over, across and through that part of the NE�, SE�, Sec. 35 - T29N - R22W, the centerline of said easement being 15 feet northwesteriy of and parallel to the northwesteriy lines af �ots i and i6, Block 4, Sun ftay �'errace Add. No. 1 an� extending from Wilson Avenue to the west line of Lot 4, �lock 3, Sun Ray Terrace Add. No. 1 ; i;� an easement to be obtained within the Conway Height Recreation Center property on, over, , across and througn tnat parL of �h� NE�,SE�, Sec. 35 - T29N - lt22W, the centerline of said easem�nt being 15 feet northwesterly of and paraliei to the northwesterly lines of Lots 1 and 16, Block 4, Sun Ray Terrace Add. No. i and extending f rom Wiison Avenue to the west line of Lot 4, Block 3, Sun Ray Terrace Add. No. 1 from Howard Court to Wilson Avenue; in Wilson Avenue from an easement to be obtained within the ComNay Height Recreation Center property on, over, across � �. and through that part of the NE�, S��, Sec. 35 - T29N - R22W, the centerline of said easement being 15 feet northwesterly of arad paraiiel to the northwesterly lines � of �,ots i and 16, Block 4, Sun Ray Terrace Add. No. 1 and extending from Wilson Avenue to the west line of Lot 4, Block 3, Sun Ray Terrace Add. No. i . to Hazel Street; in Pedersen Street from 290' soutn of Wilson Avenue to Wilson Avenue; in East Fourth Street from Winthrop Street to Pedersen Street; in Pedersen Street from East Fifth Street to Conway Street ; in Conway Sfreet Trom Ruth Street to 480 feet east of Pedersen Street; in Fremont Avenue from 480 feet east of Pedersen Street to Haze1 Street; in Hazel Street from Fremont Avenue to Oid Hudson Road; in Hazel Street (Produced) from Old Hudson Road to Suburban Avenue; and then outletting in that part of the Northwest � of th� Northwest � of Section 2, T. 28N, R. 22W, lying Nortf�erly of Bacchus St. Paul Hilis, Bisanz Bros. Battle Creek Ter�ace No. 3, and Hazel Street; also that part of the Southwest � of the Southwest � of 5ection 35, T. 29N, R.22W, lying Southerly of Suburban Avenue. All to be known as the PEDERSEN-TFlIRD RELIEF SEWER SYSTEM. -- __..,..� and through that part of the NE�, SE�, Sec. 35 - T29N - R22W, the centerline of said easeme�t being 15 feet northwesterly ofi and parallel to the northwesterly Iines of i,ots 1 and 16, Biock 4, Sun Ray Te�race Add. No. 1 and extending from Wilson Avenue to the west 1 �ne of Lot 4, Block 3, Sun Ray Terrace Add. No. 1 . to Hazel Street; in Pedersen Street from 290' south of Wi ]son Avenue to Wilson avenue; in East Fourth Street from Winthrop Street to Peders8n Street; in Pedersen Street from East Fifth Street to Conway Street; in Conway Street from Ruth Street to 480 feet east of Pedersen Street; in Fremont Avenue from 480 feet east of , Pedersen Street to Hazel Street; in Hazel Street from Fremont Avenue to Old Hudson Road; in Hazel Street (Produced) from dld Hudson Road to Suburban Avenue; and then outletting in that part of the Northwest � of th� Northwest � of Section 2, T. 28N, R. 22W, lying Northerty of Bacchus St. Paul Hills, Bisanz Bros. Battle Creek Terrace No. 3, and Hazel Street; also that part of the Southwest � of the Southwest � of Secti�n 35, T. 291V, R.22W, lying Southerly of Suburban Avenue. All to be known as the PEDERSEN-THIRD RELIEF SEWER SYSTEM. �_� �- ru6�I�HEU �� 5 1972