257230 �����;3�� CounoU File No....�`.,y PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMYNARY ORDER. T6euadereignedhereby propoaeethemalcingof thefollowingpubliaimpmvement by the City ot 8sint Psul�vis.: coa�,emn...and_.xake_an_.�easEeo�nL...i.n..th�...1,�a�..�t����CX...f.QC..�l�e_,s i opes,,_.cuts._and f i 11 s,.. i nc 1 ud i ng ci.9b.�..Q.f...r.�.r.a.l...Qf__L��.�Lr�l...�4tpR�!'.�..frQm,.sub,ject,_land,_or,_remainder _thereof, occasioned by . ..................... .......•- .... �y,��ions..thereof or construction of slopes,_in the_.�rading and surfacing with bituminous ..... ..... ..... ..... .._.................................................... �� ' W 11 in BLK. 2 J. W. 6ASS' SUB. fram Newcorub St. to Atlantic St. r.��.1...th�..��.�.-..��t..�....�x........................x...........---........._...... .... -- (G-1682) .. _...... .......................................•------........... Dseedthis........................day og....................................................�........._.............. 1� ....... ....Ra��r..M....CQ».�taY___.......................... ._. ..........._.. ........ ...... Counoilmsn. PRELIMINARY O1tDElt. WHEREA$, A written propoeal for the making of the following imprnvement, vi�.: �r���mn..�n�...�ak�..�c�..e��ea�n�...tn..�.h�...a.��d_.�g�g�sarx„for._the.,si_opes_,.,cuts:.and filis, including ri�ht._of._remoyal. of lateral support _from sub,ject,,.land or ren+ainder thereof, occasioned by .... .--• •--• •---. ...... ............•...................................................•---•----• excavations thereof or constraction of slo�es in the gcading and surfacing with bituminous ...........................................................................___.--•--........... _..---•--....._.................------._......_..._........---.............. material the East-West Alley._,in._BLK._..2.:._J._.W.___BASS' SUB. from Newcomb St. to Atlantic St. .. ..._.....-•........................................ ...._....._...................._..._...•--.._...--•-----...........----........_...... (G-1682) 6sving been preeented to the �Council of the City of Saint Paul...................................................................................... therefore, be it RE80LVED, That the Commissioner of Publio Worke be and ie hereby ordered snd dIreoted: 1. To investigate the necesaity for, or deairability of, the making of eaid improvement. 2. To inveetigate the nature� extent and oatimated coet of aaid improvement� and the totsl uoet thereof. 3. To furnieh a plan, profile or eketch of said improvement. • 4. To etste whether or no�eaid improvement ie aeked iEor on �the petitiom of three �ar more� owners. 5. To report upon all of P,he jre�oip��nax.tA� to the �mmieeioaer of F�nanoe. AN 6 v �►��►� Adoptedby the �:ounail............................................................................ Yr�►e Counc i lman Bu��er� �N 3 �, �� �K�AFk Conway Approve�.........................................................................._ Levine Meredith S praf ka Tedesco .................._._................---•--- .... ....._.._,.._.... ...._----- Mr. President McCarty May �000 7�34 000 _ C� _ �=� PUBL ED FEB �J 19�